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Application Note

16-bit Alpha Blending Using an 8-bit Mask

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This application note will cover the optimization techniques used to implement 16-bit alpha blending with a predefined 8-bit mask using MMXTM Technology for Microsoft* DirectDraw. 16-bit alpha blending using 8-bit masks is normally used in image manipulation and anti-aliasing sprites for games. The 16-bit alpha blending routine uses MMX Technology to calculate the alpha blending result for four pixels (per iteration) using 16-bit source, 16-bit destination, and 8-bit alpha bitmaps. This appnote will provide an overview of the alpha blending equation, implementation/optimization techniques for 16-bit RGB alpha blending on a Pentium II(R) Processor, performance results, and functions for 565 and 555 color space alpha blending. The functions provided in this appnote are optimized to work with DirectDraw surfaces in system memory on Pentium II Processors. For a general coverage of alpha blending using MMX Technology please refer to the appnote Using MMX TM Instructions to Implement Alpha Blending.


2.1. Overview

The technique for alpha blending uses the simple mathmatical function:

Figure 1: Floating Point Alpha Blend Equation

Where the values for C are either the red, green, or blue component of a pixel in the source and destination image. The subscript s denotes the source color and d denotes the destination color. In this equation the source pixels are multiplied by an alpha factor A while the destination pixels are multiplied by the inverse alpha value (1-A). The range for the alpha value in A is between zero and one. Each color component (R,G,B) must have the same dynamic range for the source and destination bitmap (i.e. five bits for red in source and destination). However dynamic ranges between color components (i.e. Red is five bits and Green is six bits) within a pixel need not be the same.

2.2. Implementation & Optimzation

This section describes the various aspects of writing the 16-bit alpha blending routine shown in the Appendix. These factors consist of the make up of function inputs, video hardware, pixel data storage and arrangement, Pentium II Processor cache and instruction execution, integer alpha blending calculations, MMX Technology implementation, work reduction, and video surfaces.

2.2.1. Function Input

The inputs for both alpha blending routines consist of the memory location, pitch for a row of pixels, and coordinates for the alpha, source, and destination bitmaps (shown in Figure 2). These attributes can be obtained from the DirectDraw data structure DDSURFACEDESC after a call to lock the DirectDraw surface. For the function to work properly the alpha mask must have a one to one mapping with the source surface. The alpha blending is bounded by iDstW(width) and iDstH(height) which limit the operation to a rectangular area for the alpha mask, source bitmap, and destination bitmap.

  void ablend_555(unsigned char *lpAlpha,unsigned int iAlpPitch,
unsigned char *lpSrc,unsigned int iSrcX, unsigned int iSrcY,
unsigned int iSrcPitch, unsigned char *lpDst,
unsigned int iDstX, unsigned int iDstY,
unsigned int iDstW, unsigned int iDstH,
unsigned int iDstPitch)

Figure 2: 555 Alpha Blending Function Prototype

2.2.2. Video Hardware

The make up of the video hardware affects the display of the resulting alpha blended image. The image must conform to the bit allocations for the video hardware so that the surface is displayed properly. There are two methods to represent 16-bit color in video hardware. Both methods 555 and 565 describe bit allocations for the RGB color components that make up a pixel. In the case of 555, each color component is allocated five bits with the most significant bit left unused. For 565 the extra bit is use in the green component. The arrangement of color components (either RGB or BRG) is dependent on the implementation of the video hardware.

2.2.3. Pixel Data Arrangement

In DirectDraw applications, the pixel format is video card dependent and stored sequentially in RGB format. This applies to the source and destination bitmaps which use 16-bit RGB color. The alpha mask is stored in memory in eight bit format independent of the video hardware. Knowledge of bitmap and mask storage is useful when attempting to access the pixels for alpha blending via surface pointers. In DirectDraw, surfaces are allocated on four byte boundaries for each row of pixels. A surface that does not fit in the four byte boundaries is padded with extra bytes. For example a DirectDraw surface with dimensions of 23 pixels wide, 23 pixels high, and 16-bit depth, will create a span of 46 bytes per row (23 pixels*2 bytes). However when DirectDraw allocates the memory it will create a surface with a pitch of 48 bytes per row to maintain four byte alignement. Thus the width of some bitmaps will not correspond to the amount of actual system or video memory used by a row of pixels. The padding will skew the pixel accesses for each successive line. To correct the problem pitch is used to advance the surface pointer to the next line of the image.

2.2.4. Pentium II(R) Processor

The two significant features of the Pentium II Processor affecting the implementation of the alpha blending algorithm, are non-aligned cache line access, and dynamic instruction execution. A non-aligned cache line access occurs when an application accesses data on a cache line that is not four byte aligned. For example, when an application accesses a single byte at the beginning of a cache line and then proceeds to access a word or dword, a non-aligned access occurs. On a Pentium Processor with MMX Technology this non-aligned cache line access causes a one cycle penalty each time the data is read from the cache. The Pentium II Processor allows non-aligned cache line accesses without a penalty. Therefore pre and post alignment of data accesses is no longer necessary. The Pentium II Processor also utilizes dynamic execution with instruction look ahead to determine instructions for execution in its five execution units thus doing away with the need for pairing optimizations. Assembly instructions written for the Pentium II Processor will no longer require pre/post data alignment code and pairing optimizations in MMX Technology code.

2.2.5. Integer Calculations

The equation for alpha blending discussed in Section 2.1 showed that the alpha value was a floating point number between zero and one. However the data for the alpha mask, as well as the source and destination bitmaps are represented in integer format. Since the conversion of each value to floating point for the equation would cost too many cycles, the alpha blending algorithm utilizes an integer scaling factor to calculate color components in integer format. An indepth discussion of integer scaling is described in the November 1995 issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications article ,"Three Wrongs Make a Right" by James F. Blinn. By applying the integer scaling method described in the article, the 555 alpha blending algorithm is reduced to the simple series of shifts and multiplies shown in Figure 3. The alpha value A, which is in eight bits, is scaled by shifting right three bits to a five bit integer.

C1= Cs*(A)+(31-A)*Cd
Figure 3: 5-Bit Integer Alpha Blend Equation

In the case of 565 alpha blending, the green component utilizes the six bit integer alpha blending equation shown in Figure 4. The alpha value A is scaled to a six bit integer by shifting right by two bits.

C1= Cs*(A)+(63-A)*Cd
Figure 4: 6-Bit Integer Alpha Blend Equation

2.2.6. Work Reduction

There are two optimizations that improve the performance of the alpha blending by reducing the amount of instructions to be executed. In the first method early out testing, the algorithm takes into account the fact that the alpha blending equation will display destination pixels when the alpha mask is zero and source pixels when the alpha mask is a five or six bit run of ones. By using a simple two dword comparison for a run of zeros and ones the alpha blending equation can be skipped. This method works well for long runs of ones or zeros in the alpha mask (such as a large control panel that is alpha blended against a background image). The second method, pre-processing alpha masks, require that each alpha mask be reduced to the dynamic range of each color component. For 555 alpha blend routine the alpha mask can be preprocessed to a five bit mask value to avoid the in function shift. For the 565 alpha blend algorithm two preproccessed masks are required -- one for five bits (for red and blue calculations) and six bits (for green calculations). This technique was not used in the alpha blending functions below because it is easier to generate an eight bit alpha mask for use in both 565 and 555 alpha blending routines.

2.2.7. Video Surfaces

The functions provided in the Appendix will operate on surfaces allocated in system or video memory. However when applied to video surfaces (either as a source, destination or both) there will be a significant performance degradation. The degradation occurs when video memory is accessed by the PCI bus from a PCI video card. Every request for a pixel in video memory is passed through the PCI bus which is significantly slower than the memory bus. This is also compounded by non-cacheable video memory so that every time the pixel is reused (such as the case for isolating the RGB components of the pixel in the algorithm below) a request is places on the PCI bus for the pixel information. There are two solutions for resolving the performance bottleneck. The first solution is to apply alpha blending to surfaces allocated in system memory and then copy the completed image into video memory. Thus the PCI bus is only used for large block transfers to video memory. If the surfaces must remain in video memory then all requests for pixel information on video surfaces should be cached. For example, the first request for a pixel from a video surface should read multiple bytes into a temporary storage location in system memory, while subsequent access to the video surface is directed to the cache area.

2.2.8. MMXTM Technology

The MMX Technology implementation takes advantage of work reduction and integer calculations to create resulting alpha blended pixel map. The SIMD instructions read in four values from the alpha stream to determine if the four runs of pixels require alpha blending. For pixel runs that require alpha blending the integer equation is applied to the source and destination pixel streams. The MMX Technology data flow is shown in Figure 5 for the green component implementation in the five bit alpha blending algorithm. This is an exact replication of the integer equation shown in Figure 3.

Figure 5: MMX Technology Data Flow for Green Component Alpha Blend



The following test results were obtained from a prototype 233MHz Pentium II using system memory blocks ranging from 2k to 64k in size. Both source and destination surfaces were allocated the same sized memory blocks. The source was zero filled and the destination was filled by the maximum pixel value (0x7FFF for 555 pixels and 0xFFFF for 565 pixels). The eight bit alpha values used in the calculations were randomly generated. The two routines, 565 and 555 alpha blending, generated very similar test results. Therefore the results of both routines were approximated to generate a combined MMX Technology result versus scalar assembly performance shown in Figure 6. The performance of the MMX Technology routines were between four to five times faster than the scalar assembly routine. For small pixel runs the benefits of MMX Technology is minor compared to scalar assembly because of the data setup overhead for alpha blend values and pixel component manipulation. With larger runs of pixels the benefits of work reduction and SIMD shows in the cases of 8K to 64K block which translate to sixteen bit pixel blocks of 64x64 to 256x128.

Figure 6: Alpha Blending Vs. Memory Block Size on a Pentium II Processor


16-bit alpha blending routine with an 8-bit mask produces a performance boost on the Pentium II processor when the optimizations discussed in Section 2.2 are implemented. This was shown in Section 3.0, where the performance boost was between four to five times faster than the equivalent assembly routine. MMXTM Technology was the primary contributor to the speed increase by processing four pixels per loop iteration. However the Pentium II Processor eased code implementation by dispensing the need for pairing instructions (by using dynamic execution) and aligned cache line accesses for surfaces in system memory. The combinatory effect is an algorithm that is significantly faster than its scalar assembly counterpart.


5.1. 555 Alpha Blending Code Listing

/*Alpha blending routine for 555 video hardware
	lpAlpha=Pointer to location of 8-bit alpha mask
	iAlpPitch=The span of a row in the alpha mask
	lpSrc=Pointer to location of 16-bit 555 source bitmap
	iSrcX=Starting X location of 16-bit source bitmap
	iSrcY=Starting Y location of 16-bit source bitmap
	iSrcPitch=The span of a row of pixels in the Source bitmap
	lpDst=Pointer to location of 16-bit 555 destination bitmap
	iDstX=Starting X location of 16-bit destination bitmap
	iDstY=Starting Y location of 16-bit destination bitmap
	iDstW=Width in pixels for alpha mask, source and destination bitmaps
	iDstH=Height in pixels for alpha mask, source and destination bitmaps
	iDstPitch=The span of a row of pixels in the destination bitmap*/
void ablend_555(unsigned char *lpAlpha,unsigned int iAlpPitch,
				unsigned char *lpSrc,unsigned int iSrcX, unsigned int iSrcY,
				unsigned int iSrcPitch,	unsigned char *lpDst,
				unsigned int iDstX,	unsigned int iDstY, 
				unsigned int iDstW,	unsigned int iDstH, 
				unsigned int iDstPitch)
	//Mask for isolating the red,green, and blue components
	static __int64 MASKR=0x001F001F001F001F;
	static __int64 MASKG=0x03E003E003E003E0;
	static __int64 MASKB=0x7C007C007C007C00;
	//constants used by the integer alpha blending equation
	static __int64 SIXTEEN=0x0010001000100010;
	static __int64 FIVETWELVE=0x0200020002000200;
	pointer for linear destination
unsigned char *lpLinearDstBp=(iDstX<<1)+(iDstY*iDstPitch)+lpDst; //base for linear source
	pointer unsigned char *lpLinearSrcBp=(iSrcX<<1)+(iSrcY*iSrcPitch)+lpSrc; //base linear alpha
	for unsigned char *lpLinearAlpBp=iSrcX+(iSrcY*iAlpPitch)+lpAlpha; //base pointer 
		mov	esi,lpLinearSrcBp;	//src
		mov	edi,lpLinearDstBp;	//dst
		mov	eax,lpLinearAlpBp;	//alpha
		mov	ecx,iDstH;	//ecx=number of lines to copy
		mov	ebx,iDstW;	//ebx=span width to copy
		test	esi,6;		//check if source address is qword aligned 
							//since addr coming in is always word aligned(16bit)
		jnz	done;		//if not qword aligned we don't do anything
		movd	mm1,[eax];	//mm1=00 00 00 00 a3 a2 a1 a0
		pxor	mm2,mm2;	//mm2=2;
		movq	mm4,[esi];	//g1: mm4=src3 src2 src1 src0
		punpcklbw mm1,mm2;	//mm1=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		mov	edx,[eax];
		test	ebx,0xFFFFFFFC;	//check if only 3 pixels left
		jz	checkback;	//3 or less pixels left
		//early out tests 
		cmp	edx,0xffffffff; //test for alpha value of 1
		je	 copyback;	//if 1's copy the source pixels to the destination
		test	edx,0xffffffff; //test for alpha value of 0
		jz	leavefront;	//if so go to the next 4 pixels
		//the alpha blend starts 
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//g2: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		psrlw	mm1,3;		//mm1=a?>>3 nuke out lower 3 bits
		movq	mm7,MASKG;	//g3: mm7=green mask
		movq	mm0,mm1;	//mm0=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		movq	mm2,MASKR;	//g4: mm2=31
		pand	mm4,mm7;	//g5: mm4=sg3 sg2 sg1 sg0
		psubsb	mm2,mm0;	//g6: mm2=31-a3 31-a2 31-a1 31-a0 
		pand	mm5,mm7;	//g7: mm5=dg3 dg2 dg1 dg0
		movq	mm3,[esi];	//b1: mm3=src3 src2 src1 src0
		pmullw	mm4,mm1;	//g8: mm4=sg?*a?
		movq	mm7,MASKR;	//b2: mm7=blue mask
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//g9: mm5=dg?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm0,[edi];	//b3: mm0=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		pand	mm3,mm7;	//b4: mm3=sb3 sb2 sb1 sb0
		pand	mm0,mm7;	//b5: mm0=db3 db2 db1 db0
		pmullw	mm3,mm1;	//b6: mm3=sb?*a?
		movq	mm7,[esi];	//r1: mm7=src3 src2 src1 src0
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g10: mm4=sg?*a?+dg?*(1-a?)
		paddw	mm4,FIVETWELVE;	//g11: mm4=(mm4+512) green
		pmullw	mm0,mm2;	//b7: mm0=db?*(1-a?)
		pand	mm7,MASKB;	//r2: mm7=sr3 sr2 sr1 sr0
		movq	mm5,mm4;	//g12: mm5=mm4 green
		psrlw	mm4,5;		//g13: mm4=mm4>>5
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g14: mm4=mm5+mm4 green
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//r3: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b8: mm0=sb?*a?+db?*(1-a?)
		paddw	mm0,SIXTEEN;	//b9: mm0=(mm0+16) blue
		psrlw	mm7,10;		//r4: shift src red down to position 0
		pand	mm5,MASKB;	//r5: mm5=dr3 dr2 dr1 dr0
		psrlw	mm4,5;		//g15: mm4=0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 green
		movq	mm3,mm0;	//b10: mm3=mm0 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b11: mm0=mm0>>5 blue
		psrlw	mm5,10;		//r6: shift dst red down to position 0
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b12: mm0=mm3+mm0 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b13: mm0=000b 000b 000b 000b blue
		pmullw	mm7,mm1;	//mm7=sr?*a?
		pand	mm4,MASKG;	//g16: mm4=00g0 00g0 00g0 00g0 green
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//r7: mm5=dr?*(31-a?)
		por	mm0,mm4;	//mm0=00gb 00gb 00gb 00gb
		add	eax,4;		//move to next 4 alphas
		add	esi,8;		//move to next 4 pixels in src
		add	edi,8;		//move to next 4 pixels in dst
		movd	mm1,[eax];	//mm1=00 00 00 00 a3 a2 a1 a0
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r8: mm5=sr?*a?+dr?*(31-a?)
		paddw	mm5,SIXTEEN;	//r9: mm5=(mm5+16) red
		pxor	mm2,mm2;	//mm0=0;
		movq	mm7,mm5;	//r10: mm7=mm5 red
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r11: mm5=mm5>>5 red
		movq	mm4,[esi];	//g1: mm4=src3 src2 src1 src0
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r12: mm5=mm7+mm5 red
		punpcklbw mm1,mm2;	//mm1=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r13: mm5=mm5>>5 red
		psllw	mm5,10;		//r14: mm5=mm5<<10 red
		por	mm0,mm5;	//mm0=0rgb 0rgb 0rgb 0rgb
		sub	ebx,4;		//polished off 4 pixels
		movq	[edi-8],mm0;	//dst=0rgb 0rgb 0rgb 0rgb		
		jmp	loopqword;	//go back to start
		movq [edi],mm4;		//copy source to destination
		add	edi,8;		//advance destination by 4 pixels 
		add	eax,4;		//advance alpha by 4
		add	esi,8;		//advance source by 4 pixels
		sub	ebx,4;		//decrease pixel count by 4
		jmp	primeloop;
		test	ebx,0xFF;	//check if 0 pixels left
		jz	nextline;	//done with this span
//backalign:	//work out back end pixels		
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//g2: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		psrlw	mm1,3;		//mm1=a?>>3 nuke out lower 3 bits
		movq	mm7,MASKG;	//g3: mm7=green mask
		movq	mm0,mm1;	//mm0=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		movq	mm2,MASKR;	//g4: mm2=31 mask
		pand	mm4,mm7;	//g5: mm4=sg3 sg2 sg1 sg0
		psubsb	mm2,mm0;	//g6: mm2=31-a3 31-a2 31-a1 31-a0 
		pand	mm5,mm7;	//g7: mm5=dg3 dg2 dg1 dg0
		movq	mm3,[esi];	//b1: mm3=src3 src2 src1 src0
		pmullw	mm4,mm1;	//g8: mm4=sg?*a?
		movq	mm7,MASKR;	//b2: mm7=blue mask
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//g9: mm5=dg?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm0,[edi];	//b3: mm0=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		pand	mm3,mm7;	//b4: mm3=sb3 sb2 sb1 sb0
		pand	mm0,mm7;	//b5: mm0=db3 db2 db1 db0
		pmullw	mm3,mm1;	//b6: mm3=sb?*a?
		movq	mm7,[esi];	//r1: mm7=src3 src2 src1 src0
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g10: mm4=sg?*a?+dg?*(1-a?)
		paddw	mm4,FIVETWELVE;	//g11: mm4=(mm4+512) green
		pmullw	mm0,mm2;	//b7: mm0=db?*(1-a?)
		pand	mm7,MASKB;	//r2: mm7=sr3 sr2 sr1 sr0
		movq	mm5,mm4;	//g12: mm5=mm4 green
		psrlw	mm4,5;		//g13: mm4=mm4>>5
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g14: mm4=mm4+mm5 green
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//r3: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b8: mm0=sb?*a?+db?*(1-a?)
		paddw	mm0,SIXTEEN;	//b9: mm0=mm0 blue
		psrlw	mm7,10;		//r4: shift src red down to position 0
		pand	mm5,MASKB;	//r5: mm5=dr3 dr2 dr1 dr0
		psrlw	mm4,5;		//g15: mm4=0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 green
		movq	mm3,mm0;	//b10: mm3=mm0 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b11: mm0=mm0>>5 blue
		psrlw	mm5,10;		//r6: shift dst red down to position 0
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b12: mm0=mm0+mm3 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b13: mm0=000b 000b 000b 000b blue
		pmullw	mm7,mm1;	//mm7=sr?*a?
		pand	mm4,MASKG;	//g16: mm4=00g0 00g0 00g0 00g0 green
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//r7: mm5=dr?*(31-a?)
		por	mm0,mm4;	//mm0=00gb 00gb 00gb 00gb
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r8: mm5=sr?*a?+dr?*(31-a?)
		paddw	mm5,SIXTEEN;	//r9: mm5=mm5 red
		movq	mm7,mm5;	//r10: mm7=mm5 red
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r11: mm5=mm5>>5 red
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r12: mm5=mm5+mm7 red
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r13: mm5=mm5>>5 red
		psllw	mm5,10;		//r14: mm5=mm5<<10 red
		por	mm0,mm5;	//mm0=0rgb 0rgb 0rgb 0rgb
		test	ebx,2;		//check if there are 2 pixels
		jz	oneendpixel;	//goto one pixel if that's it
		movd	[edi],mm0;	//dst=0000 0000 0rgb 0rgb
		psrlq	mm0,32;		//mm0>>32
		add	edi,4;		//edi=edi+4
		sub	ebx,2;		//saved 2 pixels
		jz	nextline;	//all done goto next line
oneendpixel:	//work on last pixel
		movd	edx,mm0;	//edx=0rgb
		mov	[edi],dx;	//dst=0rgb
nextline:	//goto next line
		dec	ecx;		//nuke one line
		jz	done;		//all done
		mov	eax,lpLinearAlpBp;	//alpha
		mov	esi,lpLinearSrcBp;	//src
		mov	edi,lpLinearDstBp;	//dst
		add	eax,iAlpPitch;	//inc alpha ptr by 1 line
		add	esi,iSrcPitch;	//inc src ptr by 1 line
		add	edi,iDstPitch;	//inc dst ptr by 1 line
		mov	lpLinearAlpBp,eax;	//save new alpha base ptr
		mov	ebx,iDstW;	//ebx=span width to copy
		mov	lpLinearSrcBp,esi;	//save new src base ptr
		mov	lpLinearDstBp,edi;	//save new dst base ptr
		jmp	primeloop;	//start the next span

5.2. 565 Alpha Blending Code Listing

/*Alpha blending routine for 565 video hardware
	lpAlpha=Pointer to location of 8-bit alpha mask
	iAlpPitch=The span of a row in the alpha mask
	lpSrc=Pointer to location of 16-bit 565 source bitmap
	iSrcX=Starting X location of 16-bit source bitmap
	iSrcY=Starting Y location of 16-bit source bitmap
	iSrcPitch=The span of a row of pixels in the Source bitmap
	lpDst=Pointer to location of 16-bit 565 destination bitmap
	iDstX=Starting X location of 16-bit destination bitmap
	iDstY=Starting Y location of 16-bit destination bitmap
	iDstW=Width in pixels for alpha mask, source and destination bitmaps
	iDstH=Height in pixels for alpha mask, source and destination bitmaps
	iDstPitch=The span of a row of pixels in the destination bitmap*/
void ablend_565(unsigned char *lpAlpha,unsigned int iAlpPitch,
				unsigned char *lpSrc,unsigned int iSrcX, unsigned int iSrcY,
				unsigned int iSrcPitch,	unsigned char *lpDst,
				unsigned int iDstX,	unsigned int iDstY, 
				unsigned int iDstW,	unsigned int iDstH, 
				unsigned int iDstPitch)
	//Mask for isolating the red,green, and blue components
	static __int64 MASKB=0x001F001F001F001F;
	static __int64 MASKG=0x07E007E007E007E0;
	static __int64 MASKSHIFTG=0x03F003F003F003F0;
	static __int64 MASKR=0xF800F800F800F800;
	//constants used by the integer alpha blending equation
	static __int64 SIXTEEN=0x0010001000100010;
	static __int64 FIVETWELVE=0x0200020002000200;
	static __int64 SIXONES=0x003F003F003F003F;
	unsigned char *lpLinearDstBp=(iDstX<<1)+(iDstY*iDstPitch)+lpDst; //base pointer for linear destination
	unsigned char *lpLinearSrcBp=(iSrcX<<1)+(iSrcY*iSrcPitch)+lpSrc; //base pointer for linear source
	unsigned char *lpLinearAlpBp=iSrcX+(iSrcY*iAlpPitch)+lpAlpha; //base pointer for linear alpha
		mov	esi,lpLinearSrcBp;	//src
		mov	edi,lpLinearDstBp;	//dst
		mov	eax,lpLinearAlpBp;	//alpha
		mov	ecx,iDstH;	//ecx=number of lines to copy
		mov	ebx,iDstW;	//ebx=span width to copy
		test	esi,6;		//check if source address is qword aligned 
							//since addr coming in is always word aligned(16bit)
		jnz	done;	//if not qword aligned we don't do anything
		movd	mm1,[eax];	//mm1=00 00 00 00 a3 a2 a1 a0
		pxor	mm2,mm2;	//mm2=0;
		movq	mm4,[esi];	//g1: mm4=src3 src2 src1 src0
		punpcklbw mm1,mm2;	//mm1=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		mov	edx,[eax];
		test	ebx,0xFFFFFFFC;	//check if only 3 pixels left
		jz	checkback;	//3 or less pixels left
		//early out tests 
		cmp	edx,0xffffffff;	//test for alpha value of 1
		je	copyback;	//if 1's copy the source pixels to the destination
		test	edx,0xffffffff;	//test for alpha value of 0
		jz	leavefront;	//if so go to the next 4 pixels
		//the alpha blend starts 
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//g2: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		psrlw	mm1,2;		//mm1=a?>>2 nuke out lower 2 bits
		movq	mm7,MASKSHIFTG;	//g3: mm7=1 bit shifted green mask
		psrlw	mm4,1;		//g3a: move src green down by 1 so that we won't overflow
		movq	mm0,mm1;	//mm0=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		psrlw	mm5,1;		//g3b: move dst green down by 1 so that we won't overflow
		psrlw	mm1,1;		//mm1=a?>>1 nuke out lower 1 bits
		pand	mm4,mm7;	//g5: mm4=sg3 sg2 sg1 sg0
		movq	mm2,SIXONES;//g4: mm2=63
		pand	mm5,mm7;	//g7: mm5=dg3 dg2 dg1 dg0
		movq	mm3,[esi];	//b1: mm3=src3 src2 src1 src0
		psubsb	mm2,mm0;	//g6: mm2=63-a3 63-a2 63-a1 63-a0 
		movq	mm7,MASKB;	//b2: mm7=BLUE MASK
		pmullw	mm4,mm0;	//g8: mm4=sg?*a?
		movq	mm0,[edi];	//b3: mm0=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//g9: mm5=dg?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm2,mm7;	//b4: mm2=fiveones
		pand	mm3,mm7;	//b4: mm3=sb3 sb2 sb1 sb0
		pmullw	mm3,mm1;	//b6: mm3=sb?*a?
		pand	mm0,mm7;	//b5: mm0=db3 db2 db1 db0
		movq	mm7,[esi];	//r1: mm7=src3 src2 src1 src0
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g10: mm4=sg?*a?+dg?*(1-a?)
		pand	mm7,MASKR;	//r2: mm7=sr3 sr2 sr1 sr0
		psubsb	mm2,mm1;	//b5a: mm2=31-a3 31-a2 31-a1 31-a0 
		paddw	mm4,FIVETWELVE;	//g11: mm4=(mm4+512) green
		pmullw	mm0,mm2;	//b7: mm0=db?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm5,mm4;	//g12: mm5=mm4 green
		psrlw	mm7,11;		//r4: shift src red down to position 0
		psrlw	mm4,6;		//g13: mm4=mm4>>6
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g14: mm4=mm4+mm5 green
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b8: mm0=sb?*a?+db?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//r3: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0		
		paddw	mm0,SIXTEEN;	//b9: mm0=(mm0+16) blue
		pand	mm5,MASKR;	//r5: mm5=dr3 dr2 dr1 dr0
		psrlw	mm4,5;		//g15: mm4=0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 green
		movq	mm3,mm0;	//b10: mm3=mm0 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b11: mm0=mm0>>5 blue
		psrlw	mm5,11;		//r6: shift dst red down to position 0
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b12: mm0=mm3+mm0 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b13: mm0=000b 000b 000b 000b blue
		pmullw	mm7,mm1;	//mm7=sr?*a?
		pand	mm4,MASKG;	//g16: mm4=00g0 00g0 00g0 00g0 green
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//r7: mm5=dr?*(31-a?)
		por	mm0,mm4;	//mm0=00gb 00gb 00gb 00gb
		add	eax,4;		//move to next 4 alphas
		add	esi,8;		//move to next 4 pixels in src
		add	edi,8;		//move to next 4 pixels in dst
		movd	mm1,[eax];	//mm1=00 00 00 00 a3 a2 a1 a0
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r8: mm5=sr?*a?+dr?*(31-a?)
		paddw	mm5,SIXTEEN;	//r9: mm5=(mm5+16) red
		pxor	mm2,mm2;	//mm2=0;
		movq	mm7,mm5;	//r10: mm7=mm5 red
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r11: mm5=mm5>>5 red
		movq	mm4,[esi];	//g1: mm4=src3 src2 src1 src0
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r12: mm5=mm7+mm5 red
		punpcklbw mm1,mm2;	//mm1=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r13: mm5=mm5>>5 red
		psllw	mm5,11;		//r14: mm5=mm5<<10 red
		por	mm0,mm5;	//mm0=0rgb 0rgb 0rgb 0rgb
		sub	ebx,4;		//polished off 4 pixels
		movq	[edi-8],mm0;	//dst=0rgb 0rgb 0rgb 0rgb		
		jmp	loopqword;	//go back to start
		movq [edi],mm4;		//copy source to destination
		add	edi,8;			//advance destination by 4 pixels
		add  	eax,4;		//advance alpha by 4
		add  	esi,8;		//advance source by 4 pixels
		sub  	ebx,4;		//decrease pixel count by 4
		jmp	primeloop;
		test	ebx,0xFF;	//check if 0 pixels left
		jz	nextline;	//done with this span
//backalign:	//work out back end pixels		
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//g2: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		psrlw	mm1,2;		//mm1=a?>>2 nuke out lower 2 bits
		movq	mm7,MASKSHIFTG;	//g3: mm7=shift 1 bit green mask
		psrlw	mm4,1;		//g3a: move src green down by 1 so that we won't overflow
		movq	mm0,mm1;	//mm0=00a3 00a2 00a1 00a0
		psrlw	mm5,1;		//g3b: move dst green down by 1 so that we won't overflow
		psrlw	mm1,1;		//mm1=a?>>1 nuke out lower 1 bits
		pand	mm4,mm7;	//g5: mm4=sg3 sg2 sg1 sg0
		movq	mm2,SIXONES;//g4: mm2=63
		pand	mm5,mm7;	//g7: mm5=dg3 dg2 dg1 dg0
		movq	mm3,[esi];	//b1: mm3=src3 src2 src1 src0
		psubsb	mm2,mm0;	//g6: mm2=63-a3 63-a2 63-a1 63-a0 
		movq	mm7,MASKB;	//b2: mm7=BLUE MASK
		pmullw	mm4,mm0;	//g8: mm4=sg?*a?
		movq	mm0,[edi];	//b3: mm0=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//g9: mm5=dg?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm2,mm7;	//b4: mm2=fiveones
		pand	mm3,mm7;	//b4: mm3=sr3 sr2 sr1 sr0
		pmullw	mm3,mm1;	//b6: mm3=sb?*a?
		pand	mm0,mm7;	//b5: mm0=db3 db2 db1 db0
		movq	mm7,[esi];	//r1: mm7=src3 src2 src1 src0
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g10: mm4=sg?*a?+dg?*(1-a?)
		pand	mm7,MASKR;	//r2: mm7=sr3 sr2 sr1 sr0
		psubsb	mm2,mm1;	//b5a: mm2=31-a3 31-a2 31-a1 31-a0 
		paddw	mm4,FIVETWELVE;	//g11: mm4=(i+512) green
		pmullw	mm0,mm2;	//b7: mm0=db?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm5,mm4;	//g12: mm5=(i+512) green
		psrlw	mm7,11;		//r4: shift src red down to position 0
		psrlw	mm4,6;		//g13: mm4=(i+512)>>6
		paddw	mm4,mm5;	//g14: mm4=(i+512)+((i+512)>>6) green
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b8: mm0=sb?*a?+db?*(1-a?)
		movq	mm5,[edi];	//r3: mm5=dst3 dst2 dst1 dst0		
		paddw	mm0,SIXTEEN;	//b9: mm0=(i+16) blue
		pand	mm5,MASKR;	//r5: mm5=dr3 dr2 dr1 dr0
		psrlw	mm4,5;		//g15: mm4=0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 0?g0 green
		movq	mm3,mm0;	//b10: mm3=(i+16) blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b11: mm0=(i+16)>>5 blue
		psrlw	mm5,11;		//r6: shift dst red down to position 0
		paddw	mm0,mm3;	//b12: mm0=(i+16)+(i+16)>>5 blue
		psrlw	mm0,5;		//b13: mm0=000r 000r 000r 000r blue
		pmullw	mm7,mm1;	//mm7=sr?*a?
		pand	mm4,MASKG;	//g16: mm4=00g0 00g0 00g0 00g0 green
		pmullw	mm5,mm2;	//r7: mm5=dr?*(31-a?)
		por	mm0,mm4;	//mm0=00gb 00gb 00gb 00gb
		add	eax,4;		//move to next 4 alphas
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r8: mm5=sr?*a?+dr?*(31-a?)
		paddw	mm5,SIXTEEN;	//r9: mm5=(i+16) red
		movq	mm7,mm5;	//r10: mm7=(i+16) red
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r11: mm5=(i+16)>>5 red
		paddw	mm5,mm7;	//r12: mm5=(i+16)+((i+16)>>5) red
		psrlw	mm5,5;		//r13: mm5=(i+16)+((i+16)>>5)>>5 red
		psllw	mm5,11;		//r14: mm5=mm5<<10 red
		por	mm0,mm5;	//mm0=0rgb 0rgb 0rgb 0rgb
		test	ebx,2;		//check if there are 2 pixels
		jz	oneendpixel;	//goto one pixel if that's it
		movd	[edi],mm0;	//dst=0000 0000 0rgb 0rgb
		psrlq	mm0,32;		//mm0>>32
		add	edi,4;		//edi=edi+4
		sub	ebx,2;		//saved 2 pixels
		jz	nextline;	//all done goto next line
oneendpixel:	//work on last pixel
		movd	edx,mm0;	//edx=0rgb
		mov	[edi],dx;	//dst=0rgb
nextline:	//goto next line
		dec	ecx;				//nuke one line
		jz	done;				//all done
		mov	eax,lpLinearAlpBp;	//alpha
		mov	esi,lpLinearSrcBp;	//src
		mov	edi,lpLinearDstBp;	//dst
		add	eax,iAlpPitch;	//inc alpha ptr by 1 line
		add	esi,iSrcPitch;	//inc src ptr by 1 line
		add	edi,iDstPitch;	//inc dst ptr by 1 line
		mov	lpLinearAlpBp,eax;	//save new alpha base ptr
		mov	ebx,iDstW;	//ebx=span width to copy
		mov	lpLinearSrcBp,esi;	//save new src base ptr
		mov	lpLinearDstBp,edi;	//save new dst base ptr
		jmp	primeloop;	//start the next span





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