Common Commands

Common commands are described in the IEEE 488.2 (IEC 625-2) standard. These commands have the same effect on different devices. The headers of these commands consist of "*" followed by three letters. Many common commands are related to the status reporting system.

Command Parameters Short Description




*CLS CLear Status sets the status byte (STB), the standard event register (ESR) and the EVENt -part of the QUEStionable and the OPERation registers to zero. The command does not alter the mask and transition parts of the registers. It clears the output buffer and the tooltip for remote error messages.


Clear Status;
no query

*ESE Event Status Enable sets the event status enable register to the value indicated. The query *ESE? returns the contents of the event status enable register in decimal form.


Event Status Enable

*ESR? Event Status Read returns the contents of the event status register in decimal form (0 to 255) and subsequently sets the register to zero.


Standard Event Status Query;
query only

*IDN? IDeNtification query returns the instrument identification. The response is of the form "Rohde&Schwarz,ZVA8-4Port,12345,", where
ZVxx-nPort is the analyzer type
12345 is the serial number of the analyzer is the firmware version number.
The ID string can be changed in the System Configdialog.


Identification Query;
query only

*IST? Individual STatus query returns the contents of the IST flag in decimal form (0 | 1). The IST-flag is the status bit which is sent during a parallel poll.


Individual Status Query;
query only

*OPC OPeration Complete sets bit 0 in the event status register when all preceding commands have been executed. This bit can be used to initiate a service request.
The query form writes a "1" into the output buffer as soon as all preceding commands have been executed. This is used for command synchronization.


Operation Complete

*OPT? OPTion identification query queries the options included in the instrument and returns a list of the options installed. The response consists of arbitrary ASCII response data according to IEEE 488.2. The options are returned at fixed positions in a comma-separated string. A zero is returned for options that are not installed.


Option Identification Query;
query only

*PCB Pass Control Back indicates the controller address to which GPIB bus control is returned after termination of the triggered action.


Pass Control Back;
no query

*PRE Parallel poll Register Enable sets parallel poll enable register to the value indicated. The query *PRE? returns the contents of the parallel poll enable register in decimal form.


Parallel Poll Register Enable

*PSC Power on Status Clear determines whether the contents of the ENABle registers is maintained or reset when the analyzer is switched on.
*PSC = 0 causes the contents of the status registers to be maintained. Thus a service request can be triggered on switching on in the case of a corresponding configuration of status registers ESE and SRE.
*PSC 0 resets the registers.

0 | 1

Power On Status Clear

*RST ReSeT sets the instrument to a defined default status. It is equivalent to SYSTem:PRESet. The default settings are indicated in the description of commands.
If Align *RST to User Defined Preset is selected and a valid user preset file is available, *RST and SYSTem:PRESet restore the user-defined settings. See also SYSTem:PRESet:SCOPe.


no query

*SRE Service Request Enable sets the service request enable register to the value indicated. Bit 6 (MSS mask bit) remains 0. This command determines under which conditions a service request is triggered. The query *SRE? returns the contents of the service request enable register in decimal form. Bit 6 is always 0.


Service Request Enable

*STB? STatus Byte query reads the contents of the status byte in decimal form.


Status Byte Query;
query only

*TRG TRiGger triggers all actions waiting for a trigger event. In particular *TRG generates a manual trigger signal (Manual Trigger). This common command complements the commands of the TRIGger subsystem.


no query

*TST? self TeST query triggers selftests of the instrument and returns an error code in decimal form.


Self Test Query;
query only

*WAI WAIt to continue prevents servicing of the subsequent commands until all preceding commands have been executed and all signals have settled (see also command synchronization and *OPC).


Wait to continue;
no query