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The main window of the analyzer provides all control elements for the measurements and contains the diagram areas for the results. There are several alternative ways to access an instrument function:

Click on an area to learn its function.

Menu Bar

All analyzer functions are arranged in drop-down menus. The menu bar is located across the top of the diagram area:

Menus can be controlled in different ways:

The active menu is the menu containing the last executed command. If the softkey bar or hardkey bar is displayed (Display Config./View – Softkey Labels on), then the active menu is indicated on top of the softkey/hardkey bar.

When you select a command in a new menu the softkey bar is updated to reflect the new active menu with all commands. You can continue operation using the softkeys.

Menu Structure

All menus show an analogous structure. Click on the different elements of the following example to obtain information.  

Softkey Bar

The softkey bar displays the commands of the active menu so that they can be activated by hitting the associated keys on the front panel. It consists of three elements:

The softkey bar is automatically updated when the active menu is changed.

You can hide the softkey bar and gain screen space for the diagram areas if you use a mouse to control the analyzer (see Softkey Bar). All settings are accessible from the menus listed in the menu bar across the top of the screen. Moreover, you don't have to display the softkey bar permanently in order to make use of its functionality. Hitting any of the keys associated to the softkey bar will make it visible for a period of time sufficient to select the next instrument function.  

Hardkey Bar

The hardkey bar (front panel key bar) represents the most commonly used front panel keys of the analyzer. Clicking a key symbol executes the action of the corresponding key.

The hardkey bar corresponds to the TRACE, CHANNEL, DISPLAY and SYSTEM keypads:


The hardkey bar provides access to the basic groups of settings with a single mouse click. It is particularly useful if the analyzer is controlled from an external monitor or Remote Desktop. Alternatively the settings are accessible from the menus of the menu bar or from the softkey bar.

The hardkey bar is hidden by default to gain screen space for the diagram areas (see Hardkey Bar).  

Status Bar

The status bar shows the statistics for the sweep average (if sweep average is on), the progress of the sweep, the LXI status, and the control mode of the analyzer (LOCAL or REMOTE). A green LXI status symbol indicates that a LAN connection has been established; a red symbol indicates that no LAN cable is connected.

During sweep initialization, the progress bar for the sweep is replaced by a symbol. During the first sweep after a change of the channel settings, an additional red asterisk symbol appears:

You can hide the status bar and gain screen space for the diagram areas (see Status Bar).