Download Instructions. DigaStudio Manager 24.11.98.kl. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All paths must be given for the OS hex files. MASTER Download : - press the "Download Master" button to erase the FLASH ROM in the 19" unit, - wait until the system message "SYS_GET_PRG_MASTER" comes (displayed in the Protocol textfield), it means the flash was successfully erased and the digastudio is ready to receive the Master O.S. (Master hex file) : when the path of the O.S. file has been given, you can press on "Send Master File", - wait until the system message "SYS_OK_PRG_MASTER" comes to proceed. DSP DOWNLOAD : - Press the Download DSP button, - Wait until the system message "SYS_GET_PRG_DSP" is displayed, - Press "Send DSP File", - wait until "SYS_OK_PRG_DSP" appears to proceed. DESK Download : - press STOP App. to stop the master application (running in the 19" unit) , - press "Download Desk" command to erase the flash in desk (the lights on the desk should turn off), - wait until the "SYS_GET_PRG_DESK" message comes, - Press the "Send Desk File" button, - wait until the "SYS_OK_PRG_DESK" message comes, - press the "START" button. (The factory preset will be automatically loaded in the desk)