Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Volume 42, Issue 24 (December 2, 1999)
Copyright © 1999 American Chemical Society

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A Flexible Policy Concerning Purity Criteria for Published Target Compounds Philip S. Portoghese Editor-in-Chief [Full Article - PDF]



Inhibitors of Efflux Pumps in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Potentiate the Activity of the Fluoroquinolone Antibacterial Levofloxacin Thomas E. Renau, Roger Léger, Eric M. Flamme, Joan Sangalang, Miles W. She, Rose Yen, Carla L. Gannon, David Griffith, Suzanne Chamberland, Olga Lomovskaya, Scott J. Hecker, Ving J. Lee, Toshiharu Ohta, and Kiyoshi Nakayama [Full Article - PDF]



Structure-Activity Studies of Cerulenin Analogues as Protein Palmitoylation Inhibitors David S. Lawrence, Jack T. Zilfou, and Charles D. Smith [Full Article - PDF]


Designing Libraries with CNS Activity Ajay, Guy W. Bemis, and Mark A. Murcko [Full Article - PDF]


On the Bioactive Conformation of NAN-190 (1) and MP3022 (2), 5-HT1A Receptor Antagonists Maria H. Paluchowska, Maria J. Mokrosz, Andrzej Bojarski, Anna Wesoowska, Jolanta Borycz, Sijka Charakchieva-Minol, and Ewa Chojnacka-Wójcik [Full Article - PDF]


Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Novel Heteroretinoids: Induction of Apoptosis in the HL-60 Cell Line by a Novel Isoxazole-Containing Heteroretinoid Daniele Simoni, Francesco Paolo Invidiata, Riccardo Rondanin, Stefania Grimaudo, Giuliana Cannizzo, Eleonora Barbusca, Ferdinando Porretto, Nicola D'Alessandro, and Manlio Tolomeo [Full Article - PDF]


Improving the Nicotinic Pharmacophore with a Series of (Isoxazole)methylene-1-azacyclic Compounds: Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationship, and Molecular Modeling Janne E. Tnder, John Bondo Hansen, Mikael Begtrup, Ingrid Pettersson, Karin Rimvall, Birgitte Christensen, Ulrich Ehrbar, and Preben H. Olesen [Full Article - PDF]


3-[3-(Piperidin-1-yl)propyl]indoles as Highly Selective h5-HT1D Receptor Agonists Michael G. N. Russell, Victor G. Matassa, Roy R. Pengilley, Monique B. van Niel, Bindi Sohal, Alan P. Watt, Laure Hitzel, Margaret S. Beer, Josephine A. Stanton, Howard B. Broughton, and José L. Castro [Full Article - PDF]


Chemical Syntheses and Biological Studies on Dimeric Chimeras of Oxytocin and the V2-Antagonist, d(CH2)5[D-Ile2,Ile4]arginine Vasopressin Lin Chen, Regina Golser, Alena Machová, Jirina Slaninová, and George Barany [Full Article - PDF]


Further Studies on the Dmt-Tic Pharmacophore: Hydrophobic Substituents at the C-Terminus Endow Antagonists To Manifest Agonism or Antagonism Severo Salvadori, Remo Guerrini, Gianfranco Balboni, Clementina Bianchi, Sharon D. Bryant, Peter S. Cooper, and Lawrence H. Lazarus [Full Article - PDF]


Benzimidazole Derivatives. 2. Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of New Azabicyclic Benzimidazole-4-carboxylic Acid Derivatives with Affinity for Serotoninergic 5-HT3 Receptors María L. López-Rodríguez, Bellinda Benhamú, M. José Morcillo, Ignacio D. Tejada, Luis Orensanz, M. José Alfaro, and M. Isabel Martín [Full Article - PDF]


Oxygenated Analogues of 1-[2-(Diphenylmethoxy)ethyl]- and 1-[2-[Bis(4-fluorophenyl)methoxy]ethyl]-4-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazines (GBR 12935 and GBR 12909) as Potential Extended-Action Cocaine-Abuse Therapeutic Agents David B. Lewis, Dorota Matecka, Ying Zhang, Ling-Wei Hsin, Christina M. Dersch, David Stafford, John R. Glowa, Richard B. Rothman, and Kenner C. Rice [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and in Vitro Evaluation of New 8-Amino-1,4-benzoxazine Derivatives as Neuroprotective Antioxidants Martine Largeron, Brian Lockhart, Bruno Pfeiffer, and Maurice-Bernard Fleury [Full Article - PDF]


[Full Article - PDF]


Bisphosphonate Prodrugs: Synthesis and in Vitro Evaluation of Novel Acyloxyalkyl Esters of Clodronic Acid Riku Niemi, Jouko Vepsäläinen, Hannu Taipale, and Tomi Järvinen [Full Article - PDF]




High-Resolution NMR and Computer Modeling Studies of the Cannabimimetic Aminoalkylindole Prototype WIN-55212-2 Xiang-Qun Xie, Xiu-Wen Han, Jian-Zhong Chen, Michael Eissenstat, and Alexandros Makriyannis [Full Article - PDF]