Powerware USB / PnP Driver ReadMe File (UPSDriversReadMe.txt) ----------------------------------------------------- Contents ----------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Powerware Driver Version Information 2.0 Driver Support Files 3.0 Location of Installation / Driver Files: 4.0 Install / Upgrade / Uninstall Procedures for Serially-connected (PnP) UPSs 4.1 Purpose 4.2 Install 4.3 Upgrade 4.4 Uninstall 5.0 Install / Upgrade / Uninstall Procedures for USB UPSs 5.1 Install 5.2 Upgrade 5.3 Uninstall 6.0 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 7.0 Manually Removing Driver and INF files ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Powerware Driver Version Information ----------------------------------------------------- Package Version............2.0.0 WinDrvr6.sys............... PwCoinst.dll............... WdReg.exe..................8/10/2003 WdReg16.exe................8/10/2003 ----------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Driver Support Files ----------------------------------------------------- - PwSrlPnP.inf Installation file for serially-connected UPS devices (ie, installed on COM1 or COM2) Automatic Installation - PwdUSB.inf Installation file for USB-connected UPS devices Automatic Installation - ForUSBonWin98_ME.bat Batch file to complete USB UPS installation on Win98 or WinME Manual Installation - PwCoinst.dll Coinstaller DLL file Automatic Installation - Wdreg.exe, Wdreg16.exe WinDriver registration program Automatic Installation - WinDrvr6.sys Jungo WinDriver driver file Automatic Installation - WinDrvr6.cat WinDriver Catalog file Automatic Installation - WinDrvr6.inf Installation file for WinDrvr6.sys Automatic Installation - Uninstall_WinDriver_Win9x.bat Batch file that may be used to install WinDriver (Win98, WinME) Manual Uninstall - Uninstall_WinDriver_XP_2000.bat Batch file that may be used to install WinDriver (Win2000 and later) Manual Uninstall ----------------------------------------------------- 3.0 Location of Installation / Driver Files ----------------------------------------------------- When your operating system prompts you with an Add Hardware dialog box, you should reference the UPSDriver directory containing these INF files: * PwdUSB.inf for installing a Universal Serial Bus (USB) UPS * PwSrlPnp.inf for a serially-connected (PnP) UPS For example, if you are using the Software Suite CD, the path would be '[DriveLetter]:\Software\UPSDriver' ----------------------------------------------------- 4.0 Install / Upgrade / Uninstall Procedures for Serially-connected (PnP) UPSs ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 4.1 Purpose --------------------------- Serially connected UPSs do not need any driver file, but the installation procedure satisfies Windows' requirement to register the device, so the "New Hardware Found" wizard will not reappear the next time the system boots up. --------------------------- 4.2 Install --------------------------- For new installations, where a Powerware UPS has not previously been installed on the PC system: If the New Hardware Wizard is not invoked automatically by your system, then from the Start menu, select Settings->Control Panel->Add New Hardware and follow the steps of the New Hardware Wizard, pointing it to the UPSDriver folder containing PwSrlPnp.inf. --------------------------- 4.3 Upgrade --------------------------- If you have previously installed a Serially-connected (PnP) UPS, there are no changes necessary. --------------------------- 4.4 Uninstall --------------------------- For Windows 2000: From the Start menu, select Settings->Control Panel->Add/Remove Hardware, and follow the steps to Remove the Powerware UPS device. For Win98: From the Start menu, select Settings->Control Panel->System, then push the "Device Manager" button; find the Powerware UPS in the Device List (as a Battery device) and Uninstall or Remove it. ----------------------------------------------------- 5.0 Install / Upgrade / Uninstall Procedures for USB UPSs ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 5.1 Install --------------------------- These directions are for new installations, where a Powerware UPS has not previously been installed on the PC system. 1) Plug the USB cable into computer. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" appears. 2) Search for the INF file PwUSBPnP.inf in folder UPSDriver. Note: On Win2000 the you must browse for, and select, the specific INF file (PwdUSB.inf). On XP and above, you just browse for the directory containing the INF file. Win2000/XP/2003: 1) The coinstaller will be launched and the WinDriver driver file will be installed and registered automatically. 2) If the system tells you that you must reboot Windows when done, ignore the message. If you like, you can unplug and replug the USB cable and achieve the same affect as rebooting, as far as the USB driver is concerned. Win98/WinME: 1) You must perform one manual step to complete the installation. Browse for the UPSDriver folder and double-click the icon for batch file ForUSBonWin98_ME.bat; it will run the program to register the WinDriver. 2) If the system tells you that you must reboot Windows when done, ignore the message. If you like, you can unplug and replug the USB cable and achieve the same affect as rebooting, as far as the USB driver is concerned. -------------- How to tell that the installation succeeded -------------- 1) Start the Device Manager: * Win98: Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->System->Device Manager button. * Win2000: Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager button. * Or run the "Computer Management" program, which may appear on your PC under Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Computer Management; select Device Manager from the list of tools. 2) Look for a device called "USB UPS" or "USB UPS (X-slot)" under the Battery group. Should be present with no warnings from Device Manager. 3) Look for a second (virtual) device called "WinDriver" under the System devices group. Again, should be present with no warnings from the Device Manager. -------------- Next Step -------------- Install the UPS application (e.g., LanSafe) by locating its Setup.exe and clicking on it. --------------------------- 5.2 Upgrade --------------------------- If you have previously installed a USB UPS with the PwUps.sys driver file, (e.g., for LanSafe 3) you must follow the Upgrade procedure. If you used the Windows Add Hardware functionality to reinstall your UPS and it automatically ran the LanSafe setup application, then your system is using the old driver. Use the Upgrade procedure to ensure your UPS will function properly. To perform this procedure, you need to get the New Hardware Wizard to run. We will "Reinstall" or "Upgrade" the driver, which will substitute the WinDriver for the existing PwUsb.sys driver. You can then leave the old PwUsb.sys file in place; it will not be loaded again and will not cause any harm by its presence. 1) Plug in the USB cable from the UPS. Since this is an upgrade, the New Hardware Wizard will probably not run automatically. 2) Start the Device Manager: * Win98: Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->System->Device Manager button. * Win2000: Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager button. * Or run the "Computer Management" program, which may appear on your PC under Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Computer Management; select Device Manager from the list of tools. 3) Find the existing Powerware UPS device, usually under the Battery group. Right click on its icon, and select "Properties". 4) Switch to the "Driver" tab, and select the "Upgrade Driver" button. This launches the New Hardware Wizard. 5) Select the options to "Search for a better driver" and "Specify a location", then browse to the location of your USBDriver folder. Note: On Win2000 the you must browse for, and select, the specific INF file (PwdUSB.inf). On XP and above, you just browse for the directory containing the INF file. 6) The Wizard will then tell you that it already has a suitable driver installed, but has found other drivers. Select the option to choose one of the other drivers (eg, "Install one of the other drivers"). 7) It will then present a list that contains the PwdUSB.inf file in one entry; select that entry and continue with the installation. Win2000/XP/2003: 1) The coinstaller will be launched and the WinDriver driver file will be installed and registered automatically. 2) If the system tells you that you must reboot Windows when done, ignore the message. If you like, you can unplug and replug the USB cable and achieve the same affect as rebooting, as far as the USB driver is concerned. Win98/WinME: 1) You must perform one manual step to complete the installation. Browse for the UPSDriver folder and double-click the icon for batch file ForUSBonWin98_ME.bat; it will run the program to register the WinDriver. 2) If the system tells you that you must reboot Windows when done, ignore the message. If you like, you can unplug and replug the USB cable and achieve the same affect as rebooting, as far as the USB driver is concerned. --------------------------- 5.3 Uninstall --------------------------- There are two devices that can be removed: the USB UPS device in the Battery group, and the virtual WinDriver device in the System device group of the Device Manager. To remove the USB UPS device: * Win98: With the USB cable plugged in, find it with the Device Manager (see direction above). Right click on its icon and select "Uninstall" or "Remove". * Win2000: Unplug the USB Cable first. Select Start menu->Settings->Control Panel-> Add/Remove Hardware, and "Uninstall a Device". When it presents the list of devices, check the box for "Show Hidden Devices", and then scroll down through the list until you find "USB UPS"; select the device and hit the Remove button. To remove the WinDriver virtual device: WARNING - WinDriver is a 3rd party generic USB/PCI driver that may be used by other vendors' hardware devices in your system. Remove it only if you are sure no other hardware devices require WinDriver to operate. If you are unsure, do not uninstall this file. * Win98/WinME: Browse to the UPSDriver folder and double-click on the Uninstall_WinDriver_Win9x.bat batch file. * Win2000/XP/2003: Browse to the UPSDriver folder and double-click on the Uninstall_WinDriver_XP_2000.bat batch file. ----------------------------------------------------- 6.0 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 1) When do I need to install a UPS driver? --------------------------- For a serially-connected UPS, no driver is required. However, the installation process removes the "New Hardware Found" message that would otherwise occur every time you rebooted. For a USB UPS, the driver provides a means to communicate with the USB device and is absolutely required. --------------------------- 2) I just got a USB hub. Can I just unplug my UPS USB cable and plug it into my hub? --------------------------- Yes. The system will recognize your UPS at its "new" location automatically. --------------------------- 3) I ran one of the uninstall ".bat" files. Now, when I plug-in a USB UPS and install LanSafe, it cannot detect the UPS. How can I fix this? --------------------------- You must follow the procedure to Upgrade your UPS device; this will re-install and re- register the WinDriver virtual device. --------------------------- 4) How can I tell if the installation succeeded? --------------------------- A good check is provided in the "How to tell that the installation succeeded" procedure described above. --------------------------- 5) If I unplug the USB cable to the UPS and check with Device Manager, the UPS device is not present but the WinDriver device still is. Is this normal? --------------------------- Yes, this is normal operation. The WinDriver must be running before the UPS device is plugged in. --------------------------- 6) I have completed the installation of the drivers, and the Device Manager shows both the USB UPS and WinDriver devices, but LanSafe (or other application) still cannot communicate with the UPS. What else can I check? --------------------------- First, just try unplugging and replugging the USB cable. If that does not help and your UPS is using an X-slot USB card, then use USBview to verify that the USB card is successfully talking to the UPS. You can obtain USBview.exe from http://www.usbman.com/WebDrivers/USBview/ or from the Microsoft Windows 98 Resource Kit. 1) Copy USBview.exe to your PC (no installation required). 2) Start USBview, and from the Options menu, select "Config Descriptors", then Refresh (F5) the display and click on the UPS device. If the USB card is able to get UPS data, it will show data like this: iManufacturer: 0x01 0x0409: "Powerware" iProduct: 0x02 0x0409: "XCP-USB UPS" iSerialNumber: 0x03 0x0409: "UU524A1030 " (your UPS's serial number here) bNumConfigurations: 0x01 If the USB card is not able to get UPS data, it will look like this: iManufacturer: 0x01 0x0409: "Powerware" iProduct: 0x02 0x0409: "XCP-USB UPS" iSerialNumber: 0x03 (no text given after this) bNumConfigurations: 0x01 3) If the USB card is not getting UPS data, try re-seating the X-slot card to get a better connection. Note: USBview does not rely on the WinDriver or USB UPS installation; it goes directly to the USB controller in the UPS. Consequently, even if the WinDriver or UPS devices are misconfigured or not installed, you can still get good results from USBview. ----------------------------------------------------- 7.0 Manually Removing Driver and INF files ----------------------------------------------------- Before you begin, you may find it useful to configure Windows Explorer so that it will: * Show hidden files (the INF folder will not be visible otherwise) * Show all file extensions 1) Perform the Uninstall procedures shown above. 2) To remove Powerware INF files: * Browse to the INF folder (eg, C:\WinNT\INF\ or C:\Windows\INF\) and Search for .inf files containing the text "Powerware". * Do NOT delete Battery.inf, which is a Microsoft system INF file. * Do delete the other INF file(s) found by this search, and their corresponding .PNF file(s). 3) To remove the WinDriver INF file: * WinDriver is a 3rd party generic USB/PCI driver that may be used by other vendors' hardware devices in your system. Remove it only if you are sure no other hardware devices require WinDriver to operate. If you are unsure, do not remove this file. * Browse to the INF folder (eg, C:\WinNT\INF\ or C:\Windows\INF\) and find the WinDrvr6.inf file. Delete it and the WinDrvr6.pnf file. 4) To remove the WinDrvr6.sys file: * This file should not be manually deleted, since it is a good idea to remove the registry entries for it as well. Use the batch files described in the section above on Uninstall. 5) To remove the coinstaller files, * Browse to the system folder (eg, C:\Winnt\System32) and find the PwCoinst.dll file. Delete it. * In the same folder you may find WdReg.exe or WdReg16.exe; delete them if found. 6) To remove the old PwUsb.sys driver: * Browse to the system folder which contains the drivers, e.g. C:\Windows\Systems32\Drivers\, and find the PwUsb.sys file and delete it.