Noise Figure... Related Topics

The Noise Figure dialog selects the noise figure of a DUT as measured quantity (with option R&S ZVAB-K30).

The dialog provides the following settings:

The purpose of the Adjust Channel Settings to Noise Cal function is to avoid inconsistencies between the noise figure results and a previous noise figure calibration. The function is available if a Noise Figure Calibrationhas been performed and applied to the active channel. An overview of the channel settings and the calibration characteristics appears in the Calibration Managerdialog.  

The analyzer adjusts the channel settings which are specific to the noise figure measurement. These settings are essentially accessible from the Define Noise Figure Measurement and Noise Figure Calibration dialog. General channel settings (such as the Start and Stop values of the sweep range) are not adjusted.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "NF11" | "NF12" | ... | "NF0101" | ...

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>",
"NF11" | "NF12" | ... | "NF0101" | ...
