SOURce<Ch>:...    Related Topics  

This subsystem controls the frequency and power of the internal signal source, configures and starts the source power calibration, and provides output port settings.


Command tree: SOURce<Ch>


[:CW] | FIXed
















:CORRection(source power calibration commands)








:TDIF (commands for true differential mode)

Note: The SOURce<Ch>:POWer... subsystem comprises port-specific and general settings. Port-specific settings are valid for the port specified by the numeric suffix <Pt> (...:POWER<Pt>:...). General settings are valid for all test ports of the analyzer; the port suffix is ignored. Refer to the description of the individual commands for more information.  

SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency<Pt>[:CW] <fixed frequency>
SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency<Pt>:FIXed <fixed frequency>

Defines the fixed (Continuous Wave, CW) frequency for all sweep types operating at fixed frequency (power sweep, time sweep, CW mode sweep). The two command forms SOUR:FREQ:CW and SOUR:FREQ:FIX are equivalent.

SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency<Pt>:CW|FIXed is equivalent to [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CW|FIXed. Source and receiver frequency are equal; the four commands overwrite each other.


Channel number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



Test port number of the analyzer. This suffix is ignored because the selected frequency applies to all source ports used in the active channel.



Fixed stimulus and analyzer frequency.

Range [def. unit]

Depending on the instrument model [Hz]. The increment (parameters UP or DOWN) is 0.1 kHz.

*RST value

1 GHz


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query




Activate a power sweep and select the wave quantity a1 as measured parameter for channel and trace no. 1.


Set the CW frequency to 100 MHz.



SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency<Pt>:CONVersion:MIXer:FUNDamental RF | LO

Selects the mixer input signal which is at the fundamental power (channel power, to be defined by means of SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>:STARt, SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>:STOP, SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]).


Channel number.



Physical port number of the analyzer. This suffix is ignored, because the port assignments for mixer measurement are fixed.  


RF – mixer input signal
LO – local oscillator signal

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:PFIXed



SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency<Pt>:CONVersion:MIXer:PFIXed <fixed_power>

Defines a fixed power, to be assigned either to the RF or to the LO signal (the signal not addressed by SOURce<Ch>:]FREQuency:CONVersion:MIXer:FUDamental RF | LO).


Channel number.



Physical port number of the analyzer. This suffix is ignored, because the port assignments for mixer measurement are fixed.  


Fixed power.

Range [def. unit]

–40 dBm to +10 dBm. The exact range depends on the analyzer model or external generator used; refer to the data sheet [dBm]. UP and DOWN increment/decrement the source power in 0.1-dB steps.  

*RST value

–25 dBm


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Reset the analyzer and specify a fixed power of –10 dBm.


Assign the fundamental frequency to the LO signal. The fixed power is automatically assigned to the RF signal.  



SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>  <log_port1>,<log_port2>

Defines a port group numbered <group_no> containing a continuous range of logical ports between <log_port1> and <log_port2>.  


Channel number.



Port group number. If unspecified the analyzer automatically selects an unused port group number (existing port groups are not overwritten).


Range [def. unit]

Port groups must contain at least one logical port and must not overlap, so the maximum number of port groups for an n-port analyzer is n.   [–]


<log_port1>, <log_port2>

First and last logical port number in the port group. The port group contains all ports with numbers between <log_port1> and <log_port2>. The command generates an error message if only one parameter is transferred. Both parameters must be omitted if the command is used as a query.

Range [def. unit]

1 to n where n is the number of ports of the analyzer. <log_port1> can be smaller than, equal to or larger than <log_port2>, however, a physical port cannot be assigned to several port groups. [–]


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



SOUR:GRO1 1,2; :SOUR:GRO2 3,4

On a 4-port analyzer, arrange the logical ports no. 1 and 2 in port group 1, the logical ports no 3 and 4 in port group 2.


Query the port group no. 1. The response is 1,2.


Dissolve all port group and repeat the query. The response is 1,4: the default port group no. 1 contains all ports.


Redefine the  port group, removing port 3.


Query the ports in the port group using two different methods. The response is 1,2,4;1,4.


Query the number of port groups. The response is 1.


SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>:CLEar [ALL]

Dissolves a group of measured ports <group_no> or all port groups.  


Channel number.



Port group number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


Range [def. unit]

Range according to the current port groups (SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>). If an undefined port group number is used, the analyzer generates an error message. Exception: Parameter ALL, see below.  [–]

Note: Port group no 1 is always present and can not be dissolved. After a *RST or after SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>:CLEar ALL, port group no. 1 contains all ports of the analyzer.



If ALL is specified, all port groups are dissolved (exception: port group 1; see above); the <group_no> suffix is ignored. If ALL is omitted, only the specified port group is dissolved.

SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>




Queries the number of port groups in channel no. <Ch>.  


Channel number.



Port group number. This suffix is ignored, because the command returns the number of all port groups.


Range [def. unit]

Port groups must contain at least one logical port and must not overlap, so the maximum number of port groups for an n-port analyzer is n.   [–]

Note: Port group no 1 is always present and can not be dissolved. After a *RST or after SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>:CLEar ALL, port group no. 1 contains all ports of the analyzer.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>



SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>:PORTs  <log_port1>{,<log_port2> ...}

Defines a port group numbered <group_no> containing an arbitrary selection of logical ports. The ports do not have to be numbered continuously (as for port groups defined via SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>).

It is not possible to create more than one port group with arbitrary ports. To avoid errors, use the setting command only while the channel contains a single port group (e.g. after a *RST). You can use the query to read out the ports for an arbitrary number of port groups created via SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>.


Channel number.



Port group number.  


Range [def. unit]

Port groups must contain at least one logical port and must not overlap, so the maximum number of port groups for an n-port analyzer is n.   [–]


<log_port1>, ...

Numbers of all logical ports in the port group. The port numbers must be omitted if the command is used as a query.

Range [def. unit]

For each parameter: 1 to n where n is the number of ports of the analyzer. The port numbers must all be different. Besides, a physical port cannot be assigned to several port groups. [–]


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See SOURce<Ch>:GROup<group_no>


SOURce<Ch>:LPORt<log_port>  <phys_port1>,<phys_port2>

Defines a balanced port numbered <log_port>, combining two physical ports <phys_port1> and <phys_port2>.

A balanced port configuration generally introduces a new set of mixed mode measured quantities. Therefore the traces must be redefined when a balanced port is created. To avoid any inconsistencies the analyzer deletes all traces when SOURce<Ch>:LPORt<log_port> is used.


Channel number.



Logical port number used to number balanced or physical ports. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


Range [def. unit]

One balanced port requires two physical ports, so the maximum number of balanced ports for an n-port analyzer is n/2 (n even) or (n – 1)/2 (n odd). If the command is used as a query, then <log_port> can range up to n (no balanced ports, see example below).  [–]


<phys_port1>, <phys_port2>

Physical port numbers. The command has no effect if only one parameter is transferred. Both parameters must be omitted if the command is used as a query.

Range [def. unit]

1 to n where n is the number of ports of the analyzer. The port numbers must be different from each other. Moreover, a physical port cannot be assigned to several physical ports. [–]


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



*RST; :SOUR:LPOR1 1,2; LPOR2 3,4

Assuming that the analyzer provides 4 test ports, combine the physical ports 1 and 2 to the logical port 1, the physical ports 3 and 4 to the logical port 2.


Query the physical ports assigned to logical port no. 1. The response is 1,2.


Dissolve all logical ports and repeat the query. The response is 1: the logical port no. 1 is identical to the physical port no. 1.



SOURce<Ch>:LPORt<log_port>:CLEar [ALL]

Dissolves a balanced port numbered <log_port> or all balanced ports.  


Channel number.



Logical port number used to number balanced ports. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


Range [def. unit]

Range according to the current port configuration (SOURce<Ch>:LPORt<log_port>). If an undefined balanced port number is used, the analyzer generates an error message. Exception: Parameter ALL, see below.  [–]



If ALL is specified, all balanced ports are dissolved; the <log_port> suffix is ignored. If ALL is omitted, only the specified balanced port is dissolved.

SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SOURce<Ch>:LPORt<log_port>