# Micro fiche scan COKDAF0__KDJ11-B-BF__KDJ11-B_CLUSTER_DIAGNOSTIC__AH-T854F-MC__1986 # Created: 2021-11-19 # # This document scan comes in two resolutions: # - "black&white" is compressed for smallest file size. # - the "gray"-level version has archive quality and is much larger. # # Some document data: Filename.Pattern=________ DEC.DPL.PackageID=COKDAF0 DEC.PartNumber=AH-T854F-MC DEC.DPL.Device=KDJ11-B/BF DEC.DPL.Test=KDJ11-B CLUSTER DIAGNOSTIC FilePath.Company.Pattern=DEC/// FilePath.Company.Info=http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/microfiche/EK-FICHE-UG-001_Hardware_Documentation_Microfiche_Libraries_Users_Guide_1ed_Jul79.pdf FilePath.Company=DEC/PDP-11 Hardware/Diagnostic Program Listings/Listings Fiche.DocumentVariant=1 Fiche.Copyright=COPYRIGHT (C) 1984-86 Fiche.PrintDate=1986 Fiche.Company=d|i|g|i|t|a|l Fiche.Country=MADE IN USA Scan.Contact=Joerg Hoppe, j_hoppe@t-online.de, www.retrocmp.com Scan.CreationTime=2014-12-16 11:51 Scan.Config="isel C142-4.1","AGFA GEVAERT COPEX LP4" Viewer, "Canon EOS 500d", "Canon Macro Lens EF 100mm 1:2.8 USM", t=3sec, f=10 Scan.Operator=j_hoppe@t-online.de Scan.Note=Import from 2016 project Collection.Box=GH2 Project.URL=http://retrocmp.com/projects/scanning-micro-fiches # # Field info: # DEC.DPL.PackageID: MAINDEC Number or Package Identifier (after SEP 1977) # DEC.PartNumber: Fiche Document Part Number # DEC.DPL.Device: Name of device(s) tested # DEC.DPL.Test: Test description # FilePath.Company.Pattern: Hierarchy levels of original fiche organization scheme as file path # FilePath.Company.Info: Link to company documentation about micro fiche organization scheme # FilePath.Company: Fiche position in original organization scheme as file path # Fiche.DocumentVariant: Number to distinguish scans of single document from multiple fiche sources. Std = "1" or empty. # Fiche.PrintDate: Fiche preparation date unknown, using copyright year # Scan.CreationTime: Time of scanning # Scan.Config: Setup of the scanner rig, especially optical properties # Scan.Operator: Link to person who did the scanning # Scan.Note: Final note about scan process # Collection.Box: Label of fiche box/tray/bag. One library = multiple boxes