Copyright 2000-2002 by Gary Reese
e-mail: pcacala@earthlink.net
Midwest Biosurveys, Las Vegas, NV  USA

Updated:  April 22, 2002

    Zuiko lenses for the OM System
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NEW! 40 month census data and analysis by condition and coating for all eBay auctions on any of the Olympus OM lenses. Just click on the blue text heading for the lens you are interested in. For an introductory statement and guide to my abbreviations, click here.

Note on all tests: Mirror and diaphragm prefire indicates that a self timer was used to raise the mirror and stop down the lens well prior to exposure, thus controlling two of the three major vibration sources in an SLR. Data from OM-1 tests (with just mirror lockup) typically show lower SQF grades, attributable to harmonic vibrations induced by the automatic diaphragm mechanism.

Shortcuts to intermediate focal lengths
18mm | 21mm | 24mm | 28mm | 35mm | 40mm | 50mm | 85mm | 100mm | 135mm | 180mm | 300mm | 500mm
(note: zoom lenses are located at their shortest focal length)

8mm f/2.8 Fisheye Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting: B @ f/2.8, A- at f/4, A thereafter
Distortion: NA
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/16 and f/22; moderately high contrast at
f/11; very high contrast at f/2.8; extrememly high contrast at f/4 to f/8.
Test subject modification: map was hung in a 180 degree arc with the lens
on a plane with the two ends of the map.

16mm f/3.5 Zuiko Fisheye (multi-coated)
OM-2S w/ mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting: B- @ f/3.5, B @ f/5.6, B+ @ f/8, A- thereafter
Distortion:  NA
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         B-
f/5.6     A         B+
f/8       A         B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Contrasty at the expense of resolution. High contrast at f/3.5 and
f/22, very high contrast at f/5.6 andf/11 (although only high in corners),
very high contrast at f/8 and f/16. Test subject modification: map was
in a 180 degree arc with the lens on a plane with the two ends of the map.

18mm f/3.5 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = C @ f/3.5, B- @ f/5.6, B+ @ f/8, A- @ f/11 and 16
Distortion = none!
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         C
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
Notes: Hot spotting at f/3.5 due to strong vignetting.  Moderate contrast
in this 8 condition sample.

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C         C
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       B         A-
f/11      A-        A+
f/16      B         A
Notes: Vignetting characteristic of wide angle lenses, improving with
stopping down; moderately high contrast images; remarkable lack of
distortion; lens design emphasizes outer zones at expense of center image
zone (which gives a sharper overall impression of an image); overall
optimum aperture at f/11. A 10- condition sample.

21mm f/2 Zuiko (multicoated)

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Distortion:  waveform
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2       B+        C        D           mod. high
f/2.8     B+        C+       C           mod. high
f/4       A-        B+       B           very high
f/5.6     A-        A-       B           extr. high
f/8       A         B+       A-          very high
f/11      A-        B+       A-          very high
f/16      A-        B+       A-          very high

21mm f/3.5 Zuiko (single-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B @ f/3.5, A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8 and beyond
Distortion = slight waveforming with slight to moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B-        C+
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A+        A-
Notes: Contrasty with high resolution.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         C+
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A         A
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Same lens as above test.

24mm f/2.0 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C @ f/2, B @ f/2.8
Distortion = pronounced waveform
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C-        D-
f/2.8     B         C
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     A         B+
f/8       A         A-
f/11      B+        A
f/16      B         B
Notes: Easy to focus due to bright viewfinder image.  Lens hood selection
critical since vignetting not predictable in viewfinder.  Very contrasty
at f/5.6, contrasty at other apertures.

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = D @ f/2, B- @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4 and thereafter
Distortion = moderate waveforming with strong barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C+        C
f/2.8     B-        C+
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B         B+
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/2, moderate contrast at f/2.8,
moderately high contrast at f/11 and high contrast at f/4 to f/8.

24mm f/2.8 Zuiko (single-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight pincushion (none?)
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C+        C+
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A-        B
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/16, moderate contrast elsewise.

OM-4 with mirror and aperture prefire, average of two samples
Vignetting = C @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = slight waveforming with slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     A-        B/B-
f/4       A         B+
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A/A-      A-
f/16      B+        A-/B+
Notes: Different lens samples than the OM-1 test above.  Moderate contrast
@ f/2.8; high contrast @ f/5.6 to f/11; moderately low contrast @ f/16.

24mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8
Distortion = slight waveforming with distinct barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        C
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A-        A
f/16      A-        A-
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/2.8 and f/16, moderate contrast

OM-4 with mirror and aperture prefire, different sample than above
Distortion = slight waveforming with distinct barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     A-        C+
f/4       A-        B-
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        A-

24mm f/3.5 Zuiko Shift (multi-coated)

@ no offset
Distortion = slight barrel
Vignetting = A- @ f/3.5, A @ f/5.6
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C         B-
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/3.5, moderately high elsewise.

@ maximum offset
Distortion = none
Vignetting = C+ @f/3.5 (in upper corners), A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C         B-
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast, except moderate at f/3.5

28mm f/2 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup; 9 condition sample
Vignetting = C+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2,8
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B         B
f/2.8     A         B+
f/4       A+        A-
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Remarkable contrast at larger apertures, high resolution at expense
of contrast stopped down, with moderately low to moderate contrast by
f/16. Remarkable performance at f/4.  One of the sharpest Zuiko lenses.

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B         B-
f/2.8     A-        B
f/4       A         A-
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A         A+
f/11      A         A
f/16      A         A
Notes: This sample was a 7+ grade condition.  Moderate contrast at f/8
to f/16, moderately high contrast at f/5.6 and f/4.

28mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)

average of two samples; OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C
Distortion = very slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         B-/C+
f/4       B/B+      B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+/A-     B+/A-
f/11      B+/A-     B+
f/16      B+/A-     B+/A-
f/22      B/B+      B
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire; same lens as OM-1 based test
Aperture  Center   Corner
f/2.8     B-       C+
f/4       B+        B-
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast images at f/2.8, f/16 and f/22; moderate
contrast images at f/4 to f/11.

28mm f/3.5 Zuiko (single-coated)

minty sample; OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B @ f/3.5, A- elsewise
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B+        B-
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Moderately low contrast @ f/3.5, moderately high contrast elsewise.

sample that was dropped, with a bent filter rim; OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/3.5, B @ f/5.6, B+ @ f/8
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C+        C
f/5.6     B         A-
f/8       A-        A
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
Notes: Low contrast image at f/16, f/11, f/3.5, although high resolution
of high contrast details at center of field; moderate contrast at mid
apertures; optimum at f/8. Possible element decentering?

28-48mm f/4 S Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 28mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/4, B+ @ f/5.6
Distortion = waveform with distinct barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast, except at f/22 which was low.

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different lens sample (serial number 1153xx) vs. OM-1 test
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with no tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast images at f/4 to f/5.6 and f/16 to f/22; moderately high contrast images at f/8 to f/11.

@ 35mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B at f/4
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C+        C-
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast images, except at f/4 and f/22 which was low.

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different lens sample (serial number 1153xx) vs. OM-1 test
Vignetting = B+ at f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C-
f/5.6     A-        B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Moderate contrast images in center and low in corner at f/4; moderately high contrast images in center and moderate in corners at f/16 to f/22; moderate contrast images at f/5.6 to f/8; moderately high contrast images a f/11.

@ 48mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/4
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C
f/5.6     B         C+
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B+        B-
f/16      B         B-
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast images, except at f/22 which was moderately low.

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different lens sample (serial number 1153xx) vs. OM-1 test
Vignetting = B @ f/4, B+ @ f/5.6, A- @ f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with pronounced barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       A-        C
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast images in center and low in corners at f/4; moderate contrast images at f/5.6 and f/11 through f/22; moderately high contrast images at f/8.

35mm f/2.0 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup (sample 1)
Vignetting = C
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.0     B-        C+
f/2.8     B         C+
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A         A-
Notes: Contrasty lens.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire (sample 2)
Distortion:  NA
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2       C         B-       B-          moderate
f/2.8     C+        B-       B           moderate
f/4       B+        B+       A-          high
f/5.6     A         A-       A           very high
f/8       A         A-       A           high
f/11      A         A-       A           mod. high
f/16      A-        A-       A           mod. high

OM-4 with mirror @and diaphragm prefire (sample 3 - minty)
Vignetting = B- @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.0     A-        C
f/2.8     A         C+
f/4       A-        B-
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A         A
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast in center and moderately low in corner at
f/2 and f/2.8; moderately high contrast in center and moderate in corner
at f/4 and f/5.6; moderately high contrast in corner and center at f/8 to

35mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C+        C
f/4       B-        C+
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B
Notes: Moderate contrast, except moderately low contrast at f/2.8.

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different sample (serial number 102,xxx) vs. above OM-1 test
Vignetting = C @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A- at f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         C
f/4       B+        C+
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B         B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast images in center and moderately low in corner at f/2.8; moderately high contrast images in center and moderate in corners at f/4 to f/5.6; moderately high contrast images at f/8 to f/16.

35mm f/2.8 Zuiko (single-coated)
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight barrel

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     D-        C-
f/4       C         C
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A         A-
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/2.8 and f/16, moderate contrast
elsewise but high resolution.

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire; same lens as OM-1 based test
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         C+
f/4       A-        B-
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        A-
Notes: Moderately low contrast images at f/2.8; moderate contrast images
at f/4, f/11 and f/16; moderately high contrast images at f/5.6 and f/8.

35mm f/2.8 Zuiko Shift (single-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup, first lens sample

@ no offset
Vignetting = A- @ f/2.8
Distortion = barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C-        C-
f/4       C+        B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      B+        A
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B-        B

@ maximum vertical offset
Vignetting = B- in furthest corners @ f/2.8
Distortion = barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     D         C
f/4       C-        C
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm* prefire, 2nd lens sample

 @ no offset
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel (none?)
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        C
f/4       A-        B+
f/5.6     A-        A
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast in center and moderately low contrast in corners
at f/2.8 and f/16; moderate contrast at f/4; moderately high contrast in
center and moderate in corners at f/5.6, f/8 and f/11; moderate contrast
in center and moderately low contrast in corners at f/16. This lens lacks
an automatic diaphragm, so the use of the self timer to attain "mirror
and diaphragm prefire" maybe less important than with other lenses.

@ maximum offset
Vignetting = C (upper), B (lower) @ f/2.8; B,A @ f/4; A-,A @ f/5.6 &
f/8; A,A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C         C
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B+
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2.8, moderately high contrast in center and
moderate contrast in corners at f/4 and f/5.6, moderately high contrast in
center and corners at f/8 and f/11, high contrast in center and moderately
high contrast in corners at f/16, moderate contrast in center and
moderately low contrast in corners at f/22.

35-70mm f/3.5~4.5 S Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 35mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup; first sample
Vignetting = C+ @ f/3.5, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = moderate barrel with slight waveforming
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B+        B-
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B         A-
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B+        B
Notes: High contrast at all but f/22, where moderately low.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire; second sample
Vignetting = B+ @ f/3.5, A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8 and beyond
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         B-
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Moderate contrast.

@ 50mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup; first sample
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     B         B+
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A         A-
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Moderately high contrast, except moderately low at f/22.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire; second sample
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4, A @ f/5.6 and beyond
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     B         B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      A-        A
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B+        A-
Notes: Moderate contrast.

@ 70mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup; first sample
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4.5, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B         B+
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A         A
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast. Extremely lightweight lens, but short distance
from focal length ring to aperture ring and dim image slows handling.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire; second sample
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4.5, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B         B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast. Optimum aperture at all focal lengths
is f/11.

35-70mm f/3.5~4.8 S Zuiko (multi-coated)
With comparative SQF values from Popular Photography, published April
1998);OM-1 with mirror lockup

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/3.5, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = very pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner    Popular Photography SQF
f/3.5     C+        B-        F
f/5.6     B-        B-        B+
f/8       B         B         A
f/11      B         B         A
f/16      B         B-        B+
f/22      B         C+        B

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner    Popular Photography SQF
f/4.0     C         B         C+
f/5.6     B+        B         B
f/8       B         B+        A
f/11      B+        B         A
f/16      B         B         B+
f/22      B-        B-        B
Notes: Contrasty images.

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner    Popular Photography SQF
 f/4.8     C-        C-        D
f/5.6     B-        B-        B
f/8       B+        B-        B+
f/11      B+        B         B+
f/16      B         B         B
f/22      B         C+        C+
Notes: Contrasty at expense of resolution at all focal lengths. Slightly
larger and easier to handle than the earlier f/3.5~4.5 lens, but not as
good performing.  Made by Cosina.

35-70mm f/3.6 Zuiko
OM-4 with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/3.6, A- @ f/5.6, A elsewise
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.6     B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      A         A
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast at all apertures, including corners.

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = A at all apertures
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.6     B+        B-
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B+        A-
Notes: Apparent high resolution at the expense of contrast. Moderate
contrast at f/3.6; moderately high thereafter, except only moderate
in corner till f/16.

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = A- @ f/3.6 & f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.6     B+        B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A         A
f/11      A         A
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B+        A-
Notes: Low corner contrast at f/3.6 & f/5.6; moderately low contrast
in center at f/3.6 and moderate at f/5.6; moderate contrast corner and
center at f/8 on. Excellent handling lens with effective zooming lens
shade. Greatly benefits from using mirror and diaphragm prefire on a
tripod. Primary differences from 35-80mm f/2.8 Zuiko is that it requires
f/11 for optimum performance (vs. f/8) and isn't as useable wide open.

35-70mm f/4 Zuiko Auto Focus (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B-
Distortion = barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
*Notes: Autofocuses on the OM-F.

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = B-
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C-        C+
f/5.6     B-        B
f/8       B-        B+
f/11      B         B+
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B+        A-
Notes: Moderately low contrast.

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C+        B
f/5.6     B-        B
f/8       B-        B
f/11      B         B+
f/16      B         B+
f/22      B         B+

35-70mm f/4 S Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 35mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C+ @ f/4, B+ @ f/5.6, A @ f/8
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B+
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast.

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different lens sample than above OM-1 test
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6 & f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast images at f/f to f/5.6 and f/22; moderately high contrast images at f/8 to f/16.

@ 50mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B         B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different lens sample than above OM-1 test
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast images at f/4 and f/16 to f/22; moderately high contrast images at f/5.6 to f/11.

@ 70mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         C
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

35-80mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 35mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner   Popular Photography
f/2.8     B+        B        B+
f/4       A-        B        B+
f/5.6     A-        B+       B+
f/8       A         A-       B+
f/11      A         B+       B+
f/16      A-        B        B
f/22      A-        B        C+
Notes: High contrast at f/8, moderately high contrast elsewise. Popular
Photography SQF grades from August 1995 issue; averaged for the entire
field of view, at 22X magnification.

@ 50mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8
Distortion = very slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner   Popular Photography
f/2.8     C+        C+       B
f/4       B         B        B+
f/5.6     A-        A-       A
f/8       A         A        A
f/11      A         A        B+
f/16      B+        A-       B
f/22      B+        B        C+
Notes: Moderately low contrast.

@ 80mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8,B+ @ f/4
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner   Popular Photography
f/2.8     B-        C+       C+
f/4       B-        B-       B
f/5.6     B+        B        A
f/8       A-        B        A
f/11      A         B        A
f/16      A-        B        B+
f/22      B+        B        B
Notes: Exceptionally high contrast at f/8, high contrast elsewise.

OM-4 with mirror and auto diaphram prefire, plus Bogen Telephoto Lens
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B+        B-
f/4       A-        B+
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A         B
f/16      A-        B
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Differences between OM-1 with mirror lockup and this OM-4 test are
significant at the 1/3 grade level since they were determined from paired
comparisons.  The greatest differences are at shutter speeds of 1/30th
(f/8), 1/60th (f/5.6), 1/125th (f/4), and 1/250th (f/2.8), indicating that
1) shutter vibrations from the horizontal shutter in the OM-1 and
2) automatic aperture mechanism movements significantly degrade even a
lens in the short telephoto range.

35-105mm f/3.5~4.5 Zuiko (multi-coated, serial number <500,000)

@ 35mm setting
OM-4 with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = C+ @ f/3.5, B+ @ f/5.6 & f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B+        C
f/5.6     A-        B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/3.5, f/16 & f/22; moderately high at f/5.6;
high at f/8 & f/11.

@ 50mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/4
Distortion = pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      A-        A-

@ 70mm setting
OM-4 with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     C         C+
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A         A
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B+
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast lens, except moderately low at f/4.

@ 105mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B+
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Very contrasty, but length of lens on an OM-1 results in lower SQF
grades due to vibration.

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     A-        B
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B
f/22      B         B-
Notes: Very high contrast at the expense of resolution.

35-105mm f/3.5~4.5 Zuiko (multi-coated, serial number >500,000)
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/3.5, B+ @ f/5.6, A- @ f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with no tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B-        C
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast images atf/3.5 (perhaps due to
overexposure); moderately high at f/5.6 and f/22; high at f/8 to f/16.
Focusing impossible with a 2-4 series focusing screen. Requires a
biprism screen for ease of focusing.

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with slight pincushion tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     B-        B-
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A         A
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast images at f/4 and f/22; high contrast
images at f/11 to f/16; very high contrast images at f/5.6 to f/8.
Focusing difficult with a 2-4 series screen.

@ 105mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B         B
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B+
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B-        B
Notes: Very high contrast images atf/4.5 (perhaps due to underexposure);
high contrast images at all other apertures. Focusing difficult with a
2-4 series screen.

40mm f/2.0 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B- @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C         C
f/2.8     B+        A-
f/4       B+        A-
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A         A
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast images with high resolution.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different sample from above
OM-1 test
Vignetting = B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C+        C-
f/2.8     B+        C
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A         A
f/16      A         A-
Notes: Moderately low contrast in center and low contrast in corners at
f/2; moderate contrast in center and moderately low in corners at f/2.8;
moderately high contrast in center and moderate contrast in corners at
f/4; moderately high contrast in center and corners at f/16; high
contrast in center and corners at f/11; very high contrast in center
and corners at f/8.

50mm f/1.2 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = C @ f/1.2, B @ f/1.5, B+ @ f/2, A @ f/2.8
Distortion = slight barrel (none?)
Aperture  Center    Corner   Contrast
f/1.2     C         C+       Mod. high
~f/1.5    B-        C+       High
f/2       B-        B-       High
f/2.8     A-        A-       High
f/4       A-        A-       High
f/5.6     B+        A-       High
f/8       A-        A-       High
f/11      B+        A-       High
f/16      B+        B        High
Notes: Average of three different samples (except contrast grades from
one sample).

50mm f/1.4 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     D         C-
f/2       C-        C
f/2.8     C         B-
f/4       B-        B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A-        B
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Serial number unknown.

50mm f/1.4 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-2000 with mirror and diaphram prefire; lens with <1,000,000
serial number
Vignetting = D @ f/1.4, B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     C         C
f/2       B         B
f/2.8     B+        A-
f/4       B+        A
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast, except moderately low at f/1.4,
moderate at f/1.4.

50mm f/1.4 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-2000 with mirror and diaphram prefire; lens with >1,100,000
serial number
Vignetting = D @ f/1.4, B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = none

No filter
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     B         B
f/2       A-        B
f/2.8     A         A-
f/4       A         A
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: High contrast, except moderate in center at f/1.4, moderately low
in corners at f/1.4 and moderate in corners at f/16; remarkably even
performance across all apertures.

With poorly made Vivitar VMC ND3 neutral density filter
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     C-        C
f/2       C         C
f/2.8     B         B
f/4       B         B+
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Differences are significant at the 1/3 grade level in this paired
comparison evaluation. Contrast was slightly lower with the filter, but
lower resolution was the most important factor in image deterioriation.
Please note that this particular filter is not indicative of Vivitar or
Vivitar VMC filters, in general.  It just tested as a poor sample.  Other
filter makers, even the most highly regarded, have been found to have
poor samples in selections taken from used and new stocks of filters.
The use of the term "poor" means star test images, viewed on
a vertical auto collimeter, which show images that are: multiple and
overlapping, fuzzy, off center, and images which rotate when the lens
is rotated. More often than not, only one of these faults are found in
an examined filter. These filters (including the test filter) often look
perfectly good when examined without the aid of instrumentation!

50mm f/1.4 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup; >1,000,000 serial number (different lens
than above tests)
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.4
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     B         B-
f/2       A-        B
f/2.8     A-        A-
f/4       B+        A-
f/5.6     A+        A
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast with remarkably even performance across
all apertures.

50mm f/1.8 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8     D+        B-
f/2.8     C+        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B+        A-
Notes: Slightly soft contrast.

50mm f/1.8 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = B @ f/1.8, A @ f/2.8 and thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center   Corner
f/1.8     B        B-
f/2.8     B+       B
f/4       B+       B+
f/5.6     B        B+
f/8       A-       A-
f/11      B+       B+
f/16      B        B
Notes: Moderate contrast at all apertures.

50mm f/1.8 Zuiko (multi-coated, earlier MC variant)
OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = C+ at f/1.8
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8     C         C
f/2.8     B-        C+
f/4       A-        A-
f/5.6     A+        A-
f/8       A+        A
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B
Notes: Extremely high contrast at f/5.6 to f/8, high contrast at f/4 and
f/11, moderately high contrast at f/2 to f/2.8 and at f/16.

50mm f/1.8 Zuiko (multi-coated, late "Made in Japan" variant)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8     C-        C
f/2.8     B-        B
f/4       B         B+
f/5.6     A-        A
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A+        A
f/16      A         A
Notes: Moderately high contrast and extremely high resolution.

OM-2S with mirror and auto diaphragm prefire, serial number 3694244,
paired comparison with sample below to examine potential production
variation; identical coating
Vignetting = C- @ f/1.8, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8     B         C
f/2.8     A-        B+
f/4       A+        A
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B
Notes: High contrast at f/1.8 to f/2.8 and f/11 to f/16, very high
contrast at f/4 to f/8.

OM-2S with mirror and auto diaphragm prefire, serial number 5235157,
paired comparison with sample above to examine potential production
variation; identical coating
Vignetting = C @ f/1.8, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8*    B         C-
f/1.8     B+        C
f/2.8     A         B-
f/4       A+        A-
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/2.8 and f/8 to f/16, high contrast
at f/1.8, very high contrast at f/4 to f/5.6. * = with an Olympus 1A
filter that "passed" a vertical autocollimator test; lens was
refocused  after attaching the filter; no detectable contrast
difference with and without filter.

50mm f/2.0 Zuiko Macro (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C         C
f/2.8     C         B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A+        A+
f/11      A         A
f/16      A         A-

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire, same lens as above
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B-        B-
f/2.8     B-        B
f/4       A-        A-
f/5.6     A-        A
f/8       A+        A+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/16, moderately high
contrast at f/8 to f/11. Paired comparison to the Leitz 50mm f/2
Summicron-M in the Other Camera Manufacturer's Lenses section, with
differences significant at the 1/3 grade level.

50mm f/3.5 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C+        C-
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast image which softens beginning at f/11
and is distinctly softer at f/22, thus yielding best performance at
f/8; soft wide open; classic performance curve across aperture range.

OM-4 with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = A- @ f/3.5, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = very slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B-        C
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A+        A
f/11      A         A
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast, except high at f/8.  Different lens
sample than the OM-1 test above.

50-250mm f/5 Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 50mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup and Bogen Telephoto Lens Support, sample 1
Vignetting = B+ @ f/5, A- @ f/8
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       B+        B
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A         A-
f/22      A-        B+
f/32      B+        B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/5 and f/32.  High contrast at f/11 and f/16.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2
Vignetting = B @ f/5, A- @ f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       B-        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B-        C+
Notes: Low contrast at f/32, moderate contrast at f/5-11 and f/22,
moderately high contrast at f/16.

@ 100mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup and Bogen Telephoto Lens Support, sample 1
Vignetting = A- @ f/5, A @ f/8
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       B         B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      A-        B+
f/32      B+        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/11 and f/16.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2
Vignetting = B+ @ f/5,- A @ f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Low contrast at f/32, moderately low contrast at f/5, moderate
contrast at f/8-22.

@ 200mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup and Bogen Telephoto Lens Support, sample 1
Vignetting = B @ f/5, B+ @ f/8, A @ f/11
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       C-        C-
f/8       C+        C
f/11      B-        B-
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B
f/32      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast with poor resolution at wider apertures.
Dip in SQF grades (versus 250mm) perhaps due to movements from the
automatic diaphram mechanism.

@ 250mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup and Bogen Telephoto Lens Support, sample 1
Vignetting = B- @ f/5, A- @ f/8, A @ f/11
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       C+        B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A-        B
f/16      A         B+
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Relatively easy to focus with 1-14 screen, despite the f/5
aperture. Not well balanced for tripod use.  Probably demands use of
a lens support to avoid lens movement during picture taking.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2
Vignetting = A- @ f/5, A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       B+        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B-
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Moderatly low contrast at f/32, moderate contrast at f/8-22,
moderately high contrast at f/5.

55mm f/1.2 Zuiko (single-coated, rare earth radioactive version with
silver filter rim)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = NA
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     C+        B-
f/2       B         B-
f/2.8     B-        B
f/4       B+        B+
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        A-
Notes: Moderate contrast with high resolution, except very low contrast
at f/1.2.

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire, different lens than above
Vignetting = C- @ f/1.2, C+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     C-        C+
f/2       B-        B-
f/2.8     B         B
f/4       B         B+
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast images at f/1.2; moderately high contrast at f/2;
high contrast images at f/2.8 to f/4; very high contrast images at f/5.6
to f/16. Paired comparison with the non-radioactive, black snout
version below, with all grade differences significant to the 1/3rd grade
level. Comments: This lens utilized one or more radioactive rare earth
elements (lanthium or thorium floride), which are high refractive index
(and extra low dispersion?) elements but with the undesirable side effect
of yellowing with age. The yellowing is attributable to the effects of
radioactive decay. This design has particularily strong radioactivity,
which registers on a Gieger counter through the mirror and the shutter
when metered at the film plane (gamma radiation?). It does not fog fast
(ISO 800) film in tests of up to 3-4 minutes exposure time.

55mm f/1.2 Zuiko (single-coated, non-radioactive version with all black
filter rim)
OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = C- @ f/1.2, B- @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     C-        C+
f/2       B         C+
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B
Notes: Moderately low contrast images at f/1.2; moderate contrast images
at f/16; moderately high contrast at f/2 to f/4 and f/11; high contrast
images at f/5.6 to f/8. No color cast, nor discoloring with age. Paired
comparison to the radioactive, silver snout version above, with all grade
differences significant to the 1/3rd grade level.

65-200mm f/4 Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 65mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup, pre-overhaul
Vignetting = B-
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         C+
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
f/32      B         B
Notes: Very high contrast.

@ 90mm setting
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight pincushion

OM-1 with mirror lockup, post-overhaul (shop disassembly & reassembly)
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B+        B
Notes: Moderately high contrast at expense of resolution.

OM-4 with mirror and auto diaphram prefire, plus Bogen Telephoto Lens
Support;  post-overhaul (disassembly and reassembly)
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B+        B-
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B+        B
Notes: Very high contrast.  Not evaluated in side by side comparisons
with the 90mm focal length test above, so differences significant at
full grades only.

@ 135mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup, pre-overhaul
Vignetting = B
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         C+
f/5.6     B-        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B+
f/16      B         B
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B+        B

@ 200mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup, pre lens overhaul
Vignetting = B
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B-
f/22      B         B-
f/32      B         B-
Notes:  Differences with the OM-4 below are significant at full letter
grades only.

OM-4 with mirror and automatic diaphram prefire, plus Bogen Telephoto
Lens Support; post lens overhaul
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     A-        B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A         B
f/16      A-        B
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Differences with the OM-1 test above are significant at full
letter grades only.  Moderately high contrast at f/5.6 to f/11.
Significantly reduced contrast at f/22 to f/32.

70-210mm f/4.5~5.6 S Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire

@ 70 mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/4.5, B+ @ f/5.6
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B         B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast

@ 135 mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/5, B @ f/5.6
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B+        B
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderate high contrast at the expense of resolution.

@ 210 mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/5.6
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5.6     B-        B
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast at the expense of resolution.

75-150mm f/4 Zuiko (single-coated)

@ 75 mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         B+
f/5.6     C+        B+
f/8       B         A-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Very high resolution at the sake of contrast.

OM-4T with mirror mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A from F/8 on
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at all apertures.

@ 100 mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = none
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B

OM-4T with mirror mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A otherwise
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast, except moderately high at f/8 & f/11.

@ 150 mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = none
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         D
f/5.6     C         D
f/8       B         C-
f/11      A-        C
f/16      A-        C
f/22      B+        C-
Notes: Low contrast

OM-4T with mirror mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A otherwise
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B-        B-
f/16      B-        B-
f/22      C+        C+
Notes: Moderate contrast, except moderately low at f/22 and (?)moderately
high at f/4. This lens sample was different than the one used for the OM-1
test above.

80mm f/4.0 Auto 1:1 Macro Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-4 with mirror and diaphragm prefire, used on a 25mm auto
extension tube
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C+        C
f/5.6     B+        B-
f/8       A-        B
f/11      A-        B
f/16      A-        B
f/22      B         B-
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast, except low at f/32. Optimum apertures f/8-f/16.
Since this lens is optimized for 2:1 to 1:2 reproduction ratios,
these test results at 1:40 are for experimental purposes only.

85mm f/2.0 Zuiko (single-coated)
data for two examples (7 condition,9 condition); 

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       D,D       C,C-
f/2.8     B,C+      B,C+
f/4       B,B-      B-,B-
f/5.6     B,B       B-,B+
f/8       B+,A-     A-,A
f/11      A-,A-     B+,B+
f/16      A-,B+     A-,B+
Notes: 7 condition lens with coating loss due to fungus removal
treatment, shows moderate contrast images; 9 condition lens shows
contrasty image.  Fine detail evident in both lenses stopped down.
SQF grade differences are insignificant between lenses at all

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire; same 7 condition lens
as above, early 6 element version
Aperture  Center   Corner
f/2       C        C
f/2.8     B+       B
f/4       B+       B+
f/5.6     B+       B+
f/8       B+       B
f/11      B        B
f/16      B-       B-
Notes: Low contrast images at f/2; moderately low contrast at f/2.8,
f/11 and f/16; moderate contrast at f/4 to f/8.

85mm f/2.0 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1 (Zuiko)
Vignetting = B+ @ f/2
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C+        C+
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
Notes: Moderate contrast.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2 (Zuiko MC)
Vignetting = B+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B+        B-
f/2.8     A         B+
f/4       B+        B+
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/11-16, moderately high contrast at
f/4-8, high contrast at f/2-2.8. Remarkable performance at f/2.8 in
this sample.

85-250mm f/5 Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 85mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = B- @ f/5, A @ f/8
Distortion = very slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B         B+
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B         B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B
f/32      *         *
Notes: Moderately high contrast. * = no data.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2
Vignetting = A- @ f/5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B         B+
f/8       B+        A
f/11      A-        A
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/22-32, moderately high contrast at f/5-8
and f/16, high contrast at f/11. Remarkably easy to focus at all focal
lengths with a 2-4 screen.

@ 135mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = B- @ f/5
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B         B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B
f/32      *         *
Notes: High contrast.  * = no data.

@ 150mm setting
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2
Vignetting = A- @ f/5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B+        A-
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Moderate contrast at all apertures. Exceptional ease of focus
with a 2-4 screen.

@ 180mm setting
OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = B
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/11 to f/32, moderate at f/5 to f/8.

@ 250mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = B @ f/5
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      A-        B+
f/32      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast. Well balanced and very stable when used
with the tripod collar.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 2
Vignetting = B- @ f/5 with filter, A- @ f/5 without, A- @ f/8,A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5*      C+        C+
f/5       B         B-
f/8       B-        B-
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B-
f/22      **        **
f/32      **        **
Notes: * = with Hoya Skylight filter, which exhibits moderate contrast
images. Moderate contrast at f/16, moderately high at f/5-11. ** = no
SQF or contrast data available at f/22-32.

90mm f/2.0 Zuiko Macro (multi-coated)

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = C+ @ f/2, B at f/2.8, B @ f/4, A- thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B+        A-
f/2.8     A-        B+
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B-
f/22      A-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast images at f/22; high contrast images at
f/2, f/2.8 and f/16; very high contrast images at f/4, f/5.6 and f/11;
extremely high contrast images at f/8. Paired SQF grade and contrast
comparisons to the Leitz 90mm f/2 Summicron-R test done on a Leicaflex,
with SQF differences significant at the 1/3 grade level.
Condition: 9+ (KEH=Ex+).

OM-1 with mirror lockup; condition: 10-
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C         B-
f/2.8     B-        B-
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B-
Notes: Design favors center sharpness; clearly diffraction limited at f/22

90mm f/2 Zuiko Macro (multi-coated) with 1.7x teleconverter for IS/3
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Distortion:  pronounced pincushion
Aperture* Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2       B-        C-       B           moderate
f/2.8     B         C-       B           moderate
f/4       B         C+       A-          mod. high
f/5.6     B         B-       A-          moderate
f/8       B         B-       A-          moderate
f/11      B         B        A-          mod. low
f/16      B         B        A-          mod. low
f/22      B         B-       A-          mod. low
Notes: *aperture on primary lens.

90mm f/2.0 Zuiko Macro (multi-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/2 (4)     F         F
f/2.8 (5.6) F+        C+
f/4 (8)     C-        C-
f/5.6 (11)  C         C-
f/8 (16)    C+        C
f/11 (22)   B-        C
f/16 (32)   C+        C
f/22 (45)   C+        D+
Notes: A non-recommended combination which requires modification of the
90mm lens  to mount a 2X Teleconverter. Unacceptably low contrast at f/2,
exceedingly low contrast at f/5.6, low contrast at f/8.

100mm f/2 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C+        C+
f/2.8     B-        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A         A
f/16      A+        A
f/22      A-        A-
Notes: Exceptionally high contrast images with exceptional image detail
in low contrast range details; remarkable lack of vignetting wide open.

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire, same lens as above
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       *         *
f/2.8     B-        B
f/4       A         A-
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A         A
f/11      A         A
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: * = not available.  Moderately high contrast, except moderate at
f/16 & f/22.

100mm f/2.8 Zuiko (single-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     D-        D-
f/4       C         C
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire;
same lens as OM-1 based test
Aperture  Center   Corner
f/2.8     B-        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      C+        C+
Very low contrast at f/22; moderately low contrast at f/16; moderate
contrast at f/4, f/5.6 and f/11; moderately high contrast at f/8.

100mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A- at f/2.8
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Contrast loss at f/16 and f/22.  No apparent contrast difference
versus single-coated version, but sharper overall.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = A- at f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion (none?)
Aperture  Center    Corner
 f/2.8*    D         C
f/2.8     C-        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B+        B
Notes: * = with a Canon 1A filter, which exhibits low contrast. Moderately
low contrast at f/2.8 without filter, as well as f/4 and f/16-22, moderate
contrast at f/8-11, moderately high contrast at f/5.6.

100mm f/2.8 Zuiko (single-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/2.8 (5.6)  F+        D-
f/4 (8)      D         D
f/5.6 (11)   C-        C
f/8 (16)     B         B-
f/11 (22)    B+        B
f/16 (32)    B         B-
f/22 (44)    B-        B-
Notes: Moderately low contrast at small apertures.

100-200mm f/5 S Zuiko (multi-coated)

@ 100mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = B at f/5, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       C+        B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A-        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B-        B-
f/32      B-        C+
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/5, moderate contrast elsewise.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 3
Vignetting = None
Distortion = slight barrel (None?)
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       C+        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B
f/32      B-        B
Notes: Low contrast at f/32, moderately low contrast at f/5, moderate
contrast at f/8-22.

@ 150mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = none
Distortion = pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B-        B-
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B         B-
f/16      B+        B-
f/22      B         C+
f/32      C+        C-
Notes: Very low contrast at f/5, low at f/8, moderate contrast elsewise.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, average of samples 2 and 3
Vignetting: A- @ f/5, A to A- at f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion:  slight pincushion (none?)
Aperture  Center  Corner   Contrast
f/5       A-      B/B+     mod. high to high
f/8       A-      B+/A-    mod. high to high
f/11      B/B+    B/B+     high
f/16      B+      B/B+     mod. high
f/22      B+      B        mod. high
f/32      B/B-    B        moderate

@ 200mm setting

OM-1 with mirror lockup, sample 1
Vignetting = B at f/5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       D         D+
f/8       D+        C-
f/11      B-        C+
f/16      C         C+
f/22      B         B-
f/32      B-        C
Notes: Image probably degraded by internal camera body vibrations from
shutter and automatic diaphragm mechanism.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, sample 3
Vignetting = A- at f/5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5       B+        B-
f/8       B+        B-
f/11      A-        B-
f/16      B+        B-
f/22      B         B-
f/32      C+        C+
Notes: Low contrast at f/32; moderate contrast at f/22; moderately high
contrast at f/5, f/8 and f/16; high contrast at f/11.

100-200mm f/5 S Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 2X Converter
OM-1 with mirror lockup

@ 100mm setting (effective 200mm)
 [not tested - useless combination]

@ 150mm setting (effective 300mm)
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = slight waveform
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/5 (10)    F+        F+
f/8 (16)    D         D
f/11 (22)   D+        D+
f/16 (32)   C         C
f/22 (44)   C         C
f/32 (64)   D+        D+
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/5

@ 200mm setting (effective 400mm)
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/5 (10)    C+        C+
f/8 (16)    B-        C+
f/11 (22)   B         C+
f/16 (32)   B-        C+
f/22 (44)   C         D
f/32 (64)   D-        D-
Notes: Very unstable and ungainly combination. Nearly impossible to focus
even with a Varimagnifinder and a 1-8 screen.  I used a second tripod to
support the front of the lens, which probably accounts for superior SQF
values over the 200mm setting without 2X Converter or support.  The 1/8th
to 4 sec. exposures may have caused harmonic vibrations within the OM-1
body, despite mirror lockup, a heavy tripod and use of a cable release.

135mm f/2.8 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C+        C+
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A-        B
f/11      A         B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B-
Notes: Moderately low contrast images at f/2.8; moderate contrast at f/4
and f/22; moderately high contrast images at f/5.6 to f/8 and f/16; high
contrast images at f/11.

135mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         B-
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     C+        B-
f/8       B-        B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at expense of resolving power throughout
aperture range, with impressively high contrast wide open.

135mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = none
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/2.8 (5.6)  F         F
f/4 (8)      D-        F+
f/5.6 (11)   D         D
f/8 (16)     C-        D+
f/11 (22)    C+        C+
f/16 (32)    B-        C
f/22 (44)    B-        B-
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/22 and f/16 (effective f/44 and f/32),
low contrast at f/5.6, f/4, andf/2.8 (effective f/11, f/8, and f/5.6),
otherwise moderate contrast.

OM-4 with mirror and aperture prefire and Bogen Telephoto Lens Support
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = none
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/2.8 (5.6)  B-        C
f/4 (8)      B+        B
f/5.6 (11)   B+        B
f/8 (16)     B+        B
f/11 (22)    B         B-
f/16 (32)    B-        B-
f/22 (44)    B-        C
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/22 and f/16 (effective f/44 and f/32),
high contrast at f/2.8 throughf/8 (effective f/5.6 through f/16), moderate
contrast at f/11 (effective f/22).

135mm f/3.5 Zuiko (single-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C+        C
f/5.6     C         C
f/8       B-        B-
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     C         C-
f/5.6     B-        C+
f/8       B-        B-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Same 9+ condition lens in both tests. Insignificant differences
between tests likely due to light weight of this lens and minimal
influence of shutter and automatic diaphram vibrations. Moderately low

135mm f/3.5 Zuiko (single-coated) with Olympus 2X-A Converter

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture*    Center
f/3.5 (7)    F        F
f/5.6 (11)   F+       F+
f/8 (16)     C+       C
f/11 (22)    B-       C+
f/16 (32)    B        B-
f/22 (44)    C+       C+
Notes: Low contrast.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = A- @f/3.5 (7), A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture*    Center   Corner
f/3.5 (7)    A-       C+
f/5.6 (11)   A-       B-
f/8 (16)     A        B
f/11 (22)    B+       B
f/16 (32)    B        B-
f/22 (44)    B-       C+
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Identical lens as above
test! Used a Bogen Telephoto Lens Support for additional stability,
although it barely fits this lens/converter combo. Moderately high
contrast in center and corner at f/3.5 (7), f/5.6 (11) and f/11 (22);
high contrast in center and moderately high contrast in corner at f/16;
moderately high contrast images in center and moderate contrast in
corner at f/16 (32) and f/22 (44).

135mm f/4.5 Zuiko Macro (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup; tripod collar
Vignetting = A
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B         C
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B+
f/32      B         B
f/45      B-        B-
Notes: Differences to the OM-4 test below are significant at full letter
grades only. Contrasty.

OM-4 with mirror and automatic diaphram prefire, plus a Bogen
Telephoto Lens Support as a replacement for the tripod collar.
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     A-        B-
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A         B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B         B-
f/45      C+        C+
Notes: Differences to the OM-1 test above are significant at full
letter grades only.  Note improvement at f/8.  Significant decrease
in contrast at f/32 and f/45, but very high contrast at f/4.5 through
f/8.  f/8 is optimum aperture for this lens, which offers a f/4
viewing aperture.  Results would probably be the same if used with
the tripod collar supplied by Olympus.

180mm f/2.0 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire (sample 1)
Vignetting = B+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       A         A-
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       B+        B+
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        B
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      A         B+
Notes: Extremely high contrast at f/2 and f/22; high contrast at f/2.8
to f/16.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire (sample 2)
Distortion:  slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2       B+        B        B-          mod. high
f/2.8     A-        B+       A?          mod. high
f/4       A-        A-       B+          high
f/5.6     A         A+       A-          very high
f/8       A         A        A-          high
f/11      A+        A-       A           extr. high
f/16      A-        A        A           very high
f/22      A         B+       A           very high

180mm f/2.0 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 1.4X Teleconverter

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire (sample 1)
Vignetting = B+ @f/2 (2.8), A- @f/2.8 (4)
Distortion = none
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/2 (2.8)   D         B-
f/2.8 (4)   A-        B
f/4 (5.6)   B+        B+
f/5.6 (8)   B-        B
f/8 (11)    A-        B+
f/11 (16)   A-        A-
f/16 (22)   A-        B
f/22 (32)   B+        B
Notes: Moderately low contrast atf/2 (effective f/2.8); very high
contrast at f/8 and f/11; high contrast at f/16.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire (sample 2)
Distortion:  slight pincushion
Aperture    Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2 (2.8)   C         B+       A-          high
f/2.8 (4)   A+        A-       A           v. high
f/4 (5.6)   A+        A-       A           v. high
f/5.6 (8)   A-        B+       A           high
f/8 (11)    A         B+       A           high
f/11 (16)   A         A        A           v. high
f/16 (22)   A         A-       A           v. high
f/22 (32)   A         A-       A           v. high

180mm f/2 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 2x teleconverter
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Distortion:  pincushion
Aperture    Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2 (4)     C         C        B           v. low
f/2.8 (5.6) B+        C+       A           high
f/4 (8)     A-        B        A           v. high
f/5.6 (11)  B-        C+       A           moderate
f/8 (16)    B         B-       A           mod. low
f/11 (22)   B         B-       A           mod. low
f/16 (32)   B-        B-       A           mod. low
f/45        C+        C+       A           moderate

180mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lock up
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        B-
f/4       C+        B-
f/5.6     C+        C+
f/8       B-        B-
f/11      B         B-
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B-
f/32      B         C+
Notes: High contrast, except at f/32 where moderate; contrast is at the
expense of resolution.  Exceptional ease of focusing.  Probable harmonic
vibration from auto diaphram mechanics, as evidenced by the drop in SQF
grades when stopping down (sse notes on the following lens/teleconverter

OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire and Bogen Telephoto Lens
Support, same lens as above
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         B
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       A-        B
f/11      A-        B
f/16      A         B
f/22      A-        B
f/32      B         C+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2.8 to f/22, moderately low at f/32.

180mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multicoated) with Olympus 1.4X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lock up
Vignetting = B+ @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture   Center    Corner
f/2.8 (4)  B         B-
f/4 (5.6)  B         B-
f/5.6 (8)  B         B
f/8 (11)   B+        B
f/11 (16)  A-        B+
f/16 (22)  B         B-
f/22 (32)  B-        C+
f/32 (64)  B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast; exceptional ease in handholding.  SQF grades
exceed those without teleconverter due to use of a lens support. Without
additional lens support, the shutter and auto diaphram mechanisms in the
OM-1n test camera probably induced harmonic vibrations which impaired
image quality.

200mm f/4 Zuiko (multi-coated)
Vignetting = A
Distortion = none
All tests shot with the same lens, in 9+ condition. These multiple
tests were done to determine the effects of vibration from shutter
travel and the auto diaphram mechanism.

OM-2000 with mirror & auto diaphram prefire, lens supported by
Bogen Telephoto Lens Support
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A-        B
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Statistically insignificant differences to the OM-4 test below,
perhaps indicating little advantage to a vertical traveling shutter in
the OM-2000.

OM-4 with mirror & auto diaphram prefire, lens supported by Bogen
Telephoto Lens Support
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A         A-
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Apparently superior results versus using an OM-1 (see below). Zuiko
lenses in this weight and length class need additional support, as well as
mirror and aperture prefiring, to obtain best results.

OM-1 with mirror lock up, shutter overhaul and Bogen Telephoto Lens
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         B
f/5.6     B-        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B+        B+
Notes: Test immediately following is with the same camera.  Differences
are significant at the 1/3rd grade level (slides evaluated as pairs).
Differences are significant at full letter grades levels only in
comparisons to the OM-4 and OM-1 with untuned shutter.

OM-1 with mirror lock up and shutter overhaul
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       D         C+
f/5.6     C-        C
f/8       C         C+
f/11      B-        B-
f/16      B-        B-
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B         B
Notes: Vertical shake evident atf/5.6 (=1/60th sec. exposure) and f/8
(=1/30th sec. exposure).  Test immediately preceeding is with the same
camera.  Differences are significant at the 1/3rd grade level (slides
evaluated as pairs).  Differences are significant at full letter grades
levels only in comparisons to the OM-4 and OM-1 with untuned shutter.

OM-1 with mirror lock up and untuned shutter
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         C
f/5.6     D+        C-
f/8       C-        C
f/11      C         B-
f/16      C+        B-
f/22      B-        B-
f/32      B-        B-
Notes:  Low mass of OM camera body probably results in camera shake for
shutter speeds of 1/60 to 1/2 sec., in spite of tripod, cable release
and mirror lockup precautions.  Better wide open performance
attributable to lack of additional vibration from the automatic diaphram.

200mm f/4 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B @f/4 (8), A- @f/5.6 (11), A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture*    Center  Corner
f/4 (8)      B       C
f/5.6 (11)   B+      B
f/8 (16)     B       B
f/11 (22)    A-      B
f/16 (32)    B       B-
f/22 (45)    B-      B-
f/32 (64)    C       C
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Used a Bogen Telephoto
Lens Support for additional stability. A suprisingly useable combination,
both performance- and handling-wise. Moderate contrast in center and
moderately low contrast atf/4 (8); moderate contrast in center and corner
atf/5.6 (11) and f/16 (32); moderately high contrast in center and
moderate in corner atf/8 (16) and f/11 (22); moderately low contrast in
center and corner at f/22 (44) and f/32 (64).

200mm f/4 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lock up
Vignetting = A-?
Distortion = none to very slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       D+        D
f/5.6     D+        C-
f/8       C         C
f/11      B-        C
f/16      B         B-
f/22      B         C+
f/32      B         C+
Notes:  Slightly longer shutter speeds at a given aperture versus the
200mm f/4 multicoated test. Low contrast images.

200mm f/4 Zuiko (single-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+?
Distortion = pincushion
Aperture    Center  Corner
f/4 (8)     D+      D-
f/5.6 (11)  C       C-
f/8 (16)    C+      C-
f/11 (22)   B-      C
f/16 (32)   B-      C+
f/22 (45)   C+      C
f/32 (64)   C       C-
Notes:  Slightly longer shutter speeds used at a given aperture versus
the 200mm f/4 multicoated test; thus the effects of camera shake
lessened.  Low contrast images.  No performance degradation at f/11
over the 200mm f/4 without teleconverter.

200mm f/5 Zuiko (single-coated)
OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire and Bogen Telephoto Lens
Vignetting = A
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       B-        B-
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Moderately low contrast.

200mm f/5 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5       C-        C-
f/8       C         C
f/11      C+        C
f/16      B-        C+
f/22      B-        B-
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Lens shows high contrast at the expense of lower resolution, the
latter which is probably due to harmonic vibrations from the OM-1 shutter
and automatic diaphram mechanism.

200mm f/5 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-1n with mirror lock-up
Vignetting = B
Distortion = none!
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/5 (10)  F         F
f/8 (16)  D-        D-
f/11 (22) C         C
f/16 (32) B-        B-
f/22 (44) C+        C
f/32 (64) D+        D
Notes: Lens shows good contrast at f/16 at the expense of lower
resolution; remarkable lack of distortion.  Poor results are the result
of harmonic vibrations caused by the OM-1n shutter and automatic
aperture mechanism.  Nearly impossible to focus even with a
Varimagnifinder and a 1-8 screen.

250mm f/2 Zuiko (multi-coated)
Vignetting = C @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/5.6
Distortion = none

OM-4 w/ mirror and aperture prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       A         B+
f/2.8     A+        A-
f/4       A+        A
f/5.6     A+        A+
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      A-        B+
Notes: Extremely high contrast and resolving power at all apertures with
only a minor loss in the corners at f/2 and f/22. Strong vignetting at
f/2, requiring exposure compensation for critical work. Probably the
best overall image quality of any OM System Zuiko lens made. Brillant
images with f/5.6 showing corner to corner clarity unsurpassed by any
Zuiko tested.

OM-1n with mirror lock-up
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       D         C
f/2.8     D+        C
f/4       C         C+
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B-        B-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      C+        C
f/22      B-        B
Notes: Combination of vibrations from the auto diaphram mechanism and
the horizontally traveling shutter of the OM-1n results in significant
image deterioration, despite secure tripod mounting of the lens bracket.
Note that differences between this test and the one above with the OM-4
are significant at the 1/3 grade level based on side by side comparisons.
Test conditions were identical and I used the same lens.

250mm f/2 Zuiko with Olympus 1.4x teleconverter (both multi-coated)
OM-4 w/ mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = C+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/2 (2.8)    A-        B
f/2.8 (4)    A         B+
f/4 (5.6)    A         A-
f/5.6 (8)    A         A-
f/8 (11)     B+        B
f/11 (16)    B+        B
f/16 (22)    B+        B-
f/22 (32)    B-        C+
Notes: Moderate to moderately high contrast.  Exceptional wide open

250mm f/2 Zuiko with Olympus 2X teleconverter (both multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire and additional monopod support
on camera
Vignetting = B- @f/2.8 (5.6), A- @f/4 (8) and f/5.6 (11), A thereafter
Distortion = very slight waveforming with no tendency
Aperture*    Center    Corner
f/2.8 (5.6)  C+        C-
f/4 (8)      C+        C
f/5.6 (11)   C+        C
f/8 (16)     C+        C
f/11(22)     B-        B-
f/16 (32)    B-        B-
f/22 (44)    B         B
f/32 (64)    C         C-
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Not an Olympus recommended
combination. Moderately high contrast images atf/2.8 (5.6),f/4 (8), then
f/11 (22) throughf/32 (64); high contrast images at f/5.6 (11) & f/8 (16).

300mm f/4.5 Zuiko (multi-coated)
Vignetting = A- @ f/4.5, A elsewise
Distortion = slight to moderate pincushion

Average of two samples; OM-1 with mirror lockup
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        B-/C+
f/5.6     B         B/B-
f/8       B/B-      B-/B
f/11      B+        B-/B
f/16      B/B+      B
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B+        B
Notes: Moderate contrast.

OM-2000 with Bogen Telephoto Lens Support and mirror/aperture prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B         B
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      A-        A-
f/32      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/32 and f/22, moderate contrast
elsewise. Insignificant SQF differences between using a Bogen Telephoto
Lens Support on a OM-2000 and the tripod collar on an OM-1.

OM-4T with mirror/aperture prefire
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        B-
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B+        C+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/4.5; high contrast at f/5.6 to f/32.
Different lens than above tests.

300mm f/4.5 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 1.4X Teleconverter

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A (none)
Distortion = none!
Aperture    Center  Corner
f/4.5 (6.3) F+      D-
f/5.6 (8)   C       C
f/8 (11)    C-      C-
f/11 (16)   B-      C+
f/16 (22)   B       C+
f/22 (32)   B-      C
f/32 (45)   C+      C
Notes: Poor wide open performance makes focusing difficult; low contrast;
remarkable lack of distortion and vignetting.

OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire
Aperture    Center  Corner
f/4.5 (6.3) C-      C-
f/5.6 (8)   C+      C+
f/8 (11)    B-      B-
f/11 (16)   B       B-
f/16 (22)   A-      B+
f/22 (32)   B+      B
f/32 (45)   B       B-
Notes: Different lens than above test.  Moderately low contrast at f/4.5
(f/6.3 effective); moderate contrast at f/5.6, 8, and 32; high contrast
at f/11 to 22.

300mm f/4.5 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture    Center  Corner
f/4.5 (9)   F+      F
f/5.6 (11)  C-      D
f/8 (16)    C+      C+
f/11 (22)   B-      B-
f/16 (32)   C+      C+
f/22 (44)   C+      B-
f/32 (64)   C       C
Notes: Moderately low contrast.

350mm f/2.8 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire and additional monopod support on
Vignetting = A- @f/2.8 (with slight underexposure), A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture   Center    Corner
f/2.8      B         B+
f/4        B+        B+
f/5.6      A-        A-
f/8        A-        A-
f/11       A-        A
f/16       B+        B+
f/22       B+        B+
f/32       B         B
Notes: Very easy to focus on a 2-4 screen. Moderately high contrast at
f/2.8 and f/11; very high contrast images at f/4 to f/8; moderate
contrast images at f/22 and f/32.

350mm f/2.8 Zuiko with Olympus 1.4x teleconverter (both multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire and additional monopod support on
Vignetting = B+ @f/2.8 (4), A- @f/4 (5.6), A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture*    Center    Corner
f/2.8 (4)    B         B
f/4 (5.6)    B+        B
f/5.6 (8)    B+        B
f/8 (11)     B         B
f/11 (16)    B         B+
f/16 (22)    B-        B-
f/22 (32)    B-        B-
f/32 (44)    C+        C+
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Moderately high contrast
at f/2.8 (4); high contrast images atf/4 (5.6) andf/5.6 (8); moderate
contrast images atf/8 (11) and f/11 (16); moderately low contrast at
f/16 (22) to f/32 (44).

350mm f/2.8 Zuiko with Olympus 2X teleconverter (both multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and aperture prefire and additional monopod support on
Vignetting = B- @f/2.8 (5.6), A- @f/4 (8) andf/5.6 (11), A thereafter
Distortion = very slight waveforming with no tendency
Aperture*    Center    Corner
f/2.8 (5.6)  C+        C-
f/4 (8)      C+        C
f/5.6 (11)   C+        C
f/8 (16)     C+        C
f/11(22)     B-        B-
f/16 (32)    B-        B-
f/22 (44)    B         B
f/32 (64)    C         C-
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Not an Olympus recommended
combination. Moderately high contrast at f/2.8 (5.6),f/4 (8), then f/11
(22) to f/32 (64); high contrast at f/5.6 (11) andf/8 (16).

400mm f/6.3 Zuiko (multi-coated)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = none
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/6.3       C+        C+
f/8         C         C-
f/11        C+        C+
f/16        B-        B-
f/22        B-        B-
f/32        B-        C+
Notes: Moderately low contrast images; good balance on tripod; good ease
of use on a tripod or handheld due to long travel helical focusing and
compactness; difficult to focus in overcast sunlight (EV12).

OM-2000 with mirror and diaphram prefire
Vignetting = none
Distortion = Slight pincushion
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/6.3       C+        C+
f/8         B         B-
f/11        B+        B-
f/16        B+        B
f/22        B+        B
f/32        B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast images.

400mm f/6.3 Zuiko (multi-coated) with Olympus 1.4X Teleconverter
Vignetting = not determined
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/6.3 (9)   not determined
f/8 (11)    not determined
f/11 (16)   not determined
f/16        C+        C-
f/22        C+        C
f/32        C         B-

500mm f/8 Zuiko (multi-coated)
Vignetting = A
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/8       B+        B
Notes: Moderately high contrast; T stop close to f/8 (i.e., excellent
light transmittance); relatively light with good balance on an OM body,
without the necessity of a tripod collar; remarkable ease of focus for
a slow telephoto.

600mm f/6.5 Zuiko (multi-coated)
best SQF grade from two tests of the same lens (see Notes); OM-1
with mirror lockup
Vignetting = none
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/6.5     C+        C+
f/8       D         D+
f/11      C         C
f/16      C+        C+
f/22      B         B
f/32      A-        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast but lack of resolution, despite use of 2
tripods for stability in first test and a lens support in the second test.
Drop in SQF grade upon stopping down probably due to harmonic vibration
induced by the auto diaphram mechanism in the OM-1.

1000mm f/11 Zuiko (multi-coated)
OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire, dual tripods - one on the
camera and one on the tripod mount of the lens
Vignetting: None
Distortion:  slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/11      C-        C
f/16      C         C+
f/22      B         B+
f/32      B         B
f/45      B         C+
Notes: Very low contrast at f/45, moderately low contrast at f/11,
moderate contrast at f/16 to f/32. Essentially impossible to use with a 2
series focusing screen, apparently due to the optical properties of those
screens.  Difficult to focus due to poor performance wide open (i.e., the
aperture focusing is done at).

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Canon Canonet QL17 w/ 40mm f/1.7
Vignetting = B+ @ f/1.7 & f/2, A- @ f/2.8 to f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.7     C+        C+
f/2       B         C+
f/2.8     B+        B-
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B         B+
f/16      B         B
Notes: Low contrast at f/1.7; moderately low contrast at f/2; moderate
contrast at f/2.8 and f/5.6 to f/16; moderately high contrast at f/4.

Olympus XA: 35mm f/2.8 F.Zuiko (single-coated)
Vignetting = C- @ f/2.8, B- @ f/5.6, C+ @ f/11, C @ f/22
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        C
f/4       B+        B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Serious vignetting problems at all but f/5.6 (where it is still
quite noticeable), moderately high contrast at f/8 (optimum aperture).

Olympus IS-3

at 35mm
Distortion:  pronounced barrel (as per Popular Photography 7-93 issue)
Aperture  Center  Corner   Vignetting  Contrast    Pop. Photo. SQF
f/4.5     B+      C+       C+          mod. high   B
f/5.6     B       C+       B           high        B+
f/8       B+      B        A-          high        B+
f/11      B+      B        A-          high        B+
f/16      B       B+       A-          high        B
f/22      B       B+       A-          high        B

at 100mm
Distortion:  pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center  Corner   Vignetting  Contrast    Pop. Photo. SQF
f/5.6     B-      B-       B           mod. high   B+
f/8       B       B        A-          mod. high   A
f/11      B+      B+       A-          mod. high   A
f/16      B       B        A-          mod. high   B+
f/22      B-      B        A-          mod. high   B
Notes: Popular Photography SQF grades determined at 85mm focal length.

at 180mm
Distortion:  pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center  Corner   Vignetting  Contrast    Pop. Photo. SQF
f/5.6     C+      B-       B           very high   C+
f/8       B       B        A-          very high   C+
f/11      B+      B+       A           very high   C+
f/16      B+      B+       A           very high   C+
f/22      B-      B        A           very high   C+

at 180mm plus Olympus 1.7x teleconverter
Distortion:  pronounced pincushion
Aperture* Center  Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/5.6     C+      C-       C           moderate
f/8       B-      C+       B           very high
f/11      B-      B-       B+          very high
f/16      B       C+       B+          mod. high
f/22      B-      C+       A-          mod. high
Notes: *approximate aperture

Rollei 35S with 40mm f/2.8 Sonnar
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4 & f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        C
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Note: Distance determined from scale > on an SLR lens, then manually set
at same distance on the Rollei 35S lens. Moderately high contrast at f/22;
high contrast at f/2.8 through f/5.6; very high contrast at f/8 to f/16.

Minolta Hi-Matic 7 S II w/ 40mm f/1.7 Rokkor (multi-layer coating)
using self timer
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.7, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center     Corner
f/1.7     B         C
f/2.8     A-        B-
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B         B
Notes: Low contrast images at f/1.7; moderate contrast images at f/2.8
and f/16; moderately high contrast images at f/4, f/8 and f/11; high
contrast images at f/5.6, which is the optimum aperture.

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Vivitar 17mm f/3.5 (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C- @ f/3.5, B @ f/5.6, B+ @ f/8, A- @ f/11
Distortion = pronounced barrel with slight waveforming
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/3.5       C         C
f/5.6       B+        B-
f/8         A-        B
f/11        B+        B
f/16        B-        B
Notes: Moderately low contrast wide open and at small apertures, very
good contrast at approx. f/8

Vivitar 24mm f/2.8
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C- @ f/2.8, B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = pronounced barrel with slight waveforming
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/2.8       C-        D
f/4         C+        C-
f/5.6       B         B-
f/8         B+        B+
f/11        A-        A-
f/16        B+        B
Notes: High contrast, but at the expense of resolution.

Tamron SP 24-48mm f/3.5~3.8 (multi-coated)
OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 24mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/3.6, B+ @ f/5.6, A- @ f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced waveforming with pronounced barrel tendancy
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/3.6       *         *
f/5.6       *         *
f/8         A         A-
f/11        B+        B
f/16        B+        B+
f/22        B         B-
f/32        C+        C+
Notes: * = data not available. Exhibited obvious distortion, perhaps unacceptable to many users. Moderately high contrast images at f/8 and f/16 to f/22; high contrast images at f/11; moderate contrast images at f/32.

@ 36mm setting
Vignetting = A- @ f/3.65, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/3.65      B         B-
f/5.6       B+        B
f/8         A-        A-
f/11        A-        A-
f/16        B         B
f/22        B-        B-
f/32        C         C
Notes: Moderate contrast images at f/3.65 and f/22 to f/32; moderately high contrast images at f/5.6 and f/16; high contrast images at f/8 to f/11.

@ 48mm setting
Vignetting = A- at f/3.8, A thereafter
Distortion = none? (perhaps slight waveforming)
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/3.8       B         B-
f/5.6       B+        B
f/8         B+        A-
f/11        B+        A-
f/16        B         B
f/22        B         B
f/32        C+        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast images at f/3.8 and f/22; high contrast images at f/5.6 to f/16; f/32 contrast not determined.

Kiron 28mm f/2 MC (multi-coated)
OM-4 with mirror and aperture prefire
Vignetting = B- @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = none
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/2         C+        C
f/2.8       B+        B
f/4         A-        A
f/5.6       A-        A
f/8         A-        A-
f/11        A-        B+
f/16        B+        B+
Notes: Very cool image; moderately high contrast, except moderately low
at f/2.

Tamron 28-70mm f/3.5~4.5 (Adaptall 2 system)
OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6 & f/8, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B-        B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/4; moderately high @ f/5.6 to f/22.

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4.5, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     C+        C-
f/5.6     B         C
f/8       B+        B-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B         B-
f/22      B         B-
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/4.5; moderately high thereafter.

Tokina AT-X 28-85mm f/3.5~4.5
OM-4 with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 28mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/3.5, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         B-
f/5.6     A         B+
f/8       A         B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/3.5, f/5.6, f/16 and f/22; high
contrast at f/8 and f/11.

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = very slight waveform with no tendencies
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     B         B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        A
f/22      B-        B
Note: High contrast at all apertures.

@ 80mm setting
Vignetting = A- @ f/4.5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with slight pincushion tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        B-
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       A-        B
f/11      A         B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B
Note: Moderately high contrast at f/4.5, 5.6, f/16 and f/22; high contrast
at f/8 and f/11.

Tokina RMC 28-85mm f/4 (multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 28mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/4, B+ thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with
moderate pincushion tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       A-        B+
f/4*      B+        B
f/5.6     A         B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A         B
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: * = with Hoya 1B filter. High contrast images in center and
moderately high contrast in corners at f/4 (with and without filter) to
f/5.6; very high contrast images in center and moderately high contrast
in corners at f/8 to f/11; very high contrast images in center and high
contrast in corners at f/16.

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with
moderate barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     B         B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A         B+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A-        A-
Notes: high contrast images in center and moderately high in corners at
f/4; very high contrast images in center and high contrast in corners
at f/5.6 to f/16.

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = A- throughout
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center Corner
f/4.0     B+     B+
f/5.6     B      B
f/8       B      B+
f/11      B+     A-
f/16      B+     B+
Notes: high contrast images in center and moderate contrast in corners
at f/4; very high contrast images in center and high contrast in
corners at f/5.6 to f/8; high contrast images in center and moderately
high contrast in corners at f/11 to f/16.

@ 85mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6,
A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.0     B-        B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A-        B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B+        C+
Notes: high contrast images in center and corner at f/4; very high
contrast in center and high contrast in corners at f/5.6 and f/8;
moderately high contrast in center and corners at f/11; moderately
high contrast in center and moderate in corners at f/16.

Tamron SP 28-105mm f/2.8 Aspherical LD (multi-coated)
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 28mm setting

Vignetting = C @ f/2.8; B @ f/4; A- @ f/5.6, f/8; A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner  Popular Photography SQF
f/2.8     C         C-      C
f/4       B-        B-      B
f/5.6     A-        B+      B+
f/8       A         A-      A
f/11      A+        A-      B+
f/16      A-        A-      B+
f/22      B+        B       C+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2; moderately high contrast at f/4, f/11
and f/22; high contrast at f/5.6, f/8 and f/16. Difficult to precisely
focus at any aperture due to relatively poor performance wide open and
an extremely short focusing collar travel (rotation). Popular Photography
SQF grades are from the Feb. 1998 issue and are for 22x magnification.

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = moderate waveform with no tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         C+
f/4       B+        B
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A         B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2.8; high contrast at f.4 to f/22.

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with slight pincushion tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     D+        D
f/4       C+        C+
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Low contrast at f/2.8; moderately low contrast at f/4; moderately
high contrast at f/5.6, f/16 and f/22; high contrast at f/8 and f/11.

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveform with moderate pincushion tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner  Popular Photography SQF
f/2.8     C         C-      F
f/4       C+        B-      C
f/5.6     B         B+      B+
f/8       A-        B+      A
f/11      A         B+      A
f/16      B+        B       B+
f/22      B         B-      C+
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/2.8; moderate contrast at f/4;
moderately high contrast at f/16 and f/22; very high contrast at f/8 and

@ 85mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C         C
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A         A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/2.8; moderate contrast at f/4;
moderately high contrast at f/16; high contrast at f/5.6 to f/11 and
at f/22.

@ 105mm setting
Vignetting = C+ @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner  Popular Photography SQF
f/2.8     C         C       F
f/4       B-        C       B
f/5.6     B-        B-      B+
f/8       B         B       B+
f/11      B         B       B+
f/16      B-        B-      B
f/22      B         B       C+
Notes: Moderately low at f/2.8 to f/5.6 and f/11 to f/16, moderate
contrast at f/8 and f/22. Possible overexposure at all apertures makes
data provisional for this focal length.

Vivitar Series 1 28-105mm f/2.8~3.8 (multi-coated)
OM-1 with mirror lockup

@ 28mm setting
Vignetting = D @ f/2.8, B- @ f/4, B @ f/5.6
Distortion = pronounced waveform
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C+        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B-        B
f/11      B-        B
f/16      B-        B+
f/22      B-        B
Notes: High contrast images; difficult to determine effective aperture
when shooting wide open (click stops very confusing).

@ 50mm setting
Vignetting = B-
Distortion = moderate waveform with distinct tendency towards pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8~3.8 C+        C
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B         B-
f/16      B         B-
f/22      B         B

@ 105mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/3.8, B+ @ f/5.6
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.8     B         C
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B-        B-
f/16      B-        B-
f/22      C         B-

Vivitar Series 1 35-85mm f/2.8 (multi-coated)
OM-2000 with mirror and aperture prefire

@ 35mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = slight waveform with moderate barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C         C
f/4       A-        C+
f/5.6     A         B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

@ 60mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = slight waveform with pincushion tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C         C+
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

@ 85mm setting
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = strong pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C+        C
f/4       B-        C+
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

Tamron 70-210mm f/3.5
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 70mm
Distortion:  pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/3.5     B         B        B+          medium
f/5.6     A-        B+       A           medium
f/8       A         A-       A           medium
f/11      A-        A-       A           medium
f/16      A         A-       A           medium
f/22      A-        B        A           medium
f/32      B         B        A           medium

@ 120mm
Distortion:  none
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/3.5     B-        C        B           medium
f/5.6     B+        B-       A           medium
f/8       B+        B        A           medium
f/11      A-        A-       A           medium
f/16      B+        B+       A           medium low
f/22      B         B        A           medium low
f/32      B-        B-       A           medium low

@ 210mm
Distortion:  pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/3.5     B-        B-       B           medium
f/5.6     A-        B-       A           medium low
f/8       B-        B-       A           medium low
f/11      B         B-       A           low
f/16      B+        B        A           low
f/22      B         B-       A           low
f/32      B-        C+       A           low

Tamron 70-210mm f/3.5 with Tamron SP 2X Teleconverter
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 420mm

Distortion:  not determined
Aperture    Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/3.5 (7)   C*        D+*      B*?         very low
f/5.6 (11)  C+        C-       A           low
f/8 (16)    C+        C+       A           low
f/11 (22)   B-        C+       A           medium low
f/16 (32)   B-        C+       A           low
f/22 (45)   C         C        A           low*
f/32 (64)   Not determined
Notes: * = provisional grade, overexposed slide. Extremely difficult to
focus, even with a 2-4 screen.

Tamron 70-210mm f/4~5.6 (Adaptall 2 system)
OM-2S with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 70mm
Distortion:  slight pincushion
Vignetting: B @ f/4, B+ @ f/5.6, A- @ f/8, A elsewise
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        C+
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B-
f/32      C+        B-
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/4, f/5.6 and f/32; moderate contrast
at f/8 to f/22. No other focal lengths tested.

Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm f/2.8~4.0 (multi-coated)
OM-1 WITHOUT mirror lockup

@ 70mm setting
Vignetting = B-
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B         B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B         A-
f/11      B-        B
f/16      B-        B-
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: High contrast images; remarkably even performance at 70mm through
the aperture range; difficult to determine effective aperture when
shooting wide open (click stops somewhat confusing); performance loss
wide open at 210mm characteristic of telephoto lens without ED type glass.

@ 140mm setting
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8~4.0 B         C
f/4       B+        B-
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-

@ 210mm setting
Vignetting = B+
Distortion = pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C+        C-
f/5.6     B-        C+
f/8       B-        B-
f/11      B-        C
f/16      B         B-
f/22      B-        C

Hoya 75-260mm f/4.5
OM-1 with mirror lockup

@75mm setting
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        B-
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderate contrast.

@ 135mm setting
Vignetting = C+ @ f/4.5, B+ @ f/5.6, A- @ f/8
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     C+        C+
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       A+        A-
f/11      A         B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B-
Notes: Moderate contrast @ f/4.5 & f/22, high contrast @ f/8 & f/11.

@ 260mm setting
Vignetting = C- @ f/4.5, B @ f/5.6, A- @ f/8
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     C         C+
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B-
f/11      A-        B-
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         C+
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

Tamron SP 80-200mm f/2.8 ED
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 80mm
Distortion:  Very slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2.8     A-        B-       A-          high
f/4       A-        A-       A           mod. high
f/5.6     A         A-       A           mod. high
f/8       A+        A        A           high
f/11      A         A        A           mod. high
f/16      A         A        A           mod. high
f/22      A-        A-       A           moderate
f/32      B         B        A           moderate

@ 120mm
Distortion:  None
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2.8     B-        B-       B           mod. high
f/4       A-        B+       A           mod. high
f/5.6     B+        B+       A           mod. high
f/8       B+        B+       A           mod. high
f/11      A-        A-       A           high
f/16      A         A-       A           mod. high
f/22      B+        B+       A           mod. high
f/32      B         B        A           mod. high

@ 200mm
Distortion:  Moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2.8     B         B        B           mod. high
f/4       A-        B+       A-          mod. high
f/5.6     B+        B+       A           mod. high
f/8       B+        B+       A           mod. high
f/11      A-        A-       A           high
f/16      A-        B+       A           high
f/22      B+        B        A           high
f/32      B         B-       A           mod. high
Notes: Exceptionally easy to focus (using a 2-4 screen) at all focal
lengths. 80mm focal length performance rivals the best of prime lenses.

Tamron SP 80-200mm f/2.8 ED IF with Tamron SP 2X Teleconverter
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 300mm
Distortion:  Slight pincushion
Aperture    Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2.8 (5.6) C         D        A-          med. low
f/4 (8)     B-        C        A-          med. low
f/5.6 (11)  B-        B-       A           med. low
f/8 (16)    B         C+       A           medium
f/11 (22)   B         B-       A           medium
f/16 (32)   B-        B-       A           med. low
f/22 (45)   C+        C+       A           medium
f/32 (64)   D         C-       A           med. low

@ 400mm
Distortion:  None
Aperture    Center    Corner   Vignetting  Contrast
f/2.8 (5.6) C*        C-*      A-*         very low*
f/4 (8)     C         C-       A           medium
f/5.6 (11)  B         C+       A           medium
f/8 (16)    B-        C+       A           med. low
f/11 (22)   B         B-       A           medium
f/16 (32)   C+        C+       A           med. low
f/22 (45)   C-        C-       A           med. low
f/32 (64)   Not determined
Notes: * = provisional grade, extremly overexposed slide.

Tokina 80-200mm f/2.8 AT-X
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 80mm
Distortion:  moderate barrel
Vignetting: B @ f/2.8, A elsewise
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B+        B-
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B+        B
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B
f/16      A-        A
f/22      B+        A-
f/32      C         B
Notes: Moderate contrast throughout.

@ 120mm
Distortion:  very slight waveforming with no tendency
Vignetting: B @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4 to f/5.6, A @ f/8
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C         C+
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      A-        B+
f/32      B         B
Notes: Moderate contrast.

@ 200mm
Distortion:  None
Vignetting: B @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4, A @ f/5.6
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        B
f/16      A         B
f/22      B         B
f/32      B-        B
Notes: Moderately high contrast throughout.

Tamron SP 90mm f/2.5 Macro
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.5     C-        C
f/4       B-        B
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B         B
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Good detail in low contrast subject matter; at f/11 = slightly
higher image rendering performance at 25% out from center of image
versus a 90mm f/2 Zuiko.

Tamron SP 90mm f/2.5 Macro with Tamron SP 2X teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/2.5 (5)   F         F
f/4 (8)     B-        C-
f/5.6 (11)  B         C
f/8 (16)    B         C+
f/11 (22)   B         B-
f/16 (32)   B-        B-
f/22 (44)   C         C
f/32 (64)   D-        D-
Notes: Remarkable contrast, except at f/2.5, where exceeding low; clearly
diffraction limited stopped down; little quality loss in center of image
at wider apertures.

Tokina AT-X 90mm f/2.5 Macro
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B @ F/2.5, A- @ f/4
Distortion = None
Aperture    Center    Corner
f/2.5       B-        C
f/4         B         C+
f/5.6       C         B-
f/8         C+        B-
f/11        B         B-
f/16        B+        B+
f/22        B+        B+
f/32        B-        B
Notes: Moderate contrast with lack of resolution.

Vivitar Series 1 90mm f/2.5 Macro
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.5     B-        C
f/4       B         B+
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B         B
Notes: High contrast image.

Vivitar Series 1 90-180mm f/4.5 Flat Field Zoom (multi-coated)
OM-4 with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 90mm setting
Vignetting = slight barrel
Distortion = B+ @ f/4.5, A thereafter
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B         B+
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/4.5; high contrast at f/5.6 to f/16;
moderate contrast at f/22.

@ 135mm setting
Vignetting = B+ @ f/4.5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B-        C+
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/4.5 to f/16; moderate at f/22.

@ 180mm setting
Vignetting = B @ f/4.5, A- @ f/5.6 to f/8; A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     B+        B-
f/5.6     B+        B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B         B+
Notes: Moderately low at f/4.5 and f/22; moderately high at f/5.6 to f/16.

Tokina 100-300mm f/4 AT-X
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire

@ 100mm
Distortion:  slight waveforming with no tendencies
Vignetting: B+ @ f/4, A elsewise
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         B+
f/5.6     B         A-
f/8       B         B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B         B+
f/32      B         B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast throughout.

@ 200mm
Distortion:  none
Vignetting: B+ @ f/4, A elsewise
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     A-        B
f/8       A         B
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B-         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast throughout.

@ 300mm
Distortion:  slight waveforming with slight pincushioning tendency
Vignetting: B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       C         C
f/5.6     B-        C+
f/8       B         B-
f/11      B         B
f/16      B-        B-
f/22      B-        B-
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast throughout.

Vivitar Series 1 200mm f/3.0 
OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.0     D         D+
f/4       C         C
f/5.6     B-        B-
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast @ f/8, but moderately low contrast
wide open.

Tamron SP 350mm f/5.6 (catadioptric lens)

OM-1 with mirror lockup
Vignetting = C
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5.6     B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast images.

OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different sample from
above OM-1 test
Vignetting = B
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5.6     B+        B
Notes: High contrast images.

Tamron SP 350mm f/5.6 (catadioptric lens) with Tamron SP 2X Teleconverter
OM-4T with mirror and diaphragm prefire, different sample from above OM-1
Vignetting = A- to B+
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture*    Center     Corner
f/5.6 (11)   C          C
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Moderately high contrast in
center and moderate contrast images in corners.

Tamron SP 400mm f/4 
OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = B- @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B+        B+
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A         B+
f/11      A+        A-
f/16      A-        A
f/22      A-        A-
f/32      B         B-
Notes: High contrast with remarkable image quality for a super telephoto,
optimum aperture appears to be f/11.

Tamron SP 400mm f/4 with Olympus 1.4X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/4 (5.6)    C-        C
f/5.6 (8)    B-        C+
f/8 (11)     B+        B
f/11 (16)    A-        B
f/16 (22)    B+        B+
f/22 (32)    B         B
f/32 (44)    B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast, except atf/32 (effective f/44), where
moderately low.

Tamron SP 400mm f/4 with Tamron SP 1.4X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = B- @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = none
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/4 (5.6)    B-        B-
f/5.6 (8)    B         B-
f/8 (11)     B-        C
f/11 (16)    B-        B-
f/16 (22)    C+        C+
f/22 (32)    C+        C+
f/32 (44)    C+        C
Notes: Moderately low contrast with lack of fine details (resolution).
Clearly inferior to the Olympus 1.4X teleconverter.

Tamron SP 400mm f/4 with Olympus 2X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = C- @ f/4, B- @ F/5.6, B+ @ f/8
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/4 (8)      C-        D
f/5.6 (11)   C         D
f/8 (16)     C+        C+
f/11 (22)    C+        C+
f/16 (32)    C+        C+
f/22 (44)    C         C+
f/32 (64)    D         D
Notes: Moderate contrast but low resolution.

Tamron SP 400mm f/4 with Tamron SP 2X Teleconverter
OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture     Center    Corner
f/4 (8)      C-        D+
f/5.6 (11)   C         D+
f/8 (16)     B         C
f/11 (22)    B         C+
f/16 (32)    B         B
f/22 (44)    C+        B-
f/32 (64)    C+        C
Notes: Moderate contrast, except moderately low at f/32 (f/64 effective).

Noflexar 400mm f/5.6 (Novoflex System)

OM-1 with mirror lockup & second tripod supporting hood - camera
upside down with tripod head horizontal
Vignetting = A-
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5.6     B-        C+
f/8       B         B-
f/11      A-        B-
f/16      A         B
f/22      B+        B
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: Exceptional ease of focusing handheld due to Novoflex rapid
focusing system; high contrast at f/8 to f/16; remarkably bright
viewfinder image for a super telephoto of this aperture, although
some difficulty in finding correct focus when used in typical overcast
sunlight (EV12).

OM-2000 with mirror prefire and second tripod supporting hood - camera
rightside up, but mounted to tripod with head oriented vertically;
different lens than above tests.
Vignetting = A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5.6     A-        B-
f/8       A         B
f/11      A         B+
f/16      A         B+
f/22      A-        B
f/32      B+        B+
Notes: High contrast; slightly cooler images than with a 400mm f/6.3
Zuiko. Best employed on a tripod with a tripod collar forward of the
pistol grip - but unavailable that way for testing.

OM-4T with mirror & diaphragm prefire and Bogen Telephoto Lens Support
- same lens as OM-2000 test.
Vignetting = A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion (none?)
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/5.6     A-        C
f/8       A         C+
f/11      A         B-
f/16      A         B+
f/22      A-        A-
f/32      B+        B
Notes: A workable combination using the Bogen Telephoto Lens Support,
offering much better lens support than previous tripod mounted schemes.
Causes a blurry focusing images away from center on a 2-4 focusing screen
- a combination that should be considered unusable. High contrast in
center and moderate contrast images in corner at f/5.6 and f/8; very high
contrast in center and moderately high contrast in corner at f/11; very
high contrast in center and high contrast in corners at f/16; moderately
high contrast in center and corners at f/22 to f/32. f/16 is optimum

Noflexar 400mm f/5.6 (Novoflex System) with Olympus 1.4x Teleconverter

OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = B @f/5.6 (8), B+ @f/8 (11), A- @f/11 (16), A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture*    Center    Corner
f/5.6 (8)    C-        D+
f/8 (11)     C         B-
f/11 (16)    B-        C+
f/16 (22)    B         B-
f/22 (32)    B         B-
f/32 (44)    C         C
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Moderately high contrast
but lack of resolution.

OM-4T with mirror & diaphragm prefire with Bogen Telephoto Lens Support
& monopod supporting camera - different lens than above.
Vignetting = B @f/5.6 (8), B+ @ f/8
(11), A- @f/11 (16), A thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture*    Center    Corner
f/5.6 (8)    C         C
f/8 (11)     C+        C
f/11 (16)    B-        B-
f/16 (22)    B         B-
f/22 (32)    B+        B
f/32 (44)    B-        B-
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Moderately high contrast
in center at all apertures; moderate contrast images in corners at all
apertures exceptf/22 (32), where they are moderately high.

Noflexar 400mm f/5.6 (Novoflex System) with Olympus 2X-A Teleconverter
OM-4T with mirror & diaphragm prefire with Bogen Telephoto Lens Support
& monopod supporting camera.
Vignetting = C @f/5.6 (11), B @ f/8
(16), A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced pincushion
Aperture*    Center    Corner
f/5.6 (11)   D+        C-
f/8 (16)     C         C
f/11 (22)    B-        B-
f/16 (32)    B         B-
f/22 (44)    B-        B-
f/32 (64)    C+        C
Notes: *Effective aperture in parenthesis (). Moderately low contrast
in center and corners atf/5.6 (11); moderate contrast in center and
corners at f/8 (16); moderately high contrast in center and moderate in
corners at f/11 (22) to f/22 (44); moderate contrast in center and
moderately low in corners at f/32 (64).

Tamron 500mm f/8 (mirror lens)
Vignetting = B
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/8       B         B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast.

Noflexar 600mm f/8 (Novoflex System)
OM-1 with mirror lockup and second tripod supporting hood
Vignetting = B+ @ f/8, A- @ f/11
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/8       B-        B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B+
f/32      B         B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast throughout aperture range; good balance
on tripod, although difficult to stabilize with a single tripod;
difficulty in focusing in overcast sunlight (EV12) due to dark
viewfinder image.

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Leitz 28mm f/2.8 Elmarit-R (1980 3-cam)
Leicaflex with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = C @ f/2.8, B @ f/4, A- @ f/5.5, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with no tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B-        C+
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      A-        B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2.8; moderately high contrast at f/4 and
f/22; high contrast at f/5.6, f/11 and f/16; very high contrast at f/8.

Leitz 50mm f/2 Summicron-M (4th generation 1978 "Mandler" design,
Leica M2 with self-timer
Distortion = none
Vignetting = B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B-        B+
f/2.8     B         A-
f/4       B+        A-
f/5.6     A         A+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/2.8 to f/5.6, and f/16; high
contrast at f/8 to f/11. Paired comparison with Zuiko Macro 50mm f/2.

Leitz 90mm f/2 Summicron-R (1978 era 3-cam)
Leicaflex with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2*      C+        C
f/2       B         B
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       B+        A-
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A         A
f/16      A         B
Notes: * = Tested with a B+W 010 filter. Moderately high contrast images
at f/2; high contrast images at f/2.8 and f/16; very high contrast at
f/4 and f/11; extremely high contrast images at f/5.6 and f/8. Lens
condition 9+ (KEH=Ex+). Paired SQF grade and contrast comparison to the
90mm f/2 Zuiko Macro test done on a OM-2000, with SQF differences
significant at the 1/3 grade level.

Leitz 90mm f/2.0 APO-Summicron-M
Leica M4-P with cable release
Vignetting = none
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2*      B         C+
f/2       B         C+
f/2.8     B+        B-
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     A+        B
f/8       A-        B
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B+        B
Notes: * = with a B+W filter. High contrast images at f/2 to f/2.8; very
high contrast images at all other apertures.

Leitz 100mm Macro Elmar
Olympus OM-4T wth Auto Bellows, mirror and diaphragm prefire*
Vignetting = A @ f/4 and thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B+        B-
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: * this lens was modified for mounting on the Olympus OM System
Auto Bellows, albeit with a manual diaphragm. Moderately high contrast
images at f/4 to f/5.6 and f/16 to f/22; high contrast images at f/11.

Minolta MD 45mm f/2 Rokkor-X (plastic body)
X-700 w/ self-timer
Vignetting = C+ @ f/2, B+ @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C         C-
f/2.8     B         C+
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      A-        A-
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/4 and f/16, moderate contrast at
f/2-2.8 and f/5.6-f/11.

Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 (plastic body)
X-700 with self-timer
Distortion:  none
Vignetting: C @ f/1.7, B @ f/2, B+ @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.7     D+        D
f/2       C-        D+
f/2.8     C+        C
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B         B
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Low contrast at f/4 and f/16; moderately low contrast at f/2.8
and f/5.6-f/11; moderate contrast at f/2 and f/22; moderately high
contrast (probably due only to an underexposed slide) at f/1.7. Perhaps
a bad lens sample - needs retesting with another sample.

Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 Rokkor-X (multi-coated, metal body)
Minolta SRT-102 w/ mirror lock-up and stopped down diaphragm*
Distortion:  none
Vignetting: B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.7     B         B
f/2       A-        B+
f/2.8     A         A-
f/4       A-        A-
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A         A
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Moderately low contrast @ f/1.7, moderate @ f/2 & f/16, moderately
high @ f/2.8, f/4, f/11, high @ f/5.6 & f/8; design favors contrast
over resolution.  * equivalent to "mirror and diaphragm prefire"
procedure attained by use of self-timer on late model Olympus bodies.

Minolta 50mm f/2 MD (plastic body)
X-700 w/ self-timer
Vignetting = B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B         C
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       B         B
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      B         B+
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/4, f/11 and f/22; moderately high contrast
at f/2-2.8, f/8 and f/16.

Minolta MC 58mm f/1.2 Rokkor-PG ("single-coated" radioactive early
version with chromed filter ring)
Minolta SRT-102 w/ mirror lock-up and stopped down diaphragm*
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.2, B+ @ f/2, A @ f/2.8 and thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with a slight barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     C-        C
f/2       C+        C+
f/2.8     B         C
f/4       A         B
f/5.6     A+        B+
f/8       A         B
f/11      A         A-
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: * equivalent to "mirror and diaphragm prefire" procedure attained
by use of self-timer on late model Olympus bodies. Moderately high
contrast at f/1.2 to f/2; high contrast at f/2.8; very high contrast at
f/4 and f/11 to f/16; extremely high contrast at f/5.6 and f/8. This is
a metal focusing grip model with radioactive rare earth glass in the
front of the lens. As with all rare earth glass from the 1960s and 1970s,
there is a yellowing with age, due to side effects from radioactive decay.
Thus the lens produces warmer images on color slides than does the later
version below. Paired comparison with the later version (below):
differences in SQF grades significant at the 1/3 grade level. Outstanding
lack of vignetting (i.e., light falloff) for a super speed lens, likely
due to the large front elements (compared to the more petite 50mm f/1.2
and 55mm f/1.2 Zuikos).

Minolta MC 58mm f/1.2 Rokkor-X (multilayer-coated late version with
all black filter ring)
Minolta SRT-102 w/ mirror lock-up and stopped down diaphragm*
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.2, B+ @ f/2, A @ f/2.8 and thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with a slight barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     B-        B-
f/2       B         C+
f/2.8     B+        B-
f/4       A-        B
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A         A
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: * equivalent to "mirror and diaphragm prefire" procedure, using
of self-timer on late model Olympus bodies. Low contrast images at
f/1.2; moderately contrast images at f/2; moderately high contrast at
f/8 to f/16; very high contrast images at f/4 to f/5.6. This is a
rubberized focusing grip model with non-radioactive glass in the lens.
Paired comparison with the earlier version (above): differences in SQF
grades significant at the 1/3 grade level. Outstanding lack of
vignetting (i.e., light falloff) for a super speed lens,  likely due to
the large front elements (compared to the more petite 50mm f/1.2 and
55mm f/1.2 Zuikos).

Nikon Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 AIS
Nikon F w/ mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B- @ f/2.8, A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = waveforming with slight barrel tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     B+        C+
f/4       A-        B-
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A         A+
f/11      A         A
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately high contrast at f/2.8 to f/5.6, high contrast at
f/8  to f/22. Optimum aperture f/8, where corner performance was
exceptional for an ultra wide angle lens.

Nikon Nikkor 28-85mm f/3.5~4.5 AIS
Nikon F w/ mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire

@ 28mm focal length
Vignetting = B @ f/3.5, A- @ f/5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         B-
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      B+        B
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/5.5, moderately high contrast at f/3.5
(perhaps due to slight underexposure) and at f/8 to f/22.

@ 50mm focal length
Vignetting = A at all apertures
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B         C+
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B+        A-
f/16      A-        B+
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/8 to f/22, moderately high contrast at f/4
to f/5.6.

@ 85mm focal length
Vignetting = A- @ f/4.5, A  thereafter
Distortion = moderate pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4.5     C+        B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B         B
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/4.5, moderately high contrast at f/5.6
to f/22.

Nikon Nikkor 35mm f/2 Non-AI
Nikon F3 with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = C @ f/2, B @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with no tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       C         C
f/2.8     B         C+
f/4       A         B-
f/5.6     A+        B
f/8       A+        B+
f/11      A         B+
f/16      A         A-
Notes: Moderate contrast images at f/2 and f/2.8; moderately high
contrast images at f/4 and f/16; very high contrast images in center
and mederately high contrast images in corners at f/5.6 to f/11.

Nikon Nikkor 35-70mm f/3.3~4.5 AIS
Nikomat FTN w/ mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire

@ 35mm focal length
Vignetting = C+ @ f/3.3, B @ f/5.6, A- thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.3     B-        C+
f/4       B?        B?
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B         B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Moderately high contrast in center and moderately low contrast in
corner at f/3.3, contrast undetermined due to overexposure at f/4 and
f/5.6, moderately high contrast at f/8, moderately high contrast in
center and moderate contrast in corners at f/11 to f/22.

@ 50mm focal length
Vignetting = A- @ f/4, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B-        B-
f/5.6     B+        B+
f/8       B+        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B
f/22      B-        B-
Notes: Contrasty at the expense of resolution. Low contrast at f/4,
moderately high contrast in center and moderate contrast in corners at
f/5.6, moderately high contrast at f/8 and f/22 in center and corners,
high contrast in center and moderately high contrast in corners at f/11
and f/16. f/22~32 not tested.

@ 70mm focal length
Vignetting = B+(?) @ f/4.5, A- @ f/5.6, A  thereafter
Distortion = slight waveforming with no tendency
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4       B *       C+ *
f/5.6     B         B-
f/8       B+        B+
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      A-        A-
f/22      B-        B+
f/32      B-        B
Notes: * = overexposed (provisional data, no contrast determination).
Moderate contrast at f/5.6-8 and f/32, moderately high contrast at f/11
to f/22.

Nikon Nikkor AF 35-80mm f/4~5.6D
Nikomat FTN with mirror and diaphragm prefire
@ 50mmVignetting = A- @ f/4~5.6, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/4~5.6   B         B-
f/5.6     B+        B-
f/8       B+        B
f/11      B         B
f/16      B-        C+
f/22      C         C+
Notes: Moderate contrast images at all apertures except f/5.6, where
moderately high.

Nikon Nikkor 43-86mm f/3.5 Non-AI
Nikon F2 w/ mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire
@ 50mm focal length
Vignetting = B- @ f/3.5, B+ @ f/4, A- @ f/5.6, A @ f/8
Distortion = distinct waveform
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/3.5     B         C
f/4       B         C
f/5.6     B+        C+
f/8       B+        C+
f/11      A-        B
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast at f/3.5 & f/4; moderate contrast @ f/5.6,
f/8, f/16, f/22; moderately high contrast at f/11.

Nikon Nikkor 45mm f/2.8 GN Nikkor (non-AI, pre C model)
Vignetting = B @ f/2.8
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     C         C+
f/4       B         B-
f/5.6     B         B
f/8       B         B
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B+        B
f/22      B-        B-
f/32      B-        C+
Notes: Moderate contrast throughout.

Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 AIS
Nikon F2 with mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.2 & f/1.4, B @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A @ f/4
Distortion = moderate barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     B         B-
f/1.4     B+        B
f/2       A         B+
f/2.8     A         A-
f/4       A         A
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: High contrast at f/1.2 & f/16; very high at f/1.4 to f/2.8;
extremely high at f/4 to f/11. Contrasty at the expense of

Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 AIS (Type 2)
Nikomat FTN with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = NA @ f/1.4, B @ f/2,
A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     NA*       NA*
f/2       B         B-
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       A         B+
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A         A-
f/11      A-        A-
f/16      B         B
Notes: * = not available. Moderate contrast images at f/2 and f/16;
moderately high contrast images at f/2.8 to f/11.

Nikon Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8
Nikomat FTN with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.8, A thereafter
Distortion = slight barrel
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8     B         B-
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       B+        B+
f/5.6     B         B+
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B         B

Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/2 AIS
Nikon F2 w/ mirror lockup and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = A- @ f/2, A @ f/2.8 and beyond
Distortion = slight waveform
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2       B         B
f/2.8     A         B+
f/4       A         A-
f/5.6     A-        A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      B+        B+
f/16      B+        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/2, f/11 and f/16; moderately high at
f/2.8 to f/8. High resolution at the expense of contrast.

Nikon Nikkor 55mm f/1.2 Non-AI
Nikon F3 with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.2, B- @ f/1.4, B+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = none
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.2     D         C
f/1.4     C         C+
f/2       B-        B-
f/2.8     A-        B
f/4       A         B+
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A-        A-
f/11      A-        B+
f/16      B         B
Notes: Moderately low contrast images at f/1.2 and f/1.4; moderately
high contrast images at f/2, f/11 and f/16; very high contrast images
at f/2.8 to f/8.

Nikon Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 AIS (multicoated)
Nikon F2 with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Distortion:  slight waveform with no tendencies
Vignetting: A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/2.8     A-        B+
f/4       A         A-
f/5.6     A         A-
f/8       A+        A+
f/11      A         A-
f/16      B+        A-
f/22      B         B
f/32      B-        B-
Notes: High contrast at f/2.8 and f/16; very high contrast at f/8 and
f/11; extremely high contrast at f/5.6; moderately high contrast
(diffraction limited) at f/22 and f/32. Remarkable image detail at
f/8 - the optimal aperture.

Nikon Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 AIS (multi-coated)
Nikon F2 with mirror and diaphragm prefire
Vignetting = A- @ f/1.4 & f/2, A @ f/2.8 and beyond
Distortion = None!
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.4     B         B
f/2       A-        B+
f/2.8     A-        A-
f/4       A         A
f/5.6     A-        B+
f/8       A-        B+
f/11      A         A
f/16      B+        B+
f/22      A-        B+
Notes: Moderate contrast at f/1.4, high contrast at f/2, f/2.8, f/11
and f/16; very high contrast at f/4 to f/8.

Pentax 50mm f/1.4 Super Takumar (radioactive, screw thread)
Pentax Spotmatic SP 1000 with manual (stopped down) diaphragm and
cable release
Vignetting = B- @ f/1.4, B+ @ f/2, A- @ f/2.8, A thereafter
Distortion = pronounced barrel
Aperture  Center   Corner
f/1.4     C+        C-
f/2       B         C
f/2.8     B+        B+
f/4       A-        B+
f/5.6     B+        A-
f/8       A-        A
f/11      B+        A
f/16      B         B
Notes: Discolored (yellow) glass due to one or more radioactive elements.
Moderate contrast at f/1.4 and f/2; moderately high contrast at f/2.8
to f/5.6; high contrast at f/8 to f/16.

SMC Pentax 85mm f/1.8 (K mount)
Pentax Super Program with cable release and, for f/8 to f/1.8 only, depth
of field preview button held in to reduce automatic diaphragm vibration.
Vignetting = B @ f/1.8, A- @ f/2.8, A elsewise
Distortion = slight pincushion
Aperture  Center    Corner
f/1.8     C+        B-
f/2.8     B+        B
f/4       A-        A-
f/5.6     A         A
f/8       A         A
f/11      A         A
f/16      A+        A-
f/22      B+        B
Notes: 1st version of the 85mm in a K mount. Moderately high contrast
from f/2.8 to f/16, moderate contrast elsewise.

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