What's New in Version 2.4 Build P98007
The Intel FORTRAN Compiler version 2.4 build P98007 is primarily a bug-fix release.
The following are changes since the previous build (build P97241) of the compiler:
- Local DATA variables now correctly retain
their values on subsequent calls. [trk5317]
- The OPEN library routine has been modified so that a line break is
recognized when ACCESS=APPEND is specified. [trk5456]
- The Intel FORTRAN Compiler supports generation of source
browser files (.SBR files), if the Microsoft FORTRAN Powerstation Compiler
is installed, by invoking the Microsoft FORTRAN Powerstation Compiler to
generate the .SBR file whenever source browser file generation is requested.
The Intel FORTRAN Compiler is still used for source compilation in this case. [trk5158]
Version 2.4 Build P97241
The Intel FORTRAN Compiler version 2.4 build P97241 was primarily a bug-fix release.
The following change was made since the previous build (build P97162) of the compiler:
- The multi-thread version of the FORTRAN I/O library, libI77mt.lib, has been fixed
so that a C function that calls initialize_fortran_io() will link successfully. [trk4940]
Version 2.4 Build P97162
The Intel FORTRAN Compiler version 2.4 build P97162 offered the following features:
- Compiler designed to operate as a plug-in to the Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
- -4Ya, automatic variables:
Allows you to keep local variables on the
stack, instead of on heap storage; also provides separate and
safe access to local variables from different threads running the same subprogram.
- -Qdyncom=list_of_common_block_names, dynamic common blocks:
Allows you to specify common blocks that are to be dynamically allocated at
run-time, instead of the static-size common blocks.
- -G6, processor selection:
Generates code optimized for the Pentium® II processor.