Mode    Related Topics

The Mode menu defines the properties of the physical and logical (balanced) test ports, configures the source signals and the receiver, and provides special measurement modes.

The items in the submenu depend on the analyzer type and on the installed options.

Port Configuration

The Port Configuration dialog defines the properties of the test ports and configures the source signals and the receiver.

The table in the Port Configuration dialog contains the individual test port properties. Each table row corresponds to one logical or physical port; the number of rows is equal to the number of test ports of the analyzer.

Many measurement tasks can be performed with default port settings. Consequently the Port Configuration dialog does not show all columns in its default configuration. Use the Displayed Columns button to customize the table and display or hide columns.

The ports that can be used for the measurement (as selected in the Balanced Ports and Port Groupsdialog) are indicated in the first column of the Port Configuration table (Meas). The selected ports are used for the calculation of derived (mixed mode, Z, Y) parameters; they can be source ports and/or receive ports.

After an n-port (automatic or manual) system error correction, only the calibrated ports are enabled. It is possible though to re-enable uncalibrated ports manually in order to obtain additional (uncalibrated) measurement results. Loading a set of calibration data does not affect the selection of measured ports.

A measured port can be configured as a pure receive port by selecting RF Off in the Source section.

If one or more port groups to be measured are defined in the Define Measured Portstab of the Balanced Ports and Port Groups dialog, then the column header changes from Meas. to Group and the column shows the group names (capital letters).  

The settings are grouped together in four sections:

Below the table, three buttons open additional dialogs:

The dialog contains the following additional controls:

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection:PORTs ALL | SINGle
[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection:GENDers ALL | SINGle


Logical Port

Defines the properties of the logical (balanced) ports defined in the Balanced Port and Port Groups dialog. To display this section, at least one balanced port configuration must be defined and Logical Ports – Ref Impedance must be selected in the Displayed Columns dialog.

The default reference impedance for a physical port is equal to the reference impedance of the connector type assigned to the port but can be defined as an arbitrary complex value (renormalization of port impedances). By changing the reference impedance, it is possible to convert the measured values at 50 Ω (75 Ω) into values at arbitrary port impedances. For details refer to Virtual Transform –Reference Impedances.

For balanced ports it is possible to define separate complex reference impedances for differential and for common mode.

The default values for the balanced port reference impedances are derived from the default reference impedance of the physical analyzer ports (Z0 = 50 >Ω):

Remote control:

SENSe:PORT<phys_port>:ZREFerence <real> [,<imaginary]
SENSe:LPORT<log_port>:ZCOMmon <real> [,<imaginary]

SENSe:LPORT<log_port>:ZDIFferent <real> [,<imaginary]

CALCulate<Chn>:TRANsform:IMPedance:RNORmal TWAVes | PWAVes

Physical Port

Shows and/or defines the properties of the physical (unbalanced) ports of the analyzer.

To perform a system error correction, the physical port must be available as a source and receive port. This condition is met if it is selected as a measured port in the Balanced Ports and Port Groups dialog (Meas is on).

To perform a system error correction, it is necessary that:

These conditions are met with the Port Configuration settings listed below.














LO a



LO b



Remote control:


[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection:PORTs ALL | SINGle

SENSe:PORT<phys_port>:ZREFerence <real> [,<imaginary]


Shows and/or defines the RF generator settings for each physical port of the analyzer and for each external generator. No source settings are provided for external power meters.

The source must be switched on to perform a system error correction or a source power calibration for the source port.  

The channel base power pb is defined by the following sweep settings:

The slope modifies the channel power pb so that the following source power ps is obtained at the ports:

ps = pb + <Slope> *  f

In the formula above, f denotes the (current) source port frequency.


1. Select a frequency sweep with a sweep range between 1 GHz and 4 GHz and set <Power> = 0 dBm, <Slope> = 2 dB/GHz. Across the sweep range, the stimulus power increases linearly between 2 dBm and 8 dBm.

2. Maintain the <Slope> setting and select a power sweep with a CW frequency of 1 GHz and a power sweep range between –25 dBm and 0 dBm. Due to the slope factor, the actual stimulus power varies between –23 dBm and +2 dBm.

Remote control:






Shows and/or defines the receiver settings for each physical port of the analyzer and each external power meter. No receiver settings are provided for external generators.

The IF Gain settings are valid for all ports:

The following settings accelerate the measurement:

The Low Dist or Low Noise settings are appropriate whenever the characteristics of the input path must be constant, e.g. because:

Remote control:




Port <n> Power

The Port <n> Power dialog defines the target power for the calibrated source port.

The port-specific source power can be set to either the channel base power pb plus an offset or to a constant value. The coefficients of the linear relation between pb and the actual source power are entered in a dialog.

The Port <n> Power settings serve different purposes:

Use of an amplifier in the signal path

Assume that a DUT requires a constant input power of +35 dBm, and that the measurement path contains an amplifier with a 30 dB gain.

After a reset of the analyzer the channel power Pb is zero dBm. With a Port Power Offset of +5 dB at the calibrated source port and a Cal Power Offset of +30 dB, the source power calibration ensures that the constant input power of +35 dBm is maintained across the entire sweep range. The actual output power of the analyzer is +5 dBm.

Note that a power calibration with an appropriate Cal Power Offset will automatically prevent excess input levels at the DUT.

The channel base power pb is defined by the following sweep settings:

The actual output power at the ports (source power ps) is related to the channel power pb as follows:

ps = pb + c + <Slope> * f ,  if the pb radio button is selected
ps = pb + <Slope> * f
, if the 0 dBm radio button is selected

In the formulas above, f denotes the (current) source port frequency, c is the offset value entered in the Port <nr> Source Power dialog minus the Attenuator setting. The Slope parameter is set in the Sourcesection of the Port Configuration table.

Remote control:

(for Cal Power Offset)
(for Cal Power Offset)

ALC Settings for Physical Port <n>

This dialog enables individual Automatic Level Control (ALC) settings for the physical analyzer ports. The settings are a subset of the general ALC settings, accessed via Channel – Mode – ALC (All Chans).

The port-specific ALC settings overwrite the general ALC settings. E.g. with active ACL (All Chans), you can select Individual Settings for Physical Port 1 and uncheck ALC On. This disables the ALC at the physical analyzer port no. 1. The ALC at all other ports is still enabled.  

Remote control:






Displayed Columns

This dialog customizes the Port Configuration table and displays or hides columns.

The physical port number is always displayed. The logical port information is displayed only if a balanced port configuration is defined.

Remote control:

No command, display configuration only.

Stimulus Dialog

The Stimulus dialog modifies all sweep frequencies and powers in the active channel, based on an arbitrary frequency and power reference. The dialog is accessed from the Port Configuration dialog.

The Stimulus dialog can be opened from the context menu of the channel list.

The available sweep parameters depend on the Current Sweep Type (Channel Sweep – Sweep Type) which is displayed below the title bar of the dialog.

Sweep Type

Frequency parameters

Power parameters

Lin. Frequency
Log. Frequency 



Segmented Frequency

– (defined by the sweep segments)





CW Mode



The frequencies and powers are displayed in two separate but analogous panels:

Frequency and power definition in the Stimulus dialog

If the selected reference frequency or reference power is changed, the analyzer modifies all source and receiver frequencies/powers accordingly, leaving the frequency and power conversion formulas unchanged. The Stimulus dialog thus ensures that all system frequencies/powers can be modified consistently, based on an arbitrary reference frequency.

The power and frequency entries in the Stimulus dialog are unrestricted. A compatibility check is performed when the dialog is closed. Frequencies and powers beyond the analyzer's hardware limits are marked with a red input field in the calling Port Configuration dialog.

By default, all port frequencies/powers are referenced to the base frequency/power (Channel Base fb/Pb). If another port frequency or power, which was selected as a reference, becomes invalid (e.g. because it is set to a constant value), it is automatically replaced by the channel base frequency/power.   

Remote control:
