SOURce<Ch>:CMODe...    Related Topics  

This subsystem controls the frequency and power of the internal signal source for Defined Coherence Mode, configures and starts the source power calibration, and provides output port settings.


Command tree: SOURce<Ch>









[:CW] | FIXed













:CORRection(source power calibration commands)









:TDIF (commands for true differential mode)

Note: The SOURce<Ch>:POWer... subsystem comprises port-specific and general settings. Port-specific settings are valid for the port specified by the numeric suffix <Pt> (...:POWER<Pt>:...). General settings are valid for all test ports of the analyzer; the port suffix is ignored. Refer to the description of the individual commands for more information.  

SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>:AMPLitude <rel. amplitude>

Defines the amplitude for the coherent signal at port no. <Pt> relative to the amplitude of the reference signal (SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:RPORt). The amplitude replaces the port amplitude (see SOURce<Ch>:POWer<Pt>[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] and related commands) as long as the port signal is selected as a coherent signal (SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>[:STATe] ON).


Channel number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



Test port number of the analyzer.


<rel. amplitude>

Port-specific relative amplitude.

Range [def. unit]

–300 dB to +300 dB [dB]. UP and DOWN increment/decrement the phase in 1-dB steps.

*RST value

0 dB


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query


Example (for an analyzer with 3 or more ports):


Reset the analyzer and select port 2 as the reference port.


Select the signal from port 3 as a coherent signal.


Select the signal from port 3 as a coherent signal.


Assign the specified amplitude and phase relation to the voltage of the coherent signals.



SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>:PHASe <rel. phase>

Defines the phase for the coherent signal at port no. <Pt> relative to the phase of the reference signal (SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:RPORt).  


Channel number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



Test port number of the analyzer.


<rel. phase>

Port-specific relative phase.

Range [def. unit]

–180 deg to +180 deg [deg]. UP and DOWN increment/decrement the phase in 1-deg steps.

*RST value

0 deg


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>:AMPlitude



SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>[:STATe] <Boolean>

Qualifies whether the signal at port no. <Pt> is a coherent or a non-coherent signal.  


Channel number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



Test port number of the analyzer.



Signal is coherent (ON) or non-coherent (OFF).

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>:AMPlitude



SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:RPORt <port no.>

Selects the reference port for the Defined Coherence Mode.  


Channel number. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


<port no.>

Test port number of the analyzer.

Range [def. unit]

1 to the total number of ports of the analyzer (must be > 2)

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See SOURce<Ch>:CMODe:PORT<Pt>:AMPlitude