[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>... Related Topics

This subsystem controls the receiver power calibration.  


Command tree: [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>













AWAVe | BWAVe | B1 | B2 | B3 | B4[,<cal_port>, PORT | GENerator | CONVerter, <source_no>]  

Selects the wave quantity and the source for the receiver power calibration, starts the calibration sweep, and applies the receiver power correction.

The command triggers an event and has no query form. The calibrated waves and the used source are not shown in the Receiver Power Cal dialog.


Calibrated channel number



Calibrated port number. This suffix is ignored because the port number is specified in the parameter list.



Calibration of reference wave a1, a2, ...


Calibration of received wave b1, b2, ....
The port number <cal_port>, the used source (PORT | GENerator), and the source number <source_no> must be specified in addition. Alternative: Parameters B1 and B2.


B1 | B2 | B3 | B4

Direct wave and cal port setting for received waves b1, b2,... The parameters B1 and B2 are ZVR-compatible. No additional parameters need to be specified. The source for B<no> is Port <no>.  



Calibrated port number  

Range [def. unit]


1 to port number of the analyzer [–]


Internal source at port <source_no>, to be fed to port <cal_port> using an external through connection.



External generator no. <source_no>


Frequuency converter with electronic attenuator (R&S ZVA-ZxxxE) no. <source_no>


Number of the port for the internal source / generator / converter

Range [def. unit]

1 to port number of the analyzer/number of external generators [–]

*RST values

– (for all parameters)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query




Perform a receiver power calibration of the wave a1 using port 1 as a source port, assuming that the transmitted source power a1 is correct. No external cabling is needed.  


Check whether the calibration is applied (the response is 1).   


Select a1 as a measured quantity for the default trace.


Create marker no. <Mk> in the center of the sweep range and query the measurement value. The calibrated power of the reference wave a1 is approx. equal to the default source power value.   

See also example for SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>[:STATe].



[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:AWAVe[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables the receiver power calibration for channel <Ch> and for the reference waves an. The command is disabled unless the reference waves have been power calibrated ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:ACQuire AWAVe,...).  


Calibrated channel number



Calibrated port number



Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the receiver power calibration for the reference waves an.

*RST value

OFF [–]


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:ACQuire



'<wave_string>', <block> | <numeric_value>...

Reads or writes receiver power correction data sets. A power correction data set contains n real values where:

Increasing (decreasing) the values in the correction data sets increases (decreases) the input power reading. Writing correction data (the setting command) fails if the number of transferred values is not equal to the number of sweep points.


Calibrated channel number  



Calibrated port number



Identifier for the calibrated wave:

  • 'A<n>' or 'AWAV<n>' denote correction data for the reference wave a<n>, where <n> corresponds to the port number.

  • 'B<n>' or 'BWAV<n>' denote correction data for the reference wave b<n>.


<block> | <numeric_value>...

Power correction values in block data format or as a comma-separated list of real numbers. The query returns a list of numbers.

Range [def. unit]

All numbers are interpreted as dB-values.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Reset the instrument and reduce the number of sweep points to 10.


Perform a receiver power calibration of the wave a1 using port 1 as a source port, assuming that the transmitted source power a1 is correct. No external cabling is needed.  


Query the correction values. The analyzer returns 10 comma-separated real numbers.  

CORR:POW:DATA  'AWAV2', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -0

Replace the correction values by ten (new) numbers.




Starts the receiver calibration (3rd power calibration step for harmonic measurements), stores and applies the calibration data.

The receiver calibration relies on the source power calibration acquired in steps no. 1 and 2. [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:HARMonic:ACQuire is enabled only after the previous steps have been carried out (SOURce<Ch>:POWer<port_no>:CORRection:HARMonic[:ACQuire]).  


Calibrated channel number



Port number. This suffix is ignored; the analyzer calibrates the port that is selected as a receive port for the harmonic measurement ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CONVersion:HARMonic:RPORt).


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SOURce<Ch>:POWer<port_no>:CORRection:HARMonic[:ACQuire].  




Starts the IF receiver calibration (2nd power calibration step for scalar mixer measurements), stores and applies the calibration data.

The receiver calibration relies on the IF source power calibration acquired in step no. 1. [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:MIXer:IF:ACQuire is enabled only after step 1 has been carried out (SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>:CORRection:MIXer:RF[:ACQuire]).  


Calibrated channel number



Calibrated port number. This suffix is ignored because the IF signal is always assigned to port 2.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>:CORRection:MIXer:RF[:ACQuire].  


[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables the receiver power calibration for channel <Ch> and for the received waves bn. The command is disabled unless the received waves have been power calibrated ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:ACQuire BWAVe,...).  


Calibrated channel number  



Calibrated port number



Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the receiver power calibration for the received waves bn.

*RST value

OFF [–]


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Perform a receiver power calibration of the wave b1 using port 2 as a source port, assuming that the source power a2 is correct. A through connection from port 2 to port 1 is needed.  


Check whether the calibration is applied (the response is 1).   


Select b1 as a measured quantity for the default trace.


Create marker no. <Mk> in the center of the sweep range and query the measurement value. The calibrated power of the received wave b1 is approx. equal to the default source power value.

See also example for SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:POWer<port_no>:ACQuire.




Returns the state of the active power calibration for channel <Ch>.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Sting variable containing the power calibration state label in the trace list ('PCal', 'PCai', 'PCa?', 'PCao', 'PCax', 'PCal Off'; see Power Calibration Labels).

*RST value

'' (empty string)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See SOURce<Ch>:POWer:CORRection[:ACQuire]




Returns the state of the active system error correction for channel <Ch>.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Sting variable containing the calibration state label in the trace list ('Cal', 'Cai', 'Ca?', 'Cav', 'Cal Off').  

*RST value

'' (empty string)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:DATE?



[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables the system error correction for channel <Ch>.


Calibrated channel number  



Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the correction.

*RST value

ON [–]


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query




Reset the instrument and query whether channel 1 is system error corrected. The response is 1.




Queries the stimulus values of the active calibration. A calibration must be selected before the command is executed; see example.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only




Select a one-port normalization at port 1 with a short standard as calibration type.


Query the stimulus frequencies. The response contains 201 frequency values.


Measure a short standard connected to port 1 and store the measurement results of this standard.


Calculate the system error correction data and apply them to the active channel.