------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31, 1975 HD-15 Bulletin No: Phone Patch HD-15-1 Service Notes The major complaint is not enough isolation between transmit and receive circuits. This results in cycling between transmit and receive when attempting VOX operation. Replacing the hybrid transformer could be tried, but this usually does not cure the problem. Sometimes the VOX gain in the transmitter is adjusted too high. When the unit is determined to be operating satisfactorily, try to convince the customer of the advantage of push-to-talk operation. "You have control over what is being said, and you will also prevent both parties from doubling, or talking at the same time." The VU meter indicates only signal from the receiver into the patch. Customers seem to think that the VU meter should indicte when a signal is being fed from the phone line into the phone patch. This is not so. In the case of the HM-15, a -10 VU level appeared to be giving satisfactory operation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 23, 1978 HD-15 Bulletin No: Phone Patch HD-15-2 Phone Patch/Bell System Interface The HD-15 Phone Patch is not registered with the FCC for use directly with telephone lines. The Bell System will require a special line couple, model QKT, for connection to their lines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------