Data Entry    Related Topics

The analyzer provides dialogs with various types of input fields where you can enter numeric values and character data. Data entry with a mouse and an external keyboard is a standard procedure known from other Windows applications. However, there are various alternative ways to enter data.   

Using front panel keys

Using the analyzer's on-screen keyboard

Using a mouse and Windows XP's on-screen keyboard

Using Front Panel Keys

If no mouse and no external keyboard is connected to the analyzer, you can use the keys in the DATA ENTRY keypad to enter numbers, units, and characters.  

To enter a numeric value

  1. Place the cursor into a numeric data input field in a dialog or in the numeric entry bar.

  2. Press the DATA ENTRY keys.


  • Use 0 to 9 to enter the corresponding numbers.


  • Use . and - to enter a decimal point or change the sign of the value.


  • Use .G/n, M/μ, k/m, or x1 to multiply the entered value with factors of 10(-)9, 10(-)6, 10(-)3 or 1 and add the appropriate physical unit.

To enter a character string

  1. Place the cursor into a character data input field in a dialog.

  2. Press the DATA ENTRY keys as if you were writing a short message on your mobile phone.


  • Press 0 to 9 once to enter the corresponding numbers.


  • Use . or – to enter a dot or a hyphen.


  • Use G/n, M/μ, or k/m to enter the letters G, M or K (case-insensitive).  

  • Use the BACK key to correct wrong entries, deleting the character to the left of the current cursor position.

  • Press OK ENTER to complete an entry.  

  • Press ESC CANCEL to close the dialog, discarding the entries made.

  1. To enter letters other than G, M or K, you can also use one of the following methods:

Using the Analyzer's On-Screen Keyboard

The on-screen keyboard allows you to enter characters, in particular letters, without an external keyboard. It is available for all character input fields which have a symbol.

Operation with front panel keys

  1. Place the cursor into a character data input field in a dialog or in the numeric entry bar.

  2. Press OK or the key in the NAVIGATION keypad to open the on-screen keyboard.

  3. Use the cursor keys in the NAVIGATION keypad or turn the rotary knob to move the cursor to a character.

  4. Press OK ENTER or the rotary knob to select the character for the input string.

  5. After completing the input string use the key to move to the OK button.

  6. Press OK ENTER or the rotary knob to apply your selection and close the keyboard.

Operation with a mouse

  1. Click the symbol to open the on-screen keyboard.

  2. Click a sequence of characters and OK to apply your selection and close the keyboard.

Using Windows XP's On-Screen Keyboard

Windows XP's on-screen keyboard allows you to enter characters, in particular letters, even if an input field cannot call up the analyzer's own on-screen keyboard. Examples of such fields are the input fields in the Index and Search tabs of the Help system. A mouse is required for using Windows XP's on-screen keyboard.

To call up the on-screen keyboard,

  1. Press the Windows key in the SUPPORT keypad to access Windows XP and open the start menu.

  2. Select the On-Screen Keyboard from the start menu or double click the OSK.exe icon on the desktop.

The System – External Tools submenu contains a shortcut to Windows XP's on-screen keyboard. Simply click Mouse Keyboard.lnk to open the keyboard.