System Menu    Related Topics

The System menu provides functions to return to a defined instrument state, reverse operations, access service functions and define various system-related settings.

The System menu contains the following functions:

System Config

Opens a dialog to define various system-related settings.

The System Config dialog is divided into the following tabs:

The System Configuration settings are global and not affected by a preset of the instrument (Preset or *RST).

Selecting a color scheme


Provides user interface configurations and other general settings.  

The settings in the General tab are arranged in several panels.

Remote control




SYSTem:PRIority NORMal | ANORmal | HIGH


Provides general system errgor correction (calibration) settings.  

The Calibration tab provides the following settings:

Remote control





Provides source power settings.  

Use port power limits if you want to ensure that sensitive DUTs are protected from excess input levels. Keep in mind that you have to disable the limits explicitly if you want to use the full output level range of your analyzer again. Note that the port power limits are ignored while an ALC loop is active. A small ALC control range will ensure low signal levels.   

Remote control




The tab specifies the preset behavior of the network analyzer.

The Preset Scope defines whether a Preset affects the Active Setup or all open setups (Instrument). A preset does not change any of the properties listed in the Resets tab of the System Config dialog.

In the Preset Configuration panel, it is possible to specify whether the System – Preset command will perform a factory preset or restore the settings stored in a user preset file. A user preset file is an arbitrary setup (.zvx) file, to be stored using the File Save... command. If the current user preset file is not found (e.g. because it was deleted or moved), System – Preset initiates a factory preset.

In the Remote Preset Configuration panel, it is possible to control the behavior of the *RST and SYSTem:PRESet commands; see below.

In remote control, a user-defined preset can be initiated using the commands in the SYSTem:PRESet:USER... subsystem. *RST and SYSTem:PRESet restore the factory preset settings. If Align *RST to User Defined Preset is selected and a valid user preset file is available, *RST and SYSTem:PRESet restore the user-defined settings.

Remote control
(for Presets):


Channel Bits

Sets a channel-dependent four-bit binary value to control four independent output signals at the USER CONTROL connector (lines 8, 9, 10, 11). The output signals are 3.3 V TTL signals which can be used to differentiate between up to 16 independent analyzer states. For an application example refer to the detailed remote control description. Setting the channel bits does not change the analyzer state.

Remote control
(for Channel Bits):



Provides several buttons to reset global instrument settings and properties. Global settings (e.g. the data related to global resources) are not affected by an instrument Preset.  

Option Key Entry

Provides an input field for the option key code supplied with each option. A new software option for the network analyzer is enabled by entering the option key and pressing Install as described in the dialog.

Alternatively, it is possible to load the option key from the option key (*.xml) file. Use one of the following methods:

You can use several *.xml files in order to enable several options simultaneously. *.xml files on the storage medium that are no option key files are ignored.    

Remote Settings

Provides settings for the remote control (RC) interface of the analyzer.

The Remote Language for the analyzer is specified in the upper part.

Remote Language settings other than DEFAULT are intended for remote control of the analyzer. A mixed approach, with part of the instrument configuration defined via the GUI, is possible but may cause unexpected results in some instances.

Wait forData Ready after Single Sweep

The ID String and the OPT String of the analyzer are adjusted to the selected Remote Language. The strings can be queried via *IDN? and *OPT?, respectively.  

The ID and OPT strings can be changed or reset to the R&S factory ID string.  

Show Error Messages activates a information popup box (tooltip), to be displayed whenever the parser encounters an remote control command error. The tooltip appears at the bottom of the remote or manual screen; it is not displayed for SCPI errors no. –113, Undefined header:

The tooltip is to provide information that can be useful for program development and optimization; it does not necessarily indicate that a remote control script is faulty or non-executable.

Remote control
(for Remote Settings):



External Power Meters

Configures external power meters with their connection type and device address.  

Use of external power meters, examples

An external power meter can serve different purposes:

Configured external power meters can be selected as additional receivers in the Port Configurationand in the power calibration dialogs.

To control external power meters via LAN or GPIB interface, it is necessary to install the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) library on the network analyzer. VISA provides the programming interface between the hardware and the analyzer's application environment.
The VISA I/O Library is available from Rohde & Schwarz, order no. 1161.8473.02. Use the USB-to-IEC/IEEE Adapter (option R&S ZVAB-B44) to control devices equipped with a GPIB interface.

The External Power Meters dialog provides two tables and some additional buttons.

An icon in the first columns of the tables indicates whether the power meters are currently available. The Found: table and the icons in the Configured: table are automatically updated each time the External Generators dialog is opened (to update explicitly use the Refresh Tables button). The remaining control elements are self-explanatory.

Unintentional switchover to remote control
When using the NI-VISA library, ensure that the network analyzer itself is not listed as a network device in the Measurement & Automation Explorer. Otherwise, Refresh Tables will send an identification query (*IDN?), causing the analyzer to close the System Configuration dialog (without executing Refresh Tables) and to activate the remote screen.

Icons in the power meter tables

The following icons describe the status of a power meter:

The power meter is on-line (connected, switched on, ready to be used)

The power meter was detected (upper table) or configured (lower table) but is not on-line (VISA communication error)

The power meter list could not be refreshed, no communication with the power meter is possible

Remote control:





Add/Modify External Power Meter

Selects and configures an external power meter.

The following control elements select the power meter type and its connection:  

Remote control:


External Generators

Configures external generators with their connection type and device address.

Use of external generators, examples

An external generator can serve different purposes:

Configured external generators can be selected as additional sources in the More Wave Quantities,More Ratios,Port Configuration, and in the power calibration dialogs.

To control external generators via LAN or GPIB interface, it is necessary to install the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) library on the network analyzer. VISA provides the programming interface between the hardware and the analyzer's application environment.
The VISA I/O Library is available from Rohde&Schwarz, order no. 1161.8473.02. Use the USB-to-IEC/IEEE Adapter (option R&S ZVAB-B44) to control devices equipped with a GPIB interface.

The External Generators dialog provides two tables and some additional buttons.

An icon in the first columns of the tables indicates whether the generators are currently available; see below. The Found: table and the icons in the Configured: table are automatically updated each time the External Generators dialog is opened (to update explicitly use the Refresh Tables button). The remaining control elements are self-explanatory.

Unintentional switchover to remote control
When using the NI-VISA library, ensure that the network analyzer itself is not listed as a network device in the Measurement & Automation Explorer. Otherwise, Refresh Tables will send an identification query (*IDN?), causing the analyzer to close the System Configuration dialog (without executing Refresh Tables) and to activate the remote screen.

Icons in the generator tables

The following icons describe the status of a generator:

The generator is on-line (connected, switched on, ready to be used)

The generator was detected (upper table) or configured (lower table) but is not on-line (VISA communication error)

The generator list could not be refreshed, no communication with the generator is possible

Remote control:




Add/Modify External Generator

Selects and configures an external generator.  

The following control elements select the generator type and its connection:  

The following control elements provide hardware-related settings:  

Fast sweep mode and conditions

In the list mode the external generator steps through a predefined list of frequencies or signal powers. This mode can be used to accelerate the measurements involving external power meters.  

If Fast Sweep is activated, the analyzer compiles a list of the stimulus values (frequencies and powers) in all channels and transfers it to the generator. The list is automatically updated and re-transferred whenever the channel settings are changed.

The analyzer uses a trigger handshake mechanism in order to control the generator's list mode:

If the number of sweep points exceeds the maximum number of entries in the list (depending on the generator type), the analyzer must interrupt the sweep in order to send a new list and complete the stimulus information. This generally slows down the measurement.

Reference frequency

To ensure frequency accuracy and frequency stability in a test setup where different devices represent the signal sources and receivers, it is generally advisable to use a common reference frequency. Accurate frequencies are particularly important if external generators are used for measurements with narrow measurement bandwidths.  

A common reference frequency can be established in different ways:

The 10 MHz REF settings in the Add External Generator dialog are generator-specific and not overwritten by a change of the global Internal Reference / External Referencesettings. 

Remote control:


Remote control:


Matrix Configuration

Configures and opens/closes a LAN connection to a switch matrix/multiport test set R&S ZV-Z81/82/83.

Switch matrices R&S ZV-Z81/-Z82 and multiport test set R&S ZV-83

The purpose of a switch matrix or a multiport test set is to extend the number of test ports.

E.g. the multiport test set R&S ZV-Z83 multiplies the number of network analyzer ports by four. If it is connected to a four-port network analyzer, the test set provides 16 "output" ports numbered A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 ... D4.  

The multiport test set can be configured to provide several channel-specific port groups. The "input" ports (numbered 1 to 4) are connected to the corresponding network analyzer ports. The signal at each "input" port is routed to one of the "output" ports 1 to 4, to be connected to the DUT. Signal routing is channel-dependent, which makes it possible to connect and measure several DUTs in parallel.

Example: Create four analyzer channels no. 1 to 4. Use the "output" connectors A1, B1, C1, D1 for channel no. 1, A2, B2, C2, D2 for channel no. 2 and so forth. This configuration allows you to perform simultaneous four-port measurements on four DUTs.  

The switch matrices are configured and operated using SCPI commands. A separate tool for LAN configuration is supplied with the switch matrices. For details refer to the relevant operating manuals.  

Remote control:


For internal path configuration of the switch matrix/multiport test set:
ROUTe... commands.

Int. Reference

Selects the internal reference clock for synchronization. The analyzer provides a 10 MHz internal reference clock which can be tapped off at the 10 MHz REF connector at the rear of the instrument in order to synchronize other devices, e.g. signal generators or a second network analyzer of the ZVAB family. See also example for reference frequency settings for external generators.

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]ROSCillator[:SOURce] INTernal

Ext. Reference

Selects an external reference clock signal for synchronization. The external 10 MHz reference clock signal must be applied to the 10 MHz REF connector at the rear of the instrument. The external reference signal must meet the specifications of the data sheet. The internal reference signal is synchronized to the external signal. See also example for reference frequency settings for external generators.

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]ROSCillator[:SOURce] EXTernal

GPIB Address

Opens the numeric entry bar to define the analyzer's GPIB address.

The GPIB address must be in the range between 0 and 30.

Remote control:


Service Function...

Opens a dialog to access the service functions of the instrument. Service functions are password-protected and should be used by a R&S service representative only. Refer to the service manual for more information.

If you press Enter twice without changing the name of the service function, the analyzer opens the internal On-Screen Keyboard. Use Shift + Enter to execute a service function repeatedly.  

Remote control:




Performs a preset of all instrument settings (i.e. all open setups) or of the active setup, depending on the settings in the System Config dialog.

Scope of the preset and exceptions

A preset may be a factory preset or a user-defined preset and affects either the active setup or all open setups.

It does not change the data related to global resources (cal pool, cal kit data), the position of dialogs, the color scheme of the diagram areas, and the directory and printer settings. All these properties can be reset in the Reset tab of the System Configdialog.

If you activate Preset by mistake, you can use Undo in order to restore your previous instrument settings.  

Remote control:

*RST; SYSTem:PRESet (for factory preset)

SYSTem:PRESet:USER:NAME '<Setup_file>'
(for user-defined preset)


Reverses the last action, if possible. Otherwise, Undo is disabled (grayed).

You can use Undo even after a Preset, in order to restore your own instrument settings.  


Reverses the action of the Undo command. If Undo was not used before, Redo is disabled (grayed).

External Tools

Opens a submenu with various demo setups and editing tools:

After running a *vbs file you can modify the demo setup according to your own needs and store it to a *.zvx file for later reuse.