Trace Funct    Related Topics

The Trace Funct(ions) store traces to the memory and perform mathematical operations on traces

Refer to section Trace Types to learn more about data traces, memory traces, and mathematical traces.

Many of the functions of the Trace Funct menu act on the active trace. Data traces and the associated memory traces share many of their properties; see coupling of memory traces.

Data -> Mem

Stores the current state of the active trace as a memory trace. The memory trace is displayed in the active diagram area with another color, and its properties are indicated in the trace list:

Memory traces are named Mem<n>[<Data_Trace>] where <n> counts all data and memory traces in the active setup in chronological order, and <Data_Trace> is the name of the associated data trace. Trace names can be changed in the Trace Manager dialog.

The exact function of Data -> Mem depends on the number of memory traces associated to the active data trace:

To store the current measurement data to a new memory trace (without overwriting an existing memory trace), or select and overwrite a particular memory trace, use the -> Mem dialog. You can also create multiple memory traces using the Import Data dialog. Notice that it is not possible to store Max. Hold traces to memory.

When a memory trace is generated from a data trace, it is displayed in the same diagram area and inherits all channel and trace settings from the data trace.

The following display settings of a data trace and the associated memory traces are fully coupled. Changing a property of one trace affects the properties of all other traces.  

Selection of the measured quantity (Trace – Measure) is possible for the data trace but disabled for the memory traces.

Channel settings made for a memory trace act on the associated data trace. Some of the channel settings for a data trace (e.g. the Stimulus range) also affect the display of the memory traces.

If the sweep type of a data trace is changed so that the stimulus ranges of the data traces and the memory traces become incompatible, all coupled memory traces are removed from the diagram area and deleted.    

Remote control:


Math = Data/Mem

Activates the mathematical mode where the active data trace is divided by the last generated memory trace. The division is calculated on a point-to-point basis: Each measurement point of the active trace is divided by the corresponding measurement point of the memory trace. The result of the division is a mathematical trace and replaces the active data trace in the diagram area. The mathematical trace is updated as the measurement goes on and the analyzer provides new active trace data.  

This function is disabled unless a memory trace is coupled to the active data trace. Trace coupling ensures that the two traces have the same number of points so that the mathematical trace Data/Mem is well-defined.

Math = Data/Mem and Math = User Def are alternative options of the mathematical mode. Selecting one option disables the other. The mathematical expression defined via User Def Math is not affected.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine <string>

Show Data

Displays or hides the active data trace in the diagram area. If one of the mathematical options Math = Data/Mem or Math = User Def are active, then the active mathematical trace is displayed or hidden.

Remote control:


Show Mem

Displays or hides the active memory trace in the diagram area or the memory trace associated with the active data trace.

Remote control:


More Mem

Opens a submenu to store traces as memory traces, show or hide traces. The submenu complements the Data -> Mem menu commands.

Remote control:

TRACe:COPY <memory_trc>, <data_trc> (copy data trace to memory trace)
(show or hide all data or memory traces)
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DELete <Trace Name>
(delete data or memory trace, repeat command to delete all memory traces)

Data -> Mem Dialog

The Data -> Mem dialog stores the active trace to a memory trace.

The trace functions comprise the following mathematical operations:

Data —> Mem and Data —> NewMem store the raw trace without the trace functions, Data & Trace Funct —> Mem and Data & Trace Funct —> NewMem store the trace after it has been transformed using the trace functions.

Remote control:

TRACe:COPY <memory_trc>,<data_trc>
TRACe:COPY:MATH <memory_trace>, <data_trace>

All Data -> Mem

The All Data -> Mem dialog stores all traces in the active setup to memory traces.

The trace functions comprise the following mathematical operations:

Data —> Mem and Data —> NewMem store the raw trace without the trace functions, Data & Trace Funct —> Mem and Data & Trace Funct —> NewMem store the trace after it has been transformed using the trace functions.

Remote control:

TRACe:COPY <memory_trc>,<data_trc>
TRACe:COPY:MATH <memory_trace>, <data_trace>

Math = User Def

Activates the mathematical mode and displays the mathematical trace defined via User Def. Math. The mathematical trace replaces the active data trace in the diagram area; it is updated as the measurement goes on and the analyzer provides new active trace data.

This function is disabled unless a user-defined mathematical trace is available.  

Math = User Def and Math = Data/Mem are alternative options of the mathematical mode. Selecting one option disables the other. The mathematical expression defined via Define Math is not affected.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine <string>

User Def. Math...

Opens a dialog to define a mathematical relation between traces and calculate a new mathematical trace. Each measurement point of the active trace is replaced by the corresponding point of the mathematical trace.

Compatibility between traces in mathematical relations

Mathematical traces are either constant functions or functions of one or more data or memory traces. They are calculated on a point-to-point basis. Each trace point no. i of the mathematical trace is calculated from a set of constant values c1, ..., cn plus the trace points Trc1i, Trcmi of all traces 1 to m in the mathematical relation:

Mathi = Fct. (c1, ..., cn, Trc1i, Trcmi ), i = 1, no. of points

Different traces can be used in the same mathematical relation provided that they contain the same number of points. The analyzer places no further restriction on the compatibility of traces, e.g. the sweep points of the traces do not have to be the same.

The number of points belongs to the channel settings. Coupled data and memory traces are always compatible because they have the same channel settings.

The analyzer processes only numeric values without units in the mathematical formulas. No consistency check for units is performed.

In its upper part the dialog contains a window to view and edit the mathematical expression and four buttons:

To import a math file (*.mth) you can also use the Windows Explorer and simply double-click the file or drag and drop the file into the NWA application. You must enable the mathematical mode separately.

The operands and operators in the expression can be selected from two lists and the Numeric Value panel:

If traces are used as operands, the unmodified, linear complex trace data (no dB-values) enter into the mathematical expression, irrespective of the current trace format. No mathematical traces are available as operands.

Result is Wave Quantity in the lower part of the dialog controls the conversion and formatting of the mathematic expression.

Result is Wave Quantity acts on the result of the mathematical expression only. Wave quantities and power sweep stimulus values always enter into the expression as voltages.  

Effect of Result is Wave Quantity and numeric example

In the More Wave Quantities dialog, the Show as: control element specifies whether wave quantities are displayed as voltages or equivalent powers, using the port impedances for a conversion between the two representations. Result is Wave Quantity is relevant for mathematical traces displayed in units of dBm (Show as: Power and trace format dB Mag): 

Example: A mathematical trace value amounts to 1 (real value); the port impedance is 50 Ω. If Result is Wave Quantity is on, the analyzer assumes the trace value to be 1 V, which is converted into a linear power of 20 mW, corresponding to approx. 13 dBm. With Result is Wave Quantity off, the trace value 1 is directly converted into a logarithmic power of 0 dBm.

See also example for CALCulate<Chn>:MATH:WUNit:STATe ON | OFF.

Comparing two traces displayed in dB Mag format