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This subsystem provides device-specific commands to control hardware settings related to the rear panel connectors.


Command tree: CONTrol:AUXiliary







CONTrol:AUXiliary:A[:DATA] <numeric_value>
CONTrol:AUXiliary:B[:DATA] <numeric_value>

Writes a channel-dependent bit pattern to the output ports A or B of the Universal Interface (option R&S ZVAB-B14). The channel bits are combined with the (static) output bits defined via CONTrol:HANDler:A|B[:DATA] using a logical "or" operation. The channel bits must be defined while the channel is active (CONTrol:NSELect <Ch>); the corresponding signals will be in effect while the channel is measured (dynamic output signals).  

To prevent undefined states, it is recommendable to subdivide output pins of ports A and B into two groups: The first pin group is used as an interface for the static information, the second group provides channel-dependent output signals, in addition to the channel bits at the USER CONTROL connector (see CONTrol:AUXiliary:C[:DATA]). Up to 2 x 8 = 16 additional channel bits are available.


Decimal value .

Range [def. unit]

0 to 255 [–]

The transferred values correspond to the following states of the Universal Interface connector:
0 – no channel-dependent (dynamic) signal at any of the pins A7 ... A0 or B7 ... B0; the static configuration of the output ports A and B is unchanged
1 – additional dynamic output signal at pin A0 or B0
2 – additional dynamic output signal at pin A1 or B1
3 – additional dynamic output signal at pin A0 and A1 or B0 and B1
255 – additional dynamic output signal at pins A7 ... A0 or B7 ... B0

*RST value

0 (no dynamic signal)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



CONTrol:HANDler:A:DATA 192

Write a static bit pattern 1100 0000 to port A.

INSTrument:NSELect 1; :CONTrol:AUXiliaty:A:DATA 1
INSTrument:NSELect 2; :CONTrol:AUXiliaty:A:DATA 2
INSTrument:NSELect 3; :CONTrol:AUXiliaty:A:DATA 3

Select channel no. 1, define a bit pattern 1 for channel 1. Repeat this for channels no. 2 and 3, using the bit patterns 10 and 11, respectively.

While channel 1 is measured, the output port A is configured according to the bit pattern 1100 0001. While channels no. 2 and 3 are measured, the bit patterns are 1100 0010 and 1100 0011, respectively.  



CONTrol:AUXiliary:C[:DATA] <numeric_value>

Sets or queries a channel-dependent four-bit decimal value to control four independent output signals at the USER CONTROL connector (applied to pins 8, 9, 10, 11). The output signals are 3.3 V TTL signals which can be used to differentiate between up to 16 independent analyzer states. CONTrol:AUXiliary:C[:DATA] itself does not change the analyzer state.

Channel bit definition and activation

The channel bits have the following properties:  

A simple application consists of selecting the channel numbers as parameters for CONTrol:AUXiliary:C[:DATA] and monitor the activity of up to 16 different channels at the USER CONTROL connector; see example below. You can also use the USER CONTROL output signals as channel-dependent trigger signals for external devices. Use OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt[:VALue] to transfer the four bit value for an arbitrary channel <Ch> in binary representation.


Decimal value .

Range [def. unit]

0 to 15 [–]

The transferred values correspond to the following states of the USER CONTROL connector:
0 – no signal at any of the four pins 8, 9, 10, 11
1 – output signal at pin 8
2 – output signal at pin 9
3 – output signal at pin 8 and 9
15 – output signal at pin 8, 9, 10 and 11

*RST value

0 (no signal)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Assign the channel bit value 1 to the active channel no. 1. The analyzer performs a measurement in channel no. 1, therefore the output signal at pin 8 is switched on.


Create channel no. 2, causing it to become the active channel, and assign the channel bit value 2. The analyzer performs no measurement in channel no. 2, therefore the output signal is not changed.

CALC2:PAR:SDEF 'Ch2Tr1', 'S11'

Create a trace named 'Ch2Tr1' and assign it to channel 2. While the analyzer measures in channel 2, the output signal changes from pin 8 to pin 9.