OUTPut...    Related Topics

This subsystem controls the characteristics of the analyzer’s output ports.  


Command tree: OUTPut<Pt>












Sets an attenuation factor for the generated wave transmitted at test port no. <Pt>. The incident wave is attenuated via INPut<Pt>:ATTenuation.

OUTPut<Pt>:ATTenuation is not channel-specific; the value is valid for all channels. Use SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>:ATTenuation to set or query a channel-specific attenuation value.

Use SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>:ATTenuation:AUTO ON for automatic generator attenuator setting. Automatic attenuator setting overwrites the manual attenuation factor. Conversely, a manual entry resets the mode to manual (OFF).


Test port number of the analyzer, 1 to 2, 3, depending on the analyzer model. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


Attenuation factor for the generated wave.

Range [def. unit]

Depending on the analyzer/attenuator model, e.g. 0 dB to 80 dB for ZVB8 with ZVB8-B21/B22/B23 [dB]. UP and DOWN increment/decrement the attenuation in 10 dB steps. The analyzer rounds any entered value below the maximum attenuation to the closest step.  

*RST value

0 dB


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query (query can not return channel-specific settings, would be misleading).




Set the internal source power for channel 1 to -6 dBm.


Set the step attenuator for the wave transmitted at port 2 and for all channels to 10 dB. The internal source power and the waves at the other test ports are not affected.  


Query the generator step attenuator setting at port 2 and for channel no. 1. The response is 10.  




Selects a source port for the stimulus signal (drive port). The setting acts on the active trace. The effect of the drive port selection depends on the measurement parameter associated to the active trace:

Note: This command is equivalent to [SENSe<Chn>:]SWEep:SRCPort.


Channel number used to identify the active trace. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


PORT1 ...

Test port number of the analyzer, 1 to 2, 3 or 4, depending on the analyzer model.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, with query.



CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'A1'

Create channel 4 and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the wave quantity a1. The trace automatically becomes the active trace.  


Select drive port 2 for the active trace.


OUTPut<Ch>[:STATe] <Boolean>

Turns the internal source power at all ports and the power of all external generators on or off.

After the RF power is switched on, the start of the measurement is delayed by approx. 1 s while the amplifier stages of the analyzer are allowed to settle. To circumvent this delay if you need to turn off the base channel power for a limited period of time, reduce the base channel power setting or turn off the drive ports in the Port Configuration dialog instead of using RF Off.


Channel number. This suffix is ignored; the setting is valid for all channels.


ON | OFF - Switches the power on or off.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Turn off the RF source power.



OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:BUSY:LINK <Boolean>

Defines the behavior of the BUSY output signal at pin no. 4 of the USER CONTROL connector on the rear panel of the analyzer.


Channel number.  


AUTO – Auto (according to the triggered measurement sequence)
POInt – Seeep point
PPOint – Partial measurement
SEGMent – Sweep segment
SWEep – Entire sweep

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Reset the analyzer and query the triggered measurement sequence. The response is 'SWEEP';AUTO. The BUSY signal is turned on ("High" state) when the analyzer acquires the fist partial measurement data of the first sweep point. It returns to "Low" state after the last partial measurement of the last sweep point has been acquired.  



OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:SEGMent<Seg>:STATe <Boolean>

Enables or disables segment bits for the sweep segments in channel no. <Ch>; see OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:SEGMent<Seg>[:VALue]. The command is valid for segmented frequency sweep.


Channel number.  


Sweep segment number. This suffix is ignored; the setting is valid for all segments.


ON | OFF - Enables or disables channel bits.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:SEGMent<Seg>[:VALue]



OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:SEGMent<Seg>[:VALue] <numeric_value>

Sets or queries a sweep segment-dependent four-bit binary value to control four independent output signals at the USER CONTROL connector (lines 16, 17, 18, 19). The output signals are 3.3 V TTL signals which can be used to differentiate between up to 16 independent analyzer states for each channel. The command is valid for segmented frequency sweeps. It is analogous to the channel-dependent command OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt[:VALue] (for unsegmented sweeps).

The bits for the sweep segments must be enabled explicitly using OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:SEGMent:STATe.

Segment bit definition and activation

The segment bits have the following properties:  

You can use the active segment number as a parameter for OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt:SEGMent<Seg>[:VALue] and monitor the measurement in up to 16 different segments per channel at the USER CONTROL connector; see example below. You can also use the USER CONTROL output signals as segment-dependent trigger signals for external devices. Use CONTrol:AUXiliary:C[:DATA] to transfer the four bit value in decimal representation.


Channel number.



Sweep segment number



Binary value.

Range [def. unit]

#B0000 to #B1111 (for setting command), 0 to 15 (query) [–]  

The transferred values correspond to the following states of the USER CONTROL connector:
#B0000 – no signal at any of the four pins 16, 17, 18, 19
#B0001 – output signal at pin 16
#B0010 – output signal at pin 17
#B0011 – output signal at pin 16 and 17
#B1111 – output signal at pin 16, 17, 18, and 19

*RST value

#B0000 (0)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, with query. The query returns a decimal value.



*RST; :SEGM:INS 1MHZ, 1.5MHZ, 111, -21DBM, 0.5S, 0, 10KHZ

Create a sweep segment no. 1 with a sweep range between 1.0 MHz and 1.5 MHz.


Set the segmented frequency sweep active.  


Enable segment bits.


Assign the segment bit value #B0001 to segment no. 1. The output signal at pin 16 is switched on while the first segment is measured.


Create a second sweep segment. The frequency range of the second segment will be between 1.5 MHz and the maximum frequency of the analyzer.


Assign the segment bit value #B0010 to segment no. 2. While the analyzer measures the second segment, the output signal changes from pin 16 to pin 17.



OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt[:VALue] <numeric_value>

Sets or queries a channel-dependent four-bit binary value to control four independent output signals at the USER CONTROL connector (lines 8, 9, 10, 11). The output signals are 3.3 V TTL signals which can be used to differentiate between up to 16 independent analyzer states. OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt[:VALue] itself does not change the analyzer state.

Channel bit definition and activation

The channel bits have the following properties:  

You can use the active channel number as a parameter for OUTPut<Ch>:UPORt[:VALue] and monitor the activity of up to 16 different channels at the USER CONTROL connector; see example below. You can also use the USER CONTROL output signals as channel-dependent trigger signals for external devices. Use CONTrol:AUXiliary:C[:DATA] to transfer the four bit value in decimal representation.


Channel number.



Binary value.

Range [def. unit]

#B0000 to #B1111 (for setting command), 0 to 15 (query) [–]  

The transferred values correspond to the following states of the USER CONTROL connector:
#B0000 – no signal at any of the four pins 8, 9, 10, 11
#B0001 – output signal at pin 8
#B0010 – output signal at pin 9
#B0011 – output signal at pin 8 and 9
#B1111 – output signal at pin 8, 9, 10 and 11

*RST value

#B0000 (0)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, with query. The query returns a decimal value.



*RST; :OUTP1:UPOR #B0001

Assign the channel bit value #B0001 to the active channel no. 1. The analyzer performs a measurement in channel no. 1, therefore the output signal at pin 8 is switched on.


Create channel no. 2, causing it to become the active channel, and assign the channel bit value #B0010. The analyzer performs no measurement in channel no. 2, therefore the output signal is not changed.

CALC2:PAR:SDEF 'Ch2Tr1', 'S11'

Create a trace named 'Ch2Tr1' and assign it to channel 2. While the analyzer measures in channel 2, the output signal changes from pin 8 to pin 9.