Repeat Previous Cal    Related Topics

Reopens the Measure Standards dialog of the calibration wizard to repeat and optimize the previous calibration without necessarily repeating the measurement of all standards.

Repeat Previous Cal is active only if Keep Measurement Data for >Repeat Cal< in the Measure Standards dialog was enabled when the last calibration for the active channel was successfully completed.

Changing the channel settings can cause incompatibilities between the current instrument state and the previous calibration. In particular the following conditions must be met:  

If incompatible settings occur the analyzer displays an error message and does not repeat the calibration.

Recall Last Cal Set

Loads and activates the setup for which the last calibration was performed. If the last calibrated setup is already active, nothing is changed.

The calibrated setups are automatically stored in the C:\Rohde&Schwarz\Nwa\Calibration\RecallSets directory. A message box pops up if the directory is empty, e.g. because no calibration was performed yet.  

Correction Off

Activates or deactivates the system error correction in the active channel. Correction Off is active only if a valid system error correction is assigned to the active channel; see Cal State in the Calibration Manager.

A red label Cal Off ! appears behind the trace list if the system error correction is switched off; see also Calibration Overview.

Remote control:

[:SENSe<Ch>]:CORRection:STATe ON | OFF