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ReBirth* by:

Steinberg North America
21354 Nordhoff St., Suite 110
Chatsworth, CA 91311-5857
Tel:  (818) 993-4161
Fax:  (818) 701-7452

Tool: ReBirth
Category: Digital Content Creation: Audio Editing/Mixing
ReBirth is the first true virtual analogue synthesizer for the 303 and 808 sound. It is a self contained techno-trance-dance-acid-house studio for Windows. Physical modeling was used to recreate the exact sound and feel of the original hardware devices. On screen you will find the same device surfaces which operate exactly the same way as the original instruments plus complete automation of all knobs and sliders recordable from external MIDI controllers. Added realtime effects include distortion, delay and a pattern triggered overall filter. ReBirth saves Patterns and Songs, synchronizes to the outside world via Midi Clock*.

ReBirth RB-338 was inspired by the TR-808* and TB-303*, originally created by Roland Corporation. Their unique sounds and visual images have been reborn through digital simulation by Propellerhead Software. All visual and aural references to TR-808 and TB-303 are being made with written permission from Roland Corporation.

Key Pentium® II processor performance features
Software synthesis ReBirth uses the processor of the computer for realtime software synthesis, giving unrivaled control and flexibility.
Realtime DSP effects The power of the Pentium® II processor greatly aids in the use of realtime effects.
Quick, intuitive interface The Pentium II processor increases the overall speed of the program.

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14 January 1998

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation