Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Volume 44, Issue 14 (July 5, 2001)
Copyright © 2001 American Chemical Society

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From Models to Molecules: Opioid Receptor Dimers, Bivalent Ligands, and Selective Opioid Receptor Probes Philip S. Portoghese [Full Article - PDF]



Isomerization of (Z,Z) to (E,E)1-Bromo-2,5-bis-(3-hydroxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy)styrylbenzene in Strong Base: Probes for Amyloid Plaques in the Brain Chi-Wan Lee, Zhi-Ping Zhuang, Mei-Ping Kung, Karl Plössl, Daniel Skovronsky, Tamar Gur, Catherine Hou, John Q. Trojanowski, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, and Hank F. Kung [Full Article - PDF]


Utilization of an Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond To Increase the CNS Penetration of an NK1 Receptor Antagonist Valerie A. Ashwood, Mark J. Field, David C. Horwell, Christine Julien-Larose, Russell A. Lewthwaite, Scott McCleary, Martyn C. Pritchard, Jenny Raphy, and Lakhbir Singh [Full Article - PDF]


Novel N-(Arylalkyl)indol-3-ylglyoxylylamides Targeted as Ligands of the Benzodiazepine Receptor: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Molecular Modeling Analysis of the Structure-Activity Relationships Giampaolo Primofiore, Federico Da Settimo, Sabrina Taliani, Anna Maria Marini, Ettore Novellino, Giovanni Greco, Antonio Lavecchia, François Besnard, Letizia Trincavelli, Barbara Costa, and Claudia Martini [Full Article - PDF]


Enantioselective Syntheses of Potent Retinoid X Receptor Ligands: Differential Biological Activities of Individual Antipodes Vidyasagar Vuligonda, Scott M. Thacher, and Roshantha A. S. Chandraratna [Full Article - PDF]


Discovery of Novel Mesangial Cell Proliferation Inhibitors Using a Three-Dimensional Database Searching Method Yasuhisa Kurogi, Kazuyoshi Miyata, Takashi Okamura, Kinji Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Tsutsumi, Masahiro Nasu, and Matsuko Moriyasu [Full Article - PDF]


Heterocycle-Containing Retinoids. Discovery of a Novel Isoxazole Arotinoid Possessing Potent Apoptotic Activity in Multidrug and Drug-Induced Apoptosis-Resistant Cells Daniele Simoni, Marinella Roberti, Francesco Paolo Invidiata, Riccardo Rondanin, Riccardo Baruchello, Cinzia Malagutti, Angelica Mazzali, Marcello Rossi, Stefania Grimaudo, Francesca Capone, Luisa Dusonchet, Maria Meli, Maria Valeria Raimondi, Marilena Landino, Natale D'Alessandro, Manlio Tolomeo, Dhar Arindam, Shennan Lu, and Doris M. Benbrook [Full Article - PDF]


4-Hydroxy-5,6-dihydropyrones as Inhibitors of HIV Protease: The Effect of Heterocyclic Substituents at C-6 on Antiviral Potency and Pharmacokinetic Parameters Susan E. Hagen, John Domagala, Christopher Gajda, Michael Lovdahl, Bradley D. Tait, Eric Wise, Tod Holler, Donald Hupe, Carolyn Nouhan, Andrej Urumov, Greg Zeikus, Eric Zeikus, Elizabeth A. Lunney, Alexander Pavlovsky, Stephen J. Gracheck, James Saunders, Steve VanderRoest, and Joanne Brodfuehrer [Full Article - PDF]


A New Concept for Multidimensional Selection of Ligand Conformations (MultiSelect) and Multidimensional Scoring (MultiScore) of Protein-Ligand Binding Affinities Gitte Elgaard Terp, Bent Nagstrup Johansen, Inge Thger Christensen, and Flemming Steen Jrgensen [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Trisubstituted Phenyl Urea Derivatives as Neuropeptide Y5 Receptor Antagonists Christopher Fotsch, Jennifer D. Sonnenberg, Ning Chen, Clarence Hale, William Karbon, and Mark H. Norman [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Antimalarial Activity of Novel Medium-Sized 1,2,4,5-Tetraoxacycloalkanes Hye-Sook Kim, Yukiko Nagai, Kanako Ono, Khurshida Begum, Yusuke Wataya, Yoshiaki Hamada, Kaoru Tsuchiya, Araki Masuyama, Masatomo Nojima, and Kevin J. McCullough [Full Article - PDF]



Novel Inhibitors of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain: Endoperoxides from the Marine Tunicate Stolonica socialis Angelo Fontana, Guido Cimino, Margherita Gavagnin, M. Carmen González, and Ernesto Estornell [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Biological Activity of 7-Oxo Substituted Analogues of 5-Deaza-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic Acid (5-DATHF) and 5,10-Dideaza-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic Acid (DDATHF) José I. Borrell, Jordi Teixidó, Josep Lluís Matallana, Blanca Martínez-Teipel, Carles Colominas, Marta Costa, Merche Balcells, Elisabeth Schuler, and María José Castillo [Full Article - PDF]


Peptide Analogues of a Subdominant Epitope Expressed in EBV-Associated Tumors: Synthesis and Immunological Activity Mauro Marastoni, Martina Bazzaro, Fabiola Micheletti, Riccardo Gavioli, and Roberto Tomatis [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of Certain Quinolone Derivatives Yeh-Long Chen, Kuo-Chang Fang, Jia-Yuh Sheu, Shu-Lin Hsu, and Cherng-Chyi Tzeng [Full Article - PDF]


Conformational Analysis of a Glycosylated Human Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Peptide Epitope Able To Detect Antibody Response in Multiple Sclerosis Alfonso Carotenuto, Anna Maria D'Ursi, Elena Nardi, Anna Maria Papini, and Paolo Rovero [Full Article - PDF]