INITiate<Ch>...    Related Topics

This subsystem controls the initiation of the trigger system and defines the scope of the triggered measurement.


Command tree: INITiate<Ch>




INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous <Boolean>

Qualifies whether the analyzer measures in single sweep or in continuous sweep mode.


Channel number. The channel is ignored because the command affects all channels.



ON - The analyzer measures continuously, repeating the current sweep.

OFF - The measurement is stopped after the number of sweeps defined via [SENSe<Ch>:]SWEep:COUNt. INITiate<Ch>[:IMMediate] initiates a new measurement cycle.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query




Activate single sweep mode for all channels (including channel no. 2 created later).


State that a single sweep will be performed in the active channel only.


Create channel no. 2 with a new trace and start a single sweep in channel no. 2.  



Starts a new single sweep sequence. This command is available in single sweep mode only (INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous OFF). The data of the last sweep (or previous sweeps, see Sweep History) can be read using CALCulate<Ch>:DATA:NSWeep:FIRSt? SDATa, <count>.

In contrast to all other commands of the analyzer, INITiate<Ch>[:IMMediate] has been implemented for overlapped execution; see Command Synchronization.  


Channel number. If the channel number does not exist the analyzer returns an error message. If INITiate<Ch>[:IMMediate]:SCOPe ALL is active, this suffix is ignored.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query



See INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous



Selects the scope of the single sweep sequence. The setting is applied in single sweep mode only (INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous OFF).


Channel number. The channel is ignored because the command affects all channels.



INITiate<Ch>[:IMMediate] starts a single sweep in all channels.


INITiate<Ch>[:IMMediate] starts a single sweep in the referenced channel <Ch> only.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous