Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Volume 44, Issue 18 (August 30, 2001)
Copyright © 2001 American Chemical Society

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Specific Inhibition of a Family 1A Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase by Benzoate Pyrimidine Analogues Bruce A. Palfey, Olof Björnberg, and Kaj Frank Jensen [Full Article - PDF]


Structure-Based Design: Potent Inhibitors of Human Brain Memapsin 2 (-Secretase) Arun K. Ghosh, Geoffrey Bilcer, Cynthia Harwood, Reiko Kawahama, Dongwoo Shin, Khaja Azhar Hussain, Lin Hong, Jeffrey A. Loy, Chan Nguyen, Gerald Koelsch, Jacques Ermolieff, and Jordan Tang [Full Article - PDF]



Utilization of a Peptide Lead for the Discovery of a Novel PTP1B-Binding Motif Yang Gao, Johannes Voigt, He Zhao, Godwin C. G. Pais, Xuechun Zhang, Li Wu, Zhong-Yin Zhang, and Terrence R. Burke, Jr. [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Characterization of Non-Steroidal Ligands for the Glucocorticoid Receptor: Selective Quinoline Derivatives with Prednisolone-Equivalent Functional Activity Michael J. Coghlan, Philip R. Kym, Steven W. Elmore, Alan X. Wang, Jay R. Luly, Denise Wilcox, Michael Stashko, Chun-Wei Lin, Jeffrey Miner, Curtis Tyree, Masaki Nakane, Peer Jacobson, and Benjamin C. Lane [Full Article - PDF]



Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, and Structure-Activity Relationship of Benzophenone-Based CAAX-Peptidomimetic Farnesyltransferase Inhibitors Jacek Sakowski, Markus Böhm, Isabel Sattler, Hans-Martin Dahse, and Martin Schlitzer [Full Article - PDF]


2-N-Acylaminoalkylindoles: Design and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Studies Leading to MT2-Selective Melatonin Antagonists Gilberto Spadoni, Cesarino Balsamini, Giuseppe Diamantini, Andrea Tontini, and Giorgio Tarzia , Marco Mor, Silvia Rivara, and Pier Vincenzo Plazzi , Romolo Nonno, Valeria Lucini, Marilou Pannacci, Franco Fraschini, and Bojidar Michaylov Stankov [Full Article - PDF]


Discovery of Potent Antagonists of Leukocyte Function-Associated Antigen-1/Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Interaction. 3. Amide (C-Ring) Structure-Activity Relationship and Improvement of Overall Properties of Arylthio Cinnamides Zhonghua Pei, Zhili Xin, Gang Liu, Yihong Li, Edward B. Reilly, Nathan L. Lubbers, Jeffery R. Huth, James T. Link, Thomas W. von Geldern, Bryan F. Cox, Sandra Leitza, Yi Gao, Kennan C. Marsh, Peter DeVries, and Greg F. Okasinski [Full Article - PDF]


Design and Synthesis of 4,5-Diphenyl-4-isoxazolines: Novel Inhibitors of Cyclooxygenase-2 with Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Activity Amgad G. Habeeb, P. N. Praveen Rao, and Edward E. Knaus [Full Article - PDF]


X-ray Crystal Structures of Candida albicans Dihydrofolate Reductase: High Resolution Ternary Complexes in Which the Dihydronicotinamide Moiety of NADPH Is Displaced by an Inhibitor Marc Whitlow, Andrew J. Howard, David Stewart, Karl D. Hardman, Joseph H. Chan, David P. Baccanari, Robert L. Tansik, Jean S. Hong, and Lee F. Kuyper [Full Article - PDF]


Design and Biological Activity of (S)-4-(5-{[1-(3-Chlorobenzyl)-2- oxopyrrolidin-3-ylamino]methyl}imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzonitrile, a 3-Aminopyrrolidinone Farnesyltransferase Inhibitor with Excellent Cell Potency Ian M. Bell, Steven N. Gallicchio, Marc Abrams, Douglas C. Beshore, Carolyn A. Buser, J. Christopher Culberson, Joseph Davide, Michelle Ellis-Hutchings, Christine Fernandes, Jackson B. Gibbs, Samuel L. Graham, George D. Hartman, David C. Heimbrook, Carl F. Homnick, Joel R. Huff, Kelem Kassahun, Kenneth S. Koblan, Nancy E. Kohl, Robert B. Lobell, Joseph J. Lynch, Jr, Patricia A. Miller, Charles A. Omer, A. David Rodrigues, Eileen S. Walsh, and Theresa M. Williams [Full Article - PDF]


Novel Hypotensive Agents from Verbesina caracasana. 8. Synthesis and Pharmacology of (3,4-Dimethoxycinnamoyl)-N-agmatine and Synthetic Analogues1 Marco Carmignani, Anna Rita Volpe, Bruno Botta, Romulo Espinal, Stella C. De Bonnevaux, Carlo De Luca, Maurizio Botta, Federico Corelli, Andrea Tafi, Rosario Sacco, and Giuliano Delle Monache [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and in Vitro Antitumor Activity of Oligonucleotide-Tethered and Related Platinum Complexes Lisheng Cai, Keunpoong Lim, Sumei Ren, Rhonda S. Cadena, and William T. Beck [Full Article - PDF]


5'-O-Alkyl Ethers of N,2-Substituted Adenosine Derivatives: Partial Agonists for the Adenosine A1 and A3 Receptors Erica W. van Tilburg, Pieter A. M. van der Klein, Jacobien von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel, Miriam de Groote, Christina Stannek, Anna Lorenzen, and Ad P. IJzerman [Full Article - PDF]


QSAR Study on the Contribution of Log P and Es to the in Vitro Antiprotozoal Activity of Glutathione Derivatives Sylvie Daunes and Claudius D'Silva , Howard Kendrick, Vanessa Yardley, and Simon L. Croft [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Biological Activity of D- and L-chiro-Inositol 2,3,4,5-Tetrakisphosphate: Design of a Novel and Potent Inhibitor of Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 1-Kinase/Ins(1,3,4)P3 5/6-Kinase Changsheng Liu, Andrew M. Riley, Xiaonian Yang, Stephen B. Shears, and Barry V. L. Potter [Full Article - PDF]


Identification of Potent Non-Peptide Somatostatin Antagonists with sst3 Selectivity Lydie Poitout, Pierre Roubert, Marie-Odile Contour-Galcéra, Christophe Moinet, Jacques Lannoy, Jacques Pommier, Pascale Plas, Dennis Bigg, and Christophe Thurieau [Full Article - PDF]


Novel Azo Derivatives as Prodrugs of 5-Aminosalicylic Acid and Amino Derivatives with Potent Platelet Activating Factor Antagonist Activity Elena Carceller, Jordi Salas, Manuel Merlos, Marta Giral, Rosa Ferrando, Ignasi Escamilla, Joaquin Ramis, Julián García-Rafanell, and Javier Forn [Full Article - PDF]


New 3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidin-5'-yl O-(4-Hydroxyalkyl or -Alkenyl or -Alkylepoxide) Carbonate Prodrugs: Synthesis and Anti-HIV Evaluation Patrick Vlieghe, Thierry Clerc, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw, Erik De Clercq, Jean-Pierre Salles, and Jean-Louis Kraus [Full Article - PDF]


Design, Synthesis and Pharmacological Characterization of a Potent Radioiodinated and Photoactivatable Peptidic Oxytocin Antagonist Eric Carnazzi, André Aumelas, Bernard Mouillac, Christophe Breton, Laurent Guillou, Claude Barberis, and René Seyer [Full Article - PDF]


S(+)-4-(1-Phenylethylamino)quinazolines as Inhibitors of Human Immunoglobuline E Synthesis: Potency Is Dictated by Stereochemistry and Atomic Point Charges at N-1 Michael Berger, Bettina Albrecht, Attila Berces, Peter Ettmayer, Wolfgang Neruda, and Maximilian Woisetschläger [Full Article - PDF]



Design and Synthesis of Celecoxib and Rofecoxib Analogues as Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) Inhibitors: Replacement of Sulfonamide and Methylsulfonyl Pharmacophores by an Azido Bioisostere Amgad G. Habeeb, P. N. Praveen Rao, and Edward E. Knaus [Full Article - PDF]