This chapter describes V.25bis Dialing (V25B) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
V25B.001 |
Short Syntax: V25B.001 I_ERR (0x status) len( msglen) on rcv nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.001 Frame received with I_ERR set (status = 0x status) or bad length( msglen), on network network ID
Description: V.25bis: v25b_rx() received a buffer from the driver with the error flag set or with a length less than the minimum.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
V25B.002 |
Short Syntax: V25B.002 Rx bad type ( type) st state on nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.002 Received an unrecognized frame type ( type) in state state, on network network ID
Description: V.25bis: v25b_rx() received a frame from the DCE other than a normal V.25bis indication in a state other than "connected".
Action: Report this event to customer service.
V25B.003 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.003 Cll to address failed T = secs. ms secs on nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.003 Call to address failed after secs. ms seconds on network network ID
Description: A connection attempt failed. Ref V25B.016 for posssible reasons.
V25B.006 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.006 FSM st state1 ev event -> st state2 nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.006 FSM transition occurred: old state state1, event event, new state state2 on network network ID.
Description: The handler received an event which triggered a state change. If this occurred as a result of a modem signal change, the preceding log message (if enabled) should indicate the new signals.
V25B.007 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.007 Mdm Chg 0x modem1 -> 0x modem2 (DSR/CTS/CD/CI) nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.007 A modem signal change was detected (0x modem1 -> 0x modem2 DSR/CTS/CD/CI) network network ID.
Description: A change in the modem signals from the DCE was detected; this may or may not precipitate an FSM transition (follows).
V25B.008 |
Short Syntax: V25B.008 Dead DCE nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.008 DCE not responding to the handler on network network ID.
Description: The V.25bis handler attempts to raise the modem (or CU/DSU) on self-test. If it doesn't respond (by raising CTS), the handler assumes it is dead or non-compliant.
Cause: DCE not connected, powered-off, inoperable, or non-V.25bis compliant.
Action: Attach the cable, turn it on, fix it, or get a compliant one.
V25B.009 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: V25B.009 RxD Pkt ln msglen nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.009 Received a frame of length ( msglen) from network network ID.
Description: The V.25bis handler received a data frame, which it is forwarding to its client encapsulator.
V25B.010 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: V25B.010 TxD Pkt ln msglen nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.010 Transmitted a frame of length ( msglen) over network network ID.
Description: The V.25bis handler has transmitted a data frame on behalf of its client encapsulator.
V25B.012 |
Short Syntax: V25B.012 No heap on function nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.012 Insufficient heap memory to support this function ( function) on network network ID.
Description: The V.25bis handler requires a certain amount of heap memory to operate, and it couldn't get it.
Cause: Either the load image, or the protocol tables are too large.
Action: Get a smaller load image, or reduce the size of the forwarder tables.
V25B.013 |
Short Syntax: V25B.013 Bd cfg ( function) nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.013 Incomplete configuration ( function) for network network ID.
Description: The V.25bis handler requires a minimal configuration to work, and that information was not specified.
Action: Verify that the V25B configuration for this interface includes at least the Local Address.
V25B.014 |
Short Syntax: V25B.014 Bd ConnID (0x ConnID 0x RegP 0x PortP)
Long Syntax: V25B.014 V.25bis function invoked with an invalid Connection Identifier (0x ConnID 0x RegP 0x PortP).
Description: The V.25bis handler interfaces to the encapsulators via a Connection Identifier for its connection-related functions. It has been invoked with an invalid Connection Identifier.
V25B.015 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: V25B.015 Drp RxD Pkt ln msglen st state nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.015 Dropping a received Data frame of length ( msglen) in state state from network network ID.
Description: The V.25bis handler received a data frame, in a state where it doesn't expect one, so it dropped it.
V25B.016 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: V25B.016 indtype Ind rsn reason st state nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.016 DCE indication indtype, reason reason in state state on network network ID.
Description: The DCE has sent the specified indication. This may indicate that a connect attempt, initiated by the V.25bis handler has failed (INV or CFI) for the reason specified (see the calling unit user's manual for a description of the reason code, if any accompanies this message). Alternatively, this may just be a redundant incoming call indicatation (INC), which had already been signalled by the CI Circuit 125.
Cause: Call aborted: router timed out, or modem user interface command.
Action: Extend the call establishment period or don't interrupt the call.
Cause: Local DCE Busy: the user interfered through the calling unit user interface.
Action: Do not interfere.
Cause: Engaged Tone: the remote end is busy.
Action: Try again later (the router should automatically).
Cause: No Dial tone: the telephone network isn't responding.
Action: Fix the link, contact service provider.
Cause: Number not stored.
Action: Call customer service: we don't use the corresponding command.
Cause: No Answer Tone detected: remote unit did not respond with answer tone.
Action: Check called number, verify that remote unit is on-line.
Cause: Ring Tone (but no answer).
Action: Check called number, verify that remote unit is on-line.
V25B.017 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.017 Indctn Message st state nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.017 DCE sent Message in state state, on network network ID.
Description: The calling unit has either accepted the router's request (INC), or is connecting the call (CNX or ONL). This is a normal event -- albeit perhaps not always reported by a given DCE/CU.
V25B.018 |
Short Syntax: V25B.018 Dlyd Cll ind delaytime minutes nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.018 DCE indicates Call Delayed for delaytime minutes on network network ID.
Description: The calling unit (DCE) has indicated that it will not attempt additional outgoing calls for at least the indicated period. This is an optional feature of some DCEs in some administrations, which inhibits high frequencies of calls over a short period. Examine the previous log entries to determine why so many calls are being made.
Cause: Connections to a particular destination(s) are continually being cleared.
Action: Check the GateWay messages, to determine if the calls are being IDLE-d out (increase the idle period), or if the verification procedure is failing (check the calling number at both ends).
Cause: Non-responding remote DCE.
Action: Check the called number and verify that the remote DCE is on-line.
Cause: Busy remote.
Action: Increase the Call Retries timeout for that destination.
V25B.019 |
Short Syntax: V25B.019 No Bf Cll nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.019 Buffer unavailable for connection request on network network ID.
Description: The handler needs a buffer to send the "connection request" to the DCE, and couldn't obtain one. The call fails. The router should re-initiate the call at a later time.
V25B.020 |
Short Syntax: V25B.020 Bd Sts CRN Tx 0x status nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.020 Bad transmit status (0x status) for CRN network network ID.
Description: The driver reports a bad transmit status when trying to send the Call Request (CRN).
V25B.021 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.021 Set DSS DSS nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.021 Set output signals DSS on network network ID
Description: The router is changing its output dataset signals in response to the preceding event. (DTR = V.24 Circuit 108/2 and RTS = V.24 Circuit 105)
V25B.022 |
Short Syntax: V25B.022 no bfr avl action nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.022 no buffer available for action network network ID
Description: A packet buffer was not available when the hardware-sppecific interface code required one to perform the specified action.
V25B.023 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.023 Slftst OK nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.023 Selftest completed successfully on network network ID
Description: Self-test of the connection between the router and the modem completed ok.
V25B.024 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.024 Tx CRN destination nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.024 Sending Dial (CRN) command for call to destination on network network ID
Description: The modem is in a now in a state where it can actually receive V.25bis commands, so we are sending it the telephone number to dial.
V25B.025 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.025 Clnt CR destination nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.025 Client connection request to destination on network network ID
Description: The client (ex: Dial Circuit or WAN Restoral) has made a connection request to the specified address.
V25B.026 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.026 Clnt CR blckd destination nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.026 Client connection request on busy interface to destination on network network ID
Description: The client (ex: Dial Circuit or Wan Restoral) is trying to initiate a connection, but the base network is busy.
V25B.027 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: V25B.027 Out Call destination cmp T= time nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.027 Client connection established to destination in time seconds on network network ID
Description: In the specified time, the router established the connection requested (ex: Dial Circuit or Wan Restoral). The operator may care to use this value to adjust the configured connect timeout.
V25B.028 |
Short Syntax: V25B.028 Bad drct Tx prot Protocol, pls remap to dial circuit on nt network ID
Long Syntax: V25B.028 Some forwarder ( Protocol) has attempted to transmit directly over the V.25bis network network ID
Description: Transmits over the V.25bis network are only supposed to be done via an associated dial circuit, which will do an appropriate encapsulation. This is caused by a mistake in the configuration of the forwarders. No forwarder should be configured to use the V.25bis network. To bound the number of these messages, they will be logged only a fraction of the actual events.
Cause: A forwarder (IP, IPX, etc) address was assigned to the V.25bis interface.
Action: Delete the address, and (probably) re-assign it to a dial circuit (which is itself mapped to the V.25bis network).
Cause: The bridge or other forwarder has been configured to use the V.25bis interface.
Action: Remove the V.25bis interface as a port used by the bridge or forwarder.