Power Bandwidth Average    Related Topics

The Power Bandwidth Average menu defines the power of the internal signal source, sets the step attenuators and the IF bandwidths, and configures the sweep average.

Remote control
(for RF off and averaging):

[SENSe<Ch>:]AVERage[:STATe] ON | OFF




Opens the numeric entry bar to set the power of the internal signal source (channel power).

The channel power determines the output power at the test ports if a Frequency Sweep, Time Sweep or CW Mode Sweep is active; see info below. The setting has no effect in Power Sweep mode, where the source power is varied over a continuous range.

The selected channel power applies to all source ports used in the active channel. Use the Port Configuration dialog to modify the output power ranges for the individual analyzer ports.  

Power sets the output power at the test port that supplies the stimulus for the active channel. The channel power can be varied over a wide dynamic range. This leaves enough flexibility to include an attenuation or gain in the test setup.

The channel power can be modified by the following settings:

The Port <port_no> Source Powerdialog gives an overview of all power settings.

Remote control:


RF Off

RF Off switches the internal and external power sources off (if checked) or on. Switching off the RF power helps to prevent overheating of a connected DUT while no measurement results are taken. The exact behavior of RF Off is part of the system configuration; refer to the description of the Power tab.

After the RF power is switched on, the start of the measurement is delayed by approx. 1 s while the amplifier stages of the analyzer are allowed to settle. To avoid this delay, reduce the base channel power setting or turn off the drive ports in the Port Configuration dialog instead of using RF Off.

Switching off the internal RF generator while an external generator is used can improve the measurement accuracy. RF Off also deactivates external generators, so you have to use the settings in the Source section of the Port Configuration dialog (with option R&S ZVA-K4).  

Remote control:


Meas. Bandwidth

Sets the measurement bandwidth of the IF filter. Meas Bandwidth opens a submenu to select bandwidths between 10 Hz and 1 MHz:

Fine Adjust... opens a dialog where you can modify the selected measurement bandwidth and the selectivity of the IF filter.   

The selected bandwidth applies to all filters used in the current channel. This makes sense because the measurement speed is limited by the slowest filter in the channel. In Segmented Frequency sweeps, the bandwidth and selectivity can be set independently for each segment; see Define Segments.

In general, the system error correction is no longer valid after a change of the IF filter bandwidth. The message Cal? appears in the trace list.  

 Optimizing the measurement speed

Remote control:


Average Factor

Opens the numeric entry bar to define the number of consecutive sweeps to be averaged.

An average over several sweeps reduces the influence of random effects in the measurement and therefore minimizes the noise level. The effect increases with the average factor, however, obtaining an averaged result requires several sweeps and therefore increases the measurement time.

In contrast to the sweep count (for single sweep mode), averaging is always channel-specific. Both features are completely independent from each other.
The average factor is also valid for calibration sweeps: The calculation of system correction data is based on the averaged trace.  

Smoothing is an alternative method of compensating for random effects on the trace by averaging adjacent measurement points. Compared to the sweep average, smoothing does not significantly increase the measurement time but can eliminate narrow peaks and thus produce misleading results.

The sweep average is not frequency selective. To eliminate a spurious signal in the vicinity of the measurement frequency, alternative techniques (e.g. a smaller filter bandwidth) must be used.

Calculation of sweep average

The average trace is obtained as follows:

Let c be the Average Factor and assume that n sweeps have been measured since the start of the average cycle (start of the measurement or Restart Average). The following two situations are distinguished:

The average trace represents the arithmetic mean value over all n sweeps.

The formulas hold for Average Factor n = 1 where the average trace becomes equal to the current trace.

 Optimizing the measurement speed

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]AVERage[:STATe] ON | OFF

(query current sweep)