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Application Note

Using MMX™ Instructions to
Implement 2D Sprite Overlay

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  • 2.1. Sprite Engine
  • 2.2. Sprite Overlay Core


  • 3.1. Scalar Performance
  • 3.2. MMX™ Technology Performance



    The Intel Architecture (IA) media extensions include single-instruction, multi-data (SIMD) instructions. This application note presents examples of code that exploits these instructions.

    Sprites are computer characters which generally appear in the foreground. They are implemented by overlaying small sprite images on a large background image. Characters do not cover the entire sprite image, which is usually rectangular, so some parts of the image are transparent.

    Methods for implementing sprites differ depending on the application. The MMXTM technology. Sprite Overlay function described here uses a read-modify-write approach. The function reads the background under the sprite from video memory and uses the new pcmpeqb instruction to construct a mask which permits the background to show through transparent regions of the sprite image. Eight sprite pixels and eight background pixels are combined with the MMX instruction sequence pcmpeqb, pand and por without any branches. This function writes only in the region covered by the sprite.

    This approach to implementing sprites cannot be used in systems with video cards which do not permit reading directly from video memory. In systems in which direct access is permitted the approach works best for a single small sprite because reading from video memory is slow. When more than one sprite are implemented those in back must be written first so that if sprites overlap those in front will overwrite appropriate parts of sprites in back by treating them as background.

    More complex applications implement sprites differently. One approach used in applications with several sprites is to write the entire scene from back to front every time. Only valid sprite pixels are written. If a sprite does not change the number of branches can be reduced by branching to a location which represents several branches. This can be done with codes which indicate which sprite pixels are valid. For example, there are sixteen possible combinations of valid and not valid pixels for a group of four pixels. Branching to one of sixteen locations which represents a sequence of valid and not valid values eliminates three out of four branches. Further information about sprites is available in Zen of Graphics Programming by Michael Abrash, and Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus by LaMothe, Ratcliff, Seminatore and Tyler.


    The overlay function is one of several functions called by a sprite engine to control sprites.

    2.1. Sprite Engine

    The skeleton of a simple sprite engine for a single sprite which describes how an overlay function is related to other sprite functions is shown in Example 1. There are two basic phases in the main loop of this engine for a single sprite. The first of these is the control phase, and the second is the draw phase. The control phase determines when, where, and what to draw, and the draw phase restores the original background which the sprite has overwritten and redraws the sprite with the overlay function. The engine in Example 1 makes a character appear alive by moving and animating it. The sprite is moved by drawing it in a different location on the background, and it is animated by drawing a different frame so parts of its body appear to move. This simple engine animates the sprite by drawing the next frame in a sequence. Sophisticated sprite engines take into account factors such as collisions with features in the background and other sprites and 3D modeling.

    More than one sprite can be implemented in the sprite engine in Example 1 by changing the structure of the main while loop so there is an outer loop with an inner loop which replaces the background followed an inner loop which draws the sprites with the Sprite Overlay function. The Sprite Overlay pseudocode function and the corresponding sprite_overlay MMX function call save the background behind the sprite in a buffer before the sprite is written, so the background can be restored. If there are several sprites the background of a sprite may include part of a sprite behind it. Therefore, the loop which restores the background should draw the backgrounds saved in buffers from front to back, and the loop which overlays the sprites should draw the sprites from back to front.

    Example 1. Skeleton of a Simple Engine for a Single Sprite
    //Some Structures
    typedef struct image_type {
    //information about images and a pointer to the image buffer
    }Image, *ImagePtr;
    type struct sprite_type
    	int x_cur, y_cur;		//current position
    	int x_old, y_old;		//previous position
    	int width, height;		//sprite size
    	int move_period, move_count;	//loops until moved
    	int animate_period, animate_count; //loops per frame
    	int frame_total, frame_count //frame currently displayed
    	char * sprite_background;    //background under sprite
    	char * frame[NumberSpriteFrames];
    	int state;
    }Sprite, *SpritePtr;
    //Some Variables 
    Image  background, sprites;
    Sprite thesprite;
    //Display Sprite
    	SetVideoMode(mode);	//set VGA card mode 
    	//Read in background image and display it on the screen.
    	AllocateBuffer((ImagePtr)&background, ScreenWidth*ScreenHeight);
    	DisplayBuffer((ImagePtr)&background, ScreenWidth*ScreenHeight);
    	//Initialize sprite structure. Transfer sprite images from large image.
    	AllocateBuffer((ImagePtr)&sprites, NumberSpriteFrames*
    	InitializeSpriteMotion((SpritePtr)&current_frame, x, y, 
    		move_period, move_count,animate_period, animate_count);
    	 	(SpritePtr)&theprite, NumberSpriteFrames);
    	//Save background under  sprite, and draw the first sprite frame.
    	//Main Loop
    	while(thesprite.state == ALIVE) {
    		if(++thesprite.animate_count > 	//test for draw new frame
    			thesprite.animate_period) {
    			thesprite.animate_count = 0; //reset animation counter
    			if(++frame_count > frame_total) {
    				thesprite.frame_count = 0;  }//reset frame number
    			draw_flag = 1;
    		if(++thesprite.move_count > thesprite.move_period)	{ 
    			thesprite.move_count = 0;  //reset move counter
    			move_flag = draw_flag = 1;
    		if(move_flag) { //determine where to draw the sprite
    			SpritePosition((SpritPtr)&thesprite);  //update position 
    			if(thesprite.state == DEAD) draw_flag = 0;
    		if(draw_flag) {
    			draw_flag = move_flag = 0;  //reset flags			

    2.2. Sprite Overlay Core

    Figure 1 illustrates the flow of MMX instructions used to draw sprite pixels which are not transparent. Transparent pixels have values equal to zero. The example shows a case in which the lower 4 bytes (those on the right) are transparent and the upper 4 are not transparent. The first step sprite data are compared with mask data equal to zero using the pcmpeqb instruction. In cases in which the corresponding bytes of sprite data are zero, the mask data are changed to ff, and in cases in which the corresponding bytes of sprite data are not zero, the mask data remain equal to zero. The second step the mask and background data are combined with the pand instruction. This step retains background data in locations where the sprite data is zero, and sets background data equal to zero in locations where sprite data is not zero. The third step the sprite and background data are combined with the por instruction.

    Figure 1. Flow of Sprite Overlay Core

    The core of the sprite overlay code is listed in Example 2. Sprite data is loaded in instruction 3 and background data is loaded in instruction 5. Values of the mask are initialized to zero in instruction 4, and values are set to ff where the sprite is transparent in instruction 6. In instruction 8 mask values which were equal to ff are set equal to values of the background data, and mask values which were equal to zero remain zero. Sprite data and background data are combined in instruction 10, and written to the video buffer in instruction 12. Background data which is overwritten by sprite data is saved in instruction 11.

    Background data is saved so that the background can be restored when the sprite is moved.

    Example 2. Sprite Overlay Core

    1	add	ebx, 8		;counter for buffer region under sprite
    2	add	ecx, 8		;counter for video address to write sprite
    3	movq	mm0, [eax]	;read sprite
    4	pxor	mm7, mm7	;zero in mm7 which is the mask
    5	movq	mm1, [ecx]	;read background under sprite
    6	pcmpeqb mm7, mm0	;make mask where sprite is transparent
    7	add	eax, 8		;counter for sprite buffer
    8	pand	mm7, mm1	;pixels of region under sprite to draw
    9	add	ebp, 8		;increment inner loop counter
    10	por	mm7, mm0	;combine sprite and background
    11	movq	[ebx], mm1	;save background overwritten by sprite
    12	movq	[ecx], mm7	;write sprite
    13	cmp	ebp, edi	;done with current sprite row?
    14	jne	LoopTop


    Several factors make comparison of the MMX technology performance and scalar performance of sprite overlay functions difficult. One factor is reading video data is system dependent. A second factor is that sprite overlay functions tend to be optimized for the application for which they are written, so sprite overlay performance varies from application to application.

    3.1. Scalar Performance

    A section of scalar code which handles the transparency problem in a manner similar to the MMX code in Example 2 is shown in Example 3. The loop processes four pixels. This code does not represent optimized scalar code which would be used to implement sprites. Rather it contrasts the efficiency of scalar code and MMX code when scalar code implements sprite overlay in a manner similar to the method used by the MMX code presented here.

    Example 3. Scalar Sprite Overlay Core

    	mov	eax, [ebx]		;4 pixels sprite data 
    	mov 	ecx, [edx]		;4 pixels background data to ecx 
    	xor	ebp, ebp		;0->ebp. ebp holds sprite overlay results
    	mov	[edi], ecx		;store background 
    	add	ebx, 4			;increment sprite address
    	mov 	esi, 0x000000ff		;load mask
    	and	esi, eax		;determine if pixel is transparent
    	jz	Position1		;jump to position 1 if transparent
    	or	ebp, esi		;first pixel of sprite in sprite overlay
    	jmp	Position2		;do the next pixel
    	mov	esi, 0x000000ff		;reload mask
    	and	esi, ecx		;first pixel of background in esi
    	or	ebp, esi		;background in sprite overlay
    	add	edi, 4			;increment background address 
    	mov	[edx], ebp		;write sprite overlay 
    	add	edx, 4			;increment video address
    	jnz	Position0

    3.2. MMX™ Technology Performance

    Instructions in the inner loop take eight clocks to execute which is equivalent to one clock per pixel if reading from video memory is not taken into account.

    Misaligned 64-bit accesses have a three clock penalty. The code presented here does nothing to avoid this problem. Misalignment can often be avoided, but there is a generally a cost. For example, instead of a single sprite image for a particular sprite there could be eight images each with the valid pixels shifted with respect to each other along rows. The sprite engine would choose the sprite with no misalignment penalty. Costs of this method include one additional pass through the overlay loop each row because the width of the sprite would increase, overhead to determine which sprite to call and memory required for seven extra sprite images.

    MMX technology benefits are due to several factors:


    ;sprite overlay
    ;This function assumes that the width of the sprite is divisible by 8
    	TITLE testmmx
    .model FLAT
    PUBLIC _sprite_overlay
    _spritePtr$	= 8		;the sprite
    _backPtr$	= 12		;buffer to save region under sprite 
    _videoPtr$	= 16		;video buffer with large background
    _offset_video$	= 20		;offset from beginning of video buffer
    _width_screen$	= 24		;width of large background image
    _width_sprite$	= 28
    _height_sprite$	= 32
    _sprite_overlay PROC NEAR
    	push ebp
    	mov ebp, esp
    	push eax
    	push ebx
    	push ecx
    	push edx
    	push esi
    	push edi
    	mov ecx, _videoPtr$[ebp]
    	mov edi, _offset_video$[ebp]
    	mov edx, _width_screen$[ebp]
    	add ecx, edi
    	mov eax, _spritePtr$[ebp]
    	mov ebx, _backPtr$[ebp]
    	mov edi, _width_sprite$[ebp]
    	mov esi, _height_sprite$[ebp]
    	sub edx, edi
    	xor ebp, ebp
    	sub ebx, 8
    	sub ecx, 8
    	add	ebx, 8		;counter for buffer region under sprite
    	add	ecx, 8		;counter for video address to write sprite
    	movq	mm0, [eax]	;read sprite
    	pxor	mm7, mm7	;zero in mm7
    	movq	mm1, [ecx]	;read background under sprite
    	pcmpeqb	mm7, mm0	;make mask where sprite is transparent
    	add	eax, 8		;counter for sprite buffer
    	pand	mm7, mm1	;pixels of region under sprite to draw
    	add	ebp, 8		;inner loop counter
    	por	mm7, mm0	;combine sprite and background
    	movq	[ebx], mm1	;save background overwritten by sprite
    	movq	[ecx], mm7	;write sprite overlay results
    	cmp	ebp, edi	;done with current sprite row?
    	jne	LoopTop
    	add	ecx, edx	;advance region to next buffer row
    	xor	ebp, ebp	;reset inner loop counter
    	dec	esi		;last row of sprite ?
    	jnz	LoopTop
    	pop edi
    	pop esi
    	pop edx
    	pop ecx
    	pop ebx
    	pop eax
    	pop ebp
    	ret 0
    _sprite_overlay ENDP

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