Entrapping of iron(III) porphyrins in a polystyrene matrix and their photocatalytic activity in oxidation reactions by molecular oxygen Pages 1-3 E. Polo, R. Amadelli, V. Carassiti, A. Maldotti |
High-pressure vibrational spectroscopic study of cesium decachloroborate, Cs2[B10Cl10] Pages 5-7 Yining Huang, Ian S. Butler |
Bending of the completely conjugated planar macrocyclic iron(II) complex by 1,10-phenanthroline. The crystal structure of [Fe(II)(C18H18N6)(C12H8N2)](ClO4)2 Pages 9-11 Yuan-Shyane You, Shie-Ming Peng |
Phosphine analogues of ‘cisplatin’. Pyrimidyl nucleobase platinum(II) complexes stabilized by trimethylphosphine: synthesis and characterization Pages 13-16 Guendalina Trovó, Bruno Longato |
Zinc(II) and cadmium(II) halide complexes with 2,6-dimethyl-4H-pyran-4-thione Pages 17-23 Giuseppina Faraglia, Rodolfo Graziani, Zijian Guo, Umberto Casellato and, Sergio Sitran |
Bonding properties of 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzosemiquinone radical-anionic ligand: resonance Raman spectra of Re(CO)4(DBSQ) and Re(CO)3(PPH3)(DBSQ) complexes Pages 25-29 F. Hartl, A. Vl |
Effects of transmetalation on the mechanisms of copper-catalyzed phenolic oxidative coupling reactions Pages 31-42 Atieh Abu-Raqabah, Geoffrey Davies, Mohamed A. El-Sayed |
Reactions of dirhodium(II) monometallated compounds with phosphines. Factors affecting the reactivity and the structure of the doubly-metallated compounds. Molecular structure of Rh2(O2CCH3)2[(C6H4)P(C6H5)2][(p-ClC6H3)P(p-ClC6H4)2] · (HO2CCH3)2· Pages 43-49 P. Lahuerta, J. Payá, E. Peris, A. Aguirre, S. García-Granda and, F. Gómez-Beltrán |
Main group metal halide complexes with sterically hindered thioureas XII. Crystallographic studies of lead(II) and cadmium(II) thiocyanate complexes with 1,3-dimethyl-2(3H)-imidazolethione Pages 51-57 Daniel J. Williams, Donald VanDerveer, Leigh Ann Lipscomb, Robert L. Jones |
Technetium complexes of capped tetradentate ligands I. The synthesis and crystal and molecular structure of [TcBr2N{(pyCH2)2NCH2CMe2SCH2Ph}] (py=2-pyridyl) and its behaviour in solution Pages 59-63 Jonathan R. Dilworth, D. Vaughan Griffiths, Jonathan M. Hughes, Stephen Morton, Wolfgang Hiller, Colin M. Archer and, J. Duncan Kelly, Garry Walton |
Estrogen derivatives of transition metal carbonyl clusters for analytical detection enhancement Pages 65-70 Domenico Osella, Olimpia Gambino, Roberto Gobetto, Carlo Nervi, Mauro Ravera, Gerard Jaouen |
The 3-(3′-pyridyl)sydnone complex of pentacyanoferrate(II) Pages 81-86 Charng-Sheng Lin, Andrew Yeh, Tsun-Yang Liu and, Keh Shin Kwan, Derek J. Hodgson, Hsien-Ju Tien |
Deamination of β-alanine induced by hydroxyl radicals and monovalent copper ions. A pulse radiolysis study Pages 87-93 Sara Goldstein, Gidon Czapski, Haim Cohen, Dan Meyerstein |
Orthorhombic symmetry components in the ligand field of a macrocyclic tetraimine copper(II) complex Pages 95-105 A. Ceulemans, R. Debuyst, F. Dejehet, G. S. D. King, M. Vanhecke, L. G. Vanquickenborne |
The heterodinuclear iron(III) and copper(II) molecule Cu(salen)Fe(acac)2NO3 and its iron precursor Fe(acac)2NO3. Synthesis, magnetic susceptibility, EPR and Mössbauer investigations Pages 107-115 Daniel Laroque, Irène Morgenstern-Badarau, Heiner Winkler, Eckhard Bill and, Alfred X. Trautwein, Miguel Julve |
Cobalt tetraphenol-substituted phthalocyanine. A spectroscopic study of its redox properties in solution Pages 117-121 Elena R. Milaeva, Gábor Speier |
Charge transfer in the viologen (1,1′-dialkyl-4,4′-bipyridinium ion) salts of cyanocuprate(I) Pages 123-128 Michiko B. Inoue, Lorena Machi, Motomichi Inoue, Quintus Fernando |
Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of two acetazolamide (5-acetamido-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide) complexes: bis(5-acetamidato- 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide-O)bis( 1,2-ethanediamine)copper(II) and bis(5-acetamidato-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide-N)bis(1,3- propanediamine)copper(II); an unusually weak ambidentate anionic ligand Pages 129-138 Sacramento Ferrer, Jaap G. Haasnoot, Rudolf A. G. de Graaff, Jan Reedijk, Joaquín Borrás |
Some new chromium(III) complexes of nicotinic acid; a D NMR and EPR study Pages 139-142 M. Vicens, J. J. Fiol, A. Terrón, V. Moreno, D. M. L. Goodgame and, R. N. Sheppard |
The preparation of nitridomanganese and nitridochromium macrocyclic complexes by complete intermetal nitrogen atom transfer from nitridomanganese octaethylporphyrin Pages 147-149 Frank L. Neely, Lawrence A. Bottomley |
A colorless Cu(II) complex of CuO6 with a compressed tetragonal octahedron Pages 151-152 Shen-Jye Shieh, Chi-Ming Chea, Shie-Ming Peng |
Diethyldithiocarbamate triangular thio complexes of molybdenum: synthesis and an X-ray structural study of [Mo3S7(S2CNEt2)3]Cl Pages 153-156 Vladimir P. Fedin, Maxim N. Sokolov, Olga A. Geras'ko, Alexandr V. Virovets, Nina V. Podberezskaya, Vladimir Ye. Fedorov |
The preparation of Cu(II) complexes derived from a novel pyrazole containing dinucleating ligand Pages 157-161 Mitchell R. Malachowski, Marilyn G. Davidson, J. Daniel Davis |
Crown ether complexes of lead(II) nitrate. Crystal structures of the 12-crown-4, 15-crown-5, benzo-15-crown-5 and 18-crown-6 complexes Pages 163-171 Robin D. Rogers, Andrew H. Bond |
X-ray structural studies of FeBr2·4H2O, CoBr2·4H2O, NiCl2·4H2O and CuBr2·4H2O. cis/trans selectivity in transition metal(II) dihalide tetrahydrate Pages 173-181 Kenji Waizumi, Hideki Masuda, Hitoshi Ohtaki |
New nickel(O) complexes with bulky diphosphine ligands Pages 183-187 Pietro Mastrorilli, Giovanni Moro, Cosimo Francesco Nobile, Mario Latronico |
Carbon dioxide-transition metal complexes. IV. New Ni(0)---CO2 complexes with chelating diphosphines: influence of P---Ni---P angle on complex stabilities Pages 189-193 Pietro Mastrorilli, Giovanni Moro, Cosimo Francesco Nobile, Mario Latronico |
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the metal squarate tetrahydrate polymers Fe(C4O4)·4H2O and Cu(C4O4)·4H2O Pages 195-200 G. M. Frankenbach, M. A. Beno, A. M. Kini, J. M. Williams, U. Welp, J. E. Thompson, M. -H. Whangbo |
FT-IR and fluorometric investigation of rare-earth and metal ion solvation. Part 11. Interaction between DMSO and lanthanide perchlorates in anhydrous acetonitrile Pages 201-209 Anita Milicic-Tang, Jean-Claude G. Bünzli |
Iron(II) complexes of naphthalenes. X-ray structure of [cyclopentadienyl-iron(II)-η6-octamethylnaphthalene]PF6 Pages 211-217 M. M. Kubicki, B. Gautheron, W. Steinfeldt and, H. Singer |
Bis[μ-chloro-dichlorobis(2,6-bis(4-amino-2-thiabutyl)-4-methylphenolato-(N,N1,S,S1,-μ-O))dicopper(II)-μ-Cl]; a dimer of dinuclear copper(II) complexes containing a novel pentadentate ligand Pages 219-225 Jennifer C. Wilson, Petronella D. Verweij, Willem L. Driessen, Jan Reedijk |
Preparation and characterization of some P-quaternary salts of tetracoordinate halogenozincate(II) and halogenocadmiate(II) anions Pages 233-236 S. Bruni, F. Cariati, E. Cesarotti, G. Chiodini and, G. Moggi |
Synthesis and characterization of metal derivatives of dihydrolipoic acid and dihydrolipoamide Pages 237-242 F. Bonomi, S. Pagani, F. Cariati and, A. Pozzi, G. Crisponi, F. Cristiani and, A. Diaz, R. Zanoni |
Metal ion/buffer interactions. Stability of binary and ternary metal ion complexes containing the anion of N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-glycine (bicine) and adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) Pages 243-251 Nicolas A. Corfù, Bin Song, Liang-nian Ji |
Preparation and characterisation of some new asymmetric tetraaza macrocyclic complexes of nickel(II) Pages 253-260 James H. Cameron, Heather B. Harvey, Ian Soutar |
Metal ion sequestering by borate-(amino)polyhydroxy oxime systems in aqueous solution; a 11B, 13C and 113Cd NMR study Pages 261-270 Jacco van Haveren, Joop A. Peters, Jan G. Batelaan, Herman van Bekkum |
Two- and four-coordinated gold(I) complexes with aryldithiocarboxylates and triphenylphosphine. X-ray diffraction crystal structure of the [Au(S2CPh)PPh3], [Au(S2CPh)(PPh3)2] and [Au0.56Cu0.44(S2C-p-tolyl)(PPh3)2] complexes; NMR investigations of [Au(S2CAr)(PPh3)n] (n=1, 2) compounds in solution Pages 271-282 Anna Maria Manotti Lanfredi, Franco Ugozzoli, Fioretta Asaro, Giorgio Pellizer, Nazario Marsich and, Annamaria Camus |
Carbonyl-stabilized phosphonium ylides as ligands. Equilibrium studies on the reversible formation of PdCl(η3-allyl)(ylide) species Pages 283-285 Paolo Uguagliati, Luciano Canovese, Giacomo Facchin and, Livio Zanotto |
A study of the cage mechanism for the homolytic cleavage of the cobalt-carbon bond in alkylcobalamins using pressure effects Pages 287-290 Leonard E. H. Gerards, Martinus W. G. de Bolster, Sijbe Balt |
Carbonylation. Direct synthesis of carbonyl compounds : By H.M. Colquhoun, D.J. Thompson and M.V. Twigg, published by Plenum, New York, 1991, 296+xi pp. Page 291 Giorgio Strukul |
Molten salt techniques, vol. 4 : Edited by Robert J.?Gale and David G.?Lovering, published by Plenum, New York and London, 1991, 275 +xx pp., US$ 75 in USA and Canada. Pages 291-292 Rolf W. Berg |