Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Volume 44, Issue 9 (April 26, 2001)
Copyright © 2001 American Chemical Society

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Property-Based Design: Optimization of Drug Absorption and Pharmacokinetics Han van de Waterbeemd, Dennis A. Smith, Kevin Beaumont, and Don K. Walker [Full Article - PDF]


Indenopyrazoles as Novel Cyclin Dependent Kinase (CDK) Inhibitors David A. Nugiel,* Ana-Marie Etzkorn, Anup Vidwans, Pamela A. Benfield, Michael Boisclair, Catherine R. Burton, Sarah Cox, Phillip M. Czerniak, Deborah Doleniak, and Steven P. Seitz [Full Article - PDF]


Atropisomeric Derivatives of 2',6'-Disubstituted (R)-11-Phenylaporphine: Selective Serotonin 5-HT7 Receptor Antagonists Tero Linnanen, Magnus Brisander, Lena Unelius, Susanne Rosqvist, Gunnar Nordvall, Uli Hacksell, and Anette M. Johansson [Full Article - PDF]



Novel Peptide Conjugates for Tumor-Specific Chemotherapy Michael Langer, Felix Kratz, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Heidi Wunderli-Allenspach, and Annette G. Beck-Sickinger [Full Article - PDF]


Structure-Based Approach for the Discovery of Bis-benzamidines as Novel Inhibitors of Matriptase Istvan J. Enyedy, Sheau-Ling Lee, Angera H. Kuo, Robert B. Dickson, Chen-Yong Lin, and Shaomeng Wang [Full Article - PDF]


Short Peptides with Induced -Turn Inhibit the Interaction between HIV-1 gp120 and CD4 Yo Han Choi, Won Sang Rho, Nam Doo Kim, Sang Jin Park, Dong Hyuk Shin, Jong Woo Kim, Sung Hyuk Im, Ho Sik Won, Chang Woo Lee, Chi Bom Chae, and Young Chul Sung [Full Article - PDF]


Bisubstrate Analogue Inhibitors of 6-Hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin Pyrophosphokinase: Synthesis and Biochemical and Crystallographic Studies Genbin Shi, Jaroslaw Blaszczyk, Xinhua Ji, and Honggao Yan [Full Article - PDF]


Development of Potent Truncated Glucagon Antagonists Jung-Mo Ahn, Matthew Medeiros, Dev Trivedi, and Victor J. Hruby [Full Article - PDF]


Azepanone-Based Inhibitors of Human and Rat Cathepsin K Robert W. Marquis, Yu Ru, Steven M. LoCastro, Jin Zeng, Dennis S. Yamashita, Hye-Ja Oh, Karl F. Erhard, Larry D. Davis, Thaddeus A. Tomaszek, David Tew, Kevin Salyers, Joel Proksch, Keith Ward, Brian Smith, Mark Levy, Maxwell D. Cummings,,1 R. Curtis Haltiwanger, Gudrun Trescher, Bing Wang, Mark E. Hemling, Chad J. Quinn, H-Y. Cheng, Fan Lin, Ward W. Smith, Cheryl A. Janson, Baoguang Zhao, Michael S. McQueney, Karla D'Alessio, Chao-Pin Lee, Antonia Marzulli, Robert A. Dodds,,2 Simon Blake, Shing-Mei Hwang, Ian E. James, Catherine J. Gress, Brian R. Bradley, Michael W. Lark, Maxine Gowen, and Daniel F. Veber [Full Article - PDF]


Novel Seco Cyclopropa[c]pyrrolo[3,2-e]indole Bisalkylators Bearing a 3,3'-Arylenebisacryloyl Group as a Linker Yasumichi Fukuda, Shigeki Seto, Hirosuke Furuta, Hiroyuki Ebisu, Yasuo Oomori, and Shiro Terashima [Full Article - PDF]


Dicationic Bis(9-methylphenazine-1-carboxamides): Relationships between Biological Activity and Linker Chain Structure for a Series of Potent Topoisomerase Targeted Anticancer Drugs Swarna A. Gamage, Julie A. Spicer, Graeme J. Finlay, Alistair J. Stewart, Peter Charlton, Bruce C. Baguley, and William A. Denny [Full Article - PDF]


N-Methyl Scan of Somatostatin Octapeptide Agonists Produces Interesting Effects on Receptor Subtype Specificity W. G. Rajeswaran, Simon J. Hocart, William A. Murphy, John E. Taylor, and David H. Coy [Full Article - PDF]


Antitumor Agents. 207. Design, Synthesis, and Biological Testing of 4-Anilino-2-fluoro-4'-demethylpodophyllotoxin Analogues as Cytotoxic and Antiviral Agents David S. VanVliet, Yoko Tachibana, Kenneth F. Bastow, Eng-Shang Huang, and Kuo-Hsiung Lee [Full Article - PDF]


Design, Synthesis, and Discovery of a Novel CCR1 Antagonist Akira Naya, Yufu Sagara, Kenji Ohwaki, Toshihiko Saeki, Daisuke Ichikawa, Yoshikazu Iwasawa, Kazuhito Noguchi, and Norikazu Ohtake [Full Article - PDF]


Discovery of Novel N-Phenylglycine Derivatives as Potent and Selective 3-Adrenoceptor Agonists for the Treatment of Frequent Urination and Urinary Incontinence Nobuyuki Tanaka, Tetsuro Tamai, Harunobu Mukaiyama, Akihito Hirabayashi, Hideyuki Muranaka, Satoshi Akahane, Hiroshi Miyata, and Masuo Akahane [Full Article - PDF]


Antitumor Benzothiazoles. 14. Synthesis and in Vitro Biological Properties of Fluorinated 2-(4-Aminophenyl)benzothiazoles Ian Hutchinson, Mei-Sze Chua, Helen L. Browne, Valentina Trapani, Tracey D. Bradshaw, Andrew D. Westwell, and Malcolm F. G. Stevens [Full Article - PDF]


(4-Piperidin-1-yl)phenyl Amides: Potent and Selective Human 3 Agonists Baihua Hu, John Ellingboe, Stella Han, Elwood Largis, Ruth Mulvey, Alexander Oliphant, Fuk-Wah Sum, and Jeff Tillett [Full Article - PDF]



Efficient Preparations of the -Glucuronides of Dihydroartemisinin and Structural Confirmation of the Human Glucuronide Metabolite Paul M. O'Neill, Feodor Scheinmann, Andrew V. Stachulski, James L. Maggs, and B. Kevin Park [Full Article - PDF]


Effect of N-Alkyl and N-Alkenyl Substituents in Noroxymorphindole, 17-Substituted-6,7-dehydro-4,5-epoxy-3,14-dihydroxy-6,7:2',3'-indolomorphinans, on Opioid Receptor Affinity, Selectivity, and Efficacy Sherita McLamore, Thomas Ullrich, Richard B. Rothman, Heng Xu, Christina Dersch, Andrew Coop, Peg Davis, Frank Porreca, Arthur E. Jacobson, and Kenner C. Rice [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Structural Studies of Aza Analogues of Functionalized Amino Acids: New Anticonvulsant Agents Shridhar V. Andurkar, Cécile Béguin, J. P. Stables, and Harold Kohn [Full Article - PDF]