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Visual C ++* by:

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98752-6399
Tel:  1-800-621-7930 to order in the US

Tool: Visual C ++*
Category: Application Development: Compilers/Debuggers
Take advantage of a powerful, flexible tool with Microsoft* Visual C++* version 5.0. Write tight, fast code that works on your intranet and the Internet. Up to 10% smaller and faster code than ever before! Program for the Internet using ActiveX* controls and Microsoft Foundation Classes and Templates (MFC&T). Use the built-in Component Object Model (COM) Editor, language- and location- neutral COM Browser, and COM support in the compiler to more easily develop components. Configure and automate the development environment with the customizable editor and the Microsoft Visual Basic*, Scripting Edition automation language to maximize your productivity.

Visual C++ version 5.0 also includes compiler and debugger support for the new Intel® MMX™ technology that provides improved performance for richer multimedia and communications applications. Compiler optimizations for the Pentium® Pro processor are also included in this new release.

Key Pentium® II processor features/performance benefit
Features Benefits
Inline assembly MMX instruction support Single step MMX instruction integration into C/C++ code
Disassemble MMX instructions Debug while looking directly at MMX instructions
Product and Contact Information
Availability of Product Contact
Version 5.0 for Windows* 95 and Windows NT* Workstation 4.0 currently available Contact your local software distributor or call 1-800-621-7930 to order in the U.S.

26 August 1997

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation