CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter...    Related Topics

This subsystem assigns names and measurement parameters to traces. The commands are device-specific.


Command tree: CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter











Returns the trace names and measurement parameters of all traces assigned to a particular channel.


Channel number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.  



String parameter with comma-separated list of trace names and measurement parameters, e.g. 'CH4TR1,S11,CH4TR2,S12'. The measurement parameters are returned according to the naming convention of CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine. The order of traces in the list reflects their creation time: The oldest trace is the first, the newest trace is the last trace in the list.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only.



CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11.


Query the traces assigned to channel 4. If Ch4Tr1 is the only trace assigned to channel 4, the response is 'CH4TR1,S11'.



'<string>', S11 | ... | S44 | A | B | C | D | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | AB | AC | AD | BA | BC | BD | CA | CB | CD | DA | DB | DC | AR1 | ... | DR4 | R1A | ... | R4D | R1R2 | ... | R4R3, [<numeric_value>]

Creates a trace and assigns a channel number, a name and a measurement parameter to it. The trace is not displayed. To display a trace defined via CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine, a window must be created (DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>[:STATe] ON) and the trace must be assigned to this window (DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>:TRACe:FEED); see example below.

Traces must be selected to become active traces; see CALCulate:PARameter:SELect.   

This command has been implemented for compatibility reasons. The parameter names in this command differ from ZVB conventions; moreover the parameter list is not complete. The alternative command CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine uses a complete parameter list with compatible names.


Channel number. <Ch> may be used to reference a previously defined channel. If <Ch> does not exist, it is generated with default channel settings.



Trace name, e.g. 'Trc4'. See Rules for trace names in the Trace Manager description.


S11, ... R4R3

Measurement parameter; see list of parameters below.

*RST value



Test port number, driving port for wave quantities and ratios, ignored for S-parameters.  

Range [def. unit]

1 to 4 [–] (depending on instrument model)

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query. CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:CATalog? returns a list of all defined traces.



CALC4:PAR:DEF 'Ch4Tr1', S11

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11.


Create diagram area no. 1.


Display the generated trace in diagram area no. 1, assigning a trace number 2.



The measurement parameter is selected by means of the following keywords (the selection depends on the number of test ports of the analyzer, e.g. S44 is not available on 2-port analyzers):

S11 | S12 | S13 | S14 | S21 | S22 | S23 | S24 | S31 | S32 | S33 | S34 | S41 | S42 | S43 | S44


A | B | C | D

Wave quantities b1, b2, b3, b4 (received waves)

R1 | R2 | R3 | R4

Wave quantities a1, a2, a3, a4 (reference waves)

AB | AC | AD | BA | BC | BD | CA | CB | CD | DA | dB | DC

Ratio of wave quantities b1/b2, b1/b3, ... , b4/b3 (received waves only)

AR1 | AR2 | AR3 | AR4 | BR1 | BR2 | BR3 | BR4 | CR1 | CR2 | CR3 | CR4 | DR1 | DR2 | DR3 | DR4 | R1A | R1B | R1C | R1D | R2A | R2B | R2C | R2D | R3A | R3B | R3C | R3D | R4A | R4B | R4C | R4D

Ratio of wave quantities b1/a1, b1/a2, ... , b4/a4, a1/b1, a1/b2, ..., A4/B4 (received waves to reference waves or reference waves to received waves)

R1R2 | R1R3 | R1R4 | R2R1 | R2R3 | R2R4 | R3R1 | R3R2 | R3R4 | R4R1 | R4R2 | R4R3

Ratio of wave quantities a1/a2, a1/a3, ... , a4/a3 (reference waves only)

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup <log_port1>[, <log_port2>,...]

Creates the traces for all S-parameters associated with a group of logical ports (S-parameter group). The traces can be queried using CALCulate<Ch>:DATA:SGRoup?

Traces must be selected to become active traces; see CALCulate:PARameter:SELect.

Each channel can contain a single S-parameter group only. Defining a new S-parameter group deletes the previous one. Use CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup to delete the current S-group explicitly.


Channel number. <Ch> may be used to reference a previously defined channel. If <Ch> does not exist, it is generated with default channel settings.



Logical (balanced or unbalanced) port numbers. The port numbers must be in ascending order, their number is limited by the test ports of the analyzer.

With n logical port numbers, the command generates n2 traces. The traces correspond to the following S-parameters:

S<log_port1><log_port1>, S<log_port1><log_port2> ... S<log_port1><log_port<n>>
S<log_port<n>><log_port1>, S<log_port<n>><log_port2>... S<log_port<n>><log_port<n>>,
e.g. S11, S12, S21, S22 for <log_port1> = 1, <log_port2> = 2. If only one logical port <log_port1> is specified, a single trace with the reflection coefficient S<log_port1><log_port1> is created.

Trace names

The generated traces are assigned the following trace names:

<Ch_name>_SG_S<log_port1><log_port1>, <Ch_name>_SG_S<log_port1><log_port2> ... <Ch_name>_SG_S<log_port1><log_port<n>>
<Ch_name>_SG_S<log_port<n>><log_port1>, <Ch_name>_SG_S<log_port<n>><log_port2>... <Ch_name>_SG_S<log_port<n>><log_port<n>>,
e.g. Ch1_SG_S11, Ch1_SG_S12, Ch1_SG_S21, Ch1_SG_S22 for <Ch_name> = Ch1, <log_port1> = 1, <log_port2> = 2.  

The trace names are displayed in the Trace Manager(DISPlay:MENU:KEY:EXECute 'Trace Manager')and Channel Managerdialogs where they can be changed manually. The <Ch_name> is defined via CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:NAME '<Ch_name>'.

Trace names are important for referencing the generated traces; see program example below.  


Range [def. unit]

1 to 4 [–] (depending on instrument model)

*RST value

NONE (see below)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, with query. The query returns the port numbers of the current S-parameter group, NONE if no S-parameter group has been defined.  




Create channel 2 and four traces to measure the two-port S-parameters S11, S12, S21, S22. The traces are not displayed.


Display the four traces in the diagram area no. 1.


Perform a complete speep to ensure the traces are completely "filled" with data.


Retrieve all four traces as unformatted data (real and imaginary part at each sweep point). The analyzer first returns the complete S11 trace, followed by the S12, S21, and S22 traces.


Delete the previously created port group.



CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DELete '<trace>'

Deletes a trace with a specified trace name and channel.  


Channel number.  



Trace name, e.g. 'Trc4'. See Rules for trace names in the Trace Manager description.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query.



CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11.


Query the traces assigned to channel 4. If Ch4Tr1 is the only trace assigned to channel 4, the response is 'CH4TR1,S11'.


Delete the created trace.




Deletes a group of logical ports (S-parameter group), previously defined via CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup.


Channel number. <Ch> may be used to reference a previously defined channel. If <Ch> does not exist, it is generated with default channel settings.


*RST value

– (no query form)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query.  



See CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup



'<string>', 'S11' | ... | 'S0101' | ... | 'SCD11' | ... | 'Y11' | ... | 'Z11' | ... | 'Y-S11' | ... | 'Z-S11' | ... | 'A1' | ... | 'A01' | ... | 'B1' | ... | 'B01' | ... | 'B2/A1' | ... 'B02/A01' | ...

Assigns a measurement parameter to an existing trace.

Note: To create a new trace and at the same time assign the attributes, use CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine . To display the trace, create a window (DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>[:STATe] ON) and assign the trace to this window  (DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>:TRACe:FEED); see example below.

Traces must be selected to become active traces; see CALCulate:PARameter:SELect. CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:CATalog? returns a list of all defined traces. You can open the trace manager (DISPlay:MENU:KEY:EXECute 'Trace Manager') to obtain an overview of all channels and traces, including the traces that are not displayed.  


Channel number of an existing channel containing the referenced trace.  



Trace name, e.g. 'Trc4'. See Rules for trace names in the Trace Manager description.


'S11', ...

Measurement parameter (string variable); see list of in the CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine command description.
A query of a wave quantity 'xy' returns 'xyD<n>SAM', where <n> numbers the source (drive) port, and SAM denotes a sample detector measurement (see example below). A query of a ratio 'x/y' returns 'xD<n>/yD<m>SAM', where <n> and <m> number the source ports.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, with query (see 'S11',... parameter description above).  



CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11.

CALC4:PAR:MEAS 'Ch4Tr1', 'a1'

Change the measurement parameter of the trace and measure the wave quantity a1.


Query the measured quantity. The response is 'A1D1SAM'.



CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:NFIGure:CSETtings '<trace>'

Overwrites the current channel settings with the ones that were used during the active (previously performed) noise figure calibration. The referenced trace must show the noise figure of a device.


Channel number.  



Name of a noise figure trace, e.g. 'Trc4'. See Rules for trace names in the Trace Manager description.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query.



See Noise Figure Measurement (condensed measurement example)



'<trc_name>', 'S11' | ... | 'S0101' | ... | 'SCD11' | ... | 'Y11' | ... | 'Z11' | ... | 'Y-S11' | ... | 'Z-S11' | ... | 'A1' | ... | 'A01' | ... | 'B1' | ... | 'B01' | ... | 'B2/A1' | ... 'B02/A01' | ... | 'Pmtr2D1' | ...

Creates a trace and assigns a channel number, a name and a measurement parameter to it. The trace becomes the active trace in the channel but is not displayed.

To display the trace defined via CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine, create a diagram area (DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>[:STATe] ON) and assign the trace to this area (DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>:TRACe:FEED); see example below. CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure changes the measurement parameter of an existing trace.

To select an existing trace as the active trace, use CALCulate:PARameter:SELect. You can open the trace manager (DISPlay:MENU:KEY:EXECute 'Trace Manager') to obtain an overview of all channels and traces, including the traces that are not displayed.   

In FW versions <V1.90, traces created with CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine must be selected explicitly (CALCulate:PARameter:SELect) in order to become active traces.

Use CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup to create traces for all S-parameters associated with a group of logical ports.  


Channel number. <Ch> may be used to reference a previously defined channel. If <Ch> does not exist, it is generated with default channel settings.



Trace name, string variable, e.g. 'Trc4'. See Rules for trace names in the Trace Manager description.

Trace names must be unique across all channels and diagram areas. If a trace with the selected trace name already exists, the analyzer behaves as follows:

  • If the existing trace is assigned to the same channel as the new trace, it is deleted. The new trace is not automatically assigned to a diagram area; see note above.

  • If the existing trace is assigned to a different channel, no new trace can be created. The analyzer returns an error message.


'S11', ...

Measurement parameter (string variable); see list of parameters below.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query. CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure? '<Trc_name>' queries the measurement parameter of the trace. CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:CATalog? returns a list of all defined traces.



CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11.


Create diagram area no. 2.


Display the generated trace in diagram area no. 2.



The measurement parameter is selected by means of the following keywords (the selection depends on the number of test ports of the analyzer, e.g. S44 is not available on 2-port analyzers):

'S11' | 'S12' | ... | 'S0101' | ...
'S11SAM' | 'S11AVG' | 'S12SAM' ...

Normal mode S-parameters S<out><in>, where <out> and <in> denote the output and input port numbers of the DUT. To avoid ambiguities, <out> and <in> must be either both 1-digit numbers (e.g. 21) or both 2-digit numbers (e.g. 2121 or 0133). The strings SAM and AVG appended to the wave quantities denote a normal (sample) or average detector. The observation time for average detectors is set via

'SCD11' | ...

Mixed mode S-parameters S<mout><m in>, where <mout> and <min> denote the output and input port modes. All combinations of S (single-ended, unbalanced), D (differential) and C (common) are allowed. Port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters. The strings SAM and AVG appended to the wave quantities denote a normal (sample) or average detector.

'Y11' | ... | 'YSS11' | ... | 'YCC11' | ... | 'YDD11' | 'Z11' | ... | 'ZSS11' | ... | 'ZCC11' | ... | 'ZDD11' | ...

Short-circuit Y-parameters and open-circuit Z-parameters with port modes and port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters*).

'Y-S11' | ... | 'Y-SSS11' | ... | 'Y-SCC11' | ... | 'Y-SDD11' | 'Z-S11' | ... | 'Z-SSS11' | ... | 'Z-SCC11' | ... | 'Z-SDD11' | ...

S-parameters converted to matched-circuit admittances and impedances with port modes and port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters.  

'A1' | ... | 'A01' | ... | 'B1' | ... | 'B01' | ... |

Wave quantities with port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters.



'A1D2' | ... | 'A01D02' | ... | 'B1D2' | ... | 'B01D02' | ... |

Wave quantities with port numbers and source port numbers (D<no> for drive port).  



'A1G2' | ... | 'A01G02' | ... | 'B1G2' | ... | 'B01G02' | ... |

Wave quantities with port numbers and external generator providing the stimulus signal (G<no> for generator no.).  







'B2/A1' | ... 'B02/A01' | ... | ...

Ratio of wave quantities with port numbers like for normal mode S-parameters.



'B2D1/A1D1' | ... 'B02D01/A01D01' | ...

Ratio of wave quantities with port numbers and source port numbers (D<no> for drive port).



'B2G1/A1G1' | ... 'B02G01/A01G01' | ...

Ratio of wave quantities with port numbers and external generator providing the stimulus signal (G<no> for generator no.).







'IMB21' | 'IMB12' | 'IMB31' | ...

Imbalance parameter for balanced ports Imb<receive_port><drive_port>. The indices denote the logical receive port and the logical drive port of the analyzer.  

'KFAC21' | 'KFAC12' | ...

Stability factor K (for unbalanced ports only)

'MUF121' | 'MUF112' | ...

Stability factor μ1 (for unbalanced ports only)

'MUF221' | 'MUF212' | ...

Stability factor μ2 (for unbalanced ports only)

'PAE21' | PAE12' |

Power added efficiency

'DC1V' | 'DC10V'
(query returns 'DC1V' or 'DC10V')

DC MEAS –1 V...+1 V, DC MEAS –10 V...+10 V

'Pmtr1G1' | 'Pmtr2G1' | 'Pmtr3D1'

Power sensor measurement using a power meter 'Pmtr<n>' and either an external generator 'G<n>' or an analyzer source port 'D<n>'

'IM3UI' | 'IM3UO' | 'IM3LI' | 'IM3LO' | 'IM3MI' | 'IM3MO' | 'IM5UI' ... 'IM9MO

Intermodulation product IM<order><side><at DUT> where <order> = 3 | 5 | 7 | 9, <side> = U | L | M (for upper or lower or major), <at DUT> = I | O (for input or output)

'IP3UI' | 'IP3UO' | 'IP3LI' | 'IP3LO' | 'IP3MI' | 'IP3MO' | 'IP5UI' ... 'IP9MO

Intercept point IP<order><side><at DUT> where <order> = 3 | 5 | 7 | 9, <side> = U | L | M (for upper or lower or major), <at DUT> = I | O (for input or output)


Noise level at DUT output




Upper or lower tone at DUT input or output

'NF11' | 'NF12' | ... | 'NF0101' | ...

Noise Figure parameters NF<out><in>, where <out> and <in> denote the output and input port numbers of the DUT. To avoid ambiguities, <out> and <in> must be either both 1-digit numbers (e.g. 21) or both 2-digit numbers (e.g. 2121 or 0133).


*)Selecting a parameter Y...<n><m> or Z...<n><m> sets the range of port numbers to be considered for the Y and Z-parameter measurement to <n>:<m>.   

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SELect <string>

Selects an existing trace as the active trace of the channel. All trace commands without explicit reference to the trace name act on the active trace (e.g. CALCulate<Ch>:FORMat). CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SELect is also necessary if the active trace of a channel has been deleted.


Channel number.  



Trace name, e.g. 'Trc4'. See Rules for trace names in the Trace Manager description.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, with query (returns the name of the active trace).



CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11. The trace is the active trace in channel 4.

CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr2', 'S22'

Create another trace named Ch4Tr2 to measure the output reflection coefficient S22. Again this new trace becomes the active trace in channel 4.


Select the first trace Ch4Tr1 as the active trace.


Calculate the magnitude of S11 and display it in a linearly scaled Cartesian diagram.