Trace Select    Related Topics

The Trace Select submenu provides functions to handle traces and diagram areas, and assign traces to channels.

The screen can display several diagram areas simultaneously, each with a variable number of traces.

All settings in the Trace menu except the Trace Functions involving a memory trace apply to the active trace in the active diagram area.

In remote control each channel can contain an active trace. The active remote traces and the active manual trace are independent of each other; see Active Traces in Remote Control.  

Next Trace

Selects the next trace in a series of displayed traces as the active trace. This function is disabled if only one trace is defined.  


Next Trace has the following meaning:

Remote control:

The numeric suffix <Chn> appended to the first-level mnemonic of a command selects a trace as active trace.    

Select Trace

Opens a box to select an arbitrary trace of the active setup as the active trace. This function is disabled if only one trace is defined.

Remote control:

The numeric suffix <Chn> appended to the first-level mnemonic of a command selects a trace as active trace.    

Add Trace

Creates a new trace in the current diagram area and assigns it to the current channel. The new trace is created with the trace and channel settings of the former active trace but displayed with another color. The former and the new active trace are superimposed but can be easily separated, e.g. by changing the Reference Position.

The new trace is named Trc <n>, where <n> is the largest of all existing trace numbers plus one. The name can be changed in the Trace Manager.  

 To create a new trace in a new channel, use Channel – Channel Select – New Channel.   

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine <Trace Name>, < Meas Parameter>  

Add Trace + Diag. Area

Creates a new trace in a new diagram area and assigns the trace to the current channel. The new trace is created with the trace and channel settings of the former active trace but displayed with another color.

The new trace is named Trc <n>, where <n> is the largest of all existing trace numbers plus one. The name can be changed in the Trace Manager.  

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine <Trace Name>, < Meas Parameter>


Delete Trace

Deletes the current trace and removes it from the diagram area. Delete Trace is disabled if the setup contains only one trace: In manual control, each setup must contain at least one diagram area with one channel and one trace.  

To restore a trace that was unintentionally deleted, use Undo.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DELete <Trace Name>    

Assign Channel

Assigns the active trace to another channel. A popup window offers a list of all channels available:

Assign Channel is disabled if the current setup contains only one channel. To create an additional channel, select Channel – Channel Select – New Channel.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine <Trace Name>, < Meas Parameter>

Assign Diag. Area

Assigns the active trace to another diagram area. A popup window offers a list of all areas available:

Assign Diag. Area is disabled if the current setup contains only one area. To create an additional area, click Display – Area Select – New Diag. Area.

 To go to another diagram area and activate the last active trace in this area, simply click a point inside the new area.

Remote control:

DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>:TRACe<WndTr>:FEED <Trace Name>    

Trace Manager

Opens a dialog to perform the actions in the Trace Select menu systematically for all traces and diagram areas.

All existing traces of the current setup are listed in a table with several editable (white) or non-editable (gray) columns. Below the table the Trace Manager provides the following buttons:

Columns in the Trace Manager table

Rules for trace names

The analyzer can define mathematical relations between different traces and calculate new mathematical traces (User Def Math). The trace names are used as operands in the mathematical expressions and must be distinguished from the mathematical operators +, -, *, /, (, ) etc. This places some restrictions on the syntax of trace names:  

The analyzer does not accept illegal trace names. If an illegal name is specified, the input field in the Trace Manager turns red.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine <Trace Name>, < Meas Parameter>    






Opens a dialog to add a new trace or delete a trace.

Remote control:

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine <Trace Name>, < Meas Parameter>
DISPlay:WINDow<Wnd>:TRACe<WndTr>:FEED <Trace Name>

DISPlay[:WINDow<Wnd>]:TRACe:EFEed <Trace Name>

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DELete <Trace Name>

Coupling    Related Topics

Selects common channel or scale settings for all traces in the Trace Manager dialog.

The channel and scale coupling is set in two independent panels.

Remote control:


Sort Table

Changes the order of the traces (table rows) in the Trace Manager dialog.

Remote control:

No command, display configuration only.