Stability Factor...

Opens a dialog to select one of the three two port stability factors K, μ1 or μ2. Stability factors cannot be calculated in balanced port configurations.

The Stability dialog provides the following settings:

Values of any of the stability factors less than 1 indicate potential instability.

The stability factors K, μ1 and μ2 are real functions of the (complex) S-parameters, defined as follows:

where denotes the complex conjugate of S.

Stability factors are calculated as functions of the frequency or another stimulus parameter. They provide criteria for linear stability of two-ports such as amplifiers. A linear circuit is said to be unconditionally stable if no combination of passive source or load can cause the circuit to oscillate.

References: Marion Lee Edwards and Jeffrey H. Sinsky, "A New Criterion for Linear 2-Port Stability Using a Single Geometrically Derived Parameter", IEEE Trans. MTT, vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 2303-2311, Dec. 1992.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "KFAC21" | "MUF121" | "MUF221" | ...
[SENSe<Chn>:]FUNCtion[:ON] "...:POWer:KFACtor | MUFactor1 | MUFactor2"

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>", "SY11" | "SY12" | "SY21" | "SY22"


Opens a dialog to select the imbalance for balanced ports.

An ideal unbalance-balance transformer (balun) converts an unbalanced signal into a balanced one and vice versa. When it is driven with an unbalanced signal at its physical port k, unbalanced signals with equal amplitude and opposite phase appear at the physical ports m and n.

This means that the ratio –Skm/Skn of the physical transmission coefficients of an ideal balun equals to 1. This ratio is called imbalance; it is a measure for the deviation of the balun from ideality. The definition of the imbalance of a DUT with one or two balanced ports and physical port numbers m < n, k < l is given below.

In general the imbalance is a quantity with two numeric indices numbering the logical output port and the logical input port of the DUT during the measurement (Imb<out><in>).

The Imbalance dialog provides the following settings:

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "IMB21" | "IMB12" ...

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>",
"IMB21" | "IMB12" ...

All S-Params

Displays all S-parameters S<out><in> that the analyzer can calculate according to its port configuration. Reflection parameters Sii are displayed in Smith charts; transmission parameters are displayed in Cartesian (dB Mag) diagrams. For a four-port analyzer with four single-ended ports:

A n-port analyzer provides n2 independent S-parameters S<out><in>. If a balanced port configuration is defined, the normal S-parameters are replaced by mixed mode parameters.

Remote control: