Purpose of CPUID Utility for Windows*
The Intel CPUID Utility for
Windows* allows Windows 95 and Windows NT*
users to identify what type of Intel
microprocessor they have contained in their
system. It is not intended to identify
microprocessors manufactured by companies
other than Intel nor is it intended to detect
the speed of your Intel microprocessor.
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Utility for Windows* Works
The Intel CPUID Utility for Windows*
searches your processor for a precise
instruction string embedded in your
processor. This instruction string is present
on processors that were introduced after the
processor. It is also included in some
versions of the Intel386ä
and the Intel486ä
processors. This instruction string is
"read" by this utility and the
output is translated by the utility into
terms and information that can be understood.
Once you have downloaded the utility to your
hard drive or to a floppy disk, you can
execute the utility by expanding the file and
then clicking on the ".exe" file.
This will launch the utility and detected
information about your processor will be
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Provided by CPUID Utility
for Windows*
The Intel CPUID Utility for
Windows* provides the following information
to help identify your Intel microprocessor:
The utility will display "Genuine
Intel" in the situation where it
detects the "GenuineIntel"
ASCII text string in the CPUID signature
of the processor in your system. This
confirms that your system contains an
Intel microprocessor. If the utility
doesnt detect this string of text,
one of two messages will be displayed,
depending upon the other information that
is provided in the CPUID string.
Note #1: The Intel CPUID Utility
for Windows is intended to identify only
Genuine Intel® microprocessors.
Note #2: For Intel 386DXä and
early versions of the Intel 486ä
processor family, the CPUID instruction
string on the processor did not carry
manufacturer information. The list
includes the following processors:
- All Intel386ä
- Some IntelDX2ä
- Some Intel486ä
DX processors
- Some Intel486ä
SX processors
The utility provides
the name of the microprocessor, or
the "marketing name" for
the Genuine IntelÒ processor contained
in your system (e.g. an Intel PentiumÒ processor).
Note that if the utility is unable to
detect the "GenuineIntel"
ASCII text string, it will not return
any information.
The utility describes the type of
the Genuine Intel processor contained
in your system (e.g. Upgrade such as
an IntelÒ OverDriveÒ
processor). The processor type
indicates whether the processor is a
single processor, dual processor, or
an Intel OverDrive processor.
The utility describes
the family number of the Genuine
Intel processor contained in your
system (e.g. Family 5 at the time of
this documentation includes the
processor and the PentiumÒ processor
with MMXä
technology). This information can be
useful when validating information
from the "Quick Reference
Guide" that is available for the
specific family of your processor.
The utility describes
the model number of the Genuine Intel
processor contained in your system
(e.g. Model 4). Model number is used
along with family to determine which
specific processor your computer
The utility describes
the production stepping of the
Genuine Intel processor contained in
your system (e.g. Stepping 4).
Stepping is used to indicate that a
"revision" has been made to
the processor. In most cases, a new
processor is first shipped with an
"A" stepping, though this
isnt always the case. Then, as
revisions and changes are made, they
are incorporated into later steppings
of the processor. By using unique
steppings, it facilitates change
control and tracking, and also allows
the user to identify more
specifically which version of the
processor their system contains.
If your system contains a
Pentium® Pro or Pentium® II
processor, the utility displays
information about the amount of Level
1 and Level 2 Cache present. If your
system does not contain a Pentium®
Pro or Pentium® II processor, this
information will not be displayed.
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- Microprocessor: Intel486ä processor or higher
- Operating System:
Windows 95*, Windows NT* 3.5 or
- Storage: 1.5 MB free
disk space
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More Information on
CPUID and Intel Microprocessors
You can find
additional detailed information about Intel
microprocessors in the specification updates
and Quick Reference Guides located at the
following URL's: