IBM Books

Software User's Guide Version 3.4

Configuring and Monitoring Frame Relay Interfaces

This chapter describes the Frame Relay configuration and operational commands and includes the following sections:


  1. For information on monitoring bandwidth reservation over Frame Relay, refer to "Configuring and Monitoring Bandwidth Reservation" in Using and Configuring Features.

  2. The add dev fr command from the Talk 6 Config> command is used to create Frame Relay subinterfaces. See Subinterfaces for Frame Relay for more information.

Frame Relay Configuration Commands

This section describes the Frame Relay configuration commands. Enter all commands at the Frame Relay n> prompt, where n represents the interface number. You must restart the router for new configuration changes to take effect. Table 60 shows the commands. To access the Frame Relay n> prompt, perform the following steps:

  1. At the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 5.
  2. At the GWCON prompt (+), enter the interface command to see a list of interfaces configured on the router.
  3. Select the Frame Relay interface that you will configure.
  4. Type exit.
  5. At the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 6.
  6. At the Config> prompt, enter the network command followed by the network number of the frame relay interface. For example:
    Config> net 2
    Frame Relay user configuration
    FR 2 Config>

Table 60. Frame Relay Configuration Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds PVCs, Required PVC groups, SVCs, and destination protocol addresses to the Frame Relay interface. 
 Change   Modifies a PVC, SVC, or Required PVC group previously defined by the add command. 
 Disable   Disables any enabled Frame Relay features. 
 Enable   Enables Frame Relay features such as circuit monitoring, management options, multicast, protocol-broadcast, fragmentation, and orphans. 
 List   Displays the current configuration of the LMI, PVCs, Required PVC groups, SVCs, HDLC information, and protocol addresses. 
 LLC   Configures LLC parameters on the Frame Relay interface. These LLC parameters are required when running APPN over the Frame Relay interface. 
 Remove   Deletes any previously added PVCs, SVCs, or required PVC groups (if empty), or protocol addresses. 
 Set   Configures the Frame Relay management options and parameters (N1-parameter, N2-parameter, N3-parameter, P1 parameter, and T1-parameter). Configures the physical-layer parameters for FR serial interfaces. Sets the maximum frame size. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
Note:In this section, the terms circuit number and PVC are synonymous with the term DLCI (Data Link Circuit Identifier).


Use the add command to add a circuit, required PVC group, or destination protocol address supported by the Frame Relay interface.



permanent-virtual-circuit . . .

protocol-address . . .

pvc-group . . .

switched-virtual-circuit . . .

Adds frame handler support to allow routed, bridged, voice, and DCE traffic over the same interface.


FR 4 config> add frame-handler-pvc
Circuit Number [16]?
Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]?
Committed Burst Size (Bc) in bits [64000]?
Excess Burst Size (Be) in bits [0]?
Assign Circuit name []?
Network number of FH partner PVC [0]? 
Circuit number of FH partner PVC [16]?
Maximum outbound queue depth (in number of packets) [10]? 1

Circuit Number
Indicates the circuit number for this PVC.

Valid Values: 16 to 1007. The circuit number must be unique with respect to all other PVCs and FH PVCs on this interface and all associated subinterfaces.

Committed Information Rate
Indicates the committed information rate (CIR). The CIR can be a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps. For more information, see "Committed Information Rate (CIR)". The maximum is the value of the default CIR configured for the interface.

Committed Burst Size
The maximum amount of data in bits that the network agrees to deliver during a measurement interval equal to committed burst (Bc) size / CIR seconds. The range is 300 to 6 312 000 bits. The maximum value is the value of the default committed burst configured for the interface. See "Committed Burst (Bc) Size" for more information.
Note:The default value is determined according the Bc defaults set at the interface level.

Excess Burst Size
The maximum amount of uncommitted data in bits in excess of committed burst size that the network attempts to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds. The range is 0 to 6 312 000 bits. The maximum value is the value configured for excess burst size for the interface. For additional information, see "Excess Burst (Be) Size".

Assign Circuit Name
Indicates the ASCII string that is assigned to describe the PVC. The default is unassigned.

Network number of FH partner PVC
Specifies the net number of the partner frame handler PVC.

Circuit number of FH partner PVC
Specifies the circuit number of the partner frame handler PVC.

Maximum outgoing queue depth
Specifies the maximum number of frames that may be queued on the outbound queue for a frame handler PVC and is used during congestion processing.

Valid Values: 5 to 100

Default Value: 10


Adds a PVC to the Frame Relay interface beyond the reserved range 0 through 15. The maximum number of PVCs that can be added is approximately 992, but the actual number of PVCs that the interface can support depends upon these conditions:


add permanent-virtual-circuit
Circuit Number [16]?
Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]?
Committed Burst Size (Bc) in bits [64000]?
Excess Burst Size (Be) in bits [0]?
Assign Circuit name []?
Is circuit required for interface operation [N]?y
Does the circuit belong to a required PVC group [N]? y
What is the group name []? group1
Do you want to have data compression performed [Y]?
Do you want to have end-to-end fragmentation performed [Y]?
Fragment size (50 to 8190)[256]?
Fragmented packet reassembly timer (3 to 10 seconds [3]?
Enable circuit for voice forwarding [N]? y
Network number of voice forwarding PVC [0]?
Circuit number of voice forwarding PVC [16]?
Do you want to have data encryption performed [N]? y
Should the encryption algorithm be CDMF (CDMF) or triple-DES (3DES) [CDMF]?
Data encryption requires a key that is 16 hexadecimal characters long for CDMF,
48 hexadecimal characters long for 3DES.
You will be asked to enter the key twice for security reasons 
Please enter the key for the first time now 
A valid encryption key has been entered 
Please confirm the key by entering it again 
The encryption keys match - the key has been accepted

Circuit Number
Indicates the circuit number for this PVC.

Valid Values: 16 to 1007. The circuit number must be unique with respect to all other PVCs and FH PVCs on this interface and all associated subinterfaces.

Committed Information Rate
Indicates the committed information rate (CIR). The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps. For more information, see "Committed Information Rate (CIR)". The maximum is the value of the default CIR configured for the interface.

Committed Burst Size
The maximum amount of data in bits that the network agrees to deliver during a measurement interval equal to committed burst (Bc) size / CIR seconds. The range is 300 to 6 312 000 bits. The maximum value is the value of the default committed burst configured for the interface. For additional information, see "Committed Burst (Bc) Size".
Note:CIR configured as 0 is not supported for FH PVCs.

Excess Burst Size
The maximum amount of uncommitted data in bits in excess of committed burst size that the network attempts to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds. The range is 0 to 6 312 000 bits. The maximum value is the value configured for excess burst size for the interface. For additional information, see "Excess Burst (Be) Size".

Assign Circuit Name
Indicates the ASCII string that is assigned to describe the PVC. The default is unassigned.

Is the circuit required for operation?
Specify Y or N to indicate whether the circuit is required for interface operation.

Does the circuit belong to a required PVC group?
This prompt is displayed only for circuits that are required. Specify Y or N to indicate whether the circuit should belong to a required PVC group.

What is the group name?
Enables you to specify the name of the required PVC group when the PVC is defined as belonging to a required group. Enter a question mark (?) for a list of currently defined groups.

Do you want to have compression performed?
Enables you to specify whether or not the circuit will compress data packets. This question appears only if compression is enabled on the interface.
Note:If you enable compression on a PVC and exceed the interface's compression circuit limit, you will get a message. Compression will be performed on the circuit, if possible, that is, the active compression limit has not been exceeded when the circuit becomes active. Compression limit includes the number of compression contexts allocated to SVCs as well as PVCs.

Enable circuit for voice forwarding?
Enables you to specify whether or not the circuit will forward voice packets. If you specify Y (yes), you must specify the network and circuit number of the PVC to which this PVC will forward voice frames.

Do you want to have end-to-end fragmentation performed?
Enables you to specify whether or not the circuit will perform fragmentation across the entire circuit. This question appears only if end-to-end fragmentation has been enabled on the interface. If UNI/NNI fragmentation is enabled, all circuits on this interface are automatically enabled for fragmentation, and this question does not appear.

When you specify the fragment size and reassembly timer values, you can override the defaults for the end-to-end fragment size and reassembly timer values configured for this interface.

Do you want to have data encryption performed?
Enables you to specify whether or not the circuit will encrypt data packets. This question appears only if encryption is enabled on the interface. The prompts for the encryption key and algorithm will only appear if you respond Y (yes) to this question.

Specifying the Encryption Key: You must specify the encryption key value in hexadecimal characters.

Valid Values: 16 hex characters for CDMF, 48 hex characters for 3DES

This command adds statically configured destination protocol (protocol-name) addresses to the Frame Relay interface. Statically configured destination protocol addresses are useful if neither Inverse ARP nor ARP is an option, or for other reasons such as security. Adding protocol name and address mappings (static ARP) is less efficient than Inverse ARP or ARP.

This parameter prompts you for different information depending on the type of protocol that you are adding.


add protocol-address
Protocol name or number [IP]?

IP protocol:

IP Address []?
Circuit Number or name [16]?

IPX protocol:

Host Number (in hex)[]?
Circuit Number or name [16]?

AppleTalk Phase 2 protocol:

Network Number (1-65279) []?
Node Number (1-253) []?
Circuit Number or name[16]?

DN protocol:

Node address [0.0]?
Circuit Number or name[16]?

Protocol name or number
Defines the name or number of the protocol that you are adding. If you should specify an unsupported protocol, the system will prompt you with the error message:
   Unknown protocol name, try again

For example, you may have erroneously specified one of the following:

Prot#  Name
0      IP
4      DN
7      IPX
22     AP2

To see a list of supported protocol types, type ? at the Protocol name or number [IP]? prompt.

IP Address
Defines the 32-bit Internet address in dotted-decimal notation of the remote IP host.

Host Number
Defines the 48-bit IPX node address of the remote IPX host.

Network Number
Defines the AppleTalk Phase 2 network number of the remote AppleTalk host.

Node Number
Defines the node number of the interface attached to the remote AppleTalk host.

Node address
Defines the DECnet node address of the remote DECnet host. Configure the node address in the format x.y, where x is a 6-bit area address and y is a 10-bit node number.

Circuit Number or name
Defines the PVC by DLCI or name or SVC by name that this remote protocol address is associated with.

pvc-group groupname
Adds a required PVC group name.
Note:SVCs may not belong to a required PVC group.

Adds a switched virtual circuit (SVC). The SVC will act similar to a PVC except that the SVC's bandwidth will be allocated for it dynamically by the FR network only when the SVC is active. The number of SVCs that can be added is similar to the number of PVCs that can be added in that the number depends on the throughput required for each circuit, the line speed, etc. However, since the bandwidth for an SVC is only reserved when the SVC is active, it may be possible to support more SVCs over an interface than PVCs.
FR 4 Config>add switched-virtual-circuit
Circuit name []? svc01
Remote party number []? 12345
Remote party number numbering plan (E.164 or X.121) [E.164]? 
Remote party number type (Unknown or International) [International]? 
Remote party subaddress in hexadecimal []? 01
Remote party subaddress format (private or NSAP) [private]&idotless.? 
Requested outgoing Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Minimum acceptable outgoing Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Requested incoming Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Minimum acceptable incoming Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Requested outgoing Committed Burst size (Bc) in bits [64000]? 
Requested incoming Committed Burst size (Bc) in bits [64000]? 
Requested outgoing Excess Burst size (Be) in bits [0]? 
Requested incoming Excess Burst size (Be) in bits [0]? 
Idle timer in seconds [60]? 
Establish circuit to learn remote protocol addresses [Y]? 
Is multicast required for this circuit [Y]? 
Are call-ins allowed for this circuit [Y]?

Circuit name
Specifies the circuit name for the SVC. This name will be used to associate the call with both a protocol and a BRS definition and will be used to identify a connection instead of a circuit number.

Valid Values: A 1 to 32 character ASCII string

Default Value: The name is required and must be unique for this interface

Remote party number
Specifies the remote destination's Frame Relay address.

Valid Values: A 1 to 20 character string of decimal digits

Default Value: None

Remote party numbering plan
Specifies the format of the remote party number. The numbering plan must match that used by the FR network.

Valid Values: E.164 (ISDN) or X.121 (Data)

Default Value: E.164

Remote party number type
Specifies the destination Frame Relay party number type. The number type must match that used by the FR network.

Valid Values: International or Unknown

Default Value: International

Remote party subaddress
Specifies the party entity (for example, protocol) within the destination node. If the subaddress is used, it will be matched to the remote device's subaddress. The subaddress at both ends of the connection must be the same.

The format of the remote party subaddress can be:

  • NSAP

    The number of digits entered must be even and in the range of X'0' - X'F'.

  • Private

    If the encoding is BCD, then an odd number of digits in the range of 0 - 9 can be entered.

    If the encoding is not BCD, then an even number of digits in the range of X'0' - X'F' can be entered.

The combination of remote party number and remote party subaddress must be unique on this interface and any associated subinterface. If parallel connections between two router interfaces are required, the subaddress must be used to uniquely identify each switched virtual connection definition.

Valid Values: 1 - 40 character hexadecimal string

Default Value: None

Requested outgoing throughput (CIR)
Specifies the requested outgoing CIR. The network will provide this bandwidth, if available.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps.

Default Value: Default value is determined according to CIR-defaults at the interface level

Minimum acceptable outgoing Committed Information Rate (CIR)
Specifies the minimum CIR that will be accepted if the network cannot provide the requested CIR.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps with a maximum of the requested outgoing throughput (CIR).

Default Value: Default value is determined according to CIR-defaults at the interface level

Requested incoming CIR
Specifies the requested incoming CIR.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0 or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps.

Default Value: Value of the requested outgoing CIR

Minimum acceptable incoming Committed Information Rate (CIR)
Specifies the minimum CIR that will be accepted if the network cannot provide the requested CIR.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0 or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps with a maximum of the requested incoming CIR.

Default Value: Same as minimum acceptable outgoing CIR

Requested outgoing committed burst size (Bc)
Specifies the requested outgoing committed burst size.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0 or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps.

Default Value: Value determined according to CIR-defaults at the interface level

Requested incoming committed burst size (Bc)
Specifies the requested incoming committed burst size.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps.

Default Value: Value equal to requested outgoing Bc

Outgoing excess burst size (Be)
Specifies the requested outgoing burst size.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps.

Default Value: Value determined according to CIR-defaults at the interface level

Requested incoming excess burst size (Be)
Specifies the requested incoming excess burst size.

Valid Values: The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps.

Default Value: Same as requested outgoing excess burst size (Be)

Idle timer
Specifies the time period that a SVC will remain active in the absence of traffic. Specifying 0 designates this SVC as a fixed circuit that will be established the first time data arrives for it and will not be disconnected even if no traffic flows over it.

Valid Values: 0 to 65535 seconds

Default Value: 60

Establish circuit to learn remote protocol addresses
Specifies whether this SVC should be established when the interface comes up to learn the protocol addresses of the adjacent node. This option can be used in place of statically configured destination protocol names and addresses for protocols that support dynamic address discovery, such as IP, IPX, Appletalk2, and DECnet IV to force the router to learn the protocol addresses associated with the remote device via directed InARP. Using this option may help reduce ARP broadcasts. The idle timer will be used to disconnect the SVC once the protocol addresses are learned.

Valid Values: yes or no

Default Value: yes

Is multicast required for this circuit
Specifies whether or not this SVC should be used to transmit multicast packets on this interface even if it means setting the SVC up just to do so. You may use static routes to keep from requiring multicast over SVCs so that the SVCs will not be established just to exchange routing information.

Valid Values: yes or no

Default Value: Defaults according to the multicast emulation setting at the interface level

Are call-ins allowed
Specifies whether or not a call-in from this remote DTE should be accepted. Specifying no can be used to block call-ins from specific users and help eliminate call-in/call-out race conditions.

Valid Values: yes or no

Default Value: yes

Compression capable
Specifies whether Frame Relay compression is supported.

Valid Values: yes or no

Default Value: yes, if compression is enabled for the interface. Otherwise, no.

Encryption capable
Enables you to specify whether or not the circuit will encrypt data packets. This question appears only if encryption is enabled on the interface. The prompts for the encryption key and algorithm will appear only if you activate encryption on the SVC.

Specifying the Encryption Key: You must specify the encryption key value in hexadecimal characters.

Valid Values: 16 for CDMF, 48 for 3DES


Use the change permanent-virtual-circuit command to change any previous PVCs that were added with the add permanent-virtual-circuit command. If you use end-to-end type fragmentation, use the change permanent-virtual-circuit command to designate the PVCs over which end-to-end fragmentation will take place.


frame-handler-pvc . . .

permanent-virtual-circuit . . .

switched-virtual-circuit . . .
change permanent-virtual-circuit
Circuit Number [16]?
Committed Information Rate in bps [64000]?
Committed Burst Size (Bc) in bits [64000]?
Excess Burst Size (Be) in bits [0]?
Assign Circuit Name: []?
Is the circuit required for interface operation [N]?
Does the circuit belong to a required PVC group [N]?
Do you want to have data compression performed [Y]?
Do you want end-to-end fragmentation performed on this circuit [Y]? 
Fragment size (50 to 8190) [256]? 
Fragmented packet reassembly timer (3 to 10 seconds) [3]?
Do you want to have data encryption performed [N]?
Enable circuit for voice forwarding [N]?  


See the add frame-handler-pvc command on page *** for a description of the parameters.

permanent virtual circuit

See the add permanent-virtual-circuit command on page *** for a description of the parameters, except for the fragmentation parameters. These are described at the enable fragmentation command.

FR 4 Config>change switched-virtual-circuit
Circuit name []? svc01
Remote party number []? 12345
Remote party number numbering plan (E.164 or X.121) [E.164]? 
Remote party number type (Unknown or International) [International]? 
Remote party subaddress in hexadecimal []? 01
Remote party subaddress format (private or NSAP) [private]&idotless.? 
Requested outgoing Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Minimum acceptable outgoing Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Requested incoming Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Minimum acceptable incoming Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 
Requested outgoing Committed Burst size (Bc) in bits [64000]? 
Requested incoming Committed Burst size (Bc) in bits [64000]? 
Requested outgoing Excess Burst size (Be) in bits [0]? 
Requested incoming Excess Burst size (Be) in bits [0]? 
Idle timer in seconds [60]? 
Establish circuit to learn remote protocol addresses [Y]? 
Is multicast required for this circuit [Y]? 
Are call-ins allowed for this circuit [Y]?

See page *** for a description of the parameters.


Use the disable command to disable those features previously enabled using the enable command.


















Note:The parameters in the following list can be enabled and disabled on an FR subinterface:
  • dn-length-field
  • multicast-emulation
  • no-pvc
  • point-to-point
  • protocol-broadcast

These parameters can have different values on an FR subinterface than they do on the FR base interface.

The remaining parameters can be disabled and enabled only on the FR base interface. The values of these parameters on the FR subinterfaces are determined by their values on the FR base interface. For example, if encryption is disabled on the FR base interface, it is disabled on all FR subinterfaces that are associated with that base interface.

Disabling this feature allows the circuit's information rate to exceed the maximum information rate that is calculated using the parameters configured with the add permanent-virtual-circuit or add switched-virtual-circuit command. The default setting for this feature is disabled. See "Circuit Congestion" for more information.

Disables the device from throttling down in response to a CLLM message. The default is disabled. See "Circuit Congestion" for details.

Disables compression on the interface. Compression will not be performed for any VC. FR subinterfaces associated with the FR base interface will have the same value for compression as the base interface.

Disables the congestion monitoring feature. Disabling this feature prevents a circuit's information rate from varying in response to congestion between the minimum information rate and the line speed. See "Circuit Congestion" for more information. The default setting for this feature is enabled.

Prevents inter-operation with implementations of DECnet Phase IV over Frame Relay that require a length field to precede DECnet packets in Frame Relay frames, but allows inter-operation with DECnet Phase IV Frame Relay software that does not use a length field before the DECnet packet. Disabling dn-length-field causes Frame Relay not to insert a length field into transmitted frames containing DECnet packets and not to attempt to remove the length field from received frames containing DECnet packets.
Note:This option is presented as a configuration option only when the router software contains the DECnet Phase IV protocol. This option can be set on an FR subinterface and can differ from the value on the FR base interface.

Disables encryption on the interface. Even though the PVCs on this interface may be encryption capable, encryption will not take place. Encryption cannot be disabled or enabled for FR subinterfaces. FR subinterfaces will have the same value for encryption as the FR base interface.

Globally disables fragmentation for this interface. FR subinterfaces will have the same value for fragmentation as the FR base interface.

Disabling this parameter allows for normal operation or end-to-end Frame Relay testing in the absence of a real network or management interface. With end-to-end Frame Relay testing, it is necessary to add like PVCs (the same PVC number, such as 16 and 16) on both ends of the link. The associated Frame Relay subinterfaces will have the same value for this parameter as the Frame Relay base interface.

This parameter determines how the data terminal ready (DTR) signal is handled for leased serial-line interfaces on the router. It is not supported on Frame Relay dial circuit interfaces. See the enable lower-dtr command for a more complete description of the lower-dtr parameter.

The following cable types are supported:

EIA 232 (RS-232)

The default setting is disable lower-dtr.


Disables multicast emulation on each active VC. The default setting for this feature is enabled. If you disable this feature, you are required to add protocol static address maps. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.

Some protocols, such as IPX RIP, will not function on the Frame Relay interface if multicast-emulation is disabled. The protocol-broadcast feature also requires multicast-emulation in order to function properly. For more information, see "Multicast Emulation and Protocol Broadcast".

Controls whether the interface is considered active or inactive. If no-pvc is disabled, the presence of active PVCs on the interface does not affect whether the Frame Relay interface is considered active or inactive. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.

Disables setting a BECN bit on the first packet destined to a device from which the router received a packet with the FECN bit set. See "Circuit Congestion" for more information.

Prohibits the use of all non-configured PVC orphan circuits at the interface. The default setting for orphan circuits is enabled. Disabling orphan circuits adds a measure of security to your network by preventing unauthorized entry from a non-configured circuit. However, if you disable orphan circuits, you are required to add PVCs that will be used on the interface.

Disables point-to-point on the interface. Point-to-point indicates that the interface is point-to-point from the perspective of IP. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.


Prohibits protocols such as IP RIP from functioning over the Frame Relay interface. For more information, see "Multicast Emulation and Protocol Broadcast". The default setting for this feature is enabled. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.

Prohibits the use of SVCs.

Prohibits the device from throttling down the transmission of packets in response to a packet with a FECN bit set on. The default is disabled. See "Circuit Congestion" for more information.


Use the enable command to enable Frame Relay features.


















Note:The parameters in the following list can be enabled and disabled on an FR subinterface:
  • dn-length-field
  • multicast-emulation
  • no-pvc
  • point-to-point
  • protocol-broadcast

These parameters can have different values on an FR subinterface than they have on the FR base interface.

The remaining parameters can be disabled and enabled only on the FR base interface. The values of these parameters on the FR subinterfaces are determined by their values on the FR base interface. For example, if encryption is enabled on the FR base interface, it is enabled on all FR subinterfaces that are associated with that base interface.

Enables the circuit monitoring feature. The circuit monitoring feature ensures that the circuit's information rate varies between the minimum information rate and the maximum information rate, calculated using the parameters configured with the add permanent-virtual-circuit command or the change permanent-virtual-circuit command.
Note:The circuit monitoring feature overrides the congestion monitoring feature if there is a conflict when both are enabled. The default setting for this feature is disabled.

For additional information on CIR monitoring, see "CIR Monitoring".
Note:To maximize throughput for circuits running data compression, you should not enable CIR monitoring on the same interface on which you have enabled compression. Because the device uses the uncompressed size of frames to determine if the VIR of a PVC is being exceeded and compressed frames will require less bandwidth, the CIR of a PVC will be under-utilized if the device strictly monitors and does not exceed the configured CIR. Instead, congestion monitoring can be used to allow the device to react to congestion indications sent by the FR network to avoid frame loss.

Enables the device to throttle down in response to a CLLM message. Contact your FR network provider to see whether this support is available. See "Circuit Congestion" for more information.

Enables compression on the interface. All compression-capable VCs on the interface can compress data packets, provided that contexts are available and the active compression circuit limit has not been exceeded. (See "Configuring and Monitoring Data Compression" in Using and Configuring Features for details.) FR subinterfaces associated with the FR base interface will have the same value for compression as the base interface.
Note:To maximize throughput for circuits running data compression, you should not enable CIR monitoring on the same interface on which you have enabled compression. Because the device uses the uncompressed size of frames to determine if the VIR of a VC is being exceeded and compressed frames will require less bandwidth, the CIR of a VC will be under-utilized if the device strictly monitors and does not exceed the configured CIR. Instead, congestion monitoring can be used to allow the device to react to congestion indications sent by the FR network to avoid frame loss.

Enables the congestion monitoring feature. This feature allows a circuit's information rate to vary in response to congestion between the minimum information rate and the line speed.
Note:The circuit monitoring feature overrides the congestion monitoring feature if there is a conflict when both are enabled. The default setting for this feature is enabled.

For additional information on congestion monitoring, see "Congestion Monitoring".

Supports inter-operation with implementations of DECnet Phase IV over Frame Relay that require a length field to precede DECnet packets in Frame Relay frames. Enabling dn-length-field causes Frame Relay to insert a length field into transmitted frames containing DECnet packets and to remove the length field from received frames containing DECnet packets. This option is disabled by default. By default, Frame Relay will neither insert nor attempt to remove the length field.
Note:This option is presented as a configuration option only when the router software contains the DECnet Phase IV protocol. This option can be disabled and enabled for FR subinterfaces and can differ from the value of the FR base net.

Enables encryption on the interface. All VCs that are configured as encryption enabled, will encrypt all transmitted data.

FR subinterfaces associated with the FR base interface will have the same value for encryption as the base interface.

fragmentation fragmentation-typefragment-size fragmented packet-reassembly-timer
Enables fragmentation on an interface. Fragmentation on a circuit causes frames larger than the fragment size to be broken into smaller pieces and transmitted as separate frames. If end-to-end fragmentation is enabled, frames smaller than the fragment size will not be sent with a fragmentation header and can be interleaved between fragments of other frames. Fragmentation should be enabled for circuits that are either forwarding voice frames or communicating with another interface that is forwarding voice frames. Note however that fragmentation and interleaving can be done for any high priority data; that is, interleaving is supported for protocols other than voice over Frame Relay.

Keep in mind that you should configure the Bandwidth Reservation System (BRS) when you enable fragmentation to give priority to real-time traffic such as voice. For information on bandwidth reservation over Frame Relay, refer to "Using Bandwidth Reservation and Priority Queuing" and "Configuring and Monitoring Bandwidth Reservation" in Using and Configuring Features.

FR subinterfaces associated with the FR base interface will have the same value for fragmentation as the FR base interface.

The values of this parameter are:
  • User Network Interface (UNI)/ Network-to-Network Interface (NNI)
  • End-to-end

User Network Interface (UNI)/Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) is the default type. UNI is DTE to DCE fragmentation; NNI is DCE to DCE fragmentation; and end-to-end is DCE to DCE fragmentation over particular specified PVCs within the interface.

When UNI/NNI fragmentation is enabled, fragmentation occurs for all circuits on the interface, including management PVCs, that is, DLCI 0. When you configure fragmentation over a PVC, the fragmentation type for that circuit is always end-to-end. You must enable end-to-end fragmentation for both ends of the PVC when fragmenting. The fragment size need not be the same in both directions, however.

If the path to the next router passes through a Frame Relay switch, you should use the end-to-end fragmentation type. If you use UNI/NNI connection from the 2210 to the next router, make sure that your Frame Relay network provider supports UNI/NNI fragmentation.

Valid Values: UNI/NNI, or end-to-end

Default Value: UNI/NNI

Displays the fragment size of each fragment in bytes. For UNI/NNI fragmentation, this parameter specifies the fragment size used for all circuits on the interface. For end-to-end fragmentation, this parameter specifies the default fragment size for PVCs on this interface.

The fragment sizes are not negotiated and do not need to be the same on both sides of the PVC. However, the frame sent cannot be larger than the MTU of the receiving end of the PVC, regardless of the fragment size. If the frame exceeds the MTU of the receiving end, when the fragment arrives that overloads the receiver, the receiver will perform the following actions:

  1. send an error message stating that it cannot buffer the fragment
  2. discard that fragment
  3. display the message Out of sequence fragments
  4. eventually discard all the fragments of that frame

Tips for Selecting the Fragment Size:

  • When you specify the fragment size, be sure that the fragment size is appropriate for the capacity of your link. The fragment size chosen should be based on the access rate and the amount of delay that is tolerable for any real-time data sharing the link.
  • In addition, buffers on the router are allocated for each fragment. If the frame size is large and the fragment size very small, the router can allocate so many of its buffers to the fragments that the performance of the router itself is degraded.

Valid Values: 50 to 8190 bytes

Default Value: 256 bytes

Displays the length of time in seconds that the receiver of the fragments waits for the next-in-sequence fragment to arrive. If this timer expires before the next fragment arrives, all the received fragments for that frame are discarded.

Valid Values: 3 to 10 seconds

Default Value: 3 seconds

Enables management activity.

After issuing the enable lmi command, use the set lmi-type command to select the management mode for your Frame Relay interface. See "Enabling Frame Relay PVC Management". The system defaults to ANSI T1.617 Annex D management.

Use the enable lmi command to resume LMI management if you have previously disabled Frame Relay management.

LMI only provides information about PVCs on an interface, so it does not need to be enabled if only SVCs are used unless it is required by the network. Q.922 determines the usability of all SVCs on an interface and is an indicator of the state of the interface itself. When both PVCs and SVCs are on an interface, LMI and Q.922 may be active at the same time.

LMI is a function that can be configured only on the FR base interface, not on FR subinterfaces.

This parameter determines how the data terminal ready (DTR) signal is handled for leased serial-line interfaces that are disabled. It is not supported on Frame Relay dial circuit interfaces. If this parameter is set to "disabled" (the default), the DTR signal will remain raised when the interface is disabled.

When lower-dtr is enabled, DTR will be lowered when the interface is disabled. This behavior may be desirable in situations where the interface has been configured as an alternate link for WAN Reroute and the interface is connected to a dial-out modem which maintains its dial connection based on the state of the DTR signal.

If this feature is enabled and the interface is disabled, the DTR signal is low and the modem keeps the dial connection down. When the interface is enabled, due to a WAN Reroute backup scenario, DTR is raised and the modem dials a stored number to the backup site. When the primary interface is restored, the alternate interface is disabled, DTR is lowered, and the modem hangs up the dial connection.

The following cable types are supported:

EIA 232 (RS-232)

The default setting is disable lower-dtr.


Enables multicast emulation. This allows a multicast/broadcast frame to be transmitted on each active VC. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.

Protocols such as ARP, IPX RIP, and IP RIP require multicast emulation to be enabled to function correctly over a Frame Relay interface. For more information, see "Multicast Emulation and Protocol Broadcast". The default for this parameter is enabled.


Controls whether the interface is considered active or inactive. When this feature is enabled, the Frame Relay interface becomes inactive when there are no active PVCs on the interface. If at least one PVC is active, the Frame Relay interface becomes active when a successful LMI exchange occurs between the router and the FR switch. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.

Enables setting a BECN bit on the first packet destined to a device from which the router received a packet with the FECN bit set. Use this parameter to enhance the congestion control mechanisms of the device in a network whether the FR switches do not themselves set BECN but set FECN. See "Circuit Congestion" for more information.

Enables the use of all non-configured orphan circuits. The default for this feature is enabled. See "Orphan Permanent Virtual Circuit CIR" for information about the default CIR values.

Enables point-to-point on the interface. Point-to-point indicates that the interface is point-to-point from the perspective of IP. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface. Only one PVC or SVC can be defined on a point-to-point interface.


Allows protocols such as IP RIP to function correctly over the Frame Relay interface. The multicast emulation feature must be enabled for the protocol-broadcast feature to function correctly. The default setting for this feature is enabled. This option can be set on a FR subinterface and can differ from the setting on the FR base interface.

Allows the use of SVCs and prompts you for the local SVC network number, the numbering plan, whether call-ins from orphan SVCs are allowed, the number of dial-out retries performed for all SVCs on the interface, and whether network emulation mode, which is used in back-to-back (for example, dial circuit) router configurations, is required.

You can also use the enable switched-virtual-circuits command to change configured SVC interface parameters if SVCs have already been enabled.


FR 1 Config> enable switched
Local party number []? 4141990
Local party number numbering plan (E.164 or X.121) [E.164]?
Local party number type (Unknown or International) [International]?
Are call-ins allowed on this interface [Y]?
Call-out redial attempts [2]?
Network emulation mode [N]?

Local party number
Specifies the destination's Frame Relay address.

Valid Values: A 1 - 20 character string of decimal digits

Default Value: None

Local party numbering plan
Specifies the format of the party number. The numbering plan must match that used by the FR network.

Valid Values: E.164 (ISDN) or X.121 (Data)

Default Value: E.164

Local party number type
Specifies the destination Frame Relay party number type. The number type must match that used by the FR network.

Valid Values: International or Unknown

Default Value: International

Call-ins allowed
Specifies whether calls from unconfigured (orphan) SVCs are allowed on this interface.

Call-out redial attempts
Specifies the number of call-out redial attempts that will be performed for each SVC in case of a call-out timeout on this interface.

Default Value: 2

Network emulation mode
Specifies whether this SVC is in network emulation mode. It is used for a back-to-back router configuration.

Enables the device to throttle down the transmission of packets in response to a packet with a FECN bit set on. Use this parameter to minimize overall FR network congestion whenever a congestion indication is received. It causes the device to react to a FECN in the same way that it reacts to a BECN.


Use the list command to display currently configured management and PVC information.














Displays the Frame Relay configuration. The display is a combination of the list hdlc, the list lmi, list switched-virtual-circuits, and the list permanent virtual circuits commands.

Displays all PVCs which are end-to-end fragment enabled along with their fragment size and reassembly timer values.

Displays each frame handler PVC along with the routing partner for the specified net.

Displays the Frame Relay High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) configuration.

Example for a FR base interface:

list hdlc
                        Frame Relay HDLC Configuration
 Maximum frame size     = 2048
 Encoding               = NRZ
 Idle state             = Flag
 Clocking               = External
 Cable type             = V.35 DTE
 Line speed (bps)       = 64000
 Transmit delay         = 0
 Lower DTR              = Enabled                       

Example for an FR subinterface:

list hdlc interface
                Frame Relay Subinterface Configuration
    Frame Relay base network number =    1
    Emulate multicast     =     Yes    Protocol broadcast         =  Yes
    Point-to-point        =     Yes    Interface down if no PVCs  =   No 

The transmission encoding scheme for the serial interface. Encoding is NRZ (non-return to zero) or NRZI (non-return to zero inverted).

The data link idle state: flag or mark.

The type of clocking: internal or external.

Cable type
The serial adapter cable type: RS-232, V.35, V.36, or X.21.

Line Speed (bps)
Indicates the physical data rate for the Frame Relay interface.

Maximum frame size
Indicates the maximum frame size that can be transmitted or received over the network at any given time.

Transmit delay
Indicates the number of additional flag bytes sent between frames.

Lower DTR
Indicates whether the router will drop the DTR signal when a WAN Reroute alternate link is no longer needed. Dropping the DTR signal causes the modem to terminate the leased-line connection for the alternate link. Lower DTR does not appear when the cable type is X.21.

Emulate multicast
Indicates whether the multicast emulation feature is enabled on each active PVC, yes or no.

Protocol broadcast
Indicates whether protocols such as IP RIP can function over the Frame Relay interface, yes or no.

Indicates whether interface is point-to-point from an IP perspective.

Interface down if no PVCs
Indicates whether the router considers the interface unavailable when there are no active PVCs.
Note:For a FR dial circuit interface, only the maximum frame size is displayed.

If the interface is an FR base interface, the same information is displayed as with the list lmi command. If the interface is an FR subinterface, the same information is displayed as with the list hdlc interface command.

Displays logical management and related configuration information about the Frame Relay interface.
Note:For FR subinterfaces, this command displays the same information as the command list hdlc. FR subinterfaces do not support LMI management.


                         Frame Relay Configuration
  LMI network type       =     UNI  LMI DLCI                       =      0
  LMI type               =    ANSI  LMI Orphans OK                 =    Yes
  CLLM enabled           =      No  Timer Ty seconds               =     11
  SVC network number     =   15  
  SVC Number type        =   International
  SVC Numbering plan     =   E.164  SVC Call-out redial attempts   =      2
  SVC Call-ins allowed   =     Yes  SVC Network emulation mode     =     No
  Protocol broadcast     =     Yes  Congestion monitoring          =    Yes
  Emulate multicast      =     Yes  CIR monitoring                 =     No
  Notify FECN source     =      No  Throttle transmit on FECN      =     No
  Point-to-point         =      No
  Data compression       =      No
  Fragmentation Type =          END-TO-END   
  Fragmentation Size =          440 Fragment reassembly timer      =       3
  Number VCs P1 allowed  =      64  Interface down if no PVCs      =      No
  Timer T1 seconds       =      10  Timer T2 seconds               =      15
  LMI N1 increments      =       6  LMI N2 error threshold         =       3
  LMI N3 error threshold =       4
  MIR % of CIR           =      25  IR % Increment                 =      12
  IR % Decrement         =      25  DECnet length field            =      No
  Default CIR            =   64000  Default Burst Size             =   64000
  Default Excess Burst   =       0

(1) The two lines that follow this marker appear only when fragmentation is on (yes).

LMI enabled
Indicates whether the management features are enabled on the Frame Relay interface. If LMI is not enabled, this value is no; if LMI is enabled, the LMI network type, either UNI or NNI, is displayed.

Indicates the management circuit number. This number reflects the LMI type: 0 for ANSI and ITU-T/CCITT and 1023 for REV1.

LMI Type
Indicates the LMI type: REV1, ANSI, or CCITT.

LMI Orphans OK
Indicates if non-configured circuits are available for use, yes or no.

CLLM Enabled
Indicates whether CLLM is enabled on the Frame Relay interface.

Timer Ty seconds
Indicates the amount of time that must elapse without the device receiving any CLLM messages or BECNs before the device considers a congestion condition cleared and gradually return the PVC to its configured transmission rate.

SVC network number
Specifies the network number for the SVCs on this interface.

SVC number type
Specifies the SVC number type, unknown or international.

SVC numbering plan
Specifies whether the numbering plan is E.164 or X.121.

SVC call-out redial attempts
Specifies the number of call-out redial attempts on this interface.

SVC network emulation mode
Specifies whether this interface operates in network emulation mode for SVCs.

SVC call-ins allowed
Specifies whether call-ins are allowed on this interface.

Protocol Broadcast
Indicates whether protocols such as IP RIP can function over the Frame Relay interface, yes or no.

Emulate multicast
Indicates whether the multicast emulation feature is enabled on each active PVC, yes or no.

Congestion Monitoring
Indicates whether the congestion monitoring feature that responds to network congestion is enabled, yes or no.

CIR monitoring
Indicates whether the circuit monitoring feature that enforces the transmission rate is enabled, yes or no.

Notify FECN Source
Indicates whether this device sets a BECN bit on the first packet destined to a device from which the router received a packet with the FECN bit set.

Throttle Transmit on FECN
Indicates whether the device will throttle down the transmission of packets in response to a packet with a FECN bit set on.

Data compression
Indicates whether this interface has data compression enabled.

Data encryption
Indicates whether this interface has data encryption enabled and the number of circuits that are encryption capable.

Indicates whether fragmentation is enabled on this interface.

Fragmentation type
Displays the fragmentation type: UNI/NNI (User-to-Network interface/Network-to-Network interface), or end-to-end, which is fragmentation by peer DTEs over a specified PVC.

Fragment size
Displays the fragment size of each fragment in bytes.

Fragmentation timer value
Displays the length of time in seconds that the receiver of the fragments waits for the next fragment to arrive. If this timer expires before the next fragment arrives, all the received fragments for that frame are discarded.

Orphan compression
Indicates whether orphan circuits on this interface will have data compression enabled.
Note:Enabling compression on orphan circuits will decrease the number of available compression contexts available for the native PVCs on the device.

Orphan compression applies to both PVCs and SVCs.

Compression circuit limit
Indicates the maximum number of circuits that can participate in data compression.

Number of compression VCs
Indicates the current number of VCs supporting data compression.

P1 allowed
Indicates the aggregate total number of allowable PVCs and SVCs for use with this interface, including both the FR base interface and any subinterfaces associated with the base interface.

Timer T1 seconds
Indicates the frequency with which the Frame Relay interface performs a sequence number exchange with the Frame Relay switch LMI entity.

Counter N1 increments
Indicates the number of T1 timer intervals which must expire before a complete PVC LMI status enquiry is made.

LMI N2 error threshold
Indicates the number of management event errors occurring within the N3 window that will cause a reset of the Frame Relay interface.

LMI N3 error threshold window
Indicates the number of monitored management events used to measure the N2 error threshold.

MIR % of CIR
Minimum IR, expressed as a percentage of CIR.

IR % Increment
Percentage by which the router increments the IR each time it receives a frame without BECN until it reaches the maximum IR.

IR % Decrement
Percentage by which the router decrements the IR each time it receives a frame that contains BECN until it reaches the minimum IR.

Default CIR
The committed information rate, in bps, used as the default for VCs on this interface.

Default Burst Size
The committed burst size, in bits, used as the default for VCs on this interface.

Default Excess Burst Size
The excess burst size, in bits, used as the default for VCs on this interface.

Displays all the configured PVCs on the Frame Relay interface.


FR 1 Config>list permanent virtual circuits
  Maximum circuits allowable         =      64
  Circuits configured this interface =       2
  PVCs configured this interface     =       1
  Total circuits configured          =       4
  Total PVCs configured              =       2
             Circuit                Circuit            CIR     Burst    Excess
              Name                  Number   Options  in bps    Size    Burst
 ---------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- -------- --------
 circ16                               16        c       64000    64000        0
 R = circuit is required
 G = circuit is required and belongs to a required PVC group
 F = circuit is fragmentation capable
 c = circuit is data compression capable
 d = circuit is CDMF data encryption capable
 t = circuit is triple-DES data encryption capable
 V = circuit is voice forwarding enabled
 H = frame handler circuit 

Maximum circuits allowable
Indicates the number of PVCs and SVCs that can exist for this interface, including the FR base interface and all subinterfaces that are associated with the FR base interface. This number includes any PVCs that you added with the add permanent-virtual-circuit command and any SVCs that you added with the add switched-virtual-circuit command and dynamically learned through the management interface.

Circuits configured this interface
Indicates the number of currently configured PVCs and SVCs for this interface. This interface is either a FR base interface or a FR subinterface.

PVCs configured this interface
Indicates the number of currently configured PVCs for this interface, either a FR base interface or a FR subinterface.

Total circuits configured
Indicates the total number of currently configured PVCs and SVCs that exist for both the FR base interface and the subinterfaces.

Total PVCs configured
Indicates the total number of currently configured PVCs that exist for both the FR base interface and the subinterfaces.

Circuit Name
Indicates the ASCII designation of the configured PVC.

Circuit Number
Indicates the DLCI of a currently configured PVC.

See the list of options at the lower part of the display for definitions.

Committed Information Rate
Indicates the information rate at which the network agrees to transfer data under normal conditions.

Committed Burst Size
The maximum amount of data in bits that the network agrees to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds.

Excess Burst Size
The maximum amount of uncommitted data in bits in excess of Committed Burst Size that the network attempts to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds.

Displays all the statically configured protocol addresses of circuit mappings at the Frame Relay interface.


list protocol-addresses
                 Frame Relay Protocol Address Translations
  Protocol Type               Protocol Address      Circuit Number or Name
  -------------               ----------------      ----------------------
       IP                               21
       IPX                     000000004503                 16

Protocol Type
Displays the name of the protocol running over the interface.

Protocol Address
Displays the protocol address of the device at the other end of the circuit.

Circuit Number or Name
Displays the DLCI of the PVC or the name of the SVC that is handling the protocol.

Displays all the Required PVC groups on the Frame Relay interface.


list pvc-groups
    Required PVC group = group1
          Circuit # 16

Lists circuit information for all circuits, including those on FR base interfaces and FR subinterfaces. When the circuit is on the base net, this command displays the net number of the interface that the circuit is on and the word base in parentheses.


FR 1 Config>list subinterfaces
  Maximum circuits allowable         =      64
  Circuits configured this interface =       2
  Total circuits configured          =       4
          Circuit Name              Number  Remote Party Number   Interface
 --------------------------------  -------  --------------------  ----------
 circ16                              16                              1 (base)
 circ17                              17                              4       
 svc1                                       998                      1 (base)
 svc2                                       998                      4       

Maximum circuits allowable
Indicates the number of circuits that can exist for this interface, either the FR base interface or the FR subinterface.

Circuits configured this interface
Indicates the number of currently configured PVCs and SVCs for this interface, either a FR base interface or a FR subinterface.

Total circuits configured
Indicates the total number of circuits currently configured for both the FR base interface and the subinterfaces.

  Maximum circuits allowable          =      64
  Circuits configured this interface  =       2
  SVCs configured this interface      =       1
  Total circuits configured           =       5
  Total SVCs configured               =       2
 Circuit                          Opt-   Idle             Outgoing    Incoming
  Name                            ions   Timer              Value       Value
 -------------------------------- ------ ------          ----------  ----------
 SVC1                             ILM c      60     CIR:      64000       64000
   Remote party number: IE3445667               Min CIR:      64000       64000
   Remote subaddress:                             Burst:      64000       64000
      Pc4456d                                    Excess:          0           0
 svc1                             ILM c      60     CIR:      64000       64000
   Remote party number: IE3445666               Min CIR:      64000       64000
   Remote subaddress:                             Burst:      64000       64000
      P344566                                    Excess:          0           0
 Options: I - call-ins allowed, L - learn protocols, M - Multicast required
          c - compression capable, F - UNI/NNI fragmentation enabled
 Address type: I - International, U - Unknown
 Numbering plan: E - E.164, X - X.121
 Subaddress format: N - NSAP, P - private

Maximum circuits allowable
Indicates the number of circuits that can exist for this interface, either the FR base interface or the FR subinterface.

Circuits configured this interface
Indicates the number of currently configured PVCs and SVCs for this interface, either a FR base interface or a FR subinterface.

SVCs configured this interface
Indicates the number of currently configured SVCs for this interface, either a FR base interface or a FR subinterface.

Total SVCs configured
Indicates the total number of SVCs currently configured for both the FR base interface and the subinterfaces.

Circuit Name
Indicates the ASCII designation of the configured circuit.

Committed Information Rate
Indicates the information rate at which the network agrees to transfer data under normal conditions.

Committed Burst Size
The maximum amount of data in bits that the network agrees to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds.

Excess Burst Size
The maximum amount of uncommitted data in bits in excess of Committed Burst Size that the network attempts to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds.

Idle Timer
Time period that the SVC will remain active in the absence of traffic.

Indicates the options configured for the circuit.

Remote party number
Remote destination FR address. This address is prefixed by the address type and numbering plan used.

Remote subaddress
Remote party subaddress assigned to this connection. The subaddress is prefixed by the subaddress format.

FR 2 Config>list voice
 Circuit                   Circuit          Forwarding         Forwarding
  Name                     Number            Network            Circuit
 ----------------------   -----------      ----------         ----------
 circ11                      17                0                  16

Circuit Name
Indicates the ASCII designation of the configured circuit.

Circuit Number
Indicates the circuit for this PVC.

Forwarding Network
Indicates the net number to which this circuit forwards voice frames.

Forwarding Circuit
Indicates the circuit number to which this circuit forwards voice frames.


Use the LLC command to access the LLC configuration environment. See "LLC Configuration Commands" for an explanation of each of these commands.
Note:The LLC command is supported only if APPN is in the software load.




Use the remove command to delete any PVC, Required PVC group, frame-handler-pvc, or protocol-address previously added using the add command.


frame-handler-pvc. . .

permanent-virtual-circuit . . .



switched-virtual-circuit circuit-name

frame-handler-pvc pvc#

permanent-virtual-circuit pvc#

Deletes any configured PVC in the range 16 to 1007.


  1. When you delete a PVC that is running compression, the interface decreases the count of active compression PVCs. If this action brings the count of compression PVCs below the limit, you will receive a message to that effect.

  2. When you delete a PVC that is running encryption, the interface decreases the count of active encryption PVCs.
    Note:Encryption support is optional. If your software load does not include encryption, you will not see encryption-related parameters.

    The use of multiple encryption (using encryption at both the IP Security Layer and at the Frame Relay or PPP data-Link Layer) within the router is restricted by U.S.A. Government export regulations. It is only supported in software loads that are under strict export control (software loads that support RC4 with 128 bit keys and Triple DES).

Deletes any configured protocol addresses (static ARP entries). This parameter prompts you for different information depending on the type of protocol that you are adding.


remove protocol-address
Protocol name or number [IP]?

IP protocol:

IP Address []?
Circuit Name or Number [16]?

IPX protocol:

Host Number (in hex)[]?
Circuit Name or Number [16]?

AppleTalk Phase 2 protocol:

Network Number (1-65279) []?
Node Number (1-253) []?
Circuit Name or Number [16]?

DN protocol:

Node address [0.0]?
Circuit Name or Number [16]?

Protocol name or number
Defines the name or number of the protocol that you are deleting. If you try to delete an unsupported protocol the system will display the error message:
   Unknown protocol name, try again

To see a list of supported protocols, type ? at the Protocol name or number [IP]? prompt.

IP Address
Defines the 32-bit internet address of the remote IP host in dotted-decimal notation.

Host Number
Defines the 48-bit node address of the remote IPX host.

Network Number
Defines the AppleTalk Phase 2 network number.

Node Number
Defines the node number of the interface attached to the remote AppleTalk host.

Node address
Defines the DECnet node address of the remote DECnet host. Configure the node address in the format x,y, where x is a 6-bit area address and y is a 10-bit node number.

Circuit Number
Defines the name of a PVC or SVC that the protocol runs over.

pvc-group groupname
Deletes any configured PVC group by name. The group is removed only if it has no member circuits.

Example: remove pvc-group PVC group name [IP]?

Deletes any configured SVC by circuit name.


Use the set command to configure the interface to run the Frame Relay protocol.
Note:The Talk 6 set command is not applicable for FR subinterfaces.

Set Command Considerations

Two parameters, the n2-parameter and the n3-parameter, require further explanation before you configure them. The n2-parameter sets the error threshold for management events, and the n3-parameter sets the number of events that are monitored in the event window. If the number of management errors in the event window equals n2, the Frame Relay interface resets. For example:

set n3-parameter 4
set n2-parameter 3

You now have a window size of 4 (n3 = 4) and an error threshold of 3 (n2 = 3). That means the system is monitoring 4 management events and checking to determine if any of those are in error. If the number of events in error equals 3 (the n2 parameter), the Frame Relay interface is reset and the status of the network is considered network down.

For the status of the network to be considered network up, the number of events in error within the window must be less than n2 prior to any change in status.







idle . . .*

ir-adjustment . . .











transmit-delay . . .*

* Note:The commands with an * following them are not available for FR dial circuit interfaces.

cable physical-interface-link-type data-connection-type
Sets the cable type for the network physical link.

A DTE cable is used when you are attaching the router to some type of DCE device (for example, a modem or a DSU/CSU). A DCE cable is used when the router is acting as the DCE and providing the clocking for direct attachment.

The available options are:
Physical Interface Link Type Data Connection Type
EIA 232 (RS-232) DTE, DCE

Sets the default values for the circuit congestion parameters. The parameters are:

Sets the default value of cir to the value provided by a Frame Relay network provider.

Valid Values: 0 or 300 to 204 800 bps

Default Value: 64 000

Sets the default value of bc to the value provided by a Frame Relay network provider.

Valid Values: See "Committed Burst (Bc) Size"

Default Value: 64 000

Sets the default value of be to the value provided by a Frame Relay network provider.

Valid Values: See "Excess Burst (Be) Size"

Default Value: 0


FR 6 config> set cir-default
Default Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [64000]? 48000
Default Committed Burst Size (Bc) in bits [64000]? 40000
Default Excess Burst Size (Be) in bits [0]? 52000

clocking [external or internal]
To connect to a modem or DSU, configure external clocking and select the appropriate DTE cable with the set cable command. Use the set line-speed command to configure the line speed.

To connect directly to another DTE device, configure internal clocking, select the appropriate DCE cable with the set cable command, and configure the clocking/line speed with the set line-speed command.

Default: external

encoding [NRZ or NRZI]
Sets the HDLC transmission encoding scheme as NRZ (non-return to zero) or NRZI (non-return to zero inverted). Most configurations use NRZ, which is the default.

frame-size #
Sets the maximum size of the network layer portion of the frames transmitted and received on the interface. This maximum size includes the 2-byte DLCI address and the user data shown in figure 39-4. The size you configure must be consistent with the maximum frame size supported by the Frame Relay switch and by the other FR DTEs in the Frame Relay network. Values are 262 to 8190. The default is 2048. Since the configured frame size includes the DLCI address and the FR RFC 1490 and RFC 2427 multi-protocol encapsulation header, the maximum protocol packet size that can be transmitted is less than the configured frame size and is protocol dependent. The following table shows how many bytes to subtract from the configured frame size to determine the maximum protocol packet size that can be transmitted and received on the interface.
IP 4 bytes
IPX 10 bytes
Appletalk Phase 2 10 bytes
DECnet Phase IV (DNA IV) 12 bytes
Banyan Vines 10 bytes
OSI 10 bytes
Bridging 10 bytes
APPN 58 bytes (see note)
Note:Assumes worst case for APPN BAN where a T/R MAC address header and LLC header are added in addition to the FR header bytes.
If FR data encryption is enabled then you must subtract up to an additional 12 bytes.

When using Frame Relay SVCs, the maximum information field size must be the same at both ends of the virtual circuit. To determine the maximum information field size, subtract 16 bytes from the frame size if encryption is enabled on the SVC and subtract 4 bytes if encryption is not enabled on the SVC.

idle [flag or mark]
Sets the transmit idle state for HDLC framing. The default value is flag, which provides continuous flags (7E hex) between frames. The mark option puts the line in a marking state (OFF, 1) between frames. Mark idle causes the transmit LED to be dark between frames. Flag idle partially lights the transmit LED between frames.

ir-adjustment increment-% decrement-% minimum-IR
Sets the minimum information rate (IR) and the percentages for incrementing and decrementing the IR in response to network congestion.

The minimum IR, expressed as a percentage of CIR, is the lower limit of the information rate. The minimum percentage is 1 and the maximum percentage is 100. The default is 25.

When network congestion clears, the information rate is gradually incremented by the IR adjustment increment percentage until the maximum information rate is reached. The minimum percentage is 1 and the maximum percentage is 100. The default is 12.

When network congestion occurs, the information rate is decremented by the IR adjustment decrement percentage each time a frame containing BECN is received until the minimum information rate is reached. The minimum percentage is 1, and the maximum percentage is 100. The default is 25.


set ir-adjustment
IR adjustment % increment [12]?
IR adjustment % decrement [25]?
Minimum IR as % of CIR [25]?

line-speed rate

For internal clocking, use this command to specify the speed of the transmit and receive clock lines.

For external clocking, this command does not affect the operation of the WAN/serial line but it does set the speed that some protocols, such as IPX, use to determine routing cost parameters. You should set the speed to match the actual line speed. If the speed is not configured, the protocols assume a speed of 1 000 000 bps.

Valid Values:
Internal Clocking: 2400 to 2 048 000 bps
External Clocking: 2400 to 6 312 000 bps
Note:If you want to use a line speed greater than 2 048 000 bps when external clocking is configured, you can only do this on:
  • Interface 1
  • Port 1 of an 4-port WAN concentration adapter
  • Ports 1 and 5 of an 8-port WAN concentration adapter

All other WAN ports on the same adapter must be clocked at 64 000 bps or less.

Specifies how the interface operates with respect to LMI.
Note:The LMI network type must be compatible with the adjacent FR node. For example, if the adjacent node is configured as UNI, this FR interface must be configured with a LMI network type of NUI, and when using the NNI support both this interface and the adjacent FR node's interface must be using a LMI network type of NNI.

Valid Values:

Default Value: UNI

lmi-type [rev1 or ansi or ccitt]
Sets the management type for the interface. See "Enabling Frame Relay PVC Management" for details on setting Frame Relay management. The default is type ansi enabled.

Table 61. Frame Relay Management Options
Command Management Type Description
set lmi-type rev1 Conforms to LMI Revision 1, (Stratacom's Frame Relay Interface Specification)
set lmi-type ansi Conforms to ANSI T1.617 ISDN-DSS1-Signalling Specification for Frame Relay Bearer Service (known as Annex D)
set lmi-type ccitt Conforms to Annex A of ITU-T/CCITT Recommendation Q.933 - DSS1 Signalling Specification for Frame Mode Basic Call Control.

n1-parameter count
Configures the number of T1 timer intervals that must expire before a complete PVC status enquiry is made. Count is the interval in the range 1 to 255. The default is 6.

n2-parameter max#
Configures the number of errors that can occur in the management event window monitored by the n3-parameter before the Frame Relay interface resets. Max# is a number in the range 1 to 10. The default is 3. This parameter must be less than or equal to the n3-parameter or you will receive an error message.

n3-parameter max#
Configures the number of monitored management events for measuring the n2-parameter. Max# is a number in the range 1 to 10. The default is 4.

p1-parameter max#
Configures the maximum number of PVCs supported by the Frame Relay interface. This includes active, inactive, removed, and congested PVCs. Max# is a number in the range 0 to 992. The default is 64. 0 (zero) implies that the interface supports no PVCs.

t1-parameter time
Configures the interval (in seconds) between sequence number exchanges with Frame Relay management. The management's T2 timer is the allowable interval for an end station to request a sequence number exchange with the manager. The T1 interval must be less than the T2 interval of the network. Time is a number in the range 5 to 30. The default is 10.

t2-parameter time
Specifies the amount of time FR waits for an LMI status inquiry to be received before deciding that an error has occurred, if this interface is configured with an LMI network type of either NUI or NNI. The t2 interval must be less than the adjacent FR node's t1 timer. The value is a number in the range of 5 to 30 and the default is 15 seconds.

transmit-delay #
Allows the insertion of a delay between transmitted packets. The purpose of this command is to slow the serial line so that it is compatible with older, slower serial devices at the other end. It can also prevent the loss of serial line hello packets between the lines. # is between 0 and 15 extra flags. The default is zero (0). Setting this parameter provides 0 to 15 extra flags between transmit frames. Table 62 lists the units and range values for serial interfaces.

Table 62. Transmit Delay Units and Range for the 2210 Serial Interface
Unit Minimum Maximum
Extra Flags 0 15

ty-parameter time
Configures the interval after which the device considers an existing congestion condition indicated by the receipt of a CLLM message to be cleared. If the device receives a CLLM message before the timer expires, the device resets this timer.

Valid Values: 5 to 30 seconds.

Default Value: 11 seconds.

Accessing the Frame Relay Monitoring Prompt

To access the Frame Relay operating commands and to monitor Frame Relay on your router, perform the following steps:

  1. At the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 5.
  2. At the GWCON prompt (+), enter the interface command to see a list of interfaces configured on the router.
  3. Enter the network command followed by the network number of the frame relay interface. For example:
    + net 2
    Frame Relay Monitoring
    FR 2 >

Frame Relay Monitoring Commands

This section summarizes and then explains the Frame Relay Monitoring commands. Use these commands to gather information from the database. Table 63 shows the commands.

Table 63. Frame Relay Monitoring Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Clear   Clears statistical information on the Frame Relay interface. 
 Disable   Disables CIR monitoring and congestion monitoring on the Frame Relay interface. 
 Enable   Enables CIR monitoring and congestion monitoring on the Frame Relay interface. 
 List   Displays statistics specific to the data-link layer and Frame Relay management. 
 LLC   Displays the LLC monitoring prompt. 
 Notrace   Disables packet tracing capability for individual circuits or for the entire interface. 
 Set   Sets CIR, Committed Burst Size, and Excess Burst Size for a Frame Relay VC. 
 Trace   Enables packet tracing capability for individual circuits or for the entire interface. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".
Note:In this section, the terms circuit number and PVC are equivalent to the term data link circuit identifier (DLCI).


Use the clear command to zero statistical counters on the Frame Relay interface.
Note:Statistics can also be cleared by using the OPCON clear command.




Use the disable command to disable the Frame Relay CIR monitoring and congestion monitoring features.

The disable command dynamically changes the router configuration. These changes will be lost when the router is restarted.


di sable 






Use the enable command to enable the Frame Relay CIR monitoring and congestion monitoring features.

The enable command dynamically changes the router configuration. These changes will be lost when the router is restarted.


e nable 






Use the list command to display statistics specific to the data-link layer and the Frame Relay interface.



circuit . . .












Displays circuit, management, and VC statistics on the Frame Relay interface. The output displayed for this command is a combination of the list lmi and list permanent-virtual-circuit commands.

circuit name or number
Displays detailed virtual circuit configuration and statistical information for the specified VC using the input circuit name or DLCI.


list circuit 347
 Circuit name = Valencia
 Circuit state        =    Active  Circuit is orphan   =     No
 Frames transmitted   =         0  Bytes transmitted   =      0
 Frames received      =         0  Bytes received      =      0
 Total FECNs          =         0  Total BECNs         =      0
 Times congested      =         0  Times Inactive      =      0
 CIR in bits/second   =     64000  Potential Info Rate =  56000
 Committed Burst (BC) =      1200  Excess Burst (Be)   =  54800
 Minimum Info Rate    =     16000  Maximum Info Rate   =  64000
 Required             =       Yes  PVC group name      = group1
 Compression capable  =       Yes  Operational         =    Yes
 R-Rs received        =         0  R-Rs transmitted    =      0
 R-As received        =         0  R-As transmitted    =      0
 R-R mode discards    =         0  Enlarged frames     =      0
 Decompress discards  =         0  Compression errors  =      0
 Compression ratio    = 1.72 to 1  Decompression ratio = 1.10 to 1
 Fragmentation type   =   END-TO-END  
 Fragmentation Size   =         0  Reassembly timer    =      0
 Fragments xmitted    =         0  Fragments received  =      0
 Voice Frames xmitted =         0  Voice Frames rcv'd  =      0
 Encryption capable   =       Yes  Operational         =     Yes
 Encryption errors    =         0  Decryption errors   =      0
 Rcv error discards   =         0
 Current number of xmit frames queued                  =      0
 Xmit frames dropped due to queue overflow             =      0

Circuit state
Indicates the state of the circuit: inactive, active, or congested. Inactive indicates that the circuit is not available for traffic because either the Frame Relay interface is down or the Frame Relay management entity has not notified the Frame Relay protocol that the circuit is active. Active indicates that data is being transferred. Congested indicates that data flow is being controlled.

Circuit is orphan
Indicates if the circuit is a non-configured PVC learned through LMI management or a callin-in for a non-configured SVC.

Frames/Bytes transmitted
Indicates how many frames and bytes this VC has transmitted.

Frames/Bytes received
Indicates how many frames and bytes this VC has received.

Indicates the number of times that this VC has been notified of inbound or downstream congestion.

Indicates the number of times that this VC has been notified of outbound or upstream congestion.

Times congested
Indicates the number of times that this VC has become congested.

Times inactive
Indicates the number of times that this VC was inoperable.

CIR in bits/sec
Indicates the information rate of the VC within the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps. A value of 0 is also supported.

Potential Info Rate
Indicates the current maximum rate in bps at which data will be transmitted for the circuit. The actual data rate will depend on the queue depths and priorities associated with the circuit.

If this field has a value of "Line Speed", then the maximum data rate is the actual line speed even if the line speed was not configured or was configured incorrectly for this interface.

Committed Burst (BC)
Maximum amount of data, in bits, that the router can transmit during the time interval (Tc). (Tc=Bc/CIR.)

Excess Burst (Be)
Maximum amount of uncommitted data in bits the router can transmit on a VC in excess of the Bc during the time interval (Tc).

Minimum Info Rate
Minimum Information Rate. The minimum data rate for a VC that the router throttles down to when it is notified of congestion.

Maximum Info Rate
Maximum Information Rate. The maximum data rate at which the router transmits for a VC.

Yes or No. If yes, the PVC is a Required PVC.

PVC group name
If the PVC is a member of a required PVC group, the name appears here; otherwise, "Unassigned" appears.

Compression capable
Indicates whether the circuit can compress data packets.

Indicates whether compression is active on the circuit. When this is yes, data is being compressed on this link.

R-Rs received
Indicates the number of Reset-Request packets sent by the peer decompressor. A peer decompressor sends a Reset-Request whenever the peer detects that it is out of synch with its peer compressor. If this number increases rapidly, packets are being lost or corrupted on this circuit.

R-Rs transmitted
Indicates the number of Reset-Request packets sent since compression started on the circuit. If this number increases rapidly, packets are being lost or corrupted on this circuit.

R-As received
Indicates the number of Reset-Acknowledgements received in response to Reset-Requests. The compressor also sends out this packet to signal that it has reset its compression history.

R-As transmitted
This is the number of Reset-Acknowledgements sent to the peer.

R-R mode discards
Indicates the number of compressed data frames that were discarded while waiting for an R-A after sending out an R-R.

Enlarged frames
This is a count of the frames that could not be compressed. Usually an incompressible frame is sent in its uncompressed format within a special compression frame type allowing the compressor and decompressor to remain synchronized.

Decompress discards
Indicates the number of compressed frames that were discarded because of decompression errors.

Compression errors
Indicates the number of frames that had compression errors which were transmitted in an uncompressed form.

Compression ratio
Indicates the approximate effectiveness of the compressor.

Decompression ratio
Indicates the approximate effectiveness of the decompressor.

Fragmentation type
Indicates the fragmentation type. The values are UNI/NNI and end-to-end. See the talk 6 enable fragmentation command for more information.

Fragmentation size
Indicates the size of the fragment. See the talk 6 enable fragmentation command for more information.
Note:If end-to-end fragmentation is configured, the fragment size shows the size configured of the interface, not the size for every PVC.

Reassembly timer
Indicates the time set on the fragmented packet reassembly timer. If the next-in-sequence fragment in a fragmented packet fails to arrive before this timer expires, the fragment is discarded when it arrives and all the fragments of that frame are dropped.

Encryption capable
Indicates whether this circuit is encryption enabled.

Indicates whether encryption is active on the circuit. When this is yes, data is being encrypted on this link.

Encryption errors
Indicates the number of frames that had encryption errors.

Decryption errors
Indicates the number of frames that had decryption errors.

Rcv error discards
Indicates the number of compressed frames that were discarded because of reception problems.

Current number of xmit frames queued
Indicates the number of frames currently queued for this circuit by FR. These frames are waiting for space to become available on the serial device handler transmit queue for this interface.

Xmit frames dropped due to queue overflow
Indicates the number of frames that could not be transmitted for this VC due to output queue overflow.



 Frame Relay Frame Handler Configuration
           Circuit                 Circuit  Status  Forwarding      Max
            Name                   Number    (L/R)  Net/Circuit  Queue (L/R)
 --------------------------------  -------  ------  -----------  -----------
 Raleigh                              16      A/A      2/18         10/10
 Sum of outbound queue limits =  10  Input buffers allocated     =    24
 Total congested frms discard =   0  Total frms currently queued =     0
 Total BECNs set              =   0  Total FECNs set             =     0
 Local/Remote circuit states: A - Active   I - Inactive   R - Removed

Status (local/remote)
Indicates the state of this PVC (local), either active or inactive and the status of this FH PVC's partner circuit (remote).

Forwarding Net/Circuit
Network number and circuit number of the forwarding PVC.

Max Queue (local/remote)
The configured maximum queue length for this circuit (local) and his partner (remote).

Sum of outbound queue limits
The aggregate of the queue limits for all FH PVCs on this interface. If this number is greater than the Input buffers allocated field, then input frames will be dropped before the outbound queue limit for all FH circuits can be reached. This occurs because the input buffers for this interface are queued for output on the outbound partner circuit.

Input buffers allocated
The input buffers allocated for this interface.

Total congested frames discarded
The total number of frames discarded by this FH circuit due to either inbound or outbound congestion.

Total frms currently queued
The total number of outbound frames currently queued for this circuit.

Total BECNs set
The total number of times BECN was set in a frame due to congestion.

Total FECNs set
The total number of times FECN was set in a frame due to congestion.

For an FR base interface, the list interface command displays the same information as the list lmi command. For an FR subinterface, this command displays the same information as the Talk 6 list hdlc command.


Displays statistics relevant to the logical management on the Frame Relay interface. If you enter this command for an FR subinterface, the information for its FR base interface is displayed.


list lmi
   Management Status:                                                           
    LMI network type      =     UNI  LMI DLCI                   =       0      
    LMI type              =    ANSI  LMI Orphans OK             =     YES      
    CLLM enabled          =      No                                            
    SVC local net number  =   12345678                                         
    SVC Number type       =   International                                    
    SVC Numbering plan    =   E.164  SVC Call-out retries       =       2      
    SVC Call-ins allowed  =     Yes  SVC Network emulation mode =      No      
    Protocol broadcast    =     Yes  Congestion monitoring      =     Yes      
    Emulate multicast     =     Yes  CIR monitoring             =      No      
    Notify FECN source    =      No  Throttle transmit on FECN  =      No      
    Number VCs P1 allowed =      64  Interface down if no PVCs  =      No      
    Line speed (bps)      = 1000000  Maximum frame size (bytes) =    2048      
    Timer T1 seconds      =      10  Counter N1 increments      =       6      
    LMI N2 threshold      =       3  LMI N3 threshold window    =       4      
    MIR % of CIR          =      25  IR % Increment             =      12        
    IR % Decrement        =      25  DECnet length field        =      No       
    Default CIR           =   64000  Default Burst Size         =   64000       
       Default Excess Burst  =       0
   Current receive sequence  =       0                                      
   Current transmit sequence =       1                                      
   Total status enquiries    =       9  Total status responses   =       0  
   Total sequence requests   =       0  Total responses          =       0  
   Data compression enabled  =      No                                      
   Data encryption enabled   =      No                                      
   Fragmentation enabled     =      No                                      
 Virtual Circuit Status:                                                    
 Total allowed       =      64  Total configured       =       2    
 Total active        =       0  Total congested        =       0    
 Total PVCs left net =       0  Total PVCs join net    =       0                                                        

Management Status:

LMI enabled
If Frame Relay management is not active, the value is no. If LMI is active, this entry displays UNI, NUI, or NNI, depending upon the network interface being used by LMI.

Indicates the management circuit number. This number is either 0 (ANSI default or ITU-T/CCITT) or 1023 (interim LMI REV1).

LMI type
Indicates the type of frame relay management being used, ANSI, ITU-T/CCITT, or LMI Revision 1.

LMI orphans OK
Indicates if all non-configured circuits learned from Frame Relay LMI management are available for use (yes or no).

CLLM enabled
Specifies whether this circuit will throttle transmission on receiving CLLM frames.

Timer Ty seconds
Indicates the value of the CLLM Ty timer. This field is only displayed if CLLM is enabled.

Last CLLM cause code
Indicates the congestion cause code given in the last CLLM message received or None if no CLLM messages have been received. This field is only displayed if CLLM is enabled.

SVC local net number
Specifies the network number for the SVCs on this interface.

SVC number type
Specifies the SVC number type, unknown or international.

SVC numbering plan
Specifies whether the numbering plan is E.164 or X.121.

SVC call-out retries
Specifies the number of call-out redial attempts on this interface.

SVC network emulation mode
Specifies whether this interface operates in network emulation mode for SVCs.

SVC call-ins allowed
Specifies whether call-ins are allowed on this interface.

Protocol broadcast
Indicates if protocols such as IP RIP are able to operate over the Frame Relay interface.

Congestion monitoring
Indicates whether the congestion monitor feature that responds to network congestion is enabled (yes or no).

Emulate multicast
Indicates whether the multicast emulation feature is enabled on each active PVC (yes or no).

CIR monitoring
Indicates whether the circuit monitoring feature that enforces the transmission rate is enabled (yes or no).

PVCs P1 allowed
Indicates the number of allowable VCs for use with this interface. This number is the maximum number of active, congested, inactive, and removed VCs that can be supported on the interface.

Interface down if no PVCs
Indicates whether the router considers the interface unavailable when there are no active PVCs.

Line speed (bps)
Indicates the configured data rate of the Frame Relay interface.

Timer T1 seconds
Indicates the frequency with which the Frame Relay interface performs a sequence number exchange with the Frame Relay switch LMI entity.

Counter N1 increments
Indicates the number of T1 timer intervals which must expire before a complete PVC LMI status enquiry is made.

LMI N2 error threshold
Indicates the number of management event errors occurring within the N3 window that will cause a reset of the Frame Relay interface.

LMI N3 error threshold window
Indicates the number of monitored management events used to measure the N2 error threshold.

MIR % of CIR
Minimum IR, expressed as a percentage of CIR.

IR % Increment
Percentage by which the router increments the IR each time it receives a frame without BECN until it reaches the maximum IR.

IR % Decrement
Percentage by which the router decrements the IR each time it receives a frame that contains BECN until it reaches the minimum IR.

DECnet length field
Indicates whether or not the DECnet length field feature is enabled. Some Frame Relay DECnet Phase IV implementations require a length field between the Frame Relay multiprotocol encapsulation header and the DECnet packet. A length field is inserted if the DECnet length field feature is enabled.

Default CIR
Specifies the default CIR for this interface.

Default Burst Size
Specifies the default burst size for this interface.

Default Excess CIR
Specifies the default excess burst size for this interface.

Current receive sequence
Indicates the current receive sequence number that the Frame Relay interface has received from the Frame Relay management entity.

Current transmit sequence
Indicates the current transmit sequence number that the Frame Relay interface has sent to the Frame Relay management entity.

Total status enquiries
Indicates the total number of status enquiries that the Frame Relay interface has made of the Frame Relay management entity.

Total status responses
Indicates the total number of responses that the Frame Relay interface has received from the Frame Relay management entity in response to status enquiries.

Total sequence requests
Indicates the total number of sequence number requests that the Frame Relay interface has sent to the Frame Relay management entity.

Total responses
Indicates the total number of sequence number responses that the Frame Relay interface has received from the Frame Relay management entity.

Data compression enabled
Indicates whether data compression is enabled on this interface.

Data encryption enabled
Indicates whether data encryption is enabled on this interface.

Fragmentation enabled
Indicates whether Frame Relay packet fragmentation is enabled on this interface.

Fragmentation type
Displayed only when Frame Relay packet fragmentation is enabled on this interface.

Orphan compression
Indicates whether orphan circuits on this interface will have data compression enabled.
Note:Enabling compression on orphan circuits will decrease the number of available compression contexts available for the native VCs on the device.

Orphan compression applies to both PVCs and SVCs.

Compression circuit limit
Specifies the maximum number of VCs that can compress data on this interface.

Active compression circuits
Specifies the number of VCs currently compressing data on this interface.

Data encryption enabled
Indicates whether data encryption is enabled on this interface.

Active encryption circuits
Indicates the number of VCs that are currently encrypting data.

Virtual Circuit Status:
  • Total allowed--Indicates the number of allowable VCs (including orphans) whose state is active, congested, removed, or inactive for use with this interface.
  • Total configured--Indicates the total number of currently configured VCs for this interface.
  • Total active--Indicates the number of active VCs on this interface.
  • Total congested--Indicates the number of VCs that are throttled down because of congestion within the network.
  • Total PVCs left net--Indicates the total number of PVCs that have been removed from the network.
  • Total PVCs joined net--Indicates the total number of PVCs that have been added to the network.

Displays general link-layer statistics and configuration information for all configured PVCs on the Frame Relay interface.


 Circuit                                          Type/   Frames      Frames
 Number            Circuit Name           Options State Transmitted  Received
 ------- -------------------------------- ------- ----- ----------- ----------
     16  Unassigned                        R       P/I            0          0
     17  Bigcir                             F V    P/I            0          0
     18  Unassigned                                P/I            0          0
   Circuit type:  O - Orphan   P - PVC   S - SVC
   Circuit state: A - Active   I - Inactive   R - Removed   C - Congested
   R - Required        G - Required and belongs to a PVC group
   F - circuit is fragmentation capable
   c - Data compression capable but not operational
   C - Data compression capable and operational
   d - CDMF DES data encryption capable but not operational 
   D - CDMF DES data encryption capable and operational 
   t - 3DES data encryption capable but not operational
   T - 3DES data encryption capable and operational 
   V - circuit is voice forwarding enabled 
   H - Frame Handler circuit

Indicates the DLCI of the PVC.

Circuit Name
Name of the circuit, an ASCII string.

Orphan Circuit
Indicates whether the PVC is a non-configured circuit (yes or no).

Indicates the state of the circuit, A (active), I (inactive), P (permanent), C (congested), or R (removed).

Frames Transmitted
Indicates how many frames this PVC has transmitted.

Frames Received
Indicates how many frames this PVC has received.

Displays required PVC group information for all required PVC groups. For each group this consists of the group name, the circuits in the group and the state (active, inactive, or removed) of each circuit.


list pvc-groups
Group name               Circuits in group    Circuit status
----------               -----------------    --------------
group1                            16             active
                                  44             inactive
                                 240             removed

Displays the counts of frames transmitted and received, the number of frames discarded, the current number of frames queued and the high queue count. The high queue count is the maximum number of frames that were ever queued for this circuit.


                                        Frames   Frames Frames   Frames  High                                                                                                         
DLCI          Circuit Name              Sent     Rcv'd  Discard  Queued  Queue
---- -------------------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------
  18 Phoenix                             11946    12041        2     41     41 

Lists circuit information for all circuits, including those on FR base interfaces and FR subinterfaces. When the circuit is on the base net, this command displays the net number of the interface that the circuit is on and the word base in parentheses.


FR 1>list subinterfaces
             Circuit               Circuit  Circuit    Interface 
              Name                 Number    Type       Number   
 --------------------------------  -------  ---------  ----------
 svc1                                       Switched     1 (base)
 circ16                               16    Permanent    1 (base)
 svc2                                       Switched     4       
 circ17                               17    Permanent    4       

Displays all SVCs, either configured or orphaned, on the interface regardless of state.


FR 1>list svcs
                                                         Circuit  Call
          Circuit Name             Remote party number    State   State  DLCI
 --------------------------------  --------------------  -------  -----  -----
 flotsam                           911                      R       N       0
 jetsam                            666                      R       N       0
    Circuit states: A - Active   I - Inactive   R - Removed   C - Congested
    Call states: N - Null   I - Call Initiated   O - Outgoing call proceeding
                 A - Active   D - Disconnect request   R - Release request

The following example displays configuration and operational information for a single SVC by name.


FR 1>list switched-virtual-circuit flotsam
 Circuit                          Opt-   Idle             Outgoing   Incoming
  Name                            ions   Timer              Value      Value
 -------------------------------- -----  ------          ----------  ----------
 flotsam                          ILMF       60     CIR:         0           0
   Call state: Null                               Burst:         0           0
   Call Initiated by: None        DLCI: 0        Excess:         0           0
   Remote party number: IE14
   Remote subaddress:   None
 Options: I - call-ins allowed, L - learn protocols, M - multicast required
          F - UNI/NNI fragmentation capable  C - compression capable and operational
          c - compression capable, d - CDMF DES data encryption capable but not operational
          D - CDMF DES data encryption capable and operational  t - 3DES data encryption
              capable but not operational  T - 3DES data encryption capable and operational
          Address type: I - International, U - Unknown  Numbering plan: E - E.164,
                        X - X.121  Subaddress format: N - NSAP, P - private

Displays all PVCs and all active SVCs with associated information that is identical to the list permanent-virtual-circuit command.
FR 1>list virtual-circuits
 Circuit                                          Type/   Frames      Frames
 Number            Circuit Name           Options State Transmitted  Received
 ------- -------------------------------- ------- ----- ----------- ----------
     16  Unassigned                         F     P/I             0          0
     17  Unassigned                         F H   P/I             0          0
     23  To-Kitty                           F H   P/I             0          0
    Circuit type: O - Orphan P - PVC S - SVC  
    Circuit state: A - Active I - Inactive R - Removed C - Congested
    R - Required G - Required and belongs to a PVC group 
    F - circuit is fragmentation capable 
    c - Data compression capable but not operational
    C - Data compression capable and operational 
    d - CDMF DES data encryption capable but not operational 
    D - CDMF DES data encryption capable and operational 
    t - 3DES data encryption capable but not operational
    T - 3DES data encryption capable and operational 
    V - circuit is voice forwarding enabled 

Displays all PVCs that have been defined as being capable of forwarding voice packets.
FR 2>list voice-forwarding-circuits
     Circuit              Circuit              Forwarding      Forwarding
     Name                 Number               Network         Circuit
     ---------------      -----------          -------------   ------------
     circ16                 16                     2               17
     circ17                 17                     2               16


Use the LLC command to access the LLC monitoring prompt. LLC commands are entered at this new prompt. See "LLC Monitoring Commands" for an explanation of each of these commands.


Note:The LLC command is supported only if APPN is in the software load.


Use the notrace command to disable packet tracing for individual circuits or the entire interface. This command can be used as a filter when tracing specific circuits or interfaces is required. The default setting is to trace all circuits.






notrace 16
     Disables packet tracing on circuit (PVC or SVC) with DLCI 16.  
 notrace circuit phoenix                                           
    Disables packet tracing on circuit (PVC or SVC) named phoenix. 
 notrace circuit all                                               
    Disables packet tracing on all circuits on this interface.     


Use the set command to set the values for Committed Information Rate (CIR), Committed Burst Rate, and Excess Burst Rate for the specified VC. You also can set values for IR adjustment rates.

Changes made with this command do not affect the configuration data. They are in effect only until the router is restarted.


circuit . . .

ir-adjustment . . .

circuit circuit# or name cirvol bcval beval
Sets the values for Committed Information Rate (CIR), Committed Burst Rate, and Excess Burst Rate for the specified VC and can be used to change the operational outgoing CIR, Bc, and Be for a PVC or an active SVC.


set circuit
Circuit number [16]?
Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps [1200]?
Committed Burst Size (Bc) in bits [1200]?
Excess Burst Size (Be) in bits [56000]?

Circuit Number
Indicates the circuit number in the range 16 to 1007.

Committed Information Rate
Indicates the committed information rate (CIR). The CIR can be either 0, or a value in the range 300 bps to 6 312 000 bps. The default is 64 kbps. For more information, see "Committed Information Rate (CIR)".

Committed Burst Size
The maximum amount of data in bits that the router will send during a measurement interval equal to committed burst (Bc) size / CIR seconds. The range is 300 to 6 312 000 bits. The default value is 64 Kb.
Note:If CIR is configured as 0 then the committed burst size is set to 0 and you are not prompted for a value. For additional information, see "Committed Burst (Bc) Size".

Excess Burst Size
The maximum amount of uncommitted data in bits in excess of committed burst size that the router attempts to deliver during a measurement interval equal to (Committed Burst Size/CIR) seconds. Range is 0 to 6 312 000 bits. Default is 0. For additional information, see "Excess Burst (Be) Size".

ir-adjustment increment-% decrement-% minimum-IR
Sets the minimum information rate (IR) and the percentages for incrementing and decrementing the IR in response to network congestion.
Note:The Talk 5 set ir-adjustment command is not applicable for FR subinterfaces.

The minimum IR, expressed as a percentage of CIR, is the lower limit of the information rate. The minimum percentage is 1 and the maximum percentage is 100. The default is 25.

When network congestion clears, the information rate is gradually incremented by the IR adjustment increment percentage until the maximum information rate is reached. The minimum percentage is 1 and the maximum percentage is 100. The default is 12.

When network congestion occurs, the information rate is decremented by the IR adjustment decrement percentage each time a frame containing BECN is received until the minimum information rate is reached. The minimum percentage is 1, and the maximum percentage is 100. The default is 25.


set ir-adjustment
    IR adjustment % increment [12]?
    IR adjustment % decrement [25]?
    Minimum IR as % of CIR [25]?


Use the Trace command to enable packet tracing for individual circuits or the entire interface and to list the tracing capability of all circuits on this interface. This command can be used as a filter when tracing specific circuits or interfaces is required. The default setting is to trace all circuits.







trace 16
     Enables packet tracing on circuit (PVC or SVC) with DLCI 16.  
trace circuit phoenix                                         
    Enables packet tracing on circuit (PVC or SVC) named phoenix. 
trace circuit all                                               
    Enables packet tracing on all circuits on this interface.     
trace list
 The following circuits are available for packet trace          
 Circuit Name                         Circuit Number            
 --------------------------------     --------------            
 Unassigned                                  16                 
 phoenix                                     25                 
 jetsam                                       0                 
 Lists the packet tracing capability of all circuits on this    

Frame Relay Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command

While Frame Relay interfaces have a monitoring process for monitoring purposes, the router also displays complete statistics for installed interfaces when you use the interface command from the GWCON environment. (For more information on the interface command, refer to "The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands")

Statistics Displayed For Frame Relay Interfaces

Statistics similar to the following are displayed when you execute the interface command from the GWCON environment for Frame Relay interfaces. The actual display will vary somewhat depending upon the adapter type, for example, X.21, V.35, or HSSI.

If FR subinterfaces have been configured, the GWCON statistics and error commands for the FR base interface will display cumulative counts for all circuits on the FR base interface and all associated subinterfaces. For a subinterface, these commands will list counts for only the circuits defined for the subinterface.

+interface 1
                                Self-Test  Self-Test  Maintenance
Nt Nt' Interface      CSR  Vec     Passed     Failed       Failed
1  1   FR/0         81620   5D          1          0            0
  Frame Relay MAC/data-link on SCC Serial Line interface
  Adapter cable:               V.35 DTE  RISC Microcode Revision:
   V.24 circuit: 105 106 107 108 109 125 141
   Nicknames:    RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD RI  LL
   PUB 41450:    CA  CB  CC  CD  CF  CE
   State:        ON  ON  ON  ON  ON  OFF OFF
  Line speed:              unknown
  Last port reset:         5 hours, 8 minutes, 11 seconds ago
  Input frame errors:
   CRC error                          0   alignment (byte length)
   missed frame                       0   too long (>  2062 bytes) 0
   aborted frame                      0   DMA/FIFO overrun         0
   L & F bits not set                 0
  Output frame counters:
   DMA/FIFO underrun errors           0   Output aborts sent       0

Indicates the interface number as assigned by software during initial configuration.

Indicates the interface number as assigned by software during initial configuration.
Note:For FR dial circuit interfaces, Nt' is different from Nt. Nt' indicates the base interface (ISDN) that the dial circuit is running over.

Indicates the type of interface and its instance number. Frame relay has a FR designation.

Indicates the memory location of the control status register for the Frame Relay interface.

Indicates the vector number for the Frame Relay interface.

Self-test Passed
Indicates the total number of times the Frame Relay interface passed self-test.

Self-test Failed
Indicates the total number of times the Frame Relay interface failed self-test.

Maintenance Failed
Indicates the total number of times the interface was unable to communicate with Frame Relay management.

V.24 circuit, Nicknames, and State
The circuits, control signals, pin assignments and their state (ON or OFF).
Note:The symbol - - - in monitoring output indicates that the value or state is unknown.

Line speed
The transmit clock rate.

Last port reset
The length of time since the last port reset.

Input frame errors:

CRC error
The number of packets received that contained checksum errors, and as a result were discarded.

The number of packets received that were not an even multiple of 8 bits in length, and as a result were discarded.

Too long
The number of packets that were greater than the configured size, and as a result were discarded.

Aborted frame
The number of packets received that were aborted by the sender or a line error.

DMA/FIFO overrun
The number of times the serial interface could not send data fast enough to the system packet buffer memory to receive them from the network.

Missed frame
When a frame arrives at the device and there is no buffer available, the hardware drops the frame and increments the missed frame counter.

L & F bits not set
On serial interfaces, the hardware sets input-descriptor information for arriving frames. If the buffer can accept the complete frame upon arrival, the hardware sets both the last and first bits of the frame, indicating that the buffer accepted the complete frame. If either of the bits is not set, the packet is dropped, the L & F bits not set counter is incremented, and the buffer is cleared for reuse. This counter will not be displayed for all types of adapter.
Note:It is unlikely that the L & F bits not set counter will be affected by traffic.

Output frame counters:

DMA/FIFO underrun errors
The number of times the serial interface could not retrieve data fast enough from the system packet buffer memory to transmit them to the network.

Output aborts sent
The number of transmissions that were aborted as requested by upper-level software.

Statistics similar to the following are displayed for Frame Relay dial circuits when you execute the interface command from the GWCON environment:

+interface 4
                                                Self-Test  Self-Test  Maintenance
Nt Nt' Interface      CSR  Vec    Passed      Failed       Failed
4  3    FR/0          81640   5C             0             4              0
  Frame Relay MAC/data-link on ISDN Basic Rate interface

Frame Relay Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Frame Relay supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Frame Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following considerations:

All Frame Relay configuration changes are automatically activated except the following changes:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command
CONFIG, net, enable compression
Note:If data compression is not already active on another Frame Relay interface, then it cannot be enabled when the interface is activated.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Frame Relay supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:

All Frame Relay configuration changes are automatically activated except the following changes:
Commands whose changes are not activated by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command
CONFIG, net, set frame-size
Note:You cannot increase the frame size.
CONFIG, net, enable compression
Note:You cannot enable compression on the interface if it is not enabled already or enabled on another Frame Relay Interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Frame Relay supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.
GWCON, net, set circuit
GWCON, net, set ir-adjustment
GWCON, net, enable cir-monitor
GWCON, net, enable cllm
GWCON, net, enable congestion-monitor
GWCON, net, enable notify-fecn-source
GWCON, net, enable throttle-transmit-on-fecn
GWCON, net, disable cir-monitor
GWCON, net, disable cllm
GWCON, net, disable congestion-monitor
GWCON, net, disable notify-fecn-source
GWCON, net, disable throttle-transmit-on-fecn

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