Scaling Diagrams    Related Topics

The analyzer provides several alternative tools for setting the sweep range and customizing the diagrams. Choose the method that is most convenient for you.

Setting the Sweep range

Reference value and position


Circular diagrams

Marker functions

Enlarging the diagram area

Setting the Sweep Range

The sweep range for all channels is displayed in the channel list across the bottom of the diagram area:

To change the sweep range, use one of the following methods:

Reference Value and Position

The analyzer provides three parameters for changing the scale of the vertical (response) axis:

The Scale/Div. and the Reference Value are indicated in the scale section of the trace list.

To change one of the parameters use one of the following methods:


The Autoscale function adjusts the scale divisions and the reference value so that the entire trace fits into the diagram area. To access Autoscale, use one of the following methods:  

Circular Diagrams

The radial scale of a circular (Polar, Smith or Inverted Smith) diagram can be changed with a single linear parameter, the Reference Value. The reference value defines the radius of the outer circumference.  

The Reference Value is indicated in the scale section of the trace list.

To change the Reference Value use one of the following methods:

The Autoscale function also works for polar diagrams.

Using Marker Functions

Marker functions are a convenient tool for scaling (in particular: magnifying) diagrams without entering explicit numeric values. You simply place a marker to a trace point and use the marker values to change the sweep range or move the trace relative to the vertical axis. A mouse makes it easier to activate (click) or move (drag and drop) markers.

To set the sweep range use one of the following methods:

To move the trace relative to the vertical axis proceed as follows:

  1. Create a normal marker, e.g. the marker M 1, and place it to a particular trace point. E.g. you can use the marker Search functions to locate a maximum or minimum on the trace.

  2. Click Trace Marker Funct. – Max = Marker to move the trace towards the upper diagram edge, leaving the values of the vertical divisions (Scale Div.) and the overall vertical scale unchanged. Analogously, click Min = Marker to move the trace towards the lower diagram edge, or click Ref Value = Marker to move the trace towards the Reference Value.

Enlarging the Diagram Area

The analyzer provides different tools for customizing the contents and size of the diagram areas: