Navigation Keys    Related Topics  


The keys in the NAVIGATION keypad are used to navigate within the NWA screen and the Help system, to access and control active elements.


The Left Field (= Tab) or Right Field (= Shift Tab) keys switch between several active elements in dialogs and panes, e.g. in order to access:

  • All control elements (e.g. buttons, numerical or text input fields, radio buttons, checkmarks, combo boxes etc.) in a dialog

  • All links in a Help topic



The Cursor Up and Cursor Down keys are used to:

  • Scroll up and down in lists, e.g. among menu items, in a list of keywords, in the Help table of contents, or in the Help topic text

  • Increase and decrease numeric input values

Cursor Up (Down) become inactive as soon as the beginning of the list is reached. Cursor Up (Down) is equivalent to a rotation of the rotary knob to the right (left).



The Cursor Left and Cursor Right keys are used to:

  • Move the cursor to the left or right within input fields

  • Compress or expand menus or the Help table of contents

  • Move the highlighted item in the menu bar of the active application


OK ENTER is used to:

  • Activate the selected active control element, e.g. a button in a dialog or a link in the Help

  • Confirm selections and entries made and close dialogs

OK ENTER is equivalent to pressing the rotary knob or the OK ENTER key in the DATA ENTRY keypad.



The Checkmark (= Space) key switches a checkmark control in a dialog on or off.

The CANCEL ESC key is used to:

  • Close dialogs without activating the entries made (equivalent to the Close button)

  • Close the Help

CANCEL ESC is equivalent to the CANCEL ESC key in the DATA ENTRY keypad.