Measure     Related Topics

The Measure submenu selects the quantity to be measured and displayed.

Measured quantities

The analyzer offers various diagrams and display formats to visualize the results. The analyzer places no restriction on the formats that are available for each measured quantity. However, to keep the interpretation simple, it is recommended to select an appropriate display format; see Trace - Format.

S11, S12, S21, S22    Related Topics

Select one of the four elements of the standard 2-port scattering matrix (S-parameters).

The S-parameters are the basic measured quantities of a network analyzer. They describe how the DUT modifies a signal that is transmitted or reflected in forward or reverse direction. S-parameters are expressed as S<out>< in>, where <out> and <in> denote the output and input port numbers of the DUT.

Meaning of S-parameters

A full 2-port S-parameter measurement involves 2 stages (referred to as partial measurements) with interchanged drive and receive ports. The analyzer automatically switches the internal power sources and the receivers to obtain the desired S-parameters.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "S11" | "S12" | "S21" | "S22"
[SENSe<Chn>:]FUNCtion[:ON] "...:POWer:S<11
| 12 | 21 | 22>" 

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>", "S11"
| "S12" | "S21" | "S22"

Use CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup to create traces for all S-parameters associated with a group of logical ports.  

S-Parameters in Frequency-Converting Modes

The concept of S-parameters can be extended to a- and b-waves with different frequencies. The network analyzer supports S-parameters for the following frequency-converting measurement scenarios:

At present, S-parameter measurements are not suited for general port configurations with different frequencies. The system error correction of S-parameters in frequency-converting measurement modes is subject to change in future firmware versions.

More S-Parameters    Related Topics

Opens a dialog to select S-parameters for multiport measurements (including the 2-port S-parameters) or mixed mode S-parameters.

The More S-Parameters dialog provides the following settings:

Single-ended and mixed mode S-parameters

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:MEASure "<Trace_Name>", "S11" | "S12" | "S21" | "S22"
[SENSe<Chn>:]FUNCtion[:ON] "...:POWer:S<11 | 12 | 21 | 22>"

Create new trace and select name and measurement parameter:
CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_Name>", "S11" | "S12" | "S21" | "S22"

Use CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DEFine:SGRoup to create traces for all S-parameters associated with a group of logical ports.  

Single-Ended and Mixed Mode Parameters

The analyzer measures single-ended (unbalanced) parameters (S-parameters, impedances, admittances, Z-parameters, Y-parameters) unless a balanced port configuration is selected. In the More S-Parameters dialog and the analogous dialogs for the other quantities, the left parameter selection field shows the parameter type (S, Y, Z) and is disabled (grayed). The range of output and input port numbers <out> and <in> depends on the analyzer model.

The analyzer switches to mixed mode parameter measurement if a balanced port configuration is selected. The left parameter selection field is enabled and offers a selection of matrices S<mout><min> (or Z<mout><min>, ...) where <mout> and <min> denote the output and input port modes. The following three output or input modes are available:

All possible combinations of mixed mode parameters (e.g. Sss, Scs, Sds, Sdd,..., Zss, Zcs,...) are provided. Sss is used for unbalanced S-parameters if the balanced-unbalanced conversion is active; otherwise the port mode indices ss are omitted.  

The selected modes must be compatible with the port configuration. If an attempt is made to select an incompatible parameter (e.g. a single-ended parameter for a balanced port), the analyzer displays an error message.