Impedance Parameters    Related Topics

An impedance is the complex ratio between a voltage and a current. The analyzer provides two independent sets of impedance parameters:

Converted Impedances

The converted impedance parameters describe the input impedances of a DUT with fully matched outputs. In the figures below the indices i and j number the analyzer/DUT ports, Z0i is the reference impedance at the DUT port i.

The analyzer converts a single measured S-parameter to determine the corresponding converted impedance. As a result, converted Z-parameters cannot completely describe general n-port DUTs:

The converted impedances Zii are calculated from the reflection S-parameters Sii according to:

The transmission parameters are calculated according to:

The converted admittances are defined as the inverse of the impedances.


You can also read the converted impedances in a reflection coefficient measurement from the Smith chart.  


The Z-parameters describe the impedances of a DUT with open output ports (I = 0). The analyzer provides the full set of Z-parameters including the transfer impedances (i.e. the complete nxn Z-matrix for an n port DUT).

This means that Z-parameters can be used as an alternative to S-parameters (or Y-parameters) in order to completely characterize a linear n-port network.

2-Port Z-Parameters

In analogy to S-parameters, Z-parameters are expressed as Z<out>< in>, where <out> and <in> denote the output and input port numbers of the DUT.

The Z-parameters for a two-port are based on a circuit model that can be expressed with two linear equations:

Z-parameters can be easily extended to describe circuits with more than two ports or several modes of propagation; see section More Z-Parameters.