Search    Related Topics

The Search menu uses markers to locate specific points on the trace.  

When the search is activated, the active marker is moved to the (next) point that meets the search criteria. If the trace contains no markers, a M 1 is created and used for the search. The search result is displayed in the marker info field. If no search result can be found, the marker remains at its original position.  

Some search functions can be activated repeatedly in order to find all possible search results. Moreover the analyzer provides a Tracking mode where the search is repeated after each sweep. 

The search functions are available in all Cartesian and polar diagram types (see Trace – Format). In polar diagrams (Polar, Smith, Inverted Smith), where complex values are displayed, the magnitude of the response values provides the search criterion.

Max Search

Sets the active marker to the absolute maximum in the search range, i.e. to the largest of all response values. If a complex trace format (e.g. a polar diagram) is active, the marker is set to the measurement point with the maximum magnitude.

By default the search range coincides with the sweep range. If the active trace contains no markers, a marker M 1 is created to indicate the search result.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:FUNCtion:EXECute MAXimum

Min Search

Sets the active marker to the absolute minimum in the search range, i.e. to the smallest of all response values. If a complex trace format (e.g. a polar diagram) is active, the marker is set to the measurement point with the minimum magnitude.

By default the search range coincides with the sweep range. If the active trace contains no markers, a marker M 1 is created to indicate the search result.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:FUNCtion:EXECute MINimum

Next Peak

Sets the active marker to the next maximum or minimum in the search range, depending on the current search criterion.

By default the search range coincides with the sweep range. If the active trace contains no markers, a marker M 1 is created to indicate the search result. Next Peak is disabled while a Target Search is active.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:FUNCtion:EXECute NPEak

Peak Search >

Sets the active marker to the next peak with higher stimulus value. If the active trace contains no markers, a marker M 1 created to indicate the search result. The peak criteria are defined via Define Peak.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:FUNCtion:EXECute RPEak

< Peak Search

Sets the active marker to the next peak with lower stimulus value. If the active trace contains no markers, a marker M 1 created to indicate the search result. The peak criteria are defined via Define Peak.  

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MARKer<Mk>:FUNCtion:EXECute LPEak