Control via Front Panel Keys    Related Topics

Although a mouse and external keyboard simplify the operation of the instrument, you can access all essential functions using the keys on the front panel. The following examples are intended to make you familiar with front panel key operation.  

Accessing menus and menu commands

Working with dialogs

To Access a Particular Menu Command ...

  1. Press the MENU key in the SUPPORT keypad to access the menu bar and open the File menu.

  2. Use the keys in the NAVIGATION keypad or the rotary knob to navigate between and within the menus.


  • Use the Cursor Left and Cursor Right keys to change between the different menus in the menu bar. When the first option in a pull-down menu is a submenu, the submenu will be opened first before proceeding to the next option in the menu bar.




  • Use the Cursor Up and Cursor Down keys and the rotary knob (if rotated) to scroll up and down in a menu.


  • OK ENTER and the rotary knob (if pressed) expand a submenu, open a dialog, or initiate an action, depending on the selected command type.

  • CANCEL ESC compresses the current submenu and moves the cursor one menu level up or closes the active dialog, depending on the selected softkey type.

  1. As soon as you reach the desired menu command (which must not be one opening a submenu) press OK ENTER or press the rotary knob to initiate an action or open a dialog.

After command execution or after closing the dialog, the menu bar is deactivated and the cursor returns to the diagram/softkey area.

To Make a Selection in a Dialog...

  1. Press a softkey with three dots to open a dialog.

  2. Use the keys in the NAVIGATION keypad and the rotary knob to access the controls in the dialog.


  • Press Left Field or Right Field to switch between the control elements in a dialog.




  • Press the cursor keys or turn the rotary knob to switch between several entries in a list of alternative or independent settings.


  1. Use the DATA ENTRY keys or the rotary knob to enter characters and numbers. For more details refer to Data Entry.   

  2. Press OK ENTER, CANCEL ESC or press the rotary knob to close the active dialog.