This chapter describes Thin Server NFS (TSNS) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
TSNS.001 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.001 System Error: error_description
Long Syntax: TSNS.001 System Error: error_description
Description: The NFS server was not able to complete initial setup successfully. Errors occured during portmapper registration or initial socket setup.
TSNS.002 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.002 Unable to send command-name reply
Long Syntax: TSNS.002 Unable to send command-name reply
Description: An attempt to send a reply to a Network Station failed.
TSNS.003 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.003 Unable to decode command_name args
Long Syntax: TSNS.003 Decode failed with command_name
Description: An attempt to decode the arguments for a RPC request failed.
TSNS.004 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.004 Memory Allocation error getting storage_name
Long Syntax: TSNS.004 Memory Allocation error failed with storage_name
Description: The memory allocated for use by the Thin Server feature is depleted
TSNS.005 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.005 function_name failed with rc
Long Syntax: TSNS.005 function_name failed with rc
Description: A function call failed with the specified return code or errno.
TSNS.006 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.006 NFSD transport handle is transport_handle
Long Syntax: TSNS.006 NFSD transport handle is transport_handle
Description: This message displays the NFS transport handle that was defined during NFS Server initialization.
TSNS.007 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.007 System Error: function_name errno is errno
Long Syntax: TSNS.007 System Error: function_name errno is errno
Description: A system error occured during an attempt to create an RPC service transport.
TSNS.008 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.008 function_description , sock number is sock_descriptor, errno err_number
Long Syntax: TSNS.008 function_description , sock number is sock_descriptor, errno err_number
Description: The binding of the socket defined by sock_descriptor has failed with the specified errno.
TSNS.009 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.009 Unsupported RPC invoked prog= program_number, vers= version_number, proc= procedure_number
Long Syntax: TSNS.009 Unsupported RPC invoked prog= program_number, vers= version_number, proc= procedure_number
Description: An attempt was made to invoke an unsupported RPC routine
Cause: The NFS client attempted to invoke an unsupported RPC routine.
Action: Check the procedure number specified in the message to determine the routine that was requested and verify its usage. WRITE and CREATE commands are the most likely candidates.
TSNS.010 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.010 MOUNT from ip_addr on directory directory_name was successful
Long Syntax: TSNS.010 MOUNT request from ip_addr on directory directory_name was successful
Description: The client at the specified ip address successfully mounted.
TSNS.011 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.011 NFS DISPATCH received prog= program_number, vers= version_number, proc= procedure_number ( procedure_name)
Long Syntax: TSNS.011 NFS DISPATCH received prog= program_number, vers= version_number, proc= procedure_number ( procedure_name)
Description: This message indicates that the NFS Dispatch routine was invoked.
TSNS.012 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.012 MOUNT DISPATCH received prog= program_number, vers= version_number, proc= procedure_number ( procedure_name)
Long Syntax: TSNS.012 MOUNT DISPATCH received prog= program_number, vers= version_number, proc= procedure_number ( procedure_name)
Description: This message indicates that the MOUNT Dispatch routine was invoked.
TSNS.013 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.013 function_name was invoked
Long Syntax: TSNS.013 function_name was invoked
Description: This message indicates that the specified function was invoked
TSNS.014 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.014 TRC: message_description
Long Syntax: TSNS.014 TRACE: message_description
Description: Informational message used for debugging purposes.
TSNS.015 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.015 MOS IP Interface Failed to Come Up after time seconds
Long Syntax: TSNS.015 MOS IP Interface Failed to Come Up after time seconds
Description: This error is generated if the routers IP interface fails to start.
Cause: The IP interface is not configured correctly or a hardware problem exists.
Action: Check the IP configuration definitions and physical connectivity.
TSNS.016 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.016 function-name failed with rc: rc, error: error-description( error-code)
Long Syntax: TSNS.016 function-name failed with rc: rc, error: error-description( error-code)
Description: A function call failed with the specified error. This may prevent the NFS server thread from starting
TSNS.017 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.017 INT ERR: function-name failed with reason
Long Syntax: TSNS.017 INT ERR: function-name failed with reason
Description: This error reports a serious internal code problem.
TSNS.018 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.018 INT ERR: message_description
Long Syntax: TSNS.018 INT ERR: message_description
Description: This error reports that a corrupted packet was detected by the NFS server. The packet will be discared.
TSNS.019 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.019 LOOKUP of file filename was received
Long Syntax: TSNS.019 LOOKUP of file filename was received
Description: This message displays the filename for which a lookup was performed.
TSNS.020 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.020 LOOKUP by filename successful for file/dir ( )
Long Syntax: TSNS.020 LOOKUP by filename completed successfully for file/directory ( )
Description: A client issued an NFS Lookup to the Thin Server and the Thin Server responded positively because it is caching the file or directory for which the Lookup was requested
TSNS.021 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.021 LOOKUP by ipaddr for ( filename) discarded, TSF attempting to obtain
Long Syntax: TSNS.021 LOOKUP by ipaddr for ( filename) has been temporarily discarded while TSF attempts to obtain the file/dir
Description: An NFS Lookup request by a client (specified by ipaddr) for the file specified by filename has been discarded while the TSF attempts to obtain the file from the mater file server. The client will retry the Lookup and subsequent retries will be responded to with file available or file not found depending on Thin Server's ability to obtain the file.
TSNS.022 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.022 LOOKUP by ipaddr for ( filename) - not found because
Long Syntax: TSNS.022 LOOKUP by ipaddr for file/directory ( filename) not found because
Description: The NFS Lookup request by the client for the file or directory called filename has failed.
Cause: The file is a softlink
Action: Create a hardlink on the master file server
Cause: The file does not exist
Action: The client may sometimes ask for files that do not exist. If the file does not exist on the master file server then this should be considered a normal condition (not an error condition) and the client will operate normally.
TSNS.023 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.023 GETATTR by ipaddr for ( filename) successful
Long Syntax: TSNS.023 GETATTRIBUTE by ipaddr for ( filename) successful
Description: The NFS command GETATTR (Get Attribute) was successful
TSNS.024 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.024 GETATTR by ipaddr for ( filename) failed, reason = reason_code
Long Syntax: TSNS.024 GETATTRIBUTE by ipaddr for ( filename) failed, reason = reason_code
Description: The NFS command GETATTR (Get Attribute) failed for the specified reason
TSNS.025 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.025 Starting to read file filename by ipaddr
Long Syntax: TSNS.025 Starting to read file filename by ipaddr
Description: The client is starting to read the specified file (i.e. reading from offset zero)
TSNS.026 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: TSNS.026 READ of offest ( offset) of file filename by ipaddr returned amount_read bytes
Long Syntax: TSNS.026 READ of offest ( offset) of file filename by ipaddr returned amount_read bytes
Description: The client is reading the specified file.
TSNS.027 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.027 READ failed for offset ( offset) of file filename by ipaddr, reason = reason_code
Long Syntax: TSNS.027 READ failed for offset ( offset) of file filename by ipaddr, reason = reason_code
Description: The read of the file failed for the reason specified
TSNS.028 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.028 ReadDir for filename by ipaddr failed, reason = reason_code
Long Syntax: TSNS.028 ReadDir for filename by ipaddr failed, reason = reason_code
Description: The NFS command Read Directory failed for the specified reason
TSNS.029 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.029 ReadDir for filename by ipaddr successful
Long Syntax: TSNS.029 ReadDir for filename by ipaddr successful
Description: The NFS command Read Directory was successful
TSNS.030 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.030 ReadSymLink for filename by ipaddr successful
Long Syntax: TSNS.030 ReadSymLink for filename by ipaddr successful
Description: The NFS command Read Symbolic Link was successful
TSNS.031 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.031 ReadSymLink for filename by ipaddr failed, reason = reason_code
Long Syntax: TSNS.031 ReadSymLink for filename by ipaddr failed, reason = reason_code
Description: The NFS command Read Symbolic Link failed
TSNS.032 |
Short Syntax: TSNS.032 MOUNT from ipaddr on directory directory_name failed
Long Syntax: TSNS.032 MOUNT request from ipaddr on directory directory_name failed
Description: A Mount request failed
Cause: There is a mismatch between the directories that the Thin Server is configured to cache and the directory that the client is configured to use.
Action: verify that the client is configured correctly.
TSNS.033 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.033 MOUNT from ipaddr on directory directory_name failed, max mounts( max_mounts_allowed) exceeded
Long Syntax: TSNS.033 MOUNT from ipaddr on directory directory_name failed, max mounts( max_mounts_allowed) exceeded
Description: A mount request failed because the maximum number of mounts allowed by all attached clients has been exceeded
TSNS.034 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TSNS.034 UNMOUNT from ip_addr on directory directory_name
Long Syntax: TSNS.034 UNMOUNT from ip_addr on directory directory_name
Description: An unmount was received for the specified directory