IBM Books

8371 Interface Configuration

Configuring and Monitoring MPOA

This chapter describes how to use the MPOA configuration and operating commands and includes the following sections:

Accessing the MPOA Configuration Environment

Use the following procedure to access the MPOA configuration process.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 6. (For more detail on this command, refer to The OPCON Process and Commands in the 8371 Interface Configuration and Software User's Guide.)

    After you enter the talk 6 command, the CONFIG prompt (Config>) displays on the terminal. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.

  2. At the CONFIG prompt, enter the protocol mpoa command to get to the MPOA Config> prompt.

MPOA Configuration Commands

The MPOA main menu includes the following commands.

Table 76. MPOA Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 MPC   Enters the MPC configuration environment. for the MPC instance defined over a specified ATM device. See "MPC Configuration Commands" for additional information. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

MPC Configuration Commands

To access the MPC configuration process, enter mpc device# at the MPOA Config> prompt to access the MPC Config> prompt. If you do not enter the device#, you will be prompted to supply the ATM device number.

Enter the following commands at the MPC Config> prompt. These commands apply to the MPC instance defined over the ATM device number supplied when you entered the MPOA Config> mpc device# command.

Table 77. MPC Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds an MPC instance with default parameter values. 
 List   Lists the enabled/disabled status of the MPC instance. 
 Config   Allows explicit configuration of MPC parameters. 
 Remove   Removes a MPC configuration. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
Note:The MPOA client does not have to be explicitly configured in order to start functioning at startup. If no explicit configuration of the MPC has been done under talk 6, an MPOA client is automatically created in the enabled state with a default set of parameter values and begins MPOA operation including shortcut initiation. You should explicitly configure any non-default configuration parameters. To prevent the MPOA client function from automatically being activated, you should use the config command to access the MPC Configuration> prompt and then use the disable command to create an MPC instance with a status of disabled.


Use the add command to add a MPC instance with default parameters.

The add option requires that an ATM interface has been previously added.

The added MPC defaults to enabled.
Note:When an MPC is created, it is automatically associated with all LECs on the ATM device that have a bridge port configured on them. There is no explicit configuration to associate particular LECs to the MPC. Further, this association is formed during startup time and not during configuration. Thus, even if no bridge ports have been defined at the time the MPC is added and configured, the MPC will still be associated with all LECs that have a bridge port associated with them at startup time. You cannot dynamically disable association of the MPC with a particular LEC at runtime.




Use the remove command to remove a MPC configuration.




Use the list command to display the existing MPC instance.




Use the config command to access the MPC Configuration> prompt and perform explicit configuration of the MPC parameters.



To configure MPC parameters explicitly, enter the following commands at the MPC Configuration> prompt.

Table 78. MPC Explicit Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Enable   Enables the MPC instance. 
 Disable   Disables the MPC instance. This command can also be used to create an MPC instance with a status of disabled
 Set   Sets explicit values for MPC configuration parameters. 
 List   Displays all the configuration information associated with the MPC instance. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the enable command to enable an MPC instance.




Use the disable command to disable an MPC instance.

This command can also be used to create an MPC instance with a status of disabled.
Note:An MPC instance will be automatically created at startup, even if no MPC has been explicitly added. Use the disable command to disable this MPC instance if you do not want to configure MPC.




Use the set command to explicitly configure MPC parameters.



Controls the rate of traffic required before the MPC will initiate a shortcut to a given protocol destination. The MPC will initiate a shortcut when at least this many frames are forwarded to the same protocol destination for a period of frame-time seconds.

Valid Values: 1 to 65535 frames

Default Value: 10

Controls the rate of traffic required before the MPC will initiate a shortcut to a given protocol destination. The MPC will initiate a shortcut when at least frame-count frames are forwarded to the same protocol destination for a period of this number of seconds.

Valid Values: 1 to 60 seconds

Default Value: 1

Specifies the initial value of the retry timer when the MPC sends a request. If a corresponding reply is not received before the expiration of the retry timer, the request is retried if the retry timer is less than maximum-retry-time and the retry timer is then doubled. This process will repeat until a reply is received or until the retry timer >= maximum-retry-time.

Valid Values: 1 to 300 seconds

Default Value: 5

Specifies the maximum value of the retry timer when the MPC sends a request. If a corresponding reply is not received before the expiration of the retry timer, the request is retried if the retry timer is less than this value and the retry timer is then doubled. This process will repeat until a reply is received or until the retry timer >= this value.

Valid Values: 10 to 300 seconds

Default Value: 40

Specifies the minimum time to wait before re-initiating a failed resolution request.

Valid Values: 30 to 1200 seconds

Default Value: 160

Specifies the length of time after which either inactive control or inactive data connections will be cleared.

Valid Values: 1 to 10080 minutes

Default Value: 20

Specifies whether configuration parameters received from the LECS will be accepted by the MPC.

Valid Values: yes or no

Default Value: yes

Controls the manner that the ingress MPC handles IP packet fragmentation.

When this parameter is set to maximize-shortcut-usage, frames requiring fragmentation will be sent to the MPOA server, while smaller frames will be sent over the shortcut. A potential consequence of using maximize-shortcut-usage is that packets can get out of order.

When this parameter is set to maximize-inorder-usage, usage of a particular shortcut will be suspended for the hold-down-time if a frame requiring fragmentation is received, causing all frames for the destination to be sent to the MPOA server.

When this parameter is set to perform-fragmentation, IP frames requiring fragmentation are fragmented by the MPC and then sent over the shortcut. Both shortcut usage and inorder delivery are maximized.
Note:A single flow requiring fragmentation can impact the performance of all flows.

Valid Values: maximize-shortcut-usage, maximize-inorder-packet-delivery, or perform-fragmentation

Default Value: perform-fragmentation

Specifies the ESI that is to be used as the ESI component of the MPC's ATM address. The MPC implementation uses a single ATM address for control as well as data VCCs, so this ATM address refers to both the control and data ATM addresses of the MPC.

Valid Values:

Default Value: Burned-in

Specifies the selector value that is to be used in combination with the esi to create a value that is unique among all protocol components using the MPC ATM device.

Valid Values: any single valid octet value that has not already been used

Default Value: automatically created

Specifies the desired peak cell rate for connections established by the MPC over the associated ATM device.

All connections established by the MPC are best-effort connections.

Valid Values: 0 - line speed of the ATM device (integer Kbps)

Default Value: line speed of the ATM device

Specifies the maximum amount of reserved bandwidth acceptable on incoming calls received over the associated ATM device.

Valid Values: 0 - line speed of the ATM device (integer Kbps)

Default Value: 0

Specifies whether the MPC should establish shortcuts to LANE devices over the associated ATM device.

Valid Values: yes or no

Default Value: yes

If the value of this parameter is yes, you will be prompted for the following additional information:

Choice of source address for LANE shortcuts
Specifies what source MAC address is to be used in frames transmitted on LANE shortcut VCCs.

Valid Values:

  • The MAC address burned into the MPC's ATM device
  • A locally-administered MAC address
  • The MAC address provided in the MPOA resolution reply

Default Value: Burned-in MAC address

If you choose to provide a locally-administered MAC address, you will be prompted for the value to be used.

Valid Values: 12 hexadecimal digits in the range of X'400000000000' and X'7FFFFFFFFFFF'

Default Value: None

Permits enabling or disabling of the MPOA protocol for IP traffic.

Valid Values: Yes or No

Default Value: Yes

Permits enabling or disabling of the MPOA protocol for IPX traffic.

Valid Values: Yes or No

Default Value: Yes


Use the list command to display configuration information about the existing MPC instance.


MPC Configuration> list
   MPC Configuration
   STATUS:                              ENABLED
   Shortcut Setup Frame Count:           10 (sec)
   Shortcut Setup Frame Time:            1  frame (sec)
   Initial Retry Time:                   5  (sec)
   Maximum Retry Time:                   40 (sec)
   Hold Down Time:                       160(sec)
   VCC Timeout Period:                   20 (min)
   Accept Config Parms from LECS         YES
   Fragmentation Mode                    Maximize Shortcut Usage
   Interface:                            36
   ESI:                                  Burned In ESI
   Selector:                             3
   Desired PCR:                          155000 (Kbps)
   Maximum Reserved Bandwidth:           10000 (Kbps)
   Line Rate:                            155 Mbps
   Enable LANE Shortcuts:                Yes
   Source MAC Address for Shortcuts:     Burned In
   IP-Protocol:                          Enabled
   IPX-Protocol:                         Disabled

Accessing the MPOA Monitoring Environment

Use the following procedure to access the MPOA monitoring commands. This gives you access to the MPOA monitoring process.

  1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 5. (For more detail on this command, refer to The OPCON Process and Commands in the 8371 Interface Configuration and Software User's Guide.)

    After you enter the talk 5 command, the GWCON prompt (+) displays on the terminal. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.

  2. At the + prompt, enter the protocol MPOA command to get you to the MPOA> prompt.

MPOA Monitoring Commands

The MPOA main menu includes the following commands.

Table 79. MPOA Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 MPC   Enters the MPC monitoring environment of the MPC instance defined on the specified ATM device. See "MPC Monitoring Commands" for additional information. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

MPC Monitoring Commands

To access the MPC monitoring process, enter mpc device# at the MPOA> prompt to access the MPC Console> prompt. Enter these commands at the MPC Console> prompt.

Table 80. MPC Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 atm-interface   Accesses the MPC-ATM> command prompt from which information about the ATM interface can be displayed. 
 mpc-base   Accesses the MPC-BASE> command prompt from which information about the overall MPC status can be displayed. 
 neighbor-mps   Accesses the MPC-MPS> command prompt from which information about the MPOA servers (MPS) that have been discovered by the MPC can be displayed. 
 VCCs   Accesses the MPC VCC> command prompt from which information about the VCCs being used by the MPC can be displayed. 
 ingress-cache   Accesses the MPC Ingress> command prompt from which information about the MPC's ingress cache can be displayed. 
 egress-cache   Accesses the MPC egress> command prompt from which information about the MPC's egress cache can be displayed. 
 configure   Accesses the MPC Configure> command prompt from which MPC configuration parameters can be dynamically changed. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Monitoring Commands for the MPC ATM-Interface

Enter the following commands at the MPC-ATM> command prompt.

Table 81. MPC ATM-Interface Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 display-interface-state   Provides information about the state of the MPC's ATM interface and ATM address registration. 
 interface-statistics   Displays statistics about the ATM interface. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the display-interface-state command to provide information about the state of the MPC's ATM interface and ATM address registration.




MPC ATM>display
  MPOA Client Configured on ATM Interface  36:
  1. ATM Interface Up/Down ?:              UP
  2. ATM Address Activated By Switch ?:    TRUE
  3. LLC Call Sap Ready ?:                 TRUE
  4. LANE Call Sap Ready ?:                TRUE
  5. Local ATM address :


Use the interface-statistics command to display statistics such as the total number of address activation attempts and the number of times the ATM interface has been down.




MPC ATM>inter
	ATM Interface Statistics For This MPC:
	Total Address Registration Timeouts:    0
	Total Address Registration Failures:    0
	Total Address Deactivations :           0
	Total Net Downs:                        0

MPC Base Monitoring Commands

Enter the following commands at the MPC-BASE> command prompt.

Table 82. MPC BASE Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 list-config   Displays the current MPC configuration parameters. 
 LECs   Displays a list of local LAN Emulation Clients that are currently associated with the MPC. 
 state   Displays the current state of the MPC and the time since the last state change. 
 mpc-statistics   Displays a set of statistics for the MPC as a whole. 
 Enable-mpc   Dynamically starts a disabled MPC instance. 
 Enable-protocol   Dynamically starts a disabled MPC instance over IP or IPX. 
 Disable-protocol   Dynamically deactivates the MPC instance over IP or IPX. 
 Disable-mpc   Dynamically deactivates the MPC instance. 
 Create-mpc   Dynamically creates a new MPC instance. 
 Delete-mpc   Deletes the MPC instance. 
 clear-statistics   Resets all the statistics maintained for the MPC instance to their initial values. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list-config command to display the current configuration parameters of the MPC.



Note:This command displays the parameters that are configurable through talk 6 as well as some parameters, such as the ATM address packet trace filter value that can only be configured through talk 5 (in the CONFIGURE menu).

MPC Base>list
  		MPOA Client Configuration:
	Status:                           ENABLED
	Shortcut Setup Frame Count:       1
	Shortcut Setup Frame Time:        1      (sec)
	Initial Retry Time:               5      (sec)
	Maximum Retry Time:               40     (sec)
	Hold Down Time:                   160    (sec)
	VCC Timeout Period:               20     (min)
	Accept Config From LECS:          Yes
	Fragmentation Mode:               Maximize Shortcut Usage
	Interface:                        0
	ESI:                              Burned In ESI
	Selector:                         3
	Desired PCR:                      155000   (kbps)
	Maximum Reserved Bandwidth:       155000   (kbps)
	Line Rate:                        155      (Mbps)
	Enable LANE Shortcuts:            TRUE
	Source MAC Address for Shortcuts: Burned In
		Packet Trace Filtering Parameters:
	ATM Address Pkt Trace Filter Value
	 ATM Address Pkt Trace Filter Mask
	LAN Pkt Trace Filter Value
	LAN Pkt Trace Filter Mask


Use the LECs command to display a list of local LAN Emulation Clients (LECs) that are currently associated with the MPC. For each LEC, the interface number, ELAN ID, ELAN type, and bridge port type are displayed.




		LECs Associated w/  MPOA Client (interface 36):
     1) LEC Interface Number: 40
	ELAN Type: ETHRNET      ELAN ID: x0
	Bridge Port Type: TB PORT
	Lan Destinations Registered by this LEC:


Use the state command to display the current state of the MPC and the time since the last state change.




MPC Base>state
		MPOA Client State:
	ATM Interface Number:                  36
	State:                                 MPC UP STATE
	Time Since Last State Change (h:m:s):  00:33:40
	Last (internal) error code:            0
  Network-layer Protocols enabled:       IP IPX


Use the mpc-statistics command to display aggregate statistics for the MPC instance.



Note:This command is basically a combination of the statistics commands in each of the other submenus.

MPC Base>mpc
		MPOA Client Statistics (interface 36):
	  Ingress MPC Statistics For This MPC:
		Total Resolution Requests Sent:         7
	Total Refresh Res. Requests Sent:       6
	Total Res. Rqst Retransmissions:        1
	Total Res. Rqst Timeouts:               0
	Total Res. Reply Successes:             7
	Total Res. Reply NAKs:                  0
	Total Res. Replies Discarded:           0
	Total MPS Purges Recvd:                 0
	Total MPS Purged Mappings:              0
	Total MPS Purges Discarded:             0
	Total Triggers Recvd:                   0
	Total Triggers Discarded:               0
	Total Keep Alives Recvd:                218
	Total Inactive Mappings Deleted:        0
	Total Frames Forwarded On Shortcuts:    2174
		Total Data Plane Purges Recvd:          0
	Total Data Plane Purged Mappings:       0
	Total Data Plane Purges Discarded:      0
	Total NHRP Purge Replies Transmitted:   0
	  Egress MPC Statistics For This MPC:
	Total Imposition Requests Recvd:        8
	Total Imposition Rqsts NAKed:           0
	Total Imposition Updates Received:      7
	Total Imposition Purges Received:       0
	Total Imposition Purged Mappings:       0
	Total E-MPC Purge Rqsts Sent To MPSs:   0
	Total E-MPC Purge Rqst Retransmissions: 0
	Total E-MPC Purge Rqst Timeouts:        0
	Tot. Frames Recvd & Fwded (Software):   2286
	Total Recvd Frames Discarded:           0
	Total Data Plane Purge Rqsts Sent:      0
	Total Data Plane Purge Rqst Retransmits:0
	Total Data Plane Purge Rqst Timeouts:   0
	Total Egress Cache Entries Aged Out:    0
	  VCC Statistics For This MPC:
	Total Call Setup Failures:              0
	Total Incoming Calls Rejected:          0
	Total Connections Released Locally:     0
	Total Calls Placed Successfully:        1
	Total Calls Received Successfully:      1
	Total Remote Hangups (Normal):          0
	Total Remote Hangups (Error):           0
	  ATM Interface Statistics For This MPC:
	Total Address Registration Timeouts:    0
	Total Address Registration Failures:    0
	Total Address Deactivations :           0
	Total Net Downs:                        0
	  Additional Misc. Stats
	Total Error Indication Frames Received: 0
	Total Error Indication Frames Txmtd:    0
	Total Invalid Frames Received:          0
	Total Keep-Alives Discarded:            0
	Total OAM Frames Received:              0


Use the enable-mpc command to dynamically start operation of a disabled MPC instance. When the MPC instance is enabled, existing configuration parameters are used, and the MPC statistics are not reset to their initial values. Use create-mpc to start an MPC instance using the configuration parameters saved in the SRAM and to reset all statistics.





Use the enable-protocol command to dynamically enable the MPC over IP or IPX.




Use the disable-protocol command to dynamically disable the MPC over IP or IPX.




Use the disable-mpc command to dynamically deactivate the MPC instance. Once the MPC has been disabled, all packets follow the normal routed path and no shortcut data forwarding occurs.





Use create-mpc to start an MPC instance using the configuration parameters saved in the SRAM and to reset all statistics.




Use the delete-mpc command to delete an existing MPC instance. The MPC ceases operation immediately.




Use the clear-statistics command to reset all the statistics maintained for the MPC instance to their initial values.



MPC Neighbor MPS Monitoring Commands

Enter the following commands at the MPC-MPS> command prompt.

Table 83. MPC Neighbor MPS Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 list   Displays a current list of all the MPSs that have been discovered by the MPC (all the MPSs for which the MPC may perform forwarding functions). 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to produce a current list of all the MPSs for which the MPC may perform forwarding functions. The displayed information includes a list of MAC addresses for which the MPC is performing flow detection, the interface number of the LEC associated with each MAC address, and the control ATM address of the MPS.




MPC MPS>list
		List of Neighbor MPSs for MPOA Client (36):
  1) Control ATM: 39.84.0F.
	1 MAC Address(es) Learnt For This MPS:
	  1) MAC Addr: x10.00.5A.01.A4.00   Associated LEC Intf #:  42

MPC VCC Monitoring Commands

Enter the following commands at the MPC-VCC> command prompt.

Table 84. MPC VCC Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 list   Displays all the VCCs that are currently associated with the MPC. 
 list-vcc   Displays detailed information about a particular MPC VCC. 
 delete-vcc   Deletes a VCC associated with the MPC. 
 vcc-statistics   Displays aggregated statistics related to all VCCs associated with the MPC, including VCCs that may no longer be active). 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to display all of the VCCs that are currently associated with the MPC. This display includes fully operational VCCs and those that are not completely operational.




MPC VCC>list
		SVCs For MPC On ATM Interface 36 (total    2):
    1) VPI/VCI 0/38    State: OPERATIONAL
	Remote ATM: 39.84.0F.
    2) VPI/VCI 0/39    State: OPERATIONAL
	Remote ATM: 39.84.0F.


Use the list-vcc command to display detailed information about a particular MPC VCC.


list-vcc vpi vci


MPC VCC>list-v
VPI, Range 0..255 [0]?
VCI, Range 0..65535 [0]? 39
  VPI/VCI: 0/39     State: OPERATIONAL    Calling Party: FALSE
  Hold Down Cause:  N/A   Cause Code: N/A   Fwd/Bak SDU:4388/4388
  Remote ATM Addr: 39.84.0F.
  Conn Type: P2P     VCC Type: B. EFFORT     Encaps. Type: LLC 1483
  H/W Path Valid: FALSE    Ref. Frame Cnt: 4810
  Frames Tx/Rx: 2754/2754     Bytes Tx/Rx: 275400/275400
	(Direct) Shortcut Routes Using This VCC:
     1) Address/Mask:    Shortcut State: RESOLVED		


Use the delete-vcc command to delete a VCC associated with the MPC. ATM signalling closes the VCC. Because of on-going traffic, the VCC may be re-established shortly after deletion, giving the appearance that it was never deleted.


delete-vcc vpi vci


Use the vcc-statistics command to display aggregated statistics related to all VCCs associated with the MPC, including VCCs that may no longer be active.




		VCC Statistics For This MPC:
	Total Call Setup Failures:              0
	Total Incoming Calls Rejected:          0
	Total Connections Released Locally:     0
	Total Calls Placed Successfully:        1
	Total Calls Received Successfully:      1
	Total Remote Hangups (Normal):          0
	Total Remote Hangups (Error):           0

MPC Ingress Cache Monitoring Commands

Enter the following commands at the MPC-Ingress> command prompt.

Table 85. MPC Ingress Cache Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 list   Displays all the IP entries in the MPC's ingress cache. 
 list-ipx   Displays all the IPX entries in the MPC's ingress cache. This command may be shortened to xlist
 list-entries   Displays detailed information about specific IP ingress cache entries. 
 list-entries-ipx   Displays detailed information about specific IPX ingress cache entries. This command may be shortened to xshow-entries
 delete-entries   Deletes specified IP ingress cache entries. 
 delete-entries-ipx   Deletes specified IPX ingress cache entries. This command may be shortened to xdelete-entries
 ingress-statistics   Displays aggregated statistics for all of the MPC's ingress cache entries. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to display a list of all the IP entries in the MPC ingress cache. Use list-entries to display more detailed information.




		Ingress Cache For MPC on ATM Interface 36
		Ingress Cache Entries for Direct Host Routes:
	1)  Protocol Address:    Shortcut State: RESOLVED
		Ingress Cache Entries for Direct Network Routes:
		Ingress Cache Entries for Derived Host Routes:


Use the list-ipx command to display a list of all the IPX entries in the MPC ingress cache. Use list-entries-ipx to display more detailed information.

This command may be shortened to xlist.




MPC INGRESS>list-ipx
			Ingress Cache For MPC on ATM Interface 36
		Ingress Cache Entries for Direct Host Routes:
		Ingress Cache Entries for Direct Network Routes:
 1) Network Number (in hex): 35508661   Shortcut State: RESOLVED
		Ingress Cache Entries for Derived Host Routes:
1) Network Number/Host Number (in hex): 35508661/  Shortcut State:
Derived From: 35508661


Use list-entries to display more detailed information about IP entries.

You will be prompted for a destination IP address and address mask. Detailed information is displayed for all entries in the MPC's ingress cache which match the specified address/mask combination. The information displayed for each destination includes:


list-entries destination-protocol-address mask


Destination Protocol Address []?
Destination Protocol Address Mask []?
	Host Route Entries matching
		Direct Host Routes :
1) Address:  Shortcut State: RESOLVED
	Hold Down Cause: N/A   CIE Code: x0
	Dest ATM: 39.84.0F.
		Remaining Age (mins:secs): 3:12      Last Request ID: xB
	Destn MTU: 4376       Encaps. Type: TAGGED
	LANE Encaps. Hdr: xN/A
	Tag Value: x1
	Shortcut VCC (VPI/VCI):    0/  39   Local Shortcut ?: FALSE
	MPS: 39.84.0F.
		Derived Host Routes :
	Network Route Entries matching
None found!


Use list-entries-ipx to display more detailed information about IPX entries.

You will be prompted for a destination network number and destination node number. Detailed information is displayed for all entries in the MPC's ingress cache which match the specified network number/node number combination. The information displayed for each destination includes:

This command may be shortened to xshow-entries.


list-entries-ipx destination-network-number destination-node-number


MPC INGRESS>list-entries-ipx
Destination Network Number (in 8-digit hex) (1 - FFFFFFFE) [0]? 35508661
 Destination Node Number (in hex) (0x000000000000 for network destination):[]?
	Host Route Entries matching 35508661/000000000000
      Direct Host Routes :
      Derived Host Routes:
1) Network Number (in hex) 35508661  Shortcut State:  RESOLVED
      Hold Down Cause: N/A  CIE Code:  x0
      Dest ATM:
           Remaining Age  (mins:secs) : 17:17    Last Request ID: x0
      Destn MTU:  4381       Encaps. Type: TR 802.2-IPX-LANE
      LANE Encaps. Hdr: x0000004008005a6c3b778004ac47390d06a000110020
      Tag Value: N/A
      Shortcut VCC (VPI/VCI):    0/ 211   Local Shortcut ?: FALSE
   Network Route Entries matching 35508661
   1) Network Number (in hex) 35508661  Shortcut State:  RESOLVED
      Hold Down Cause: N/A  CIE Code:  x0
           Remaining Age  (mins:secs) : 17:17    Last Request ID: x0
      Destn MTU:  4381       Encaps. Type: TR 802.2-IPX-LANE
      LANE Encaps. Hdr: x0000004008005a6c3b778004ac47390d06a000110020
      Tag Value: N/A
      Shortcut VCC (VPI/VCI):    0/ 211   Local Shortcut ?: FALSE


Use the delete-entries command to delete specific IP ingress cache entries.


delete-entriesdestination-protocol-address mask

You will be prompted for a destination protocol address and address mask. All ingress cache entries which match this address/mask combination are then deleted.
Note:Because of ongoing traffic, an ingress cache entry for a particular destination may immediately get recreated after it has been deleted using this command, giving the appearance that the entry had not been deleted.


Use the delete-entries-ipx command to delete specific IPX ingress cache entries.

This command may be shortened to xdelete-entries.


delete-entries-ipx destination-network-number destination-node-number

You will be prompted for a destination network number and destination node number. All ingress cache entries which match this network number/node number combination are then deleted.
Note:Because of ongoing traffic, an ingress cache entry for a particular destination may immediately get recreated after it has been deleted using this command, giving the appearance that the entry had not been deleted.


Use the ingress-statistics command to display aggregated statistics for all the MPC's ingress cache entries.




		Ingress MPC Statistics For This MPC:
		Total Resolution Requests Sent:         14
	Total Refresh Res. Requests Sent:       13
	Total Res. Rqst Retransmissions:        1
	Total Res. Rqst Timeouts:               0
	Total Res. Reply Successes:             14
	Total Res. Reply NAKs:                  0
	Total Res. Replies Discarded:           0
	Total MPS Purges Recvd:                 0
	Total MPS Purged Mappings:              0
	Total MPS Purges Discarded:             0
	Total Triggers Recvd:                   0
	Total Triggers Discarded:               0
	Total Keep Alives Recvd:                443
	Total Inactive Mappings Deleted:        0
	Total Frames Forwarded On Shortcuts:    4414
		Total Data Plane Purges Recvd:          0
	Total Data Plane Purged Mappings:       0
	Total Data Plane Purges Discarded:      0
	Total NHRP Purge Replies Transmitted:   0

MPC Egress Cache Monitoring Commands

Enter the following commands at the MPC-Egress> command prompt.

Table 86. MPC Egress Cache Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 list   Displays all the IP entries in the MPC's egress cache. 
 list-ipx   Displays all the IPX entries in the MPC's egress cache. This command may be shortened to xlist
 list-entries   Displays detailed information about specific IP egress cache entries. 
 list-entries-ipx   Displays detailed information about specific IPX egress cache entries. This command may be shortened to xshow-entries
 purge-entries   Purges specified IP egress cache entries. 
 purge-entries-ipx   Purges specified egress IPX cache entries. This command may be shortened to xpurge-entries
 egress-statistics   Displays aggregated statistics for all of the MPC's egress cache entries. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to display a list of all the IP entries in the MPC egress cache. Use list-entries to display more detailed information.




		Egress Cache For MPC on ATM Interface 36
	Egress Cache Entries w/ MPOA-Tag Encapsulation:
    1) Protocol Address/Mask:     State:     ACTIVE
	Egress Cache Entries w/ Native 1483 Encapsulation (Host Routes):
	Egress Cache Entries w/ Native 1483 Encapsulation (Netwk Routes):


Use the list-ipx command to display a list of all the IPX entries in the MPC egress cache. Use list-entries-ipx to display more detailed information.

This command may be shortened to xlist.




MPC EGRESS>list-ipx
			Egress Cache For MPC on ATM Interface 36
		Egress Cache Entries w/ MPOA-Tag Encapsulation:
		Egress Cache Entries w/ Native 1483 Encapsulation (Host Routes):
    1) Net/Host Num (in hex): 3/ State :   Active
		Egress Cache Entries w/Native 1483 Encapsulation (Netwk Routes):


Use list-entries to display detailed information about all the IP entries in the MPC egress cache.

You will be prompted for a destination protocol address and mask. Detailed information is then displayed for all egress cache entries which match this address/mask combination. The information includes:


list-entries destination-protocol-address mask


MPC EGRESS>list-en
Destination Protocol Address []?
Destination Protocol Address Mask []?
      Egress Cache Entries matching :
 1) Address/Mask:   Entry Type: TAG
    LEC #:  2    Cache ID: x1   State: ACTIVE
    MPS: 39.84.0F.
    Source: 39.84.0F.
    Remaining Age (mins:secs): 13:37
    Recvd Octets: 463900
    Recvd Frames Forwarded: 4639
    Recvd Frames Discarded: 0
    Tag Value: x1       Local Shortcut: FALSE
    DLL Header: x0040000000019f0090005a01a40006a08b884b40aaaa030000000800
    LANE Extensions in last Imposition reply:  None		


Use list-entries-ipx to display more detailed information about IPX entries.

You will be prompted for a destination network number and destination node number. Detailed information is displayed for all entries in the MPC's egress cache which match the specified network number/node number combination. The information displayed for each destination includes:

This command may be shortened to xshow-entries or xs.


list-entries-ipx destination-network-number destination-node-number


MPC EGRESS>list-entries-ipx
Destination Network Number (in 8-digit hex) (1 - FFFFFFFE) [0]? 3
Destination Node Number (in hex) (0x000000000000 for network destination):[]?
	Egress Cache Entries matching 3/000000000000
1) IPX Net/Host Num: 3/00000001a200 Entry Type: 1483 (Host,Direct)
Lec#: 1  Cache IP: x1  State: ACTIVE
MPS: 39.84.0F.
Source: 39.84.0F.
Remaining Age (mins:secs): 5:5
Recvd Octets: N/A
Recvd Frames Forwarded: N/A
Recvd Frames Discarded: N/A
Tage Value: N/A    Local Shortcut: FALSE
DLL Header: x004000000001a20090005a00999906a00a2a0a10e0e003
LANE Extensions in last Imposition reply: Formats 7, 11, 13, 17


Use the purge-entries command to purge specified IP egress cache entries.

You will be prompted for a destination protocol address and mask. All egress cache entries which match this address/mask combination are purged. This is done using the MPOA egress MPC-initiated egress cache purge request.
Note:Because of ongoing traffic, an egress cache entry for a destination may immediately get recreated after it has been purged, giving the appearance that the purge command may not have been successful.


purge-entries destination-protocol-address mask


Use the purge-entries-ipx command to purge specified egress cache entries.

You will be prompted for a destination network number and destination node number. All egress cache entries which match this network number/node number combination are purged. This is done using the MPOA egress MPC initiated egress cache purge request.
Note:Because of ongoing traffic, an egress cache entry for a destination may immediately get recreated after it has been purged, giving the appearance that the purge command may not have been successful.

This command may be shortened to xpurge-entries or xp.


purge-entries destination-network-number destination-node-number


Use the egress-statistics command to display aggregated statistics for all the MPC's egress cache entries.




		Egress MPC Statistics For This MPC:
	Total Imposition Requests Recvd:        18
	Total Imposition Rqsts NAKed:           0
	Total Imposition Updates Received:      17
	Total Imposition Purges Received:       0
	Total Imposition Purged Mappings:       0
	Total E-MPC Purge Rqsts Sent To MPSs:   0
	Total E-MPC Purge Rqst Retransmissions: 0
	Total E-MPC Purge Rqst Timeouts:        0
		Tot. Frames Recvd & Fwded (Software):   5510
	Total Recvd Frames Discarded:           0
	Total Data Plane Purge Rqsts Sent:      0
	Total Data Plane Purge Rqst Retransmits:0
	Total Data Plane Purge Rqst Timeouts:   0
	Total Egress Cache Entries Aged Out:    0		

MPC Configure Monitoring Commands

Enter the following commands at the MPC-Configure> command prompt to dynamically change values of the MPC configuration parameters. The changes occur immediately and are temporary. The changes are applied to the running MPC instance and are not saved.

The commands for setting various configuration parameters are very similar to the corresponding commands using talk 6. Under talk 5, however, there are separate explicit commands for setting each parameter that can be dynamically configured, while under talk 6, all parameters are configured under the set command.
Note:Dynamic enabling/ disabling or creation/deletion of an MPOA client can also be done and the commands are under the MPC-BASE menu.

Two additional sets of configuration parameters available using the talk 5 config that do not have any talk 6 counterparts are the atm-packet-trace-filter and lan-packet-trace-filter commands. You can configure a mask for an ATM address or MAC address respectively. MPOA client packets are only traced if the remote ATM address of the VCC on which the packet is being sent or received or the destination MAC address of the packet if on a legacy LAN interface matches the configured mask.

The first example will result in only those MPOA client packets being traced on the ATM interface that are being sent/received over VCCs to a remote ATM address with the last two bytes being X'05'.


    ATM Address Pkt Trace Filter Value (40 hex digits)
    ATM Address Pkt Trace Filter Mask (40 hex digits)

The following example will result in MPOA client packet tracing on the legacy LAN interfaces of only those packets for which the destination MAC address has a `40' as the first byte.


    LAN Pkt Trace Filter Value (12 hex digits)
     [000000000000]? 400000000000
    LAN Pkt Trace Filter Mask (12 hex digits)
     [000000000000]? ff0000000000   

See page *** for a description of each command.

Table 87. MPC Configure Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 list   Displays the current values of all the dynamically configurable parameters. 
 reset   Resets all the dynamically configurable parameters to the values configured at the talk 6 prompt. See MPC Configuration Commands for more information. 
 pcr   Dynamically sets the peak cell rate for the MPC instance. 
 max-reserved-bandwidth   Dynamically sets the maximum reserved bandwidth for the MPC instance. 
 enable-lane-shortcuts   Dynamically enables LANE shortcuts for the MPC instance. 
 lane-shortcuts-src-mac   Dynamically sets the source MAC address to be used in frames transmitted on LANE shortcut VCCs. 
 configured-src-mac   Dynamically sets locally administered MAC address to be used as the source MAC address in frames transmitted on LANE shortcut VCCs.. 
 frame-count   Dynamically sets the frame count used to control the rate of traffic required before the MPC will initiate a shortcut to a given protocol destination. 
 frame-time   Dynamically sets frame time used to control the rate of traffic required before the MPC will initiate a shortcut to a given protocol destination. 
 init-retry-time   Dynamically sets the value of the retry timer used to determine if a request is to be retried when there is no response in a specified amount of time. 
 max-retry-time   Dynamically sets the maximum value of the retry timer used to determine if a request is to be retried when there is no response in a specified amount of time. 
 hold-down-time   Dynamically sets the minimum time to wait before reinitiating a failed resolution attempt. 
 vcc-timeout   Dynamically sets the time after which VCCs will be cleared when there has been no activity. 
 accept-config-from-lecs   Dynamically specifies whether any configuration parameters received from the LECS will be accepted by the MPC. 
 fragmentation-mode   Dynamically controls the manner that the ingress MPC handles IP packet fragmentation. 
 atm-packet-trace-filter   Allows the user to restrict packet tracing to specific VCCs. 
 lan-packet-trace-filter   Allows the user to restrict packet tracing to and from LAN ports. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

MPC Packet Tracing

MPOA client packet traces can be activated from the Event Logging System (ELS) which is an integral part of the device operating system. See the chapter entitled "Using the Event Logging System" and the chapter entitled "Configuring and Monitoring the Event Logging System" in 8371 Interface Configuration and Software User's Guide for additional information about ELS.
Note:Packet tracing for the MPOA server function is separate from that of the MPOA client function and is accessed as part of NHRP packet tracing.

For MPOA client packet tracing, use the MPOA ELS subsystem. MPOA client packet tracing supports the set trace decode on option. This option enables the MPOA output to be interpreted for viewing. For details on using the trace facility, see the description of the trace command in the chapter entitled "Configuring and Monitoring the Event Logging System" in 8371 Interface Configuration and Software User's Guide

MPOA client packets are identified by three different events under the MPOA ELS subsystem.

Sample Trace Output 1:

#1 Dir:INCOMING  Time:  Trap:7611
Comp:MPOA  Type:UNKNOWN  Port:0  Circuit:0x000000  Size:245
** MPC MPOA/NHRP Frame on 1483 VCC **
AddressFamily:ATM_NSAP  ProtocolType:IPv4  HopCount:64  PacketSize:237
Checksum:0x6F02  ExtensionOffset:0x0044  Version:1
SrcAddrTL:20  SrcSubAddrTL:0  SrcProtoLen:4  DstProtoLen:4
Src NBMA:39840F0000000000000000000310005A019A0004
Src Protocol Addr:  Dest Protocol Addr:
0040: 00 FF 00 00 11 18 03 C0  00 00 00 00 10 01 00 00    | ................ |
0050: 10 02 00 04 D0 00 00 5A  00 08 00 08 08 00 5A 00    | .......Z......Z. |
0060: 00 01 00 06 00 08 00 1C  08 00 5A 00 00 01 00 0A    | ..........Z..... |
0070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
0080: 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 34  08 00 5A 00 00 01 00 0C    | .......4..Z..... |
0090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
00A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
00B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 08 00 08    | ................ |
00C0: 08 00 5A 00 00 01 00 10  90 00 00 25 00 00 00 02    | ..Z........%.... |
00D0: 00 00 00 00 1C 00 40 00  00 00 01 9F 00 90 00 5A    | ......@........Z |
00E0: 01 A4 00 06 20 4B 48 8B  80 AA AA 03 00 00 00 08    | .... KH......... |
00F0: 00 80 00 00 00

Sample Trace Output 2:

#3 Dir:OUTGOING  Time:  Trap:7611
Comp:MPOA  Type:UNKNOWN  Port:0  Circuit:0x000000  Size:269
** MPC MPOA/NHRP Frame on 1483 VCC **
AddressFamily:ATM_NSAP  ProtocolType:IPv4  HopCount:255  PacketSize:261
Checksum:0x0DBE  ExtensionOffset:0x0058  Version:1
SrcAddrTL:20  SrcSubAddrTL:0  SrcProtoLen:4  DstProtoLen:4
Src NBMA:39840F0000000000000000000310005A019A0004
Src Protocol Addr:  Dest Protocol Addr:
0040: 00 20 00 00 11 18 03 C0  14 00 00 FF 39 84 0F 00    | . ..........9... |
0050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  02 10 00 5A 01 9C 00 03    | ...........Z.... |
0060: 10 01 00 04 00 00 00 01  10 02 00 04 00 00 D0 00    | ................ |
0070: 00 08 00 08 08 00 5A 00  00 01 00 06 00 08 00 1C    | ......Z......... |
0080: 08 00 5A 00 00 01 00 0A  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ..Z............. |
0090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 08 00 34    | ...............4 |
00A0: 08 00 5A 00 00 01 00 0C  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ..Z............. |
00B0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
00C0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
00D0: 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 08  08 00 5A 00 00 01 00 10    | ..........Z..... |
00E0: 90 00 00 25 00 00 00 02  00 00 00 00 1C 00 40 00    | ...%..........@. |
00F0: 00 00 01 9F 00 90 00 5A  01 A4 00 06 20 4B 48 8B    | .......Z.... KH. |

Sample Configuration

Example Configuration of an MPOA client


 (1) Enter the MPOA client configuration menus.
 (2) First add an MPC.
 (3) Confirm that an MPC has been added, then go into the config option for configuring this MPC.
 (4) List the current configuration. Since we just added the MPC, all the configuration parameters have been set to the default values.
(4a) Some of the parameters displayed cannot be configured but are displayed simply for convenience. For instance the interface indicated refers to the ATM interface number on which the MPC is being configured.
 (5) If we would like the MPC to be in disabled state on bringup, use the disable command. The MPC can be dynamically activated from the monitoring console (talk 5).
 (6) Use the set command to configure various MPC parameters. Check the list of parameters which can be set using this command as shown below.
 (7) The frame-count parameter can be configured as shown (setting it to 1 will effectively result in the MPC making shortcut attempts to every destination for which a packet is encountered, while setting it to a very large value will result in shortcuts only to destinations to which extremely heavy traffic is being sent).
 (8) Configure the ESI portion of the ATM address of the MPC (the MPC uses a single ATM address as both its control and data ATM address). Two ESIs have already been administered under the ATM interface configuration menus.
 (9) Configure the selector byte to be used along with the ESI as part of the MPC's ATM address.
(10) Configure parameters related to the use of LAN emulation shortcuts.
Note:If LANE shortcuts are enabled, you are prompted for the choice of source MAC address to be used in the layer 2 header of LANE shortcut packets. Further, if option 2 (locally configured MAC address is chosen, then you are also prompted for the MAC address desired.
(11) Confirm the new configuration using the list command.
 	MOS Operator Console
For help using the Command Line Interface, press ESCAPE, then '?'
	*t 6
	Gateway user configuration
	Config>p mpoa       (1)
	Next Hop Resolution Protocol/Multi Protocol Over ATM user configuration
	MPOA config>mpc 36
	MPOA Client user configuration
	MPC >?
	MPC >add        (2)
	     MPC added on interface 36
	MPC >list        (3)
	       Interface                  Status
	          36                      ENABLED
	MPC >config
	MPC Configuration> ?
        MPC Configuration> list       (4)
		MPC Configuration
		Shortcut Setup Frame Count:       10    (frames)
		Shortcut Setup Frame Time:        1     (sec)
		Initial Retry Time:               5     (sec)
		Maximum Retry Time:               40    (sec)
		Hold Down Time:                   160   (sec)
		VCC Timeout Period:               20    (min)
		Accept Config From LECS:          Yes
		Fragmentation Mode:               Maximize Shortcut Usage
		Interface:                       36
		ESI:                              Burned In ESI
		Selector:                         0x 2
		Desired PCR:                      155000 (kbps)
		Maximum Reserved Bandwidth:       155000 (kbps)
		Line Rate:                        155 (Mbps)
		Enable LANE Shortcuts:            TRUE
		Source MAC Address for Shortcuts: Burned In
	MPC Configuration> disable        (5)
	Disable MPC?  [Yes]?y
	    MPC set to DISABLED
	MPC Configuration> set ?      (6)
	MPC Configuration> set frame-count   (7)
	Frame Count for Shortcut Setup (in frames):  [10]? 1
	MPC Configuration> set esi      (8)
		[1] Burned in ESI
	 ESI:  [1]? 2
	MPC Configuration> set selector     (9)
	Selector Byte (in hex) [2]? 10
	MPC Configuration> set short   (10)
	Enable LANE Shortcuts?  [Yes]? y
	  Choices for Source MAC Address for LANE Shortcuts:
	  	[1] Burned in ESI
	  	[2] Locally Configured MAC Address
	  	[3] MAC Address from the Resolution Reply
	MAC Address Type for LANE Shortcuts:  [1]? 2
	MAC Address for LANE Shortcuts:  []?
	MPC Configuration> list      (11)
		MPC Configuration
		Shortcut Setup Frame Count:       1     (frames)
		Shortcut Setup Frame Time:        1     (sec)
		Initial Retry Time:               5     (sec)
		Maximum Retry Time:               40    (sec)
		Hold Down Time:                   160   (sec)
		VCC Timeout Period:               10    (min)
		Accept Config From LECS:          Yes
		Fragmentation Mode:               Maximize Shortcut Usage
			Interface:                       36
		Selector:                         0x10
		Desired PCR:                      155000 (kbps)
		Maximum Reserved Bandwidth:       155000 (kbps)
		Line Rate:                        155 (Mbps)
		Enable LANE Shortcuts:            TRUE
		Source MAC Address for Shortcuts: Locally Configured

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