Additions and corrections

Alternate stranded triplex formation of chimeric DNA composed of tandem α- and β-anomeric strands

Kazuo Shinozuka, Noritake Matsumoto, Hideo Suzuki, Tomohisa Moriguchi and Hiroaki Sawai

Chem. Commun., 2002, 2712 (DOI: 10.1039/b208793f). Amendment published 13th March 2003

In this communication, the sequence of ODN-1 (Chimeric Third Strand) was described as 5'-TC*T TTT TTT C*T CCAA TTT C*C*T C*C*T TT-3' as indicated in Fig. 1. The correct sequence is, however, 5'-TC*T TTT TTT C*T AACC TTT C*C*T C*C*T TT-3' in which the middle 5'-CCAA-3' of the original sequence is inverted. This 5'-CCAA-3' part is the linker portion which merely connects alpha-DNA portion and beta-DNA portion. This linker portion does not form any triple helical strand with the target DNA and, therefore, the current correction does not affect either the experimental results or the conclusions reported in the publication.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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