CALCulate<Chn>:MATH...    Related Topics

This subsystem permits processing of measured data in numerical expression format. The operators are +, -, *, / and use of constants and data arrays are permitted.


Command tree: CALCulate<Chn>:MATH









CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession][:DEFine] <expression>

Defines a simple mathematical relation between traces. To calculate and display the new mathematical trace, the mathematical mode must be switched on (CALCulate<Chn>:MATH:STATe ON).

This command places some restrictions on the mathematical expression and the operands. Use CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine to define general expressions.


Channel number used to identify the active trace. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



The expression must be enclosed in brackets.


Operands: See list of trace names
Operators: +, -, *, /

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query. The defined expression can be queried using CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine?




Copy the current state of the default trace Trc1 to a memory trace named 'Mem2[Trc1]'. The memory trace is not displayed.


Define a mathematical trace, dividing the data trace by the stored memory trace. The mathematical trace is not displayed


Display the mathematical trace instead of the active data trace.  



CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine '<string>'

Defines a general mathematical relation between traces. To calculate and display the new mathematical trace, the mathematical mode must be switched on (CALCulate<Chn>:MATH:STATe ON).


Channel number used to identify the active trace.



String parameter for the mathematical expression, enclosed in brackets. The string format must correspond to an allowed string in the Define Math dialog.  



Operands, operators and functions; see table below.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query. This command also queries a mathematical expression defined via CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession][:DEFine].  




Copy the current state of the default trace Trc1 to a memory trace named 'Mem2[Trc1]'. The memory trace is not displayed.

CALC:MATH:SDEF 'Trc1 / Mem2[Trc1]'

Define a mathematical trace, dividing the data trace by the stored memory trace. The mathematical trace is not displayed.


Display the mathematical trace instead of the active data trace.  




Expressions defined via CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine may contain the following elements:


Complete List



<Trace name> |
activeTrc |

All traces and memory traces of the active setup |
active trace
active memory trace assigned to the active trace


e, pi |
1, -1.2, 8e9 |

1 + 2j, 2 + 1e-9j

Constants |
Real values in decimal or exponential format |
Complex numbers


- + , - , * , / , ^

Basic arithmetic operations; ^ for exponentiation


linMag (), dBMag (), Arg (), Re (), Im (), log (), ln (), tan (), atan (), sin (), asin (), cos (), acos (),
Min ( ... , ... ), Max ( ... , ... )

Mathematical functions with one or two arguments

Special Functions


Current stimulus value (see description of operators for User Defined Math)


( )

Priority of operations in complex expressions

NORMal | ADD | SUBTract | MULTiply | DIVide

Defines a simple mathematical relation between the active trace and the active memory trace to calculate a new mathematical trace and displays the mathematical trace.

This command places some restrictions on the mathematical expression and the operands. Use CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine to define general expressions.


Channel number used to identify the active trace. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



Math. trace = active data trace
Math. trace = data + memory
Math. trace = data – memory
Math. trace = data * memory
Math. trace = data / memory

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, with query.




Copy the current state of the default trace Trc1 to a memory trace named 'Mem2[Trc1]'. The memory trace is not displayed.


Define a mathematical trace, dividing the data trace by the stored memory trace. The mathematical trace is displayed instead of the active data trace.


The response is 1 (mathematical mode switched on, mathematical trace displayed).  




Copies the current state of the active data trace to a memory trace. If a mathematical trace is active, the data trace associated with the mathematical trace is copied. The memory trace is named Mem<n>[<Data_Trace>] where <n> counts all data and memory traces in the active setup in chronological order, and <Data_Trace> is the name of the associated (copied) data trace.

The exact function of the command depends on the number of memory traces associated to the active data trace:

To copy a trace to the memory without overwriting an existing memory trace or define a memory trace name, use TRACe:COPY <memory_trc>,<data_trc>. To copy an active mathematical trace use TRACe:COPY:MATH <memory_trc>,<data_trc>


Channel number used to identify the active trace.  

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query




Copy the current state of the default trace Trc1 to a memory trace named 'Mem2[Trc1]'. The memory trace is not displayed.


Display the created memory trace in the active diagram area (diagram area no. 1).



CALCulate<Chn>:MATH:STATe <Boolean>

Activates or deactivates the mathematical mode where the mathematical trace defined via CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine is calculated and displayed instead of the active data trace. The command is not valid for mathematical traces calculated via CALCulate<Chn>:MATH:FUNCtion.  


Channel number used to identify the active trace.



ON - Display the active data trace
OFF - Display the mathematical trace

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query.




Copy the current state of the default trace Trc1 to a memory trace named 'Mem2[Trc1]'. The memory trace is not displayed.

CALC:MATH:SDEF 'Trc1 / Mem2[Trc1]'

Define a mathematical trace, dividing the data trace by the stored memory trace. The mathematical trace is not displayed


Display the mathematical trace instead of the active data trace.  



CALCulate<Chn>:MATH:WUNit[:STATe] <Boolean>

Controls the conversion and formatting of the mathematic expression defined via CALCulate<Chn>:MATH[:EXPRession]:SDEFine (see Result is Wave Quantity in the User Def Math dialog).  


Channel number used to identify the active trace.



ON - Result is Wave Quantity enabled; the analyzer assumes that the result of the mathematical expression represents a voltage.  
OFF - Result is Wave Quantity disabled; the analyzer assumes that the result of the mathematical expression is dimensionless.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Reset the instrument, activate a power sweep, and select a wave quantity a1 for the trace Trc1.  

CALC:PAR:SDEF 'Trc1', 'a1'

Select a wave quantity a1 for the trace Trc1.  


Display the generated trace in the active window.  


Define a mathematical trace, dividing the data trace by the stored memory trace. Display the mathematical trace instead of the active data trace.


Take into account that the stimulus value is a voltage (derived from the source power) rather than a dimensionless quantity. The y-axis range of the mathematical trace now exactly corresponds to the power sweep range.