IBM Books

Config Pgm User's Guide

Obtaining and Installing the Configuration Program

This chapter describes the minimum requirements to run the IBM Nways Access Integration Services, Multiprotocol Access Services, Multiprotocol Routing Services, Multiprotocol Switched Services, and Multiprotocol Switched Services Clients configuration program and the procedure for getting and installing it. It consists of the following sections:

Important:Before proceeding, see the README file for the latest information about requirements and any changes to installation procedures.

Hardware and Software Requirements for the Configuration Program

Table 1 lists the minimum configuration program requirements.

Table 1. Configuration Program Requirements for Supported Operating Systems
Requirement IBM AIX IBM Operating System/2 Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT
Workstation RS/6000 Model 250/410 or higher with minimum 80-Mhz CPU IBM-compatible PC with Intel Pentium 166-MHz or higher processor (see Note (FRST)) IBM-compatible PC with Intel Pentium 166-MHz or higher processor (see Note (FRST))

RAM (minimum) 64 MB 48 MB 48 MB

CD-ROM yes yes yes

Free Disk Space 40 MB

Additionally, you need 1 to 3 MB for each configuration file.

33 MB

Additionally, you need 1 to 3 MB for each configuration file.

37 MB

Additionally, you need 1 to 3 MB for each configuration file.


Swapper Size N/A 10 MB N/A

Display (minimum) Graphics (1024 x 768 x 256 colors) SVGA (1024 x 768 x 256 colors) SVGA (1024 x 768 x 256 colors)

Mouse 3-button 2-button (see Note (MS1)) 2-button (see Note (MS1))

Software AIX for RS/6000 V4.1.5 or higher OS/2 3.0 or higher Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT

  AIXWindows Environment/6000 IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 for OS/2 or higher  


  1. For AIX, the AIX Common Desktop environment (X11.dt) is required to access Help.

  2. More memory and faster processors improve the program's performance.

  3. Functionally equivalent to a 3-button mouse.

  4. You must make sure that TCP/IP is installed and running before using the "Single Send or Retrieve" or "Multiple Send or Retrieve" functions. On MS Windows platforms, the configuration program will hang if TCP/IP is not installed and running.

The AIX version of the conversion program requires special fonts. For this program to run correctly, you must have /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/ in your list of directories. If you do not have this directory in your Xstation Font Path, at your Xstation, enter:

     xset fp+ /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/

This command adds the conversion program font directory to your Xstation Font Path. Place the above line in your .profile for future use.
Note:The 2212 Access Utility does not use the conversion program.

Obtaining the Configuration Program Electronically

You can obtain the configuration program from the IBM Networking Technical Support Home Page. Follow this procedure to download the configuration program:

  1. Access the IBM Networking page at:

  2. Select Support from the Fast-Path Site-Links menu to access the Technical Support page.
  3. Select the product from the Downloads menu.
  4. Select the desired code level for the configuration program that you want to download. On the next panel, in the Files in this Package box at the bottom of the panel, download the file you want into a temporary directory. (Consult the README file to determine which version of the configuration program and which file you need, and ensure that you have enough space on the hard drive.)
  5. To install the configuration program, continue at Installing the Configuration Program.

Product Installation and Starting Information Tables

The configuration program supports multiple software products on multiple platforms, each with their unique program names, executable file names, version and release numbers, and so forth. The following tables list the product-specific information that you will need when you install or start the configuration program.

For example, if you want to use the Multiprotocol Routing Services version of the program on the AIX platform, download the file shown in the aixname column of Table 2 (mrsaix.lpp) from the IBM Networking page and follow the instructions at Installing on AIX.

When you are ready to start the program, you need to change to the directory shown in the aixpath column of the same table and follow the instructions at Starting the Configuration Program on AIX.

Table 2. AIX Product Information
Product Name aixpath aixname
Access Integration Services Version 3.4 /usr/lpp/aisv34 aisaix.lpp

Multiprotocol Access Services Version 3.4 /usr/lpp/masv34 masaix.lpp

Multiprotocol Routing Services Version 3.4 /usr/lpp/mrsv34 mrsaix.lpp

Multiprotocol Switched Services Version 1 Release 2.2 /usr/lpp/mssv1r22 mssv1r22

MSS Family Clients Version 1 Release 2.2 /usr/lpp/mssv1r22 mssc1r22


Table 3 lists Windows-specific information. Use it if you want to use the program on the Windows platform.

Table 3. Windows Product Information
Product Name winfolder winprogram winname
Access Integration Services Version 3.4 AISV3.4 AISV3.4 aiswin.exe

Multiprotocol Access Services Version 3.4 MASV3.4 MASV3.4 maswin.exe

Multiprotocol Routing Services Version 3.4 MRSV3.4 MRSV3.4 mrswin.exe

Multiprotocol Switched Services Version 1 Release 2.2 Mssv1r2.2 MSSV1R2.2 MSSV1R22.exe

MSS Family Clients Version 1 Release 2.2 Msscv1r2.2 MSSCV1R2.2 MSSCV1R22.exe


Table 4 lists OS/2-specific information. Use it if you want to use the program on the OS/2 platform.

Table 4. OS/2 Product Information
Product Name os2folder os2program os2name
Access Integration Services Version 3.4 AIS V3.4 Config Programs AIS V3.4 Config Program aisos2.cmd

Multiprotocol Routing Services Version 3.4 MAS V3.4 Config Programs MAS V3.4 Config Program masos2.cmd

Multiprotocol Access Services Version 3.4 MRS V3.4 Config Programs MRS V3.4 Config Program mrsos2.cmd

Multiprotocol Switched Services Version 1 Release 2.2 MSS V1 R2.2 Config Programs MSS V1 R2.2 Config Program os2inst.cmd

MSS Family Clients Version 1 Release 2.2 MSSC V1 R2.2 Config Programs MSSC V1 R2.2 Config Program os2inst.cmd

Installing the Configuration Program

Once you have either obtained the appropriate CD-ROM or downloaded the appropriate file from the IBM Networking home page, the procedure for installing the configuration program depends on the operating system under which the program will run. Installing on AIX, Installing on Windows, and Installing on OS/2 describe the steps you take to install the configuration program based on your operating system.

Before installing the configuration program, make sure that you have write access to the directory in which you are installing it. The installation process writes program files to the directory during installation and the configuration program writes information to the directory while it is running. See the appropriate README file for more detailed information.

Installing on AIX

  1. Ensure that you are logged on as the "root" user. (The whoami command will show root at the command prompt.) If not, enter su root.
  2. If you are installing from the CD-ROM, create directory /cdrom if it does not exist, insert the appropriate configuration program CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive, and mount the CD-ROM:
    mount -v cdrfs -r' '  /dev/cd0 /cdrom
  3. Change to the directory where the INSTALLP file (aixname--see Table 2 for the specific name) is located. On the CD-ROM it will be in the /cdrom/config/aix directory. If you downloaded the aixname file from the IBM Networking home page, change to the directory where the file exists.
  4. Run SMIT and do either the AIX 4.1.5 or the AIX 4.2 procedure as follows:

    AIX 4.1.5 Procedure:

    1. Select Software Installation and Maintenance.
    2. Select Install and Update Software.
    3. Select Install/Update Selectable Software (Custom Install).
    4. Select Install Software Products at Latest Level.
    5. Select Install New Software Products at Latest Level.

    AIX 4.2 Procedure:

    1. Select Software Installation and Maintenance.
    2. Select Install and Update Software.
    3. Select Install and Update from Latest Available Software.
    4. Select Input device/directory for software..
    1. Enter the fully qualified file name of the INSTALLP file (aixname--see Table 2 for the specific name) from the CD-ROM /cdrom/config/aix directory.
    2. Press PF4 to list the software and select the installation program.
    3. Select OK.
    4. Select OK.
    5. Select Done.
    6. Select Cancel.
  5. If installing from the CD-ROM, unmount the CD-ROM:
    unmount /cdrom
  6. Enter exit to end the root user session.

Installing on Windows

  1. If installing from the CD-ROM, insert the appropriate CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. If autoread is on, the installation program starts and displays an installation dialog. Otherwise, change to the /config/win directory and run setup on the CD-ROM.
  2. If installing after downloading the Windows installation file from the IBM Networking page, change to the directory into which the file was downloaded and run the winname program (see Table 3 for the specific name) to install the product.

Installing on OS/2

  1. Open an OS/2 command window.
  2. If installing from the CD-ROM, change to the /config directory on the CD-ROM.
  3. If installing after downloading the OS/2 installation command from the IBM Networking page, change to the directory into which the file was downloaded.
  4. Enter os2name (see Table 3 for the specific name) and follow the prompts that display on the panel to complete the installation.

The program creates a folder that contains the Configuration Program icon. There will also be an icon for the README files in the folder.

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