Spurious Avoidance    Related Topics  

The Spurious Avoidance submenu defines whether the analyzer measures with a local oscillator frequency LO below or above the RF input frequency.

This feature can be used to eliminate known spurious components in the input signal that can distort the measurement, especially in the low frequency range.

In the presence of several spurious signals, setting the Spurious Avoidance parameter globally may not be sufficient. To improve the result, perform a Segmented Frequency sweep and assign independent LO frequencies to the individual sweep segments.   

Consider the following test setup with strongly reflecting DUT (e.g. a bandpass in its stop band) that is measured in transmission. a1 is generated at a frequency RF.The reflected wave b1 falls into the receiver mixer of the analyzer port 1, where a small fraction of the mixer product RF + 2*IF can be reflected back towards the DUT. If this spurious wave a'1 passes the DUT, then it is received as b'2 at port 2, together with the wanted signal b2.

LO > RF implies that LO = RF + IF. The mixer at port 2 converts both the wanted signal b2 and the spurious signal b'2 which is at the frequency RF' = IF + LO, to the same IF frequency. The response of an ideal, infinitely steep bandpass filter with a pass band between B- and B+ looks as follows:  

For a wide bandpass, the spurious response flattens the filter edges.

The spurious signal can be eliminated by dividing the sweep range into two segments with different LO settings:

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:SBANd POSitive | NEGative | AUTO

ALC All Channels

Enables and configures the Automatic Level Control (ALC) for all channels. ALC keeps the level of the a waves (source level) at a constant value, irrespective of the DUT's input impedance. The measurement speed is slightly reduced.

In the Source section of the Port Configuration dialog, a subset of the ALC settings can be defined independently for each analyzer port. Individual port settings override the general ALC configuration.  

If the analyzer cannot reach the designated source level at a particular sweep point, it displays the message Ports n: Source level failure. Check the data sheet for an overview of the available source levels.

The settings in the dialog are available as long as ALC is on.

Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers provide two control parameters:

The proportional and integration terms are summed to calculate the controller output, so there is a tradeoff between the two terms. With automatic ALC parameter setting, the control parameters are determined by the selected ALC bandwidth as shown in the following table.


ALC bandwidth

Proportional Gain

Integration Time

7.12 MHz


4.3750E-007 s

1 MHz


7.5000E-007 s

100 kHz


1.3000E-005 s

10 kHz


3.2000E-005 s

1 kHz


3.2000E-004 s

500 Hz


1.1000E-005 s

200 Hz


7.6000E-005 s

100 Hz


1.1200E-004 s

50 Hz


7.2000E-005 s

30 Hz


3.8000E-005 s

20 Hz


7.6000E-005 s


For some test scenarios, an adjustment of the ALC parameters (loop tuning) can improve the stability and speed of the ALC.  

Remote control:

DIAGnostic:ALC:SETTings[:STATe] ON | OFF

Low Phase Noise

Reduces the phase noise of the source signals. The measurement speed is slightly reduced.  

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency<1>:LPNoise ON | OFF