Ratios    Related Topics

The Ratios submenu selects and defines ratios of wave quantities.


In contrast to S-parameters, ratios are not system error corrected. A power calibration can be applied to ratios; see Data Flow.

b2/a1 Src Port 1, b1/a1 Src Port 1, b2/b1 Src Port 1, b1/b2 Src Port 1

Select predefined complex ratios of the standard 2-port wave quantities a1, a2, b1, and b2:

The predefined wave quantities are all obtained with the same test set configuration, port 1 providing the stimulus signal (source port 1, forward measurement if the stimulus signal is fed to the input of the DUT).

The analyzer can also measure arbitrary ratios for other source ports; see More Ratios.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "B2/A1" | ...  
[SENSe<Chn>:]FUNCtion[:ON] "...
POWer:RATIO B2, A1" etc.

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>", "B2/A1" | ...

More Ratios

Opens a dialog to select arbitrary ratios of wave quantities, e.g. for different source ports or higher port numbers.

The notation for ratios and the functionality of the More Ratios dialog is analogous to the definition of S-parameters.

The measurement process for external generators Gen 1, Gen2... in the Source Port list differs fromthe measurement process for internal source ports:

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "B2/A1" | ...  
[SENSe<Chn>:]FUNCtion[:ON] "...
POWer:RATIO B2, A1" etc.

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>", "B2/A1" | ...


Selects the algorithm that is used to calculate the displayed measurement points from the raw data. The Detector can be selected in the More S-Parameters dialog.

The following detectors are available:

The detector settings have an influence on the displayed trace. They do not affect the number of measurement points in a sweep (or in a subset of the sweep range) but may increase the sweep time In the Peak,RMS, and AVG detector settings, the sweep time cannot be smaller than the detector observation time (Meas. Time) set in the More Ratios or More Wave Quantities dialogs. The sweep time can be larger if additional delays are taken into account. Changing the Meas. Time affects the sweep time. On the other hand, increasing the Sweep Time in the Channel – Sweep menu leaves the Meas. Time unchanged. The AVG, Peak, and RMS detector settings appear in the trace line.

he analyzer generates a warning if the selected measurement time for AVG detectors is too long. At the same time, bit no. 15 in the ...INTegrity:HARDware status register is set. Reduce the measurement time and/or reduce the IF bandwidth until the warning disappears.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "<Par>"
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>", "<Par>"

(the parameter name <Par> also contains the detector)
