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The analyzer provides a variety of functions to perform a particular measurement and to customize and optimize the evaluation of results. To ensure that the instrument resources are easily accessible and that user-defined configurations can be conveniently implemented, stored and reused the instrument uses a hierarchy of structures:

Global Resources

The analyzer provides global settings that are mostly hardware-related and can be used for all measurements, irrespective of the current measurement session or setup. The settings are stored in independent files and do not enter into any of the setup files. The following settings correspond to global resources:

The data related to global resources are not affected by a Preset of the analyzer. However, it is possible to delete or reset global resource data using the Resets tab in the System Config dialog.

Selecting a color scheme


The File menu is used to organize setups.

In the System – External Tools submenu, you can find demo setups *.vbs for various measurement scenarios. You can modify the demo setups and store them to a *.zvx file for later use. Moreover the S-Parameter Wizard provides predefined, optimized setups for many measurements.